Control Access to Resources and Activities in Moodle | UMass Amherst Information Technology (2024)

Instructors can control access to resources and activities based on dates and times, on grades earned on previous activities, or they can simply hide items from students until they are ready to be used.

There are three basic ways to control access to course content:

  • Visibility with Hide/Show
    The Hide/Showisavailable for all Activities and Resources, and affect the visibility of an item to students.
  • Activity settings for date/time
    Date/time settings are available for most Activities, but not for Resources. Date/time settings determine when students may submit to an activity, but still let them see the activity page and any grades that have been posted after the due date has passed. Examples of date/time settings are open and close times for quizzes, and due dates for assignments.
  • Visibility with Restrict access
    You can also control the visibility of an activity and resource using Restrict access.

Note:Hiding an activity using Restrict access or the Hide/Show icon also prevents students from viewing anything about the activity, including grades and due dates. We do not recommend using Restrict access or Hide/Show to end access to graded activities, as grades for the activity may be hidden from students.

Hide/Show an Activity, Resource, or Section

To quickly hide (or show) an Activity, Resource, or Section in your course, use the Hide/Showin the Edit menu for the item.

Note: Graded activities that are hidden do not show in the Grade report for students. To prevent submissions without hiding the activity, see Release an Activity to Students Based on Date/Time, below.

  1. On your course page, click Turn editing on (green pencil icon Control Access to Resources and Activities in Moodle | UMass Amherst Information Technology (1), top right). Editing links and icons appear on the page.
  2. To hide an item, under the Resource, Activity, or on the right of the Section you want to hide, clickEdit, then Hide.
    - Hidden Resources or Activities will appear grayed-out to instructors and will not appear at all for students.
    - Hidden Sections may be completely hidden from students, or can show only the Section title depending on the Settings for the course (see Important Settings for your Moodle Course.)
  3. To un-hide an item, next to the Resource, Activity, or Section, click Edit, then Show.The item will again be visible (and clickable) for students.

Note:When hidden, the item will appear grayed-out to instructors, but for students the links to activities or resources will be invisible.

Release an Activity to Students Based on Date/Time

For most Activities, you can use date/time restrictions to control when students can submit work, while still allowing students to open the activity page and read the activity description, view due dates, view grades, etc.
Note: Resources (such as Files, URLs and Pages) do not have date/time settings. To schedule the release of Resources, see Use Restrict Access to Schedule Visibility of an Activity or Resource (below).

  1. On your course page, click Turn editing on (green pencil icon Control Access to Resources and Activities in Moodle | UMass Amherst Information Technology (2), top right). Editing links and icons appear on the page.
  2. Add a new Activity, or locate an activity already in your course and click Edit, thenEdit settings. The Edit settings page will open (page's name varies for different activities).
  3. On the Edit settings page, click Expand all (at top right) to expand all the headings on the page.
  4. Under theAvailability or Timing heading, look for start and end time settings. (Settings options vary for different activities).
    Note: Date/time settings (if present) are separate from the Restrict access options that appear further down the Edit settings page; We do not recommend using both for the same activity).
  5. Click Save and return to course.

Use Restrict Access to Schedule the Availability of an Activity or Resource

Use Restrict access settings to prevent all access to resources or activities outside of a scheduled time frame. During the period when access is restricted, you have the option to show the link grayed-out, or make it completely hidden from students (as when you hide a link using the Hide/Show icon).
Note: Where possible we recommend using theAvailability or Timing settings, if available, for start and end dates for submissions.

We do not recommend using both date/time and Restrict access settings for the same activity. If you do combine them, be sure they do not conflict.

  1. On your course page, click Turn editing on (green pencil icon Control Access to Resources and Activities in Moodle | UMass Amherst Information Technology (3), top right). Editing links and icons appear on the page.
  2. Add a newActivity or Resource, or for an existing item click Edit, then select Edit settings. The Edit settings page will open.
  3. On the Edit settings page, under Restrict access, click Add restriction.... The Add restriction... pop-up window will open..
  4. In the pop-up window, click Date. The pop-up window will close and Date options will be added to the Settings page under the Restrict access heading.
  5. For Access restrictions, select Student must match the following.
  6. For Date, select from or until to set a date restriction, and select the a date and time from the drop-down menus.
    Note: Start (from) and end (until) restrictions must be added separately. (See Step 8.)
  7. (Optional) By default, restricted items are dimmed and not clickable with the release date below the link .To hide the activity entirely from students outside the availability dates, click the Eye icon (Control Access to Resources and Activities in Moodle | UMass Amherst Information Technology (4)). The Eye icon will change to show a line through it (Control Access to Resources and Activities in Moodle | UMass Amherst Information Technology (5)) indicating the item will be hidden from students completely.
    Note: Hidden activities are completely hidden for students—on the course page, and in the gradebook.
  8. (Optional) To add another restriction click Add restriction... and repeat the above procedure.
  9. Click Save and return to course.
  10. To preview the results as a student, on the User menu (your name, top right), click Switch role to..., then Student.

Control the Visibility of an Activity or Resource Based on Grade

Use Restrict access settings to release an activity or resource to students based on the grade(s) they receive on a previous activity or activities:

  1. On your course page, click Turn editing on (green pencil icon Control Access to Resources and Activities in Moodle | UMass Amherst Information Technology (6), top right). Editing links and icons appear on the page.
  2. Add a new ActivityorResource, or for an existing item click Edit, then select Edit settings. The Edit settings page will open.
  3. On the Edit settings page, under Restrict access, click Add restriction.... The Add restriction... pop-up window will open.
  4. In the pop-up window, click Grade. The pop-up window will close and options for restricting by grade will appear on the Editsettings page under the Restrict access heading..
  5. For Grade, from the Choose drop-down,select the Activity or Category total that must receive a grade.
  6. Select must be ≥ , and/or must be ≤, and enter the % value students must have scored on the conditional activity before receiving access to this activity.
    For example, if you want to provide a make-up activity for students who scored between 50-75% on a previous quiz, enter 50 in the first box, and 76 in the second box.
  7. (Optional) To add a restriction for an additional graded activity, click Add restriction... and repeat the procedure.
  8. Click Save and return to course.
  9. To preview the results as a student, onthe User menu (your name, top right), click Switch role to..., then Student.

Release an Activity or Resource to Specific Students

You can tailor access to activities and resources by Groups or Groupings of students using Restrict access settings. For example, you could have some students who get early access to an activity or resource, or some students who are allowed an extended deadline. This method of releasing activities can be useful for accommodations, make-up work, advanced work, extra credit, or independent studies. You can use this feature to release an item to a particular Group, without putting the Group in a Grouping (as required when using Common Module settings).

Note: There are more efficient methods for accomplishing the following tasks:

  • When assigning an item to Groupings where everyone will have the same access conditions, use Common Module settings; see Assign an Activity to a Group or Grouping in Moodle.
  • To provide unlimited time on a Quiz for a student requiring academic accommodations, see Allow Unlimited Time for Quiz Completion for Specific Students.
  • To allow particular students to re-attempt a Quiz that allows only a limited number of attempts, see Reset Quiz Attempts.
  • To allow particular students to attempt a Quiz after its close date, see Configure Special Quiz Access for Individuals or Groups.

To assign an activity to members of a particular group or grouping:

  1. Create the Group and add only the user(s) you want to be able to access the activity or resource (see ).
    Or, create a Grouping of more than one Group who you want to be able to access the activity or resource (see Create Groupings in Moodle).
  2. Click Turn editing on (green pencil icon Control Access to Resources and Activities in Moodle | UMass Amherst Information Technology (7), top right).
  3. Add or locate theActivity or Resource that you want to make available, or for an existing item, click Edit, then Edit settings. The Edit settings page will open.
  4. On the Edit settings page, under Restrict access, click Add restriction.... The Add restriction... pop-up window will open.
  5. Click Group or Grouping. The pop-up window will close and a new restriction option will appear on the Settings page.
  6. From the Group or Grouping drop-down menu, select the group or grouping for which you want to set access.
  7. Click Save and return to course.

Tip: To set up different sets of conditions for different groups, use Restriction sets.

Control Access to Resources and Activities in Moodle | UMass Amherst Information Technology (2024)


How do I restrict access to an activity in Moodle? ›

Add a restriction
  1. Go to the Moodle space and enable Edit mode .
  2. Click the Edit next to the item you want to restrict access for.
  3. Click Edit settings.
  4. Click Restrict Access to expand the section.
  5. Click the Add restriction button.
  6. Choose the restriction type:

Can professors see what you access on Moodle? ›

Moodle - Can professors see what you do on Moodle? Course logs in Moodle provide professors with the ability to monitor when and which resources or activities students engage with. This allows professors to verify if a specific student has accessed a particular resource or participated in a certain activity.

What are the resources and activities in Moodle? ›

Resources are static pieces of content such as web pages, links, PDFs, and images. Resources are used to provide students with the necessary information they need to learn the course content. Activities are interactive items created by one of the numerous Moodle tools such as the "Forum" and "Assignment" activities.

How do I restrict access to an assignment in Moodle? ›

To get to this, click 'Edit' alongside the activity you want to restrict and then choose 'Edit Settings', or add a new activity, which will bring you to the settings page. Restriction can be based upon Activity completion, date, grade, the group or grouping the students are in or even user profile fields.

How do you change permissions in Moodle? ›

Permissions for a course can be changed on the course page from Course navigation > Participants, clicking the dropdown next to Enrol users and selecting Permissions. Permissions for a particular activity can be changed on the activity page from Activity navigation > More > Permissions.

What is a restrict access? ›

Definition. Restricted access refers to a resource that is available in a system but with some type of restriction for full open access. This type of access can occur in a number of different situations.

Can Moodle quiz detect cheating? ›

Activity Logs and Tracking

Moodle tracks user activity, including when students log in, access course materials, submit assignments, and take quizzes. Unusual or suspicious patterns of activity can be flagged for further investigation.

Can online tests detect cheating? ›

With the right procedures in place, any online exam can detect cheating. Authentication measures, web monitoring, data forensics, and proctoring (just to name a few) all make it hard for test takers to get away with ever cheating on your test.

How does Moodle detect cheating on Reddit? ›

People usually caught cheating on moodle quizzes or exams, the professor can see what time different parts of the moodle page were accessed and then reference it to when you submit a quiz or exam. For example, you're taking a chapter 2 quiz and you access chapter 2 notes while taking the quiz.

What are the examples of Moodle activities? ›

Examples include collaboratively collecting a database of web links, books, book reviews or journal references. Another use might be displaying student- created photos, posters, websites or poems for peer comment and review. Enables Moodle to interact with external learning tools, for example Piazza.

What are the three 3 features of Moodle? ›

From managing enrollments to creating learning plans and grading work, Moodle LMS has all the essential tools you need to teach your courses online.
  • Measure & manage learner progress. ...
  • Competencies and learning plans. ...
  • Create social online learning experiences. ...
  • Engage learners through gamification. ...
  • Inform teaching decisions.

Can Moodle see your activity? ›

Moodle, like many Learning Management Systems, offers various tools and features to promote academic integrity: Activity Logs: Moodle tracks student activity, helping educators identify unusual patterns.

What is restrict access in Moodle? ›

The restrict access feature enables teachers to restrict the availability of any activity or even a course section according to certain conditions such as dates, grade obtained, group or activity completion. If more than one access restriction is set for an activity, students see a Show more/less dropdown.

What are permission overrides in Moodle? ›

Overrides are specific permissions designed to override a role in a specific context, allowing you to "tweak" your permissions as required. Overrides may be used to "open up" areas by giving users extra permissions.

How do I restrict access to a user profile in Moodle? ›

Apply Restrict access settings
  1. Open the activity.
  2. Select Settings on the contextual navigation menu. ...
  3. Scroll down to Restrict access.
  4. Select the Add restriction... ...
  5. Restrictions available are: ...
  6. Set your restrictions and scroll to the end of the settings and select Save and return to module.
Sep 20, 2023

How do I hide activities from students in Moodle? ›

How do I hide a Moodle activity from students?
  1. In your course homepage, turn editing on.
  2. Find the activity you wish to hide.
  3. Click next to its title.
  4. Click Hide.

Which of the following is a valid condition for restricting activities in Moodle? ›

Some of the conditions included with Moodle are: Date - users can only access activity after specified date. Grade - users can only access activity if they have a certain grade in another activity.

Where is activity settings in Moodle? ›

From Administration > Site administration > Plugins > Activity modules > Manage activities, the administrator can view a list of activities and manage their settings.

How do I lock submissions in Moodle? ›

How to lock student submissions
  1. Navigate to the Assignment activity on the Moodle page.
  2. Select users using the tick box in the Select field of the table. ...
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page.
  4. With selected users... ...
  5. Select Go.
  6. The students' status field will display Submission - changes not allowed.

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.