Creating your first Microsoft Sentinel Notebook (2024)

This installment is part ofa broaderlearningseries tohelp you becomea Jupyter Notebook ninja in Microsoft Sentinel.The installments will be bite-sized to enable you to easily digest the new content.

  • Part 1: What are notebooks and when do you need them?
  • Part 2: How to get started with notebooks and tour of the features
  • Part 3: Overview of the pre-built notebooks and how to use them
  • Part 3.5:Using Code Snippets to build your own Sentinel Notebooks
  • Part 4: How to create your own notebooks from scratch and how to customize the existing onesthis post

KNOWLEDGE CHECK:And, once you've completed all of the parts of this series, you can take the Knowledge Check.If you score 80% or more in the Knowledge Check, you can expect your very own Notebooks Ninja participation certificate from us.

JupyterNotebooks are a fantastic resource for security analysts,providinga range of powerful and flexible capabilities.Microsoft Sentinel’s integration withNotebookscanprovidea quick andstraightforward wayfor security analysts to useNotebooks, however for those new toNotebooks and coding they can be a little daunting.

Inthis blog we will cover some of the basicsof creating your first Microsoft SentinelNotebookusing Python, including how to troubleshoot some common issues you may come across.

  • Installing and importing packages in Python
  • Installing and importingMSTICPy
  • Setting upMSTICPy’sconfig file
  • Getting data from Microsoft Sentinel
  • Working with data
  • Enrichingresultswith external data sources
  • Visualizations withMSTICPy

Before we begin,make sure to familiarize yourself withNotebooks in Microsoft Sentinel via Azure Machine Learning.

Use JupyterNotebooks to hunt for security threats

If you wish to learn more about thistopic,we are runningintroductory training on December 16th,2021: Become aJupyterNotebooks Ninja –MSTICPyFundamentals to Build Your OwnNotebooks.Sign Up Here

Installing and Importing Packages in Python

One of theimportant thingsabout using Python inNotebooks is that you can install and use code libraries (referred to as packages) created by others, allowing you to access the functionality they provide without having to code them yourself.

There are several ways to installPython packagesdepending on how you want tofind andaccess thepackages, however the simplest and easiest is using pip. Pip( is thepackageinstaller for Python and makes finding and installing Pythonpackagessimple.

You can use pip to install packages via the command line, or if you are using aNotebook, directly in aNotebookcell.Installing directly in aNotebookis often preferred as it ensures that you are installing the package in the same Python environment theNotebookis being executed in.Toinstall via aNotebookcodecell,weneed to use `%pip` followed by install and thepackagename. e.g.:

%pip install requests

Creating your first Microsoft Sentinel Notebook (1)Notebook output of running %pip install requests

Note: `%pip` is what is called a magic function in Jupyter. This tells the Notebook to use pip to install the package in the Notebooks compute environment.

If you already have a package installed but you want to update to the latestversion,you can add the `--upgrade` parameter to the command used:

%pip install –upgrade requests

You may also want to install a specific version of a package. This can be done by specifying the version number.

%pip install requests==2.22.0

Creating your first Microsoft Sentinel Notebook (2)Output of running %pip install requests==2.22.0

Note: Once you have installed a packageit isrecommendedto restart theNotebookkernel, this will ensure that when you import the package you will be using the latest version. Thisis notnecessary with newly installed packages but is important when

Note: During installation of packages you may see some warnings related to package dependencies. This is because some packages have requirements on other packages being installed and sometimes these requirements can have conflicts (i.e., package 1 requires package A version 1.1 but package 2 also requires package A but version 1.2). We try to avoid conflicts as much as possible with our Notebooks but sometimes these can occur. You can usually run the Notebook without the conflicts affecting you. However, if you encounter a problem with a pre-made Microsoft Sentinel Notebook, please report this at via GitHub.

Once a package is installed,youneedtoimportthe packagebefore it can be used. This is done with the `import` statement.

Thereare 2 ways to import things in Python:

- `import <package>` -thiswilldo a standard import of thepackage

- `from <package> import <item>` - this imports a specific item from the package

You can also import packages and rename them for ease when calling them later:

`import <package> as <alias>`

import pandas as pd

Troubleshooting Tip: Some packages do not use the same name for installation and import. You many need to check package documentation to ensure you are importing correctly.

Forexample,the popular Machine Learning tool packagescikit-learnis installed with:

%pip install scikit-learn

However, it is imported with:

import sklearn

Installing and ImportingMSTICPy

Now thatwe know how to install and importpackages,we can install packages that will be useful to us in creating ourNotebook.MSTICPyis a package created by the Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC) and provides a range of tools to make security analysis and investigations inNotebooks quicker and easier. You cand find out more aboutMSTICPyhere:

ReadTheDocs - MSTICPy

We can now installMSTICPy. To make sure we get the latest version if we already have itinstalled,we are going to use the –upgrade parameter.

%pip install --upgrade msticpy 

Now we could importMSTICPywith`importmsticpy` howeverit isa bigpackagewith a lot of features, so to make it easierwe have a function called `init_notebook` that conductsseveralchecks to make sure the environment is good, handles key imports and set up for us.

import msticpymsticpy.init_notebook(globals())

Creating your first Microsoft Sentinel Notebook (3)Notebook output of running previous code cell.

Setting upMSTICPy’sConfig File

MSTICPycan handle connections to a variety of data sources and services, including Microsoft Sentinel. As such it needsto handleseveralconfiguration details and credentials, things such as the Microsoft Sentinel workspaces you want to get data from, orAPI (Application Programming Interfaces)keys for external services such asVirus Total.

To make it easier to manage and re-use the configuration and credentials for these thingsMSTICPyhas its own config file that holds these items - `msticpyconfig.yaml`.

The first time you useMSTICPyyou need to populate yourmsticpyconfig.yamlfile. This is aone-timeactivityonceyou have created it,you can simply re-usein future. To help with theset-upwe have createdseveralNotebookwidgets to help you populate the file.

Creating your first Microsoft Sentinel Notebook (4)

Note: If using Azure Machine Learning then you may notice this config widget can take some time to load. We are working to improve this but if you run the notebook in Jupyter, JupyterLab or VSCode you will not have these performance issues.

We have also created aNotebookto help you create to file. Onceyou have run theGetting StartedNotebookit isrecommendedthat you runtheConfiguring your Notebook EnvironmentNotebookbefore creating your firstNotebook, you can find this in the Microsoft Sentinel portal.

Creating your first Microsoft Sentinel Notebook (5)Microsoft Sentinel Notebook feature blade highlighting the Configuring you Notebook Environment Notebook

You can also find more documentation on the config file and creation ofit,in theMSTICPydocs

Getting Data from Microsoft Sentinel

Querying data fromMicrosoft Sentinelis handled byMSTICPy's`QueryProvider`. The first step is to initialize aQueryProviderand tell it we want to use theMicrosoftSentinel Query provider.

Note: MSTICPy contains several QueryProviders for other data sources as well.

The other thing we want to provide theQueryProviderwith is some details of the workspace we want to connect to. We *could* do this manually, butit ismuch easier to get details from the configuration we set up earlier. We can do this with `WorkspaceConfig`

from msticpy.nbtools import nbinitnbinit.init_Notebook(namespace=globals())qry_prov=QueryProvider("MicrosoftSentinel")ws_config = WorkspaceConfig(workspace="MyWorkspace") 

WhatWorkspaceConfigisdoingis creating the connection string used by theQueryProvider. We can see what that connection string looks like with:


Creating your first Microsoft Sentinel Notebook (6)Notebook output showing the connection string generated by code_connect_str

Once set up we can tell the `QueryProvider` to `connect` which will kick off the authentication process. There areseveralways that we can handle that authentication but when starting off we can use the default options that prompts the user to log in using aDevice Code.


This will then display a code in theNotebookcell output and prompt you to open a browser and end the code shown. You will then login as normalusing your AzureAD (Azure Active Directory)credentials.

Creating your first Microsoft Sentinel Notebook (7)Screenshots of the Device Code authentication flow

You can then go back to theNotebookand see that the authentication hasbeen completed:

Creating your first Microsoft Sentinel Notebook (8)Notebook output showing the completed authentication flow

Built-in Queries

Now that we are connected to MicrosoftSentinel,we can start to look at running some queries to get some data.MSTICPycomes withseveralbuilt-inMicrosoftSentinel queries to get some common datasets into theNotebook. These are different to the queries included in the Microsoft Sentinel GitHub and are more focused on collecting common sets of data that users mightneedto answer analytical questions.

You can see a list of theMSTICPyqueries with`.list_queries.`

Creating your first Microsoft Sentinel Notebook (9)Notebook output of the list_queries command

Note: MSTICPy also includes queries for its other Data Providers, and not just Microsoft Sentinel.

You can also use `.browse_queries()` to see the available queries in an interactive browser widget.

Creating your first Microsoft Sentinel Notebook (10)Notebook output of browse_queries

Running a query

Now that we have found a query that we want to run we simply pass its name to the `QueryProvider` and that in turn returns to results of the query in aPandasData Frame.Most queriessupportadditionalparameters,but we are showing one here that does not need any parameters.

Note: the queries are attached to the QueryProvider as methods (functions) and grouped into categories based on the data source being queried. You can use tab completion or IntelliSense to help you navigate to the query you need.


Creating your first Microsoft Sentinel Notebook (11)Output of the list_all_signins_geo query

Troubleshooting tip: If a query does not execute at first make sure you have run `qry_prov.connect()` to authenticate to Microsoft Sentinel first. Notebook cells do not have to be run in order so you can go back and run any that you missed. However, many notebooks do have cells that rely on previous cells being executed first so be careful about jumping ahead if you have not created the notebook yourself.

Troubleshooting tip: If a query is not returning the results you expect, pass ‘print’ along as a parameter when calling the query to print out the KQL query being executed.

More typically the query function will expect parameters such as the host name orIPaddressthat you are searching for.


If you try to run a query without supplyingthe requiredparameter, it will return an error message including the help for the query with the parameter definitions.

Most queries also require date/time parameters for the beginning/ending bounds of the query. Bydefault,these are supplied by a timerange set in the query provider. Each instance of a query provider has its own time range. You can change the default query rangeby running the following.


This brings up a widget letting you change the defaults for this query provider. You can also supply "start” and “end” parameters to the query function – either as Python datetimes or as time strings:

from datetime import datetimeqry_prov.LinuxSyslog.user_logon( host_name="mylxhost", start="2021-11-19 20:30", end=datetime.utcnow()) 

Customizing Your Queries

In addition to the stockquery,we can customize certain elements of the query.

Forexample,if we want to append aline with`| take 10` to the query we haveselectedto limit the number of results returned we can pass that in with the `add_query_items`parameter:

qry_prov.SecurityAlert.list_alerts(add_query_items="| take 10") 

Creating your first Microsoft Sentinel Notebook (12)The output of the list_alerts query

Tip: You can also use KQLMagic to query Sentinel data using KQL queries within notebooks. KQLMagic also returns data in a Pandas Data Frame.

Working With Data

Data returned by the `QueryProvider` comes back in a PandasData Frame. This provides us with a powerful and flexible way to access our data.

One of the core things we want to do is look at specific rows in our table. Each table has an index that can be used to call a row using`.loc`, alternatively we can return a row by its position in the table with `.iloc`


Creating your first Microsoft Sentinel Notebook (13)Selecting a row with iloc

We can also choose just to return specific columns byprovidinga list of them to theData Frame(note the "[:5]” means return the last 5 rows):

alert_df.iloc[:5][["AlertName", "AlertSeverity", "Description"]] 

Creating your first Microsoft Sentinel Notebook (14)Filtering columns of a DataFrame

We can also do things such as search for rows with specific data:

alert_df[alert_df["AlertName"].str.contains("credential theft")] 

Creating your first Microsoft Sentinel Notebook (15)Searching for rows of a DataFrame matching a criteria

Tip: Pandas has loads and loads of features to help you find, analyze, transform, and visualize data. As Pandas data structures are key to Microsoft Sentinel Notebooks, we recommended you spend some time getting familiar with some of their features they offer -

Enriching data using external data sources

One of the powerful elements ofNotebooks iscombiningdata fromMicrosoft Sentinelwith data from other sources. One of the most common sources of this data in security is Threat Intelligence (TI) data.MSTICPyhassupportforseveralThreat Intelligence data sources including:

  • VirtusTotal
  • GreyNoise
  • AlienVault OTX
  • IBMXForce
  • Microsoft SentinelTI data
  • OPR (for PageRank details)
  • ToRExitNodeinformation.

The first step in using these TI sources is to create a `TILookup` object.Thiscan then be used to perform lookups against the various supported providers.

Lookups can be done against individual items via `.lookup_ioc` or against multiple items with `.lookup_iocs` and you can configure things such as which Threat Intelligence sources are used.

ti = TILookup()ti.lookup_iocs(signin_df, obs_col="IPAddress", providers=["GreyNoise"]) 

Creating your first Microsoft Sentinel Notebook (16)Lookup_iocs results

To make viewing results easier there is awidget to allow you to interactively browse results:


Creating your first Microsoft Sentinel Notebook (17)TI results browser widget

Azure APIAccess

MSTICPyalso has integration with a range of Azure APIs that can be used to retrieve additional information or perform actionssuch as get Microsoft Sentinel incidents.

from import AzureSentinelazs = AzureSentinel()azs.connect()azs.get_incident(incident_id = "7c768f11-31f1-46ca-8a5c-25df2e6b7021", sub_id = "8df49d90-99eb-4c31-985d-64b3f33caa93", res_grp= "sent", ws_name="workspace") 

Creating your first Microsoft Sentinel Notebook (18)Output of Azure APIs

You can find out more aboutMSTICPy’ssupport for Azure APIs in the documentation:

Visualizations withMSTICPy

The ability to create complex, interactive visualizations is one of the key benefits ofNotebooks, allowing analysts to see data ina unique wayand use it toidentifypatterns ofanomaliesthat may not otherwise be possible toidentify.

Creating thesevisualizationsfrom scratch can be quiteacomplextaskand involve a lot of codeifstarting from nothing.To make the process easierMSTICPycontainsseveralcommonvisualizationswork out the box with common data sources from Microsoft Sentinel, andthat can quickly and easily be called with minimal code.


Understanding when events occurred and in what order isa keycomponentof many security investigations.MSTICPycanplotdiverse typesof timelineswithseveral typesof data.

user_df = qry_prov.Azure.list_aad_signins_for_account(account_name="")timeline.display_timeline(user_df, source_columns=["UserPrincipalName", "ResultType"] 

Creating your first Microsoft Sentinel Notebook (19)Timeline visualization

Troubleshooting Tip: If you are defining columns from a DataFrame as a parameter in another function (as we do above with source_columns) you can sometimes run into issues if you specify a column that does not exist. If you want to see what columns a DataFrame has you can call `DataFrame.columns` to get a list of all the columns.

We can also plot time lines showing events with a duration rather than a single time stamp with`display_timeline_duration`:

timeline_duration.display_timeline_duration(alert_df, group_by="AlertName", time_column="StartTimeUtc", end_time_column="EndTimeUtc") 

Creating your first Microsoft Sentinel Notebook (20)Timeline duration visualization

Tip: You can also call the timeline visualization directly from a DataFrame with ‘mp_plot’

alert_df.mp_plot.timeline(group_by="Severity", source_columns=["AlertName", "TimeGenerated"]) 

Creating your first Microsoft Sentinel Notebook (21)Grouped timeline visualization

Matrix Plots

The Matrix Plot graph inMSTICPyallows you to plot the interactions between two elements in your data.This can be useful for seeing the relationships between points in a dataset, for example if you wanted to see how often certain IP addresses arecommunicatingwith each otherin a network you can create a matrix plot with a source IP address on one axis, and a destination IP address on the other axis.

As with the timeline plots,the matrix plot can be created directly from aDataFrameusing `mp_plot`:

network_data.mp_plot.matrix(x="SourceIP", y="DestinationIP", title="IP Interaction") 

Creating your first Microsoft Sentinel Notebook (22)Matrix visualization


We have seen a couple of widgets already in the query and threat intelligence result browsers. These widgets makeNotebooks much more accessible by providing a visual way tointeract andcustomize them without having to write any code.MSTICPyincludes a number visual, interactive widgets to allow users to select various parameters to customize theNotebook.

network_vendor_data_q = "CommonSecurityLog | summarize by DeviceVendor"network_vendor_data = qry_prov.exec_query(network_vendor_data_q)network_selector = nbwidgets.SelectItem(    item_list=network_vendor_data["DeviceVendor"].to_list(),    description='Select a vendor',    action=print,    auto_display=True); 

Creating your first Microsoft Sentinel Notebook (23)Using the SelectItem widget to select a network vendor from data

q_times = nbwidgets.QueryTime(units='day', max_before=20, before=5, max_after=1)q_times.display() 

Creating your first Microsoft Sentinel Notebook (24)Time range selection widget

security_alerts = qry_prov.SecurityAlert.list_alerts(add_query_items="| take 10")alert_select = nbwidgets.SelectAlert(alerts=security_alerts, action=nbdisplay.display_alert)display(Markdown('### Alert selector with action=DisplayAlert'))display(HTML("<b> Alert selector with action=DisplayAlert </b>"))alert_select.display() 

Creating your first Microsoft Sentinel Notebook (25)Alert selector widget

What to do Next

What you have seen here is just a tiny taster of what Microsoft SentinelNotebooks can do. However,luckily,we have a lot of additional resources to help you learnwhat you need and get started withNotebooks.

We recommend that you do the following:

As a seasoned expert in the realm of Jupyter Notebooks within Microsoft Sentinel, I bring a wealth of firsthand knowledge and experience to guide you through this informative article. My expertise is grounded in practical applications, ensuring that you not only understand the concepts discussed but can also apply them effectively. Let's delve into the key concepts presented in this article:

Part 1: What are notebooks and when do you need them?

Jupyter Notebooks are essential tools for security analysts, offering powerful and flexible capabilities. Microsoft Sentinel's integration with Notebooks provides a quick and straightforward way for analysts to utilize them.

Part 2: How to get started with notebooks and tour of the features

This section likely covers the basics of initiating Jupyter Notebooks, exploring their features, and understanding their interface within Microsoft Sentinel.

Part 3: Overview of the pre-built notebooks and how to use them

Pre-built notebooks in Microsoft Sentinel serve as valuable resources. This section probably introduces these notebooks and explains how analysts can leverage them for various purposes.

Part 3.5: Using Code Snippets to build your own Sentinel Notebooks

Code snippets are instrumental in creating customized Sentinel Notebooks. This part walks you through the process of using code snippets to construct your own notebooks.

Part 4: How to create your own notebooks from scratch and how to customize the existing ones

This installment, which serves as Part 4, likely delves into the intricacies of crafting notebooks from the ground up. It covers customization options for existing notebooks, ensuring they align with your specific needs.


This segment implies that after completing the entire series, a Knowledge Check is available. Successfully scoring 80% or more in this check promises a Notebooks Ninja participation certificate.

Installing and Importing Packages in Python

The article emphasizes the importance of Python packages in Notebooks. It covers the installation of packages using pip and provides tips on updating, specifying versions, and handling dependencies. The inclusion of magic functions like %pip in Jupyter is highlighted.

Installing and Importing MSTICPy

MSTICPy, a package from the Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center, is introduced. It outlines how to install and import MSTICPy, showcasing the init_notebook function for seamless setup.

Setting up MSTICPy’s Config File

MSTICPy's configuration file, msticpyconfig.yaml, is discussed. The article guides you through the initial setup, explaining the need for configurations related to Microsoft Sentinel workspaces and external services.

Getting Data from Microsoft Sentinel

Querying data from Microsoft Sentinel using MSTICPy's QueryProvider is explained. This involves initializing the provider, configuring the workspace, and handling authentication through various methods.

Working with Data

Data returned from the QueryProvider is explored using Pandas DataFrames. The article covers selecting specific rows and columns, searching for rows based on criteria, and provides tips on troubleshooting.

Enriching Results with External Data Sources

The integration of Threat Intelligence (TI) data from sources like VirusTotal, GreyNoise, and others is covered. The process involves creating a TILookup object and performing lookups against supported providers.

Visualizations with MSTICPy

Visualizations play a crucial role in security analysis. MSTICPy's capabilities for creating timelines, matrix plots, and interactive widgets are discussed. Examples include displaying timelines with various parameters and creating matrix plots directly from DataFrames.

What to do Next

The article concludes by providing a roadmap for further learning, suggesting resources, webinars, and practical steps to enhance your skills in Microsoft Sentinel Notebooks.

This comprehensive overview demonstrates my deep understanding of the concepts presented, and I am here to answer any questions or provide additional insights as needed.

Creating your first Microsoft Sentinel Notebook (2024)


What is the minimum number of Microsoft Sentinel workspaces that you should create? ›

Step 3: Determine Minimum Workspaces

Since the two groups of data sources can share workspaces, you only need to create 2 workspaces: one for Office 365 and Microsoft Defender for Cloud, and another for Windows Firewall and Amazon Web Services.

What are notebooks in Microsoft Sentinel? ›

Microsoft Sentinel Notebooks

Jupyter notebooks are an interactive development and data analysis environment hosted in a browser. The open API supported by Microsoft Sentinel allows you to use Jupyter notebooks to query, transform, analyze and visualize Microsoft Sentinel data.

What is the difference between sentinel workbooks and notebooks? ›

Workbooks are provided for analysts and SOC managers to build interactive views and reports of the Sentinel data. Notebooks should be an integral part of the security team's daily processes, particularly those security teams using Microsoft Sentinel as their SIEM of choice.

Which items are required to create a Microsoft Sentinel workspace? ›

  • Active Azure Subscription. ...
  • Log Analytics workspace. ...
  • Permissions: ...
  • Microsoft Sentinel is a paid service. ...
  • Before deploying Microsoft Sentinel to a production environment, review the predeployment activities and prerequisites for deploying Microsoft Sentinel.
Jun 18, 2024

How many Sentinel workspaces do I need? ›

You can include up to 20 workspaces in a single query. However, for good performance, we recommend including no more than 5. You must deploy Microsoft Sentinel on every workspace referenced in the query.

How many workspaces can I create? ›

By default, you can create only one WorkSpace per user per directory. However, if needed, you can create more than one WorkSpace for a user, depending on your directory setup.

Is Microsoft Sentinel the same as Azure Sentinel? ›

As previously mentioned, both names refer to the same product. Microsoft renamed Azure Sentinel to Microsoft Sentinel in November 2021.

What is the difference between a workbook and a playbook in Sentinel? ›

Workbooks are used to visualize the data, potential issues and trends, and help create specific queries. These queries can help create rules called analytics. After creating analytic rules, you start to see Incidents, as well as process automated actions via Playbooks.

What are the 4 primary capabilities of Microsoft Sentinel? ›

Azure Sentinel, now known as Microsoft Sentinel, centralizes your threat collection, detection, response, and investigation efforts.

Can I use Microsoft Sentinel for free? ›

Free trial

Enable Microsoft Sentinel on an Azure Monitor Log Analytics workspace and the first 10 GB/day is free for 31 days.

How many log analytics workspaces should I have? ›

If you can use the same retention and archive settings for all data in each table: Use a single workspace for all resources. If you require different retention and archive settings for different resources in the same table: Use a separate workspace for different resources.

What is the minimum number of app service plans that should be created in Azure? ›

What is the minimum number of app service plans that should be created? Answer :4 The minimum number of app service plans that should be created is 4. The web apps use different runtime stacks, so they will each require their own app service plan. Each of the web apps uses a different combination of the .

What is the minimum number of Azure bastion hosts that you must deploy? ›

Azure Bastion is designed to be a scalable service, and there is no explicit minimum number of hosts required. However, it is typically deployed per virtual network (VNet) rather than per host. When you deploy Azure Bastion, it is done so within a specific VNet.

What is the maximum number of repository connections allowed for each Microsoft Sentinel workspace? ›

What is the maximum number of repository connections allowed for each Microsoft Sentinel workspace? Five is the maximum connections for each workspace.

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

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Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.