Core Values Examples From 80 Companies | Built In (2024)

Core values are the principles and priorities that guide an organization’s actions. They represent the foundational commitments and deeply held beliefs that allow a company to navigate complex situations while keeping their identity and culture at the forefront.

Core values define you. Along with your mission statement, your company core values exist to summarize your ethos. They encapsulate what you’re all about and what you choose to focus on as an organization, even as you grow and scale.

Core values guide you. They give employees an example to follow, a spirit to embody, and this gets everyone on the same page.

Core values help you recruit. They provide job seekers a snapshot of what you care most about, and if there’s alignment between your priorities and those of the job seeker, it’s more likely you’ll want to work together.

Make your core values unique to you. Ask key members of your organization what makes us us? What are the characteristics of our company that would make someone want to work here instead of someplace else? How would you describe our culture in one sentence? One word?

Make your core values specific and realistic. They should still be aspirational and ambitious, too, though. While “change the world” is probably too big and too vague for it to be an actually useful guiding value, “innovate courageously” has a sharper point to it.

Make your core values succinct and memorable. You want your teammates and job seekers to be able to remember your core values.

To help you get started on creating your own core values list, we rounded up core values examples used by a few companies, breaking down what each of them gets right.

  • We believe in the power of community.
  • We are a positive force.
  • We embody diversity and belonging.
  • We innovate with purpose.

Why it works: Hivebrite describes itself as an “all-in-one community management and engagement platform.” Its dedication to building, engaging and maintaining communities is reflected clearly in its core values to help each team member stay focused on the company’s mission.

  • System1 supports you
  • Everyone is on the same team
  • Be yourself
  • Own it
  • Make an impact
  • 1 percent better every day
  • Elevate doers of good
  • Innovate courageously
  • Cultivate inclusivity
  • Appreciate the journey

Why it works: As a “leader in social good technology,” Bonterra’s core values tie directly back to — and help expand upon — its stated purpose: “We power those who power social impact.”

  • Embrace the unknown
  • Trust in transparency
  • Inspire collaboration
  • Act as one

Grand Studio develops user-centered digital products and experiences, specializing in UX/UI design and strategic consulting. Its values reflect the company’s commitment to meeting clients where they’re at to “take on complex challenges to build clearer paths and tools for success.”

  • Be an ambassador
  • Adapt and evolve
  • Enjoy the journey
  • Do the right thing
  • Get it done
  • Openness is the future: For Narmi, openness means giving our customers the ability to grow and scale for their future, and a platform flexible enough to meet the needs of any financial institution.
  • Dependability is a given: Your customers need a tool that can meet their varied, demanding needs, right where they are — and Narmi surpasses expectations with an intuitive platform that offers users everything they want, and then some.
  • Rewrite the financial story: Narmi’s focus on the financial health and wellness of our end-users means building beyond traditional banking. Our products are easy and intuitive to use, empowering every user with a holistic view of their finances and giving them the information they need to live healthier financial lives.

Why it works: Narmi provides financial institutions with products that allow them to offer digital banking experiences. The company’s simple and straightforward value pillars serve as the building blocks for its tech development strategy.

  • We are innovative
  • We act with integrity
  • We are driven to succeed
  • We have a growth mindset
  • We work as one team

Why it works: Identity Digital is the company behind what it describes as the world’s largest portfolio of top-level domains, helping its customers make their websites more memorable. The company, which also provides protection about cyberattacks and abuse, emphasizes innovation, hard work and teamwork in its core values.

  • Do your research
  • Start simple
  • See the circle
  • Pull the wagon
  • Move the line
  • We win with diversity
  • Act like an owner
  • Interfaces matter
  • Consumer advocate
  • Detail obsessed
  • Aligned DIY
  • Bold yet humble
  • Value time
  • Recombination
  • Mission first
  • Continuous learning
  • Thoughtful communication
  • Evolution
  • Urgency

Why it works: Asimov draws on innovations in machine learning, computer-aided design and synthetic biology to push innovation in genetic engineering. The company’s core values draw on specific terms from its field to illustrate its emphasis on collaboration, innovation, sense of urgency and willingness to iterate.

  • Purpose: Lead with why.
  • Impact: Make it count.
  • Responsibility: Own it.
  • Collaboration: Choose teamwork.

Why it works: Thumbtack characterizes itself as a workplace where employees can make a tangible impact on the homeowners and businesses the company serves, and its values provide a simple set of guiding principles to steer their work.

  • Individuals at the Center: We always do the right thing and go the extra mile for the individuals we serve, prioritizing their well-being above all else.
  • Seek Understanding and Remain Teachable: We assume positive intent and we lead with curiosity. All questions are welcome; we love to learn, whether about one another or ourselves.
  • Serious Fun: We work hard on an important mission, but we don’t take ourselves too seriously. We sprinkle fun in as much as possible!
  • Bias Toward Action: We all take many small steps to stride towards our vision. We are quick to ask for help and to begin wading into new and often unfamiliar territory, knowing that our team has our back.
  • Candor and Kindness: We have an obligation to give timely, direct feedback - delivered with care for our colleagues. We sometimes disagree, but we work through our differences and grow together.
  • Deliver Value: Our customers’ endorsem*nt, support and success enables us to further our mission.

Why it works: In line with its vision to create “a world where individuals living with serious mental and physical illnesses live their best possible lives,” firsthand put together a list of values that prioritize engaging both clients and employees with compassion, support and an eagerness to make a positive impact.

  • Get Results: We are a startup, so we are very result oriented.
  • Build Trust: Getting results the right way to build long lasting relationships
  • Have Fun: We spend a huge part of our life at work, so having fun is a must.

Why it works: These simple ideas drive zLinq’s mission and company culture. It believes that, by living up to these values, the company can create an environment that welcomes a diverse array of perspectives so everyone is heard and valued.

  • Put customers first and value their business
  • Be the best at what we do
  • Innovate by taking intelligent risks
  • Provide an open, honest and constructive workplace
  • Promote a fun work environment
  • Achieve sustainable long-term growth and profitability
  • Think like an underdog and remain humble

Why it works: GoHealth’s core values are comprehensive and speak to company culture, business excellence and the character its teammates should embody.

  • The Golden Rule Works: Practice the principle of respect. Treat everyone with kindness and empathy, just as you would like to be treated by others.
  • Think Outside the Box: We are a solution-oriented company. Think bigger, be creative, and step outside your comfort zone to find innovations to our biggest problems.
  • Design Is Not a Luxury: Design is core to our company DNA and runs deeper than just aesthetics. Great design is necessary to convey great ideas.
  • Persistence Is Irreplaceable: Talent, genius and education are all inferior to persistence. Perseverance and determination are the keys to success.
  • Laughter Has No Accent: Have a sense of humor. We shouldn't take ourselves too seriously. Laughter and smiling is an international language that bonds us as a team.
  • You’re an Owner: You are a crew member on this company's long, crazy voyage! Roll your sleeves up and find pride and satisfaction in owning your work.

Why it works: Jackpocket’s core values are detailed and all-encompassing, serving as very clear guide posts for what it aims to achieve as an organization.

  • Act boldly with courage
  • Be financially responsible
  • Be data-driven
  • Operate ethically with integrity
  • Be collaborative
  • Approach every day with curiosity

Why it works: PEAK6 says its culture is “rooted in innovation, inclusion and flexibility,” and that comes through in its core values, which succinctly sum up how the company’s employees should approach their work.

  • Accountability
  • People
  • Respect every interaction
  • Innovation
  • Do it with a smile
  • Encourage ideas, empower pursuit

Why it works:Accelerated Digital Media uses the acronym A PRIDE on its website to convey its six core values, setting simple and transparent expectations to guide the way team members perform their jobs. It helps to illustrate the company’s goal of creating “an open, dynamic and productive work environment where expertise and creativity thrive together.”

  • Innovative: Be curious, create new paths, make it happen.
  • Driven to Win: Give 100 percent and take ownership.
  • Transparent: Be open and share often.
  • Collaborative: Work, win and learn as a team.
  • Metrics Driven: Lead with business impact and measure results.
  • Adaptable: Embrace and run with change.

Why it works: Core Digital Media operates brands that provide consumers with educational resources and price comparisons to support their financial journeys, and its six values set the tone for how team members can contribute to the organization’s overall success.

  • Obsess about the customer
  • Focus on outcomes
  • Act like owners
  • Ground decisions in detail and data
  • Collaborate to win together
  • Continuously elevate our performance

Why it works: Elevate K-12 refers to its values as “gyanisms” — a sanskrit word that can be translated as “wisdom” or “knowledge.” The company says it strives to draw on these values in how its team members act and make decisions.

  • Together We Thrive: We are a team and we win together. We support each other, push each other to be better and we build our culture together.
  • Customer Obsessed: Without our customers, we have nothing. We keep our customers at the core of everything that we do. We are committed to understanding their needs, delivering value at every turn, and exceeding their expectations.
  • Insist on High Standards: We do not just set high standards; we insist on them. These standards are not only for ourselves and our work, but for each other. We are creating a culture where excellence is standard.

Why it works: Hotel Engine says its values are its DNA and what propels the company forward. By putting its commitment to excellence for customers front-and-center, the company builds its list of priorities from the outset.

  • Compete and succeed at the highest level. Make those around you better. Be the best teammate.
  • Share individually in the success of the company. Earn merit-based responsibilities. Balance high expectations and a healthy environment.
  • Act like an owner. Be accountable in all aspects of your role. Take pride in your work.
  • Dream big and be willing to fail. Deliver value consistently. Make decisions and verify results.
  • Speak with compassion and an open mind. Listen to understand. Bring new and challenging ideas to the table.

Why it works: Belvedere Trading’s values are highly specific, making it very clear what working in accordance with them looks like. The company also says its values are more than words — they’re the “bedrock of our teamwork, pushing us to excel with integrity and respect.”

  • Take action
  • Learn together
  • Build a foundation of trust
  • Own progress and outcomes
  • Focus on customers
  • Members First
  • Ownership
  • Integrity
  • Innovation
  • Inclusivity
  • One Team

Why it works: First Entertainment Credit Union’s values illustrate the priorities at the center of its service model, which supports creators across the entertainment industry.

  • Champion the mission
  • Be a host
  • Embrace the adventure
  • Be a cereal entrepreneur
  • Customers first
  • Team on a mission
  • Think big
  • Act with integrity
  • Make a difference every day

Related Reading21 Company Culture Examples to Get You Inspired

  • Elevate People
  • Lead with Integrity
  • Focus on Impact
  • Invite Change
  • Step Up
  • Trust in Transparency

Why it works: Meetup builds technology to help people cultivate meaningful social connections in their area. Its core values depict a work environment that empowers people to take on challenges that are meant to have positive real-world impact.

  • Act with integrity
  • Make a difference
  • Care
  • Work together
  • Reimagine the possible
  • Curious and always improving
  • Diligent with intent
  • Humble about oneself
  • Proud about our company
  • Respectful and positive

Why it works: As a company specializing in both virtual and hybrid event platforms, SpotMe’s core values reflect the company’s commitment to working as a team to constantly improve and help customers manage even the largest and most complex projects.

  • Build a house you want to live in
  • No BS
  • Invest in each other
  • Discipline equals freedom
  • Strive for greatness

Why it works: A software company focused on supporting sales teams, Close puts a focus on transparency and honesty, building trust, and investing in relationships. Together, these elements reinforce the company’s first stated value of building with a long-term perspective in mind.

  • Transparency
  • Resourcefulness
  • Urgency
  • Simplicity
  • Togetherness

Why it works: At Edmunds, TRUST is not only a value the company holds dear, it’s also the acronym for the Edmunds’ core values.

  • Customer Obsessed: Listen, go above and beyond and deliver an amazing experience to our customers.
  • Be Open: We can do anything with hard work, innovation, an open mind and a positive attitude.
  • Skrappy: Always be in start up mode.
  • DTJAIBAI: Don’t just talk about it, be about it.
  • One Krew: Remember to have fun together while staying humble, respecting and leaning on each other — we are nothing without our team.
  • Win with Data: It’s through data that we verify, understand and quantify our decisions and actions.
  • Work fast and iterate: Continuous improvement over delayed perfection.

Why it works: Kustomer develops AI-powered conversational intelligence solutions to improve customer service operations. The core values that define Kustomer’s culture express a passion for hard work, collaboration and data-driven action.

  • Integrity
  • Teamwork
  • Excellence
  • Innovation
  • Empowerment

Why it works: Wolverine Trading highlights its efforts to do more and go “beyond what is expected.” The company also backs its values up through community initiatives, fundraising and employee resource groups.

  • BE PASSIONATE: Conquering the day with energy and heart.
  • BE INNOVATIVE: Always finding new ways to improve our services and technologies.
  • BE LIMITLESS: Dedicated to the growth of ourselves, the company and our clients.
  • BE AGILE: Willing and eager to accept new challenges.
  • BE ESSENTIAL: Committed to being a strategic partner.
  • BE OTRelite.

Why it works: OTR Solutions is unapologetically client driven and you can sense its commitment to customers in these core values. It’s easy to see how that commitment to excellence extends to its team members.

  • Bias to action
  • Win together
  • Show up curious
  • Say it, do it
  • Customer success is our success
  • We love insurance
  • Be the next
  • Remember the feeling
  • Action is our first instinct
  • Do the right thing
  • Stronger united
  • Embody a service mindset
  • Dream big, then make it real
  • Be proud of the how
  • Embrace an ownership mentality
  • Debate then commit

Free E-Book: Core Values in the Workplace

25 experts share advice on how to create core values that will inspire your workforce.

  • We go together: A rising tide lifts all boats. We freely collaborate and share across our community.
  • We have a bias for action: We know that speed can magnify impact, and we move swiftly.
  • We make bold bets: We embrace the uncertainty, never let fear rule decisions, and once aligned, fully commit to executing our ideas.
  • We find a way: No challenge is too big or daunting. We are resourceful, tenacious and creative in finding solutions.

Why it works: Hiro System creates developer tools for Stacks, which is a network that enables apps and smart contracts for Bitcoin. Working in this space means working quickly and decisively, so its core values reflect that forward movement.

  • We build to benefit all customers (not just one)
  • We make good decisions and consider the long-term benefits for our customers, Adyen and the world at large
  • We launch fast and iterate
  • Winning is more important than ego; we work as a team - across cultures and time zones
  • We don’t hide behind email, instead we pick up the phone
  • We talk straight without being rude
  • We seek out different perspectives to sharpen our ideas
  • We create our own path to grow toward our full potential

Why it works: Businesses look to Adyen for solutions that allow them to accept payments, protect and grow their revenue and offer financial products. The company created its set of guiding principles known as the “Adyen Formula” to emphasize its commitment to “speed and autonomy across teams, regions and time zones.”

  • Host: You are inclusive and kind
  • Serve: You are collaborative and empathetic
  • Deliver: You work hard and follow through
  • Celebrate: You are supportive and fun

Why it works: Provi runs a B2B alcohol marketplace. With fun labels like “Host” and “Celebrate,” Provi’s core values show the company puts a premium on creativity and an encouraging work environment that contributes to a positive culture.

  • Customer focused: We focus on our clients and work hard to ensure their satisfaction.
  • Problem solvers: We strive to identify problems and develop targeted solutions.
  • Honorable: We act with honesty and integrity in everything that we do.
  • Team first: We love to collaborate and celebrate the success of our company and colleagues.
  • Community oriented: We value our local community and make a determined effort to give back.
  • Highly motivated: We welcome new challenges and push ourselves to try new things.
  • Decisive: We make timely, informed decisions and aren't afraid to take risks.
  • Scrappy: We aren't afraid to roll up our sleeves and get the job done.
  • Balanced: We have fun at work and manage a healthy work-life balance.

Why it works: Definitive Healthcare says it’s cultivated a strong company culture where every employee embodies its core values. These nine principles give every team member something to strive for every day — and a way to keep each other accountable.

  • Obsessed with customer needs
  • Do the impossible
  • Build globally, serve locally
  • Act like owners
  • Constantly change, learn andevolve
  • Respect above all

Why it works:Spotnana aims to change how we travel and their core values reflect their community-centric approach to building “stronger human connections through travel.”

  • People
  • Customers
  • Innovation
  • Results

Why it works: Cleo’s values represent the company’s four key business pillars, highlighting a commitment to the company’s mission to “deliver supply chain and organizational agility” — a message that serves as the driving force behind the work of Cleo’s passionate team members.

  • C: Collaboration
  • R: Responsibility
  • E: Empowerment
  • D: Disruption
  • I: Innovation
  • T: Trust

Biz2Credit’s playful acrostic gets the point across — plus, it’s easy to remember. The company says it’s focused on funding small businesses and their big plans for the future and you can see that reflected here.

  • Check in with each other
  • Test new ideas
  • Take responsibility
  • Make beautiful things
  • Teach and learn
  • Act Like an Owner: To be successful, every employee needs to feel accountable, act with empowerment and be fully invested in the mission.
  • Create Simplicity: Creating simplicity is an exercise in mindfulness. Pursue thoughtful reduction; distill to the essentials and remove unnecessary complexity.
  • Lead with Empathy: Start with empathy. Assume positive intent. Allow yourself to be guided by curiosity and compassion. Manage with empathy. Create with empathy.
  • Use the Power of Today: Resist the urge to postpone important challenges, opportunities and decisions.
  • Know the Goal: Understand the big picture to understand what success looks like at a macro and micro level.
  • Learn and Improve Together: We are one team, and we win together. Taking proactive steps to master a new skill is a strength. Be a model of humility and perseverance for others as you learn by doing.

Why it works: BrainPOP’s mission is to “help empower kids to understand the world around and within them,” so it makes sense it would bring that principle to its core values. Can’t you almost see these inspiring notes on laminated poster in your homeroom?

  • Show Up.
  • Grow Up.
  • Do Good.

Why it works: CompanyCam likes to keep it short and sweet. These core values succinctly reflect the company’s fast-paced people-first culture.

  • Make complex things simple
  • Set crazy big goals and make them happen
  • Be a force for good
  • Empower others
  • Be innovative
  • Fanatical support
  • Culture of closing
  • True quality

Why it works: Greenlight Guru provides software for medical device companies to collect data and streamline the process of bringing products to market. Its values focus on innovating to help its customers stay one step ahead, following through and ensuring quality stays top of mind.

  • We put our teammates before our individual egos and extend ourselves to support each other professionally and personally
  • We set ambitious goals for ourselves and supportively challenge each other to get the best result.
  • We genuinely care about each other, the company, our customers and the broader world.
  • We all have things we’re passionate about outside of work - so don’t expect many dull conversations.

Why it works: Enigma describes its values as being “rooted in high-achievement, empathy and fair play,” laying the foundation for how team members engage with one another and the company’s work to bring innovation to small business intelligence.

  • Service to the customer
  • Respect for the individual
  • Strive for excellence
  • Act with integrity
  • Learners First

  • Own the Result

  • Innovation

  • Honesty and Transparency

  • Teamwork

  • Always Learning

  • Bias for Action

Why it works: Blueprint Test Prep offers digital exam prep courses, with a focus on LSAT and MCAT. Its core values are suited for its purpose, as they highlight education, results and action as opposed to inaction.

  • Drive the Mission: We believe in financial opportunity for underserved small businesses. We say “yes” when others say “no.”
  • Keep It Real: We value direct communication, candid feedback and authenticity. We are an open book.
  • Act With Kindness: We create an environment where caring is cool and helping is the norm. We do the right thing.
  • Shoot for Extraordinary: We are inspired by innovative thinking and continuous improvement. We never settle for yesterday’s best.

Why it works: Forward Financing’s core values reflect the company’s mission to provide capital to small businesses that have traditionally been underserved. These four simple principles remind every Forward Financing employee of the company’s north star.

  • We’re iconoclasts and innovators
  • We’re more than a company—we’re a community
  • We play as hard as we work

Why it works: By starting each value with “We,” these three values memorably describe the ethos of the company from the starting point of togetherness.

  • Innovation
  • Ingenuity
  • Intuition
  • Integrity
  • Inclusion

Why it works: B2B credit management software provider Bectran puts innovation and the willingness to think outside the box front and center. The company also aims to hold itself to a high standard of integrity, and aims to create a welcoming workplace and a product that’s easy to understand.

  • Customers Always Come First
  • We’re Humans, Not Robots
  • Our Reputation is Priceless
  • Simplicity Is Our Strength
  • Hard Work Pays Off
  • We Work Better Together

Why it works: AlertMedia develops an employee alert and communications platform for emergency preparedness. Its commitment to minimizing loss and reducing business interruptions to clients are reflected in its core values. When it says its customers always come first, it’s not just a statement about its customer service, but saving lives.

  • Love good food
  • Share positive vibes
  • Solve problems, together
  • Relentlessly seek greatness
  • Put individuals first
  • Go fast while maintaining quality and integrity
  • Challenge each other and state your good intent
  • Work to win together

Why it works: Evidation uses everyday health data to help people understand their own health and take action to improve their outcomes. The company’s focus on empowering individuals, and to innovate while ensuring accuracy and trustworthiness, shine through in its stated values.

  • Care (for everyone)
  • Get better (every day)
  • Collaborate (with everyone)
  • Act with integrity (every time)

Why it works: Fintech company Achieve boasts a “culture with impact,” and its values set the tone for the empathy and authenticity that team members are asked to carry with them as they engage with one another and perform their job duties.

  • Our work is grounded in research, design and privacy.
  • At WHOOP, the best idea wins.
  • We have a bias for action.
  • We operate at the intersection of high intensity and high humility.
  • Our differences are a source of strength.
  • We are obsessed with the member experience.

Why it works: WHOOP makes wearable technology that provides users with insights about their health and fitness. With a mission “to unlock human performance,” WHOOP’s core values highlight the company’s dedication to responsible innovation and a quality member experience.

  • Open mind
  • No ego
  • Accountable
  • Deliver joy
  • Care

Why it works: The core values of healthcare navigation platform provider HealthJoy emphasize openness to new ideas and perspectives, humility and collaboration as well as taking responsibility for one’s work. The final two pillars, “deliver joy” and “care,” focus on the company’s relationship with its users.

  • Mission minded: Every day, we seek new ways to enrich the lives of passengers and enhance the efficiency of operators worldwide. We celebrate our wins, learn from our setbacks and always move forward towards our next big breakthrough.
  • Bold problem solvers: In pursuit of the best inflight connectivity and entertainment solutions for every business jet, everywhere, we have a complex technological landscape to contend with. At Gogo, we eagerly rise to the challenge, always setting the goal post further to redefine innovation in airborne connectivity.
  • Performance obsessed: Continuous improvement in everything we do is the cornerstone of staying ahead, so we’re always challenging ourselves to work smarter and seeking new ways to offer the highest quality products and services to our customers.
  • Extraordinary harmony: Collaboration fuels innovation. Our team blends diverse talents in an environment that fosters mutual respect, healthy debate, personal empowerment and forward momentum.

Why it works: Gogo knows its diverse blend of employees is its greatest asset. While the company’s employees help Gogo achieve its mission and contribute to the organization’s overall success, the company also aims to ensure employees can maintain the flexibility to work toward their own professional goals and opportunities for personal growth.

  • Be patient obsessed. We make every decision with our main focus in mind: improving the lives of patients.
  • Act like an owner. We speak up, share ideas, give feedback and are all accountable for growth.
  • Build to learn. We don’t fear making mistakes; innovation requires failing courageously over and over again.

Why it works: Healthtech company NuvoAir specializes in technology and services to address chronic cardiopulmonary diseases. The company touts a “mission-oriented culture,” and its values guide the work of current employees, as well as point to the qualities NuvoAir looks for when hiring new people.

  • Teamwork: Focus on the “we,” not the “me.”
  • Honesty: Follow your moral compass.
  • Reliability: Be someone others can count on.
  • Energy: Be balanced, be energized.
  • Action: Errors of action are better than errors of inaction. Be brave.
  • Drive: Own it.
  • Scope: Don’t try to boil the ocean.

Why it works: The Predictive Index refers to their seven core values collectively as THREADS, and that’s what this set of values does — it brings together disparate ways of working into a cohesive system and collaboration philosophy.

  • Raise the bar
  • Be as one
  • Own it
  • Do the right thing
  • Empower customers
  • Embrace curiosity

Why it works: Governance, risk and compliance software provider LogicGate emphasizes quality, collaboration and initiative in its core values. The company also stresses integrity, customer focus and an ongoing focus on learning and humility.

  • We Are Trusted Partners
  • We Cultivate Innovation
  • We Value Differences
  • We Operate With Responsibility
  • We Work Together

Why it works: Nisos is a cybersecurity and threat intelligence company that aims to infuse the energy and spirit of its core values into every element of its people-first work culture, from training and professional development opportunities to its emphasis on work-life balance.

  • Swim against the current: Be innovative and differentiate.
  • Jet fast, but don’t wreck: Activate quickly, align and build for efficiency.
  • Glow brightly: Learn, teach and share.
  • Surf to morph: See ahead, evolve and act in the right moment.
  • Bloom together: Build culture, team cohesion and connection.

Why it works: Jellyfish’s core values play on the image of the company’s namesake and reflect the company’s interest in teamwork, efficiency and long-term solutions.

  • Be Humble

  • Max Courage

  • Ubuntu, a term popularized in the “western world” during the twenty-first century by Nelson Mandela, roughly translating to "I am because we are."

Why it works: Hi Marley offers text-based communication tools to streamline the relationship between insurance professionals and their customers. Hi Marley told Built In “The founders were adamant about ensuring leadership led by example by behaving in alignment with a shared purpose and set of values.

  • Bias for Action
  • Be Human
  • Love Our Customers
  • Win as a Team

Why it works: DataGrail’s values reflect the nature of the company culture, which emphasizes, “We lead with trust — on our team and with our customers.”

  • Neighborly Attitude: We treat our customers, employees and partners like lifelong neighbors.
  • DFY not DIY: When it comes to investing in a customer’s home, we believe that “done for you” is better than “do it yourself.”
  • Home Equity: We’re here to help customers enjoy, protect, and invest in one of their most important assets: the home.
  • Trust Over Transactions: We recognize that integrity and transparency are key to building trust.
  • Unrivaled Culture: Our greatest asset: people. The Leaf Home team shows up every day for the mission of making homeownership easy and does so with focus, empathy and a growth mindset.

Why it works: Leaf Home’s brands provide consumers with an array of products and end-to-end services that enable them to maintain and upgrade their homes. The company’s values reflect its people-focused culture and commitment to “an innovative and welcoming workplace where all people feel respected, supported and driven to realize their full potential.”

  • Customers first
  • Be Human
  • Simplicity
  • Better together
  • Believe it
  • Positivity

Why it works: Scorability provides a software platform to help college coaches recruit and you can feel that pep-talk spirit reflected in the company’s simple, straightforward, no-nonsense core values.

We believe employees are happier, companies are more successful and our world is a stronger place when people are able to work and live anywhere an opportunity presents itself. We built our company on a simple idea: Never, ever forget that there are people behind every application and case file. We truly care about these people — their hopes, their dreams, their fears — and helping them realize what’s possible.

We take that job really seriously.

  • Customer first
  • Best answer wins
  • Operate as an owner
  • Accountable for results
  • Top talent and teamwork
  • Pets come first
  • Dig new holes
  • Trust the pack
  • Jump fences
  • Share toys

Why it works: Pet insurance company pumpkin modeled its values after the patients it aims to serve. While the underlying values will feel familiar to many in the startup space — customer focus, innovation, collaboration and willingness to experiment — the company puts a unique spin on them to stand out from the pack.

  • Champion Customer Success
  • Build Honest Relationships
  • Choose Simple
  • Be Humble
  • Make a Difference
  • Team Player

Why it works: VelocityEHS aims to advance workplace safety and sustainability. It has a value system that encourages employees to work collaboratively and lets them know their efforts can lead to real-world impact for client companies that trust VelocityEHS.

Still looking for more inspiration? Check out these additional company core values examples.

Core Values Examples From 80 Companies | Built In (2024)
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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.