Controls (2024)

Controls (1)

Default keyboard keybinds for Star Citizen as of patch Alpha 3.13.1b.

NOTE: Page needs updating for new hotkeys and controls such as Missile Operator mode


  • 1 Flight controls
  • 2 Turrets
  • 3 On Foot - All
  • 4 E.V.A. - All
  • 5 Ground Vehicle controls
  • 6 Electronic Access - Spectator
  • 7 Social
  • 8 VOIP, FOIP and Head Tracking
  • 9 Quick Keys, Interactions, and Inner Thought
  • 10 Camera - Advanced Camera Controls
  • 11 Flight stick axis swap
  • 12 Gallery
  • 13 See also
  • 14 References

Flight controls[]

ActionDefault key
EjectRight Alt + Y
Exit seatY
Self Destruct← Backspace
Emergency Exit SeatU + Left Shift
Increase Cooler Rate
Decrease Cooler Rate
Flight / Systems ReadyR
Open/Close Doors (Toggle)
Open All Doors
Close All Doors
Lock/Unlock Doors (Toggle)
Lock All Doors
Unlock All Doors
ActionDefault key
Lock left
Look right
Look left / rightX-Axis (mouse)
Look up
Look down
Look up / downY-Axis (mouse)
Cycle camera viewF4
Cycle camera orbit mode
Zoom in (3rd person view)Mouse Wheel Up
Zoom out (3rd person view)Mouse Wheel Down
Freelook (Hold)Z
Dynamic Zoom In and Out (rel.)Left Alt + Mouse Wheel
Dynamic Zoom In (rel.)
Dynamic Zoom Out (rel.)
Dynamic Zoom Toggle (abs.)
Look behind
ActionDefault key
Pitch Up
Pitch Down
PitchY-Axis (mouse)
Yaw left
Yaw right
YawX-Axis (mouse)
Roll leftQ
Roll rightE
Cycle mouse mode (VJoy / Relative)
Swap Yaw / Roll (Toggle)
Strafe upSpacebar
Strafe downLeft Ctrl
Strafe up / down
Strafe leftA
Strafe rightD
Throttle forwardW
Throttle backS
Strafe forward / back Invert
Decoupled mode (Toggle)V
AfterburnerLeft Shift
Speed Limiter - Increase
Speed Limiter - Decrease
Speed Limiter (Rel.)Mouse Wheel
Speed Limiter (Abs.)
Speed Limiter - On / Off (Hold / Toggle)
Speed Limiter - Reset to SCM
Acceleration Limiter Increase
Acceleration Limiter Decrease
Acceleration Limiter Up / Down (rel.)Right Alt + Mouse Wheel
Acceleration Limiter Up / Down (abs.)
Match target velocity
Lock Pitch / Yaw Movement (Toggle / Hold)Right Shift
G-Force Safety On / Off (Toggle / Hold)
E.S.P. On / Off (Toggle / Hold)
Cruise Control (Toggle)C
Landing System (Toggle)N
Toggle VTOLK
Quantum Travel System (Toggle)B
Quantum DriveB
ActionDefault key
Pin Index 1 - Lock / Unlock Pinned Target1
Pin Index 2 - Lock / Unlock Pinned Target2
Pin Index 3 - Lock / Unlock Pinned Target3
Pin Index 1 - Pin / Unpin Selected TargetLeft Alt + 1
Pin Index 2 - Pin / Unpin Selected TargetLeft Alt + 2
Pin Index 3 - Pin / Unpin Selected TargetLeft Alt + 3
Pin Index 1 - Pin / Unpin Selected Target (Hold)
Pin Index 2 - Pin / Unpin Selected Target (Hold)
Pin Index 3 - Pin / Unpin Selected Target (Hold)
Pin Selected Target
Unpin Selected Target
Pin Selected Target (Hold)
Unpin Selected Target (Hold)
Remove All Pinned TargetsO
Lock Selected Target
Unlock Locked TargetLeft Alt + T
Enable / Disable Look AheadLeft Alt + L
Enable / Disable Target Padlock (Toggle, Hold)
Auto Zoom On Selected Target On / Off (Toggle, Hold)
Switch Flight Lead / Lag Reticle (Toggle)
Enter Remote Turret
Enter Remote Turret
Enter Remote Turret
ActionDefault key
Cycle Selection - Back
Cycle Selection - ForwardR
Cycle Selection - Reset to AutoLeft Alt + R
Cycle Lock - In View - Back
Cycle Lock - In View - ForwardT
Cycle Lock - In View - Under ReticleT
Cycle Lock - Pinned - Back
Cycle Lock - Pinned - Forward
Cycle Lock - Pinned - Reset to First
Cycle Lock - Attackers - Back
Cycle Lock - Attackers - Forward4
Cycle Lock - Attackers - Reset to ClosestLeft Alt + 4
Cycle Lock - Hostiles - Back
Cycle Lock - Hostiles - Forward5
Cycle Lock - Hostiles - Reset to ClosestLeft Alt + 5
Cycle Lock - Friendlies - Back
Cycle Lock - Friendlies - Forward6
Cycle Lock - Friendlies - Reset to ClosestLeft Alt + 6
Cycle Lock - All - Back
Cycle Lock - All - Forward7
Cycle Lock - All - Reset to ClosestLeft Alt + 7
Cycle Lock - Sub-Target - Back
Cycle Lock - Sub-Target - Forward8
Cycle Lock - Sub-Target - Reset to Main TargetLeft Alt + 8
ActionDefault key
Hail Target9
ActionDefault key
Scanning Mode (Toggle)Tab ⇆
Activate ScanningButton 1 (mouse
Scanning Radar PingButton 2 (mouse)
Scanning Increase Radar AngleMouse Wheel Up
Scanning Decrease Radar AngleMouse Wheel Down
See Also
ActionDefault key
Mining Mode (Toggle)M
Fire Mining Laser (Toggle)Button 1 (mouse)
Switch Mining LaserButton 2 (mouse)
Increase Mining Laser PowerMouse Wheel Up
Decrease Mining Laser PowerMouse Wheel Down
Activate Mining Module (Slot 1)Left Alt + 1
Activate Mining Module (Slot 2)Left Alt + 2
Activate Mining Module (Slot 3)Left Alt + 3
Jettison CargoLeft Alt + J
ActionDefault key
Fire Weapon Group 1Button 1 (mouse)
Fire Weapon Group 2Button(mouse)
Manual Gimbal Mode - Swap VJoy / Look Direction (Toggle, Hold)Left Alt + G
Manual Gimbal Mode - Lock Aim VectorRight Alt + G
Cycle Gimbal Assist / Standard Gimbal / Gimbal Lock modesG
ActionDefault key
Cycle Missile Type (Forward)
Cycle Missile Type (Back)
Acquire missile lock (Tap)Button 3 (mouse)
Release all missile locks (Tap)
Launch missile (Hold)Button 3 (Hold)
ActionDefault key
Decoy - Launch Burst (tap), Set and Launch Burst (Hold)H
Decoy - Increase Burst SizeRight Alt + H
Decoy - Decrease Burst SizeLeft Alt + H
Decoy - Panic Launch (tap)
Noise - Deploy (tap)J
Shield raise level frontNumpad 8
Shield raise level backNumpad 2
Shield raise level leftNumpad 4
Shield raise level rightNumpad 6
Shield raise level topNumpad 7
Shield raise level bottomNumpad 9
Shield reset levelsNumpad 5
ActionDefault key
Toggle Power - AllU
Toggle Power - ThrustersI
Toggle Power - ShieldsO
Toggle Power - WeaponsP
Increase Priority - ThrustersF5
Increase Priority - ShieldsF6
Increase Priority - WeaponsF7
Reset PriorityF8
Decrease ThrottleF9
Decrease Throttle to MinF9 (Double Tap)
Increase ThrottleF10
Increase Throttle to MaxF10 (Double Tap)
ActionDefault key
Personal Identification Broadcast System (Toggle)
Radar cycle range
ActionDefault key
Cycle Pitch Ladder Mode
mobiGlas (Toggle)F1
ScoreboardTab ⇆
Wipe Helmet VisorLeft Alt + X
ActionDefault key
Headlights (Toggle)L


  • Movement

  • Advanced

ActionDefault key
Pitch up
Pitch down
PitchY-Axis (mouse)
Yaw left
Yaw right
YawX-Axis (mouse)
Toggle Turret Mouse Movement (VJoy, FSP style)Q
Exit Remote TurretY
ActionDefault key
Toggle E.S.P. on / offE
Recenter Turret (Hold)C
Turret Gyro Stabilization (Toggle)G
Turret - Speed Limiter - On / Off (Hold / Toggle)Left Shift
Turret - Speed Limiter (rel)Mouse Wheel
[PH] Turret - Speed Limiter - Increase (rel)W
[PH] Turret - Speed Limiter - Decrease (rel)S
Cycle fire mode (staggered / combined)B
Remote Turret - Change PositionS

On Foot - All[]

ActionDefault key
Move LeftA
Move RightD
Move ForwardW
Move BackwardsS
CrouchLeft Ctrl
SprintLeft Shift
Lean LeftQ
Lean RightE
Firearm - AttackButton 1 (mouse)
Melee - Attack Light LeftButton 1 (mouse)
Melee - Attack Light RightButton 2 (mouse)
Melee - Attack Heavy Left (Hold)Button 1 (mouse)
Melee - Attack Heavy Right (Hold)Button 2 (mouse)
Melee - Block (Hold)Button 1 (mouse)
Dodge leftA (Double Tap)
Dodge RightD (Double Tap)
Dodge BackS (Double Tap)
Melee - Attack (Ranged Weapon + Takedowns)Button 3 (mouse)
Throw - Overarm & Two-HandedButton 1 (Mouse)
Throw - UnderarmButton 2 (mouse)
Aim Down SightButton 2 (mouse)
Zoom Out (ADS)Mouse Wheel Down
Zoom In (ADS)Mouse Wheel Up
Zoom In / Out (ADS)
Select Sidearm1
Select Primary Weapon2
Select Secondary Weapon3
Select Gadget4
Select Melee5
Select Contract Item6
Unarmed Combat0
Next Weapon
Previous Weapon
Holster WeaponR
Drop Item
Inspect Item
Customize WeaponJ
Hold Breath (ADS)Left Shift
FPS Underbarrel Attachment ActionU
Change Fire ModeV
Weapon Zeroing Speed DecreasePage Down
Weapon Zeroing Speed Increase / AutoPage Up
Default Movement Speed IncreaseMouse Wheel Up
Default Movement Speed DecreaseMouse Wheel Down
Flashlight (Toggle)T
Toggle Equip Helmet
Wipe Helmet VisorLeft Alt + X
Third Person View (Toggle)F4
Free View Camera (Hold)Z
mobiGlas (Toggle)F1
ScoreboardTab ⇆
Firearm - AttackButton 1 (mouse)
Port Modification InteractButton 1 (mouse)
Force Re-spawn (E.V.A. / On Foot)← Backspace
Roll Left (while prone)Q (Double Tap)
Roll Right (while Prone)E (Double Tap)
Tractor Beam - Increase DistanceMouse Wheel Up
Tractor Beam - Decrease DistanceMouse Wheel Down

E.V.A. - All[]

ActionDefault key
View Left
View Right
View Left/RightX-Axis (mouse)
View Up
View Down
View Up/DownY-Axis (mouse)
Roll LeftQ
Roll RightE
Strafe UpSpacebar
Strafe DownLeft Ctrl
Strafe Up/Down
Strafe LeftA
Strafe RightD
Strafe Left/Right
Strafe ForwardW
Strafe BackwardS
Strafe Forward/Backward
BoostLeft Shift
Freelook (Hold)Z

Ground Vehicle controls[]

  • General

  • Movement

ActionDefault key
Leave Vehicle Seat (Hold)Y
Cycle camera viewF4
Zoom in (3rd person view)Mouse Wheel Up
Zoom Out (3rd person view)Mouse Wheel Down
Look left / rightX-Axis (mouse)
Look up / downY-Axis (mouse)
Look behind
Freelook (Hold)Z
Fire Weapon Group 1Button 1 (mouse)
Fire Weapon Group 2Button 2 (mouse)
mobiGlas (Toggle)F1
Flight / Systems ReadyR
Open All Doors
Close All Doors
Lock/Unlock Doors (Toggle)
Lock All Doors
Unlock All Doors
Wipe Helmet VisorLeft Alt + X
ActionDefault key
Drive ForwardW
Drive BackwardS
Drive Forward / Backward
Turn LeftA
Turn RightD
Yaw Left / Right (Mouse)
Pitch Up / Down (Mouse)
Primary FireButton 1 (mouse)
Secondary FireButton 2 (mouse)
Dynamic Zoom In and Out (rel.)Left Alt + Mouse Wheel
Dynamic Zoom In (rel.)
Dynamic Zoom Out (rel.)
Dynamic Zoom In and Out (abs.)
BoostLeft Shift
Lock Pitch / Yaw Movement (Toggle / Hold)Right Shift

Electronic Access - Spectator[]

ActionDefault key
Spectator Camera Target (Next)Button 2 (mouse)
Spectator Camera Target (Previous)Button 1 (mouse)
Spectator Camera Lock Target1
Spectator Camera ZoomMouse Wheel
Spectator Camera Zoom InMouse Wheel Up
Spectator Camera Zoom OutMouse Wheel Down
Spectator Camera Rotate YawX-Axis (mouse)
Spectator Camera Rotate PitchY-Axis (mouse)
Spectator Camera Rotate Yaw
Spectator Camera Rotate Pitch
Spectator Camera HUD (Toggle)B
Spectator Camera Mode (Next)F4
Spectator Camera Mode (Previous)


  • General

  • Invites

  • Emotes

ActionDefault key
Exit seatY
CommLink App (Toggle)F11
Chat Window (Toggle)F12
Chat Window FocusReturn
ActionDefault key
Accept InviteLeft Bracket
Reject InviteRight Bracket
Ignore Invite (hold)Right Bracket
ActionDefault key
ForwardNumpad 5
LeftNumpad 1
RightNumpad 3
StopNumpad 2
YesNumpad 4
NoNumpad 6
At Ease
Confirm Launch

VOIP, FOIP and Head Tracking[]

ActionDefault key
Enable Head Tracking (Toggle)Numpad /
Head Tracking (Hold)
Recenter Head Tracking Device (except TrackIR)
Enable / Disable Head Tracking for 3rd Person Camera (Toggle)
VOIP Push To TalkNumpad +
VOIP Push To Talk (Proximity Only)Left Alt + Numpad +
FOIP Selfie CamNumpad -
FOIP RecalibrateNumpad *
Cycle through audio channelsNumpad .

Quick Keys, Interactions, and Inner Thought[]

ActionDefault key
<= BAD TOKEN =>Button 1 (mouse)
<= BAD TOKEN =>Button 2 (mouse)
Interaction ModeF
Activate Inner ThoughtButton 2 (mouse)
Activate Inner ThoughtButton 1 (mouse)
FocusButton 3 (mouse)
Interactive Mode Zoom InMouse Wheel Up
Interactive Mode Zoom OutMouse Wheel Down
MFD RightD
Personal Inner Thought (PIT)F + Button 2 (mouse)
@ui_CICameraOrbitButton 2 (mouse)
ExitNumpad 0
Personal Commodity Inventory (Toggle)I
Drop Item
Store All Commodities
Player Actions - PIT Category
Emotes - PIT Category
Ship Systems - PIT Category
Flight Systems - PIT Category
Vehicle Systems - PIT Category
Weapons Systems - PIT Category
Remote Turret - PIT Category
Item Actions - PIT Category
Weapon Selection - PIT Category
Mobiglas Actions - PIT Category
Mining Mode Actions - PIT CategoryLeft Alt + M
Weapon Select Radial Menu1
Weapon Select Radial Menu2
Weapon Select Radial Menu3
Throwable Select Radial MenuG
Flight Select Radial MenuLeft Shift + Tab ⇆

Camera - Advanced Camera Controls[]

ActionDefault key
Advanced Camera Controls Modifier (Hold)F4
Advanced Camera Controls Modifier (Hold)Z
Save View 1Numpad 1
Save View 2Numpad 2
Save View 3Numpad 3
Save View 4Numpad 4
Save View 5Numpad 5
Save View 6Numpad 6
Save View 7Numpad 7
Save View 8Numpad 8
Save View 9Numpad 9
Load View 1Numpad 1
Load View 2Numpad 2
Load View 3Numpad 3
Load View 4Numpad 4
Load View 5Numpad 5
Load View 6Numpad 6
Load View 7Numpad 7
Load View 8Numpad 8
Load View 9Numpad 9
Clear Saved ViewNumpad 0
X Offset PositiveRight Arrow
Y Offset PositiveLeft Arrow
Y Offset Positive/ Spectator Freecam Focal Point ForwardUp Arrow
Y Offset Negative / Spectator Freecam Focal Point BackwardDown Arrow
Z Offset PositivePage Up
Z Offset NegativePage Down
Increase FoVNumpad +
Decrease FoVNumpad -
Increase DoFHome
Decrease DoFEnd
Reset Current ViewNumpad *

Flight stick axis swap[]

Note: To swap yaw and roll on a joystick, open a console by pressing the ` key (usually at the top left on most U.S. keyboards) then enter the following, followed by pressing [ENTER]:

pp_rebindkeys Libs/Config/layout_joystick_spacesim.xml


Controls (2)

Keybinding 2.6 4K (December 2016)

Controls (3)

Keybinding 3.10.0 1080p (October 2020)

Controls (4)

Keybinding 3.13.1b 4K (June 2021)

See also[]


Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

More Fandoms
Controls (2024)
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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Author information

Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.