Counterfeit money on bleached bills circulating through Seymour, police say (2024)

The Seymour Police Department is reporting a rise in counterfeit bills throughout the area.According to a post from department's Facebook account, counterfeiters are using a special technique known as "bleaching" to create the bills.Police say counterfeiters will place low values bills in a bleaching solution, dry the bleached paper and print a higher face value on the blank bills using a small laser printer. Criminals then attempt to use the counterfeit bills for low dollar purchases in order to get real change."They bleach them out and they turn them into another denomination. Like a $50 bill or a $100 bill," said Officer Mike Cooper.For barbershop owner Terry Campbell, word travels fast."I've talked with some folks in town that have had it done to them," he said.While he hasn't fallen victim to this crime, he's made it his mission to thoroughly check the cash he receives."I had someone give me a counterfeit $20 and It just felt different. The texture of the bill felt different," Campell told WLKY.Officials offered these tips to prevent you from falling victim to the scam:Check the watermark. It should match the face on the bill. Check the security strip. Some bills may be missing the strip or have an incorrect amount printed.Check for off-centered or fuzzy print.Verify the micro printing is legible. Wet the bills to see if the ink runs off.Check the serial numbers to see if they match other bills. The number should always be different. Be mindful that you have the right to turn away any money that looks suspicious.Anyone who feels they may have been scammed by counterfeiters should call the Seymour Police Department at 812-522-1234.


The Seymour Police Department is reporting a rise in counterfeit bills throughout the area.

According to a post from department's Facebook account, counterfeiters are using a special technique known as "bleaching" to create the bills.

Police say counterfeiters will place low values bills in a bleaching solution, dry the bleached paper and print a higher face value on the blank bills using a small laser printer. Criminals then attempt to use the counterfeit bills for low dollar purchases in order to get real change.

"They bleach them out and they turn them into another denomination. Like a $50 bill or a $100 bill," said Officer Mike Cooper.

For barbershop owner Terry Campbell, word travels fast.

"I've talked with some folks in town that have had it done to them," he said.

While he hasn't fallen victim to this crime, he's made it his mission to thoroughly check the cash he receives.

"I had someone give me a counterfeit $20 and It just felt different. The texture of the bill felt different," Campell told WLKY.

Officials offered these tips to prevent you from falling victim to the scam:

  • Check the watermark. It should match the face on the bill.
  • Check the security strip. Some bills may be missing the strip or have an incorrect amount printed.
  • Check for off-centered or fuzzy print.
  • Verify the micro printing is legible.
  • Wet the bills to see if the ink runs off.
  • Check the serial numbers to see if they match other bills. The number should always be different.
  • Be mindful that you have the right to turn away any money that looks suspicious.

Anyone who feels they may have been scammed by counterfeiters should call the Seymour Police Department at 812-522-1234.

Counterfeit money on bleached bills circulating through Seymour, police say (2024)


What do police do with counterfeit money? ›

Report suspected counterfeit currency to your local authorities. Law enforcement agencies, banks and cash processors will submit suspected counterfeit currency to the Secret Service through our USDollars website.

How do tellers detect counterfeit bills? ›

Another quick way to distinguish between a fake and authentic bill is to look for color-shifting ink on the numbers (denomination) in the lower right corner of a $10, $20, $50, or $100 bill. For $100 bills, the bell in the inkwell (located to the left of the denomination) is also printed with color-shifting ink.

Why do counterfeiters bleach dollar bills? ›

Counterfeiters sometimes collect dollar bills and bleach them to remove the ink. Using an old-style printer, they will print images of a higher-denomination bill on the bleached paper.

How long can you go jail for counterfeit cash? ›

Federal law makes counterfeiting U.S. currency a felony, punishable by up to 20 years in federal prison. This potential 20-year prison sentence applies to possessing, using, or making counterfeit currency with the intent to defraud.

How do police mark their money? ›

Marking bills is a technique used by police to trace and identify money used in illegal activities. The serial numbers of the bills are recorded, and sometimes markings are made on the bank notes themselves (such as with a highlighter or other writing).

What is the 1 way to detect counterfeit money? ›

Look for a security thread (a plastic strip) running from top to bottom. Beginning in 1990, an embedded (not printed) security thread was added to all bills except the $1 and $2 bills. If you hold the bill up to the light, you will see the strip and printing on it.

Do banks check all bills for counterfeit? ›

Bank employees are trained to identify fake money through different security features of the bills. Second, banks use various technologies and tools to detect counterfeit notes, including money counters and fake currency detection technology.

How can you tell if money is forged? ›

Counterfeit banknotes: How to spot them
  1. Serial Numbers. Genuine notes have unique serial numbers therefore if you have two notes displaying the same serial number at least one of them is a counterfeit.
  2. Paper. ...
  3. Watermark. ...
  4. Security Thread. ...
  5. Printing. ...
  6. Move/Tilt. ...
  7. Detector Pen. ...
  8. UV Light.

What is the easiest bill to counterfeit? ›

The $20 bill is the most commonly counterfeited banknote in the U.S., while overseas counterfeiters are more likely to make fake $100 bills.

Which bill is the most commonly counterfeited? ›

One estimate detailed that more than 75% of the nearly $600 billion in $100 bills circulates outside of the U.S. Due to its popularity, the American $100 bill is one of the most counterfeited currencies, but also one of the most difficult to fake.

Which bills are hardest to counterfeit? ›

The New Zealand dollar is made of polymer (a type of plastic), which is designed to be harder to forge.

How can you tell if money is bleached? ›

But, if the watermark portrait on a hundred dollar bill turns out to be Alexander Hamilton's portrait, then you know the bill is a bleached $10 bill. While you're holding bills to the light, look for a security thread. It's a thin strip embedded in the bill that runs from top to bottom.

What color does counterfeit money turn with pen? ›

The pen reacts to starch contained in most paper sold around the world. Real U.S. currency paper does not contain starch. So if the bill is real, the ink turns yellow. But if it's fake, it will turn a dark blue or black.

What country is the largest counterfeiter of money? ›

Quispe is a master counterfeiter. According to police investigators, Quispe is the de facto leader of one of the four (perhaps more) sophisticated counterfeiting operations operating out of Lima, Peru, which the US secret service has declared the world's leading producer of counterfeit dollars.

Who investigates counterfeit money? ›

The U.S. Secret Service has a long and storied history of safeguarding America's financial and payment systems from criminal exploitation. The agency was created in 1865 to combat the rise of counterfeit currency following the Civil War.

Do banks give back counterfeit money? ›

Banks are required to confiscate the counterfeit money and turn it over to the Secret Service, which investigates and takes the counterfeit bills out of circulation. Last year, the agency seized $58 million overall in counterfeit U.S. currency.

Do banks replace counterfeit money? ›

It is important to know what the security features are in genuine currency, because if you end up with a counterfeit note, you will lose that money. A counterfeit note cannot be exchanged for a genuine one, and it is illegal to knowingly pass counterfeit currency.

What are bait bills? ›

Bait money or bait bills are bills with known serial numbers, used by banks to aid the tracing of bank robbers. The serial numbers are recorded by the bank either by making a copy or by listing in a log book. During a bank robbery, if a robber has taken the bait money, details of this can be passed on to the police.

What do unmarked bills mean? ›

Often used to refer to the money demanded by a bank robber, extortionist, or kidnapper. Also used, by extension and sometimes humorously, to refer to readily spendable cash obtained by any illicit or somewhat questionable means.

How does money come banded? ›

If you are depositing enough bills of like denomination, band them in the following manner: 25 x $1 bills = $25. 20 x $5 bills = $100. 25 x $10 bills = $250.

What tool is the easiest way to detect a counterfeit bill and how does it work? ›

Use an ultraviolet (black) light to look at security threads.
  • The $5 dollar bill should glow blue; the $10 bill should glow orange; the $20 bill should glow green; the $50 bill should glow yellow; the $100 bill should glow pink.
  • If your bill remains white under a black light, it is likely a counterfeit.

How do magnets detect counterfeit money? ›

One of the most common methods, MAG, or magnetic counterfeit bill detection, involves the use of specialized magnetic inks. The magnetic properties embedded in the bills can be read by ink testing devices and currency counters with magnetic detection capabilities to weed out the phony bills from the genuine ones.

Is there a pen to detect counterfeit money? ›

A money-checker pen with color-changing ink makes it easy to detect suspect bills at a glance. The specialty ink made with ingredients like iodine chemically reacts with paper, printing in one color for genuine currency and another for counterfeit bills.

How many bills in circulation are fake? ›

According to the United States Department of Treasury, an estimated $70 million in counterfeit bills are in circulation, or approximately one counterfeit note for every 10,000 in genuine currency.

What happens if you unknowingly use a counterfeit bill? ›

Yes, you can actually be arrested for using counterfeit money, even if you didn't know it was fake. Both the federal government and local state governments impose penalties on an individual for using or attempting to use counterfeit money.

What percentage of bills in circulation are counterfeit? ›

01 percent of approximately $600 billion in U.S. currency in circulation was counterfeit! (See page 50.)
Table 1
Money Supply ComponentsBillions of $, March 2004
+ Other checkable deposits324.6
+ Travelers checks7.8
14 more rows

What money is most likely to be forged? ›

US Dollars

It may not come as a surprise to learn that the US dollar is the most commonly counterfeited currency in the world according to the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.

How can you tell if money is real with light? ›

Security Thread All genuine FRNs, except the $1 and $2, have a clear thread embedded vertically in the paper. The thread is inscribed with the denomination of the note and is visible only when held to light. Each denomination has a unique thread position and glows a different color when held to ultraviolet (UV) light.

How to detect counterfeit money with UV light? ›

A security thread is a thin thread or ribbon running through a bank note. The thread in U.S. currency includes printing and on the new $50 note, micro-printing and graphics. The thread in the new notes glows when held under an ultraviolet light. In the $100 note it will glow pink, and in the $50 note it glows yellow.

Do counterfeit pens work on old bills? ›

When the pen is used to mark genuine bills, the mark is yellowish or colourless. Such pens are most effective against counterfeit notes printed on a standard printer or photocopier paper. The chemical properties of US banknotes printed before 1960 make marking pens useless, resulting in false positives.

Can slot machines detect counterfeit money? ›

Lots of money goes into slot machines in casinos. These slot machines are state of the art, and can identify if real or counterfeit bills are going into them. Overall, casinos are a very trustworthy and are safe places for money.

How much counterfeit money is in circulation 2022? ›

According to the United States Department of Treasury, an estimated $70 million in counterfeit bills are in circulation, or approximately 1 note in counterfeits for every 10,000 in genuine currency, with an upper bound of $200 million counterfeit, or 1 counterfeit per 4,000 genuine notes.

What are 5 commonly counterfeited items? ›

Ray-Ban, Rolex, Supreme and Louis Vuitton are the most copied brands worldwide, with Nike being the most counterfeited brand globally according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

What is the rarest bill in the US? ›

Called "ladder bills," the most sought-after examples are bills that feature the so-called "perfect" ladder serial numbers: 12345678 and 87654321. Unsurprisingly, these notes are exceedingly scarce and represent only one-in-96-million bills printed, meaning they can sell for big bucks.

Who made the best counterfeit money? ›

488: Frank Bourassa | The World's Greatest Counterfeiter Part One. Frank Bourassa counterfeited and sold $250 million in fake US currency until he was nabbed in an undercover operation.

How do counterfeiters bleach money? ›

The bills have been counterfeited by a process called “bleaching,” according to the department. The process involves putting lower-value bills, like $5 or $10, into a bleaching solution until the writing comes off. Then, new numbers, like $100, are put on the blank bills using a laser printer.

How to check $100 dollar bill with UV light? ›

Hold the note to light to see an embedded thread running vertically to the left of the portrait. The thread is imprinted with the letters USA and the numeral 100 in an alternating pattern and is visible from both sides of the note. The thread glows pink when illuminated by ultraviolet light.

Can you wash counterfeit money? ›

Washing banknotes

The majority of banknotes used worldwide are made of paper, making them difficult to clean without being damaged. Be aware that placing notes in the washing machine may damage security features and affect the accuracy of the bill if it is later fed into a counterfeit detection machine.

What happens if you bleach money? ›

“Repeated contact with substances such as bleach and ethanol resulted in damage that could make the notes unrecognizable as legitimate money,” Ferron-Craig said. “We therefore do not recommend using these substances to disinfect your bank notes.”

Can counterfeit bills pass pen test? ›

When someone uses the pen, the fakers solution can also cause counterfeit bills to pass a pen test. A second approach used to fake the pen is to use bleached lower denomination banknotes.

Who is responsible for catching counterfeiters? ›

Law enforcement agencies, banks and cash processors will submit suspected counterfeit currency to the Secret Service through our USDollars website.

What is the counterfeit capital of the world? ›

China continues to be the top global source of counterfeit products, but it is far from the only major concern regarding pirated goods, according to the annual notorious-markets list released Thursday by the office of the U.S. trade representative.

Can police impound counterfeit currency notes? ›

5.2 For cases of detection of Counterfeit Notes of five (05) or more pieces in a single transaction, the Counterfeit Notes shall be forwarded immediately by the Nodal Bank Officer to the local police authorities or the Nodal Police Station for investigation by filing FIR in the prescribed format (Annex IV).

What happens if you accidentally have counterfeit money? ›

If you unknowingly used counterfeit money to make a purchase, you could get charged with forgery or possession of counterfeit currency, and you will need an Austin fraud and forgery lawyer to show that you did not act with criminal intent.

Who can punish counterfeiters? ›

Article I, Section 8, Clause 6: [The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States; . . .

How do criminals launder counterfeit money? ›

The intermingling of cash-intensive businesses, movement through various jurisdictions, movement through multiple banks, and fraudulent or deceptive declaration of goods and services are the most often used methods for layering and integrating proceeds of crime relating to counterfeit currencies.

Who has the authority to impound Counterfeit Notes? ›

The Counterfeit Notes can be impounded by: All Banks. Issue Offices of Reserve Bank of India.

Which law enforcement agency investigates counterfeit money or fake money? ›

U.S. Secret Service, federal law-enforcement agency within the United States Department of Homeland Security tasked with the criminal investigation of counterfeiting and other financial crimes.

Will a bank replace counterfeit money? ›

Will my bank replace fake money? Banks can, at their discretion, replace fake money received by their customers, but they are unlikely to do so. It makes little difference where the counterfeit came from — a store, an individual, or an ATM. In most cases, you'll end up writing off the loss.

What is the hardest bill to counterfeit? ›

The New Zealand dollar is made of polymer (a type of plastic), which is designed to be harder to forge.

Does the Secret Service go after counterfeiters? ›

The Secret Service has primary jurisdiction to investigate threats against Secret Service protectees as well as financial crimes, which include counterfeiting of U.S. currency or other U.S. Government obligations; forgery or theft of U.S. Treasury checks, bonds or other securities; credit card fraud; telecommunications ...

Who is the most notorious counterfeiter in US history? ›

488: Frank Bourassa | The World's Greatest Counterfeiter Part One. Frank Bourassa counterfeited and sold $250 million in fake US currency until he was nabbed in an undercover operation.

What is the most frequent tactics used to launder money? ›

What Are Common Ways to Launder Money? The traditional forms of laundering money, including smurfing, using mules, and opening shell corporations. Other methods include buying and selling commodities, investing in various assets like real estate, gambling, and counterfeiting.

What are 3 types of money laundering? ›

Although money laundering is a diverse and often complex process, it generally involves three stages: placement, layering, and/or integration. Money laundering is defined as the criminal practice of making funds from illegal activity appear legitimate.

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.