Crispy Chicken Quesadilla Air Fryer Recipe : Easy To Make Yummy To Eat (2024)

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Crispy Chicken Quesadilla Air Fryer Recipe : Easy To Make Yummy To Eat (1)

Oh, how we love Mexican food! My whole family are huge fans of Mexican food of any kind at all and quesadillas are super high on the list of favorites. Quesadillas are always a “go-to” meal in our home because they are so quick, easy and filling!

This delicious Air Fryer Chicken Quesadilla comes together in just a few minutes with just a few ingredients. Perfect for fast dinners or a snack, they’re so easy for even kids to make on their own.

These Crispy Chicken Cheese Quesadillas can easily be made on a griddle, frying pan, or air fryer. The air fryer gives this quesadilla a lovely crispy goodness on the outside while doing a great job of melting the inside to warm gooey goodness.

This recipe is easy to make and when finished, you will have a wonderfully crispy chicken quesadilla that makes a great meal or afternoon snack. Add any toppings you like to make them your own!

Making quesadillas in the air fryer is open to many interpretations. It’s variation can completely depend on what is in your fridge, the size of your air fryer, and your own personal tastes.

Use my instructions as a guideline, have fun with it and go make it your own.

If you are looking for some other chicken air fryer recipes you can check out our Air Fryer Whole Chicken and our Air Fryer Chicken Fingers recipes for more dinner options the family will love.

You can use pre-made frozen fajita chicken like I did for this specific recipe or you can make your own shredded fajita chicken with store bought rotisserie chicken. They do come out better with the shredded chicken in my opinion, but for sake of time – I went the pre-made route.

Air Fryer Chicken Quesadilla Recipe

This specific recipe was created with the busy family in mind. I used a lot of pre-made items like frozen veggies and pre-packaged fajita strips.

When time allows, it’s just as easy to make these quesadillas with the fresh ingredients.

It does add a little to the time – but your own shredded cheese from a block of cheese and fresh veggies can make a big difference in the flavors!


Soft Taco Shells

Chicken Fajita Strips

1/2 cup sliced green peppers

1/2 cup sliced onions ( I use the frozen fajita blend)

Shredded Mexican Cheese

Vegetable oil

Salsa (optional)

Sour Cream (optional)


  • Some air fryers are more powerful than others and the top tortilla can often “fly” off during cooking. You can weigh the quesadilla down with a metal trivet/rack, or hold everything together with a few toothpicks.
  • Depending on the size of your air fryer and tortillas, cooking time may vary. Start checking on your quesadilla around 3 minutes.
Crispy Chicken Quesadilla Air Fryer Recipe : Easy To Make Yummy To Eat (2)

Air Fryer Chicken Quesadilla Recipe

This specific recipe was created with the busy family in mind. I used a lot of pre-made items like frozen veggies and pre-packaged fajita strips.

But when time allows I definitely prefer these quesadillas with the freshest ingredients.

It does add to the time – but fresh shredded cheese and veggies can make a big difference in the flavors!


  • Soft Taco Shells
  • Chicken Fajita Strips
  • 1/2 cup sliced green peppers
  • 1/2 cup sliced onions ( I use the frozen fajita blend)
  • Shredded Mexican Cheese
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salsa (optional)
  • Sour Cream (optional)
Crispy Chicken Quesadilla Air Fryer Recipe : Easy To Make Yummy To Eat (3)


1. Preheat Air Fryer on 370 for about 3 minutes.
2. Spray pan lightly with vegetable oil.
3. Place 1 soft taco shell in pan.

Crispy Chicken Quesadilla Air Fryer Recipe : Easy To Make Yummy To Eat (4)

4. Place shredded cheese on shell. (you can use as much or as little as you’d like.)

Crispy Chicken Quesadilla Air Fryer Recipe : Easy To Make Yummy To Eat (5)

5. Lay out fajita chicken strips so they are in a single layer.

Crispy Chicken Quesadilla Air Fryer Recipe : Easy To Make Yummy To Eat (6)

6. Put your onions and green peppers on top of your chicken.

Crispy Chicken Quesadilla Air Fryer Recipe : Easy To Make Yummy To Eat (7)

7. Add more shredded cheese.

8. Place another soft taco shell on top and spray lightly with vegetable oil and place an anchor over the top tortilla.

Crispy Chicken Quesadilla Air Fryer Recipe : Easy To Make Yummy To Eat (9)
Crispy Chicken Quesadilla Air Fryer Recipe : Easy To Make Yummy To Eat (10)

9. Set timer for 3 minutes and let the quesadilla cook. (You can set it for less time if you want to test out the level of crispiness, 4 minutes does make it pretty crispy!)
10. Flip over carefully with large spatula.
11. Spray lightly with vegetable oil and place rack on top of shell to hold it in place.
12. Set timer for another 3 minutes.
13. If it’s not crispy enough for you, leave in for a couple of extra minutes.

Crispy Chicken Quesadilla Air Fryer Recipe : Easy To Make Yummy To Eat (11)

14. Remove and cut into 4 slices or 6 slices.
15. Serve with Salsa and sour cream if desired.

Crispy Chicken Quesadilla Air Fryer Recipe : Easy To Make Yummy To Eat (12)
Crispy Chicken Quesadilla Air Fryer Recipe : Easy To Make Yummy To Eat (13)

Air Fryer Chicken Quesadilla

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 25 minutes

Easy to make and wonderful to eat! These chicken quesadillas are a healthier option and come our moist in the middle with a crunchy exterior.


  • Soft Taco Shells
  • Chicken Fajita Strips
  • 1/2 cup sliced green peppers
  • 1/2 cup sliced onions ( I use the frozen fajita blend)
  • Shredded Mexican Cheese
  • Salsa (optional)
  • Sour Cream (optional)
  • Simple Living XL 5L Air Fryer


Preheat Air Fryer on 370 degrees for about 3 minutes.

Spray pan lightly with vegetable oil.

Place 1 soft taco shell in pan.

Place shredded cheese on shell. (you can use as much or as little as you'd like.)

Lay outfajita chicken strips so they are in a single layer.

Put your onions and green peppers on top of your chicken.

Add more shredded cheese.

Place another soft taco shell on top and spray lightly with vegetable oil. ( I put the rack that came with the air fryer on top of the shell to hold it in place. If you don't, the fan will suck it up. Trust me on this one!)

Set timer for 4 minutes.

Flip over carefully with large spatula.

Spray lightly with vegetable oil and place rack on top of shell to hold it in place.

Set timer for 4 minutes.

If it's not crispy enough for you, leave in for a couple of extra minutes.

Remove and cut into 4 slices or 6 slices.

Serve with Salsa and sour cream if desired.


You can of course swap out the chicken with pulled pork or steak strips as well if you prefer!

How To Keep A Quesadilla From Flying Away In An Air Fryer

Many people have noted that when they were done cooking their quesadilla in the air fryer and opened it, they would find the quesadilla at the top of the air fryer! This is a common problem, so you are not alone if it happens to you.

Below are a few solutions for helping keep your quesadilla from flying around in your air fryer.

The easiest solution is to use the rack that your air fryer came with and place it on top of the quesadilla just before you are ready to cook it.

If your air fryer did not come with a rack – then there are a few other things you can try to use to keep the quesadilla from flying around.

1. A fork or knife
2. A trivet small
3. A small baking rack

Just remember to use caution when removing these items when you are done cooking your quesadilla as they will be hot! You should use tongs or an oven mitt to remove them! (Ask me how I know this!)

Crispy Chicken Quesadilla Air Fryer Recipe : Easy To Make Yummy To Eat (14)
Crispy Chicken Quesadilla Air Fryer Recipe : Easy To Make Yummy To Eat (2024)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.