Cook Off (2024)

Payday 2Payday 3


Cook Off
  • FBI Files

  • Loading Screen

Cook Off (1)

Cook Off (2)

Heist Info
Contract Days1
Loud / Stealth✔ / ✘
Base experience (XP) +8,000 (per secured bag)
Extra Statistics
JC Level60
Minimum Experience24,000
Maximum Experience (Normal)9,600,000
Contract Cost235,000 (Normal)
470,000 (Hard)
1,175,000 (Very Hard)
2,350,000 (Overkill)
3,000,000 (Mayhem)
3,000,000 (Death Wish)
3,000,000 (Death Sentence)
Contract Payout450,000 (Normal)
900,000 (Hard)
2,250,000 (Very Hard)
4,500,000 (Overkill)
4,950,000 (Mayhem)
5,850,000 (Death Wish)
6,300,000 (Death Sentence)
Maximum loot payout390,000,000 (Normal)
780,000,000 (Hard)
1,014,000,000 (Very Hard)
1,638,000,000 (Overkill)
2,808,000,000 (Mayhem)
3,198,000,000 (Death Wish)
3,588,000,000 (Death Sentence)
Bag Limit1200
Package locations19
Internal namerat
Achievement(s)Cook Off (3) Cook Off (4) Cook Off (5) Cook Off (6) Cook Off (7) Cook Off (8)
TrophiesCook Off (9)
"We're headed back to cook in the meth lab in the forest. None of Hector's stuff this time, this is just for profit. "
—Bain offering the heist

Cook Off is a single-day heist in PAYDAY 2 that has been converted from Rats into a single-day variant and is contracted from Bain. The crew is instructed to cook and secure bags of meth while also being careful as to not accidentally blow up the meth lab.

It is the second loot generator heist (after White Xmas), as it allows for an extremely large amount of loot to generated, up to 1200 bags total. The heist is very well known in the PAYDAY community as a very profitable grinding heist due to its very high money and experience reward, as each bag of meth is light and can be ran with, is worth up $2,900,000 in money (on Death Sentence difficulty) and 8,000 EXP in experience, and they can be manufactured continuously, making for a very lucrative heist indeed.


  • 1 Objectives
  • 2 Assets
    • 2.1 Purchasable
    • 2.2 Intel
  • 3 Walkthrough
  • 4 Strategy
    • 4.1 General advice
    • 4.2 Ingredient locations
    • 4.3 Cooking
  • 5 Variations
  • 6 Mayhem+ changes
  • 7 The FBI Files
  • 9 Gage Mod Courier Packages
  • 10 Trivia


  1. Locate the Meth Lab
  2. Defend and cook meth
  3. Secure the meth 0/3
  4. Defend and cook meth or escape
  5. Escape.



Cook Off (10)
Ammo Bag
Price: $4,000 (Normal)
$6,000 (Hard)
$8,000 (Very Hard)
$12,000 (Overkill)
$20,000 (Mayhem)
$28,000 (Death Wish)
$36,000 (Death Sentence)
Cook Off (11)
Doctor Bag
Price: $6,000 (Normal)
$9,000 (Hard)
$12,000 (Very Hard)
$18,000 (Overkill)
$30,000 (Mayhem)
$42,000 (Death Wish)
$54,000 (Death Sentence)
Cook Off (12)
Price: $6,000 (Normal)
$9,000 (Hard)
$12,000 (Very Hard)
$18,000 (Overkill)
$30,000 (Mayhem)
$42,000 (Death Wish)
$54,000 (Death Sentence)
Cook Off (13)
Vantage point
Price: $7,000 (Normal)
$10,500 (Hard)
$14,000 (Very Hard)
$21,000 (Overkill)
$35,000 (Mayhem)
$49,000 (Death Wish)
$63,000 (Death Sentence)
Requires Gage Sniper Pack DLC to unlock
Cook Off (14)
Grenade Case
Price: $3,000 (Normal)
$4,500 (Hard)
$6,000 (Very Hard)
$9,000 (Overkill)
$15,000 (Mayhem)
$21,000 (Death Wish)
$27,000 (Death Sentence)
Requires Gage Weapon Pack #01 DLC to unlock


Cook Off (15)
Day 1 Blueprint
(Bain's Guide)
Cook Off (16)
Risk Level
Cook Off (17)
Gage Courier Packages


The heist takes place after the events of Rats. This time, the crew will cook meth for their own profit rather than for Hector. Players will begin in the same area as they did during Rats. Unfortunately, it seems that the place is under police watch and some Mendoza gang members are at the lab awaiting your arrival. As soon as the player steps into the house, gunshots are heard as the cooks are killed (This is completely unavoidable; no matter how fast you get into the house and kill the Mendozas, the cooks are scripted to die). The crew quickly assault the building, clearing out the Mendoza gangsters, but the resulting shootout alerts the police.

With the cooks dead and the police incoming, the group is forced to cook the meth themselves. With the assistance of Bain they gather the needed chemicals from throughout the area and set to work in cooking the needed bags of meth while fending off the assaulting police force. Bain feeds the group instructions on which chemicals to use. The chemicals needed are caustic soda, muriatic acid, and hydrogen chloride, which can be found in the basem*nt of the house, the bathroom underneath the stairs, a pickup truck parked nearby, and/or the outdoor sheds, which can be opened with a lockpick or shot open.

Bain may get the ingredients wrong, however he will eventually correct himself if given the chance. If a heister uses the wrong chemical, the lab will explode, setting the room it is located within on fire, which will damage players standing in it, while also initiating a "point of no return" countdown that will likely result in a mission failure, since the van will never arrive to extract if it wasn't already there to begin with. Additionally, anyone caught in the blast will lose some health, and may be downed if they have less than 75% health at the time of the explosion.

Once the crew has cooked three bags, they can take them to the nearby extraction van and escape. The crew can cook an infinite amount of bags, but the van only stays for a limited time before leaving and returns again after a few minutes. Additionally, if the crew run out of ingredients, a flare will appear somewhere outside the house and can be interacted with (similar to White Xmas) to summon a helicopter which will drop off a bag (similar to Train & Hotline Miami) containing more ingredients. The bag can be taken up to the lab and placed in the marked drop zone, providing three full sets of meth ingredients. When two of these are used, another flare will appear, allowing for more resupply.


General advice[]

  1. Take your time looking for ingredients, boards etc. but do not step into the house until you're ready for the police assault, as going in triggers it.
    • Do note that if you are playing with Crew AI, they are likely to register the Mendoza gangsters inside the house and open fire.
  2. Check hard-to-reach locations first for ingredients; take from outside the house first.
    • As a rule of thumb, players should take ingredients from the truck first as it is the farthest away, followed up by the back shed, front shed, basem*nt and bathroom.
  3. Open the sheds even if you won't take ingredients from them immediately. Remember the doors can be shot open by shooting the door knob.
  4. Run the bags to the car and get more ingredients in between assaults, though most would advise all members of the group getting enough ingredients to make a bag of meth to make things a whole lot easier.
  5. When moving bags, watch for Cloakers. There are at least 2-3 preset hiding spots for them on the route to the van.
  6. Tell your teammates where they can/cannot find more ingredients.
  7. Enable subtitles in the options to more easily understand Bain's instructions, especially if there is a lot of noise around due to gunfire or explosives.
    • If you get distracted and missed Bain's instructions, then simply wait for a moment, as Bain will give out a new instruction (on the same ingredient) again after a short while, until an ingredient is added.
  8. Bain tells different lines to different players. Communicate when in doubt, or have one player assigned as the dedicated cooker and everyone else defend them.
  9. One bag requires one of each ingredient. It makes sense to have a dedicated cook for each bag, have only one person cook at a time to minimize the confusion.
  10. When adding an ingredient, read the caption to make sure you are looking at the correct receptacle.
  11. Barricade windows. Unlike Rats' 3 to 5, five sets of planks are always available on this heist.
  12. Stay inside the house during an assault, defending both the upstairs and downstairs.
  13. Ignore the power, especially during an assault. It is highly recommended to bring weapons that have flashlight gadgets attached to them, or wear masks that allow the use of night vision.
    • This is especially apparent given that the light bulbs hanging from the ceiling can be destroyed by gunfire, rendering the power all but pointless. There is an indestructible floodlight on the upstairs, however, illuminating the meth lab.
    • If the Floodlights asset was bought, then the power becomes a bit more important for better visibility outdoors, but one should still bring in their own lights, just in case.
  14. Watch the police helicopter carefully, as it does more than just circle the house and make noise;
    • If it comes in low on the pickup/van side of the house, it's dropping off a Bulldozer. The Bulldozer is most often armed with a Reinfeld.
    • If it hovers directly over the house, it's dropping off a pair of Yellow SWAT onto the balcony. These are fixed spawns regardless of difficulty.
  15. To prevent the cops from retrieving the bags, it is highly recommended to bag the meth once it's cooked, and carry it with you at all times.
    • If all players are carrying a bag, be sure to stash any spare bags in a secure location, and have one player guard them.
    • There is a room (or closet) to the left to the meth lab on the upstairs floor with only one entrance. Board up both windows there and then use this room to stash the bagged meth, with one player (or the cook) defending it.

Ingredient locations[]

Cook Off (18)

Search the locations in the following order (hardest to easiest):

  1. White pickup truck parked by the house
  2. Shed behind the house
  3. Basem*nt of the house
  4. Shed in front of the house
  5. Bathroom in the house

Additional ingredient sets will require you to light a flare, after which they arrive by helicopter in an Equipment Bag at a random location near the house to be deployed inside the house for easy access.


Cook Off (19)

Each bag of methamphetamine is created with one unit of muriatic acid, caustic soda, and hydrogen chloride. If it helps avoiding confusion, the cook can wait until all three chemicals are used up before searching for more.

Bain will give instructions on how to cook throughout the heist, though is not always completely accurate. Below, the "Update #89" gives the current cooking instructions, while the instructions in the "Prior to Update #89" tab are no longer used in the heist.

NOTE: In multiplayer, the required ingredient is synchronized across all players, but the dialogue from Bain is not.

  • Update #89

  • Prior to Update #89

Bain's instructions were updated with the 2015 Halloween event. Instead of having set lines for the individual ingredients, Bain has numerous lines for cooking. However, unlike prior to the update, where he was really only incorrect on occasion when hydrogen chloride was required, he has a number of lines where he's incorrect, though he will correct himself shortly afterwards and state the right ingredient. He also has a multitude of non-unique correct lines for what ingredient to put in.

Quick explanation of how to get the ingredient right:[]

(For details on his sentence structure, scroll down.) Bain will give an ingredient that may or may not be the correct one. Here is a simpler way of figuring out if Bain is right:

  • Wait until Bain says something that suggests he is moving on to the next ingredient. He will do this even if you don't put in the ingredient. This usually means that the ingredient he most recently mentioned is correct. For example, he may say, "We'll go with hydrogen chloride. ...I'm 97% sure. Okay, what's next... hydrogen chloride?". In this case he would be correct, since when he is wrong, he never moves on to the next ingredient without correcting himself. This method is easy and works almost 100% of the time.

Detailed explanation:[]

Bain is wrong when he says:

  • Now we need... I'm going with (ingredient). Hold up!
  • Uh... mhm...We'll go with (ingredient). Nope, that's not it!
  • Alright, next ingredient...(ingredient)? Sorry, that wasn't right.
  • Alright, let's see...We'll go with (ingredient). Strike that.
  • Hold on... I'm going with (ingredient). Wait a minute!

After saying one of the wrong lines, he corrects himself, saying the right ingredient:

  • It's supposed to be (ingredient)! Pour it in.
  • It's supposed to be (ingredient)! That should get the process going.
  • I messed up. It should'a been (ingredient). That should get it on.
  • I messed up. It should'a been (ingredient). Pour it in.
  • We need (ingredient)!
  • That should'a been (ingredient)! ...unless I've missed something...
  • ...(ingredient)?...I'm XX% sure.
  • By method of elimination it has to be (ingredient). ...what's the worst that could happen, right?
  • My bad. It's (ingredient). Add some.

Bain is right when he says:

  • Uh, I hope I got this right... (ingredient)? ...I'm XX% sure.
  • Uh. I hope I got this right... (ingredient)? You got any of that lying around?
  • Uh. I hope I got this right... We'll go with (ingredient). ...I...think.
  • Okay, what's next... (ingredient)? ...I'm XX% sure.
  • Okay, what's next... Oh I'm going with (ingredient).'s a toss-up, really.
  • Okay, what comes after that... We'll go with (ingredient). That should get the process going.
  • Okay, what comes after that... (ingredient). That should get the process going.
  • Okay, what comes after that... It's (ingredient). That should get it on.
  • Uh... mhm... It's (ingredient). ...that's my very best guess.
  • Uh... mhm... (ingredient). ...this website better be accurate.
  • Uh... mhm... (ingredient). That should get it on.
  • Uh... mhm... (ingredient)? ...IF my calculations are correct.
  • Uh... mhm... (ingredient)? ...and kiss your lucky charms.
  • Uh... mhm... I'm going with (ingredient). Go for it.
  • Alright, next ingredient... We'll go with (ingredient). That should get the process going.
  • Alright, next ingredient... We'll go with (ingredient). ...I'm XX% sure.
  • Alright, let's see... (ingredient). ...I think so, at least.
  • Alright, let's see... (ingredient). ...I think so, at least.
  • Alright, let's see... (ingredient)? ...yeah... yeah.
  • Alright, let's see... (ingredient)? ...I'm XX% sure.
  • Alright, let's see... It's (ingredient). ...unless I've missed something...
  • Uh, I hope I got this right... (ingredient)? You got any of that lying around?
  • Uh, I hope I got this right... We'll go with (ingredient). ...for sure. Or, most likely.
  • Now we need... It's (ingredient). ...that's my best guess.
  • Now we need... We'll go with (ingredient). ...I'm XX% sure.
  • Now we need... We'll go with (ingredient). ...what's the worst that could happen, right?
  • Now we need... I'm going with (ingredient). ...these internet descriptions are iffy at best.
  • Hold on... (ingredient). I'm XX% sure.
  • Uh, if I read this correctly... uh... Oh I'm going with (ingredient). ...I'm XX% sure.

Wrong and right periods have a triple sentence structure. Each of the three sentences are randomly combined. The only reliable sentence that will reveal previous statement right or wrong is the last (i.e.: "...I'm 54% sure").

Correction periods have a double sentence structure. Both sentences will always reveal that the immediate information given is correct.

Examples of last sentences on false previous information:

  • Hold up!
  • Nope, that's not it!
  • Sorry, that wasn't right.
  • Strike that.
  • Wait a minute!

Examples of last sentences on true previous information:

  • ...I'm XX% sure.
  • ...I...think.
  •'s a toss-up, really.
  • ...that's my very best guess.
  • ...I think so, at least.
  • ...this website better be accurate.
  • ...IF my calculations are correct.
  • ...and kiss your lucky charms.
  • ...for sure. Or, most likely.
  • ...yeah... yeah.
  • ...unless I've missed something...
  • ...what's the worst that could happen, right?
  • ...these internet descriptions are iffy at best.
  • Go for it.
  • You got any of that lying around?
  • That should get the process going.
  • That should get it on.

Ambiguous or incorrect instructions from Bain are shown in boldface below.

Add muriatic acid if you hear:

  • Acid, guys, acid. Get some and pour it in there.
  • Add muriatic acid, to continue the process!
  • Ah, OK... Muria, muriatic acid. Add more.
  • Cooking away fine - needs more acid though.
  • Hm, yeah it is not caustic soda... Yeah. It should be acid. Yep, sure that is it.
  • I'm 100% it is muriatic acid now. Just add it.
  • Looking at this site... Says acid is used in this step... We got muriatic, right?
  • Mu... Muriatic acid - we need some more in there.
  • OK, so add caustic... No, wait, add acid - muriatic acid.

Add caustic soda if you hear:

  • Add caustic soda to continue the process!
  • Caustic basic reaction is now added. OK you got any soda around? Add it.
  • Caustic chloride. Says it is liquid form... Wait a minute... Should be soda, right?
  • Caustic soda - yep, that's it. Go for it.
  • I'm 100% it is some caustic soda needed here. Drop some in.
  • I'm just guessing at this point... These internet descriptions are iffy.
  • It needs hydrogen chloride, for sure... OK wait, soda... Yeah, caustic soda!
  • Says we need club soda to get this temperature up... Sounds odd. What can you get?
  • Try caustic soda....Or hydrogen... No no, wait, soda... Go for that. Yeah.

Add hydrogen chloride if you hear:

  • Add hydrogen chloride to continue the process!
  • Caustic chloride. Says it is some solid form... Wait a... Should be that hydrogen, right?
  • f*ck me, we needed those cooks. I'm going with chloride.
  • f*ck me, we needed those cooks. I'm going with hydrogen.
  • f*ck me, we needed those damn cooks. I'm going with caustic soda.
  • Hydrogen... Is that a gas... Can't be a solid... Says add it. You guys got a gas tank?
  • I'm not 100% but I think it is hydrogen chloride now. Yep, should be.
  • It needs hydrogen chloride - for sure.
  • It needs hydrogen chloride, for sure... No, no wait... Yeah, OK.
  • This site says something else... Chloride soda hydrogen mix. I don't know, go for it - something.


  • The Meth Lab will be positioned either downstairs or upstairs (which is the same as Rats day 1).
  • Unlike in Rats, the pick-up van might arrive at the other side of the street, which is unfavorable, as it will be right next to the enemy spawn points and will thus be harder to access.

Mayhem+ changes[]

  • Blowing up the meth lab will cause the whole team to fall incapacitated regardless of their position on the map and triggers a 10 second escape timer at the same time. The escape van, if not already there, will never arrive, thus dooming the heist to fail.

The FBI Files[]

This unoccupied shack in the forest was supposedly condemned. City records indicate it was structurally unsound and due for demolition. Its remoteness made it perfect as a place for criminal activity. Investigation showed that it was used as a makeshift meth lab. The compact structure with many windows provided a great many options for providing well-covered fire into the approaches.

My Notes: This job shows exactly how tough this gang is. Despite throwing wave after wave of SWAT teams at them, they managed to hold that shack like a bunker, and produce enough meth to flood the streets with ice.

Achievements & Trophies[]

  • Achievements

  • Trophy

  • Trivia

Cook Off (20)F in Chemistry
On day 1 of the Rats job or the Cook Off job, blow up the lab.
Cook Off (21)Full Measure
On day 1 of the Rats job, cook and secure 7 bags worth of meth without blowing up the lab on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
Cook Off (22)Kiss the Chef
In the Cook Off job, cook 25 bags of meth on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
Cook Off (23)Grandmother's Recipe
Complete the Cook Off job on the Normal difficulty or above.
Cook Off (24)Bain's Bakery
Complete the Cook Off job on the Hard difficulty or above.
Cook Off (25)So You Think You Can Cook Meth?
Complete the Cook Off job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
Cook Off (26)Kiss the Chemist
Complete the Cook Off job on the Overkill difficulty or above.
Cook Off (27)Clowns Can Cook Too
Complete the Cook Off job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
Cook Off (28)Cooking By the Book
Complete the Cook Off job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
Cook Off (29)My Compliments to the Chef
Complete the Cook Off job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
Cook Off (30)In the Name of Heisenberg
Complete the Cook Off job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.

Cook Off (31)


"For dummies and others who want to get into the meth cooking business."
—Trophy description

Finish the Cook Off heist with 25 bags of meth on OVERKILL difficulty or above.

The living room.

  • The Achievements Full Measure and In the name of Heisenberg are references to the TV show Breaking Bad and its main protagonist Walter White, who goes by the alias "Heisenberg", and Full Measure is a reference to a speech about committing to actions made in the show, as well as being the name of the penultimate episode of Season 3.
  • Meth is a reference to the For Dummies series of books.
  • Kiss the Chef is a phrase often printed on chef aprons.
  • The name So You Think You Can Cook Meth? may be a reference to the TV show So You Think You Can Dance.
  • Cooking By the Book may be a reference to the song of the same name by English-Icelandic TV show LazyTown.
  • My Compliments to the Chef is often said by restaurant patrons to restaurant staff if they really enjoyed their meal and wish to pass their compliments to the chef.

Gage Mod Courier Packages[]

  • Cook Off (33)

    1. Behind the shack at the front of the house

  • Cook Off (34)

    2. Inside the shack at the front

  • Rats1-18.jpg

    3. Floating near burned out cars to the right of the house

  • Cook Off (35)

    4. Under the truck holding ingredients

  • Cook Off (36)

    5. Inside the shack at the back

  • Cook Off (37)

    6. Under the stairs entering the house on the right

  • Cook Off (38)

    7. Under the burned car closest to the house

  • Cook Off (39)

    8. Immediately to the right when entering the basem*nt, behind the door

  • Cook Off (40)

    9. Immediately to the left when entering the basem*nt

  • Cook Off (41)

    10. At the back left of the basem*nt

  • Cook Off (42)

    11. At the back right of the basem*nt

  • Cook Off (43)

    12. On the counter of the kitchen on the bottom floor

  • Cook Off (44)

    13. In the kitchen on the bottom floor

  • Cook Off (45)

    14. At the middle of the bottom floor

  • Cook Off (46)

    15. Just inside the right of the house, next to the window

  • Cook Off (47)

    16. Next to the cooking platform on the top level, next to the stairs

  • Cook Off (48)

    17. On the left of the (potential) cooking table

  • Cook Off (49)

    18. Next to the barrels in the side-room of the upper level



  • As with White Xmas, Cook Off also has an astoundingly high number of available loot bags in total at 1,200. Also like White Xmas, the escape vehicle will return at preset intervals to pickup more loot before making a quick leave to drop them off somewhere and then return to the crew for more extraction.
  • The meth found in both Rats and Cook Off (as well as Hotline Miami, and Border Crystals) is shown as a deep blue color, most likely being a reference to Blue Sky, the form of extremely pure crystal meth cooked in Breaking Bad. The achievement "In the Name of Heisenberg" also references Breaking Bad.
    • The meth in Breaking Bad gets it's blue color from being cooked using Methylamine, which is not used in Payday, therefore the blue color is illogical. However, see the section further below.
    • "Blue Magic" is also the name of the extremely pure form of Heroin found in the 2007 movie American Gangster, also derived from it's deep blue color.
  • Both sheds and the bathroom can be accessed and have their ingredients or Gage Mod Courier Packages taken through the walls, eliminating the need to lockpick the sheds or enter the house before everyone is ready. However, the sheds cannot be entered without their doors unlocked, even if you break the back shed's window.
    • Another note is that the ingredients on the second floor, after being deployed using an equipment bag, are accessible through the floor. This serves almost no purpose.
  • Cook Off (50)
    A Teddy Moo doll which served as a concealed saw in the No Mercy heist of PAYDAY: The Heist will spawn as long as the second floor lab is present. That same doll also makes an appearance inside the new Safe House.
  • According to Bain, it is the exact same meth lab at the exact same location as the original one from the Rats heist, that the PAYDAY gang is returning to. However, given that the state of the building, along with the fact that it contains a meth lab, it is highly unlikely that the Washington Police Department would have allowed the building (let alone the meth lab) to remain after the first heist.
    • It has been speculated by some that the house was intentionally left so as to lure the PAYDAY gang and therefore trap them and finish them off or capture them. This might also explain the fast response of the police and their well-preparedness for the assault as they come from multiple sides. The police helicopter also arrives a few seconds after the gang enters the house which must have been on standby to wait for the gang. Bain also says that the police have been stalking/staking the place which also supports this theory, however the presence of fresh meth ingredients and other chemicals that have yet to expire, evaporate or otherwise degrade, along with even a still-firing cooking stove is rather hard to believe.
    • Nevertheless, it is unknown why would the Mendoza cartel return to the meth lab that has been exposed to the police department since Rats. It is also not known on how they managed to get back inside the house without being detected. One interpretation of this is that the Mendoza cartel was negotiated to leave some men to guard the place in their deal with the FBI in Rats.
  • Like Rats, the cops will not arrive until the players have entered the house. It's therefore recommended to gather ingredients before entering the house.
  • The manner in which the crew produces meth in this map presents several inaccuracies or hazards.
    • None of the characters can be seen using protective equipment of any kind when cooking is in progress. The minimum required safety gear is a gas-proof breathing mask with adequate filtration, like those integrated into the hazmat suits of the dead cooks. The crew's ballistic face masks has open eyeholes and ports at the nose for ease of breathing during use, which is not adequate.
      • Not wearing proper gear can result in accidental intoxication, or suffocation via the fumes generated during the cooking process.
    • Although Bain occasionally tells the crew to add a certain ingredient, he never gives the exact quantity to be added. This results in the crew usually dumping an entire container of acid or tank full of hydrogen chloride into the cooking vats in one go. Improper chemical ratio can cause dangerous reactions, especially under the presence of heat. It'd be due to either dumb luck or the person who left the components there knew precisely how much chemicals to put in each one. All of the above are done for the sake of gameplay simplification.
    • The cooling/crystalizing process is absent, meaning if that bizarre concoction were to work in real life, it would produce hot meth sludge instead of the intended version.
    • Caustic soda is also known as sodium hydroxide, a strong base. Muriatic acid and hydrogen chloride are identical chemicals at the molecular level, with the former being a solution of the latter. In real life, combining muriatic acid or hydrogen chloride with caustic soda yields aqueous sodium chloride (salt water). This is most likely done to prevent players from attempting to cook meth in real life.
      • Additionally, the process to create muriatic acid is to dissolve hydrogen chloride in water. So if the crew are instructed to add hydrogen chloride last, since the caustic soda and muriatic acid had already been combined to create water, the final product would just be muriatic acid again.
      • Another likely reason is simply because Bain gets his cooking instructions from shady internet sites ("...these internet descriptions are iffy"), though how that still produces meth is still wildly beyond anyone's guess.
      • Additionally, most of the chemicals are erroneously represented with wrong components and/or symbols.
        • The chemicals are listed as elements rather than compounds on their icons (Hydrogen Chloride is listed as Hcl rather than HCl, for example).
        • Muriatic Acid is aqueous Hydrogen Chloride and would normally appear as HCl. The chemical symbol of Mu does not correspond to any known substance, be it an element or compound.
        • Caustic Soda appears as the symbol for Caesium (Cs) instead of how it is represented in reality (NaOH). This was done simply for the ease of player recognition, as the initials for Caustic Soda are also CS.
  • Considering all of the above, for better suspension of disbelief, the following things can be considered:
    • The ingredients used to cook meth may not actually be what they are called. It could be that the names "Muratic acid", "Caustic soda" and "Hydrogen chloride" are actually codenames for other subtances or mixtures thereof (which could include Methylamine among others), used to conceal their nature in order to facilitate easier use and smuggling given their ostensibly illicit nature.
    • As for the missing cooling/crystallisation process, it can be surmised that when the meth is bagged up, the crew pour the still hot substance into containers which are then placed inside the bags, with added cushioning to protect them. Once inside the bags, the meth can cool and crystalise in the containers at its own leisure while the next batch is being cooked. Once cooled and crystalised, the meth is simply emptied out of the containers and cut up and grinded into usable quantites later.
    • The crew's lack of protective gear and the absense of ill-effects thereof could be explained by the fact that with all windows and doors open, the interior of the house is well-ventilated enough to lessen the chance of any serious ill effects, albeit only barely.
    • Bain's lack of reliable instructions could be a case of there not being any written recipes made so as to not produce possible evidence for the police. The crew's cooks had learned and memorised the recipe by heart and when they are killed, Bain is forced to go back to the same shady and questionable websites that the cooks originally derived their knowledge from and painstakingly try to make sense of them in order to adequately reconstruct the recipe for the crew, despite the risks involved.
    • Finally, the question regarding what quantity of ingredients to add, it could be postulated that each container of ingredient already contains the correct quantity of substance for one batch, pre-measured for greater ease of use and safety.
  • It is never explained why the crew goes to an abandoned house in a forest, the same one in Rats, as a matter of fact, to cook meth. In the case of Rats, the crew went to the house to save Hector's meth operation from both the cops and the Mendozas and get information from the Cobras, but here, the crew goes to a deteriorating cabin in a forest with the threats of gangs and cops for the sole purpose of profiting off meth. Assuming that the crew is only cooking meth under these circ*mstances because they don't have a meth lab of their own, they could simply bag and secure the individual parts of the lab, seeing that it's simple enough that it has, at most, 12 parts.
    • A possible explanation is that the crew goes to the house because of Bain's inaccurate instructions and the explosive consequences of putting in a wrong ingredient (the gang would surely not want to have an drug-related explosive accident in their Safe House or anywhere else nearby for that matter), but the former problem is rectified in Hotline Miami, as its meth lab has fully accurate instructions for cooking.
  • The internal name of the heist "rat" (in the singular) is subtle nod to how this heist is a single-day conversion from Rats (which is "rat" in the plural).
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The ButcherThe Bomb: DockyardThe Bomb: ForestScarface Mansion
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