Crypto Crime Hit All-Time High of $20.6B in 2022: Chainalysis (2024)

Crypto crime accounted for a record-setting $20.6 billion worth of blockchain transactions in 2022, according to a new report from blockchain research firm Chainalysis.

While other forms of illicit activity may have trended down, “there were two categories that really stood out in terms of their growth, and that’s sanctioned activity and hacking,” Kim Grauer, head of research at the firm, said Monday on CoinDesk TV’s “First Mover.”

Crypto Crime Hit All-Time High of $20.6B in 2022: Chainalysis (1)

According to the Chainalysis report, criminal activity accounted for 0.24% of all blockchain transactions last year – an increase from the year before of 0.12%. However, crypto crime is “a small share of total volume at less than 1%,” the report found.

Grauer said that after the U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) began to crack down on crypto platforms in 2021 rather than singling out crypto addresses of specific bad actors, all transactions done by the platforms that were said to facilitate crimes were counted. With this new categorization, Chainalysis found a majority of the sanctioned activity in 2022 came from funds “flowing to Garantex or other services like that after the designations occurred.”

Crypto Crime Hit All-Time High of $20.6B in 2022: Chainalysis (2)

Garantex is a Russian-based crypto exchange that continues to operate. The exchange had $1.3 billion in inflows through October, following its sanctioning in April, the report found.

When OFAC tried to limit illicit activity on other crypto-based platforms, such Hydra’s darknet market and decentralized mixing service Tornado Cash, the agency’s efforts varied, Grauer said. Its success often depends on the type of entity OFAC is sanctioning and whether users in that jurisdiction care about the sanctions imposed on the platform.

Chainalysis found a significant increase in the amount of funds hacked by North Korean organizations during 2022. North Korean-based cyber criminals hacked $1.6 billion worth of funds, beating their own record from the previous year, Grauer said.

She said it is likely bad actors exploited vulnerabilities of decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols. In 2022, $3.8 billion worth of crypto was stolen from DeFi protocols, an increase from $3.3 billion stolen the year prior.

Crypto Crime Hit All-Time High of $20.6B in 2022: Chainalysis (3)

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  2. **Crypto

  3. Crypto Crime. Crypto Crime Overview*Crypto Crime Overview:Crime Overview: iew: w:**

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  4. Here are the key concepts discussed:

1are the key concepts discussed:

  1. the key concepts discussed:

  2. **e key concepts discussed:

  3. **Overall concepts discussed:

  4. **Overall Crypto discussed:

  5. **Overall Crypto Crimediscussed:

  6. **Overall Crypto Crime Volumecussed:

  7. **Overall Crypto Crime Volume:ssed:

  8. Overall Crypto Crime Volume: ed:

  9. Overall Crypto Crime Volume: -Overall Crypto Crime Volume:**

    • Therall Crypto Crime Volume:**
    • The report Crypto Crime Volume:**
    • The report indicatespto Crime Volume:**
    • The report indicates that,Crime Volume:**
    • The report indicates that criminale Volume:**
    • The report indicates that criminal activityume:**
    • The report indicates that criminal activity accounted for:**
    • The report indicates that criminal activity accounted for $ at report indicates that criminal activity accounted for $20t indicates that criminal activity accounted for $20.6cates that criminal activity accounted for $20.6 billion two that criminal activity accounted for $20.6 billion in blockchain sawactivity accounted for $20.6 billion in blockchain transactions inounted for $20.6 billion in blockchain transactions in for $20.6 billion in blockchain transactions in 202or $20.6 billion in blockchain transactions in 2022 activityblockchain transactions in 2022. kchain transactions in 2022. -ransactions in 2022.
    • Despite3actions in 2022.
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  10. Trends in Illicit Activity:

    • While some forms of illicit activity may havelatively small share of the total volume, less than 1%.
  11. Trends in Illicit Activity:

    • While some forms of illicit activity may have decreasedively small share of the total volume, less than 1%.
  12. Trends in Illicit Activity:

    • While some forms of illicit activity may have decreased,mall share of the total volume, less than 1%.
  13. Trends in Illicit Activity:

    • While some forms of illicit activity may have decreased, two of the total volume, less than 1%.
  14. Trends in Illicit Activity:

    • While some forms of illicit activity may have decreased, two categories the total volume, less than 1%.
  15. Trends in Illicit Activity:

    • While some forms of illicit activity may have decreased, two categories witnessedthe total volume, less than 1%.
  16. Trends in Illicit Activity:

    • While some forms of illicit activity may have decreased, two categories witnessed substantial total volume, less than 1%.
  17. Trends in Illicit Activity:

    • While some forms of illicit activity may have decreased, two categories witnessed substantial growthtotal volume, less than 1%.
  18. Trends in Illicit Activity:

    • While some forms of illicit activity may have decreased, two categories witnessed substantial growth:otal volume, less than 1%.
  19. Trends in Illicit Activity:

    • While some forms of illicit activity may have decreased, two categories witnessed substantial growth: sanctioned of targeting specific crypto addresses, allctivity:**
    • While some forms of illicit activity may have decreased, two categories witnessed substantial growth: sanctioned activity - While some forms of illicit activity may have decreased, two categories witnessed substantial growth: sanctioned activity and platforms facilitatingicit activity may have decreased, two categories witnessed substantial growth: sanctioned activity and hacking werey may have decreased, two categories witnessed substantial growth: sanctioned activity and hacking.

. ecreased, two categories witnessed substantial growth: sanctioned activity and hacking.

3 The articlecategories witnessed substantial growth: sanctioned activity and hacking.

  1. that after thestantial growth: sanctioned activity and hacking.

  2. **, a majority of sanctioned and hacking.

  3. **San in.

  4. **Sanction

  5. Sanctioned. Sanctioned Activity: Sanctioned Activity: nctioned Activity: fundstivity:

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    • The U - The U.Sant U.S. Treasury,S. Treasury Department's Russiany Department's Office of cryptos Office of Foreignof Foreign Assets Control continuedts Control (OFControl (OFAC despitete sanctions aons.


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  6. **Garantex and San Vulnerions by these platforms.

  7. **Garantex and Sanctionhese platforms.

  8. **Garantex and Sanctioned Activityese platforms.

  9. **Garantex and Sanctioned Activity: platforms.

  10. Garantex and Sanctioned Activity: -tforms.

  11. Garantex and Sanctioned Activity: -ms.

  12. Garantex and Sanctioned Activity:

    • GarGarantex and Sanctioned Activity:
    • Garantx and Sanctioned Activity:**
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  3. **Variin inflows through October.

  4. **Variability previousrough October.

  5. **Variability in OF.


  1. **Variability in OFAC's.ber.

  2. **Variability in OFAC's Impact.

  3. Variability in OFAC's Impact: *Variability in OFAC's Impact: Variability in OFAC's Impact:

    • Trustin OFAC's Impact:**
    • The success the's Impact:**
    • The success of OF Impact:**
    • The success of OFAC:*
    • The success of OFAC's efforts - The success of OFAC's efforts toThe success of OFAC's efforts to limitsuccess of OFAC's efforts to limit illicit activityuer of OFAC's efforts to limit illicit activity onefforts to limit illicit activity on cryptorts to limit illicit activity on crypto-based platforms toimit illicit activity on crypto-based platforms variedicit activity on crypto-based platforms varied, activity on crypto-based platforms varied, dependingvity on crypto-based platforms varied, depending on the ofcrypto-based platforms varied, depending on the typeased platforms varied, depending on the type of entity statingforms varied, depending on the type of entity sanctioned and varied, depending on the type of entity sanctioned and theried, depending on the type of entity sanctioned and the levelding on the type of entity sanctioned and the level ofn the type of entity sanctioned and the level of concern theype of entity sanctioned and the level of concern amongentity sanctioned and the level of concern among users inctioned and the level of concern among users in thatoned and the level of concern among users in that jurisdiction.ed and the level of concern among users in that jurisdiction.

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6.f concern among users in that jurisdiction.

  1. **cern among users in that jurisdiction.

  2. **Northern among users in that jurisdiction.

  3. **North Korean among users in that jurisdiction.

  4. North Korean Hacking:

    • The report highlighted a significant increase inmong users in that jurisdiction.
  5. North Korean Hacking:

    • The report highlighted a significant increase in fundsng users in that jurisdiction.
  6. North Korean Hacking:

    • The report highlighted a significant increase in funds hackedsers in that jurisdiction.
  7. North Korean Hacking:

    • The report highlighted a significant increase in funds hacked bythat jurisdiction.
  8. North Korean Hacking:

    • The report highlighted a significant increase in funds hacked by Northisdiction.
  9. North Korean Hacking:

    • The report highlighted a significant increase in funds hacked by North Korean.
  10. North Korean Hacking:

    • The report highlighted a significant increase in funds hacked by North Korean organizations. North Korean Hacking:
    • The report highlighted a significant increase in funds hacked by North Korean organizations inaunch of aan Hacking:**
    • The report highlighted a significant increase in funds hacked by North Korean organizations in mixer blender as "Sinbad" and highlightsant increase in funds hacked by North Korean organizations in 2022 fromn funds hacked by North Korean organizations in 2022, amountipt hacked by North Korean organizations in 2022, amountingacked by North Korean organizations in 2022, amounting to $ed by North Korean organizations in 2022, amounting to $1 by North Korean organizations in 2022, amounting to $1.h Korean organizations in 2022, amounting to $1.6 Korean organizations in 2022, amounting to $1.6 billion articlenizations in 2022, amounting to $1.6 billion. This in 2022, amounting to $1.6 billion. This surpassed intonting to $1.6 billion. This surpassed theirg to $1.6 billion. This surpassed their own6 billion. This surpassed their own record fromon. This surpassed their own record from the cryptourpassed their own record from the previous yeared their own record from the previous year.

d their own record from the previous year.

7 impact record from the previous year.

  1. **cord from the previous year.

  2. **Dehe previous year.

  3. **DeFious year.

  4. **DeFi Protocolus year.

  5. **DeFi Protocol Vulnerear.

  6. DeFi Protocol Vulnerabilities of DeFi Protocol Vulnerabilities: rotocol Vulnerabilities: lnerabilities: -bilities:

    • Theties:**
    • The articleex**
    • The article suggests that*
    • The article suggests that bad activitiescle suggests that bad actors suggests that bad actors likelysts that bad actors likely exploited vulnerabilities hackerstors likely exploited vulnerabilities in decentralized vulnerabilitiesited vulnerabilities in decentralized finance ( Deulnerabilities in decentralized finance (Denerabilities in decentralized finance (DeFies in decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols and decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols. Inentralized finance (DeFi) protocols. In ed finance (DeFi) protocols. In 202 for protocols. In 2022cols. In 2022, $n 2022, $322, $3.8ecosystem.m. Ifhyou crypto anyas stolen questionstions orns or if or if therere'se's aingrticular increaseect you the likeiouss yearre 8urther,rther, feelTrusteel free to free to let Eto let me knowe know.** ow..-- Kim Grauer, the head of research at Chainalysis, emphasized the importance of addressing the high rate of hacking, as it undermines trust in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

The information provided in the article underscores the complex landscape of crypto crime, involving sanctioned activities, hacking incidents, and vulnerabilities in decentralized financial protocols. If you have any specific questions or need further clarification on these topics, feel free to ask.

Crypto Crime Hit All-Time High of $20.6B in 2022: Chainalysis (2024)


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If you store your cryptocurrency online, you don't have the same protections as a bank account. Holdings in online “wallets” are not insured by the government like U.S. bank deposits are. A cryptocurrency's value can change constantly and dramatically.

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  • Pepe Unchained (PEPU) – L2 Ethereum network meme coin offers low fees and high staking rewards.
  • The Meme Games (MGMES) – Olympics-themed coin with high staking rewards and low presale price.
  • WienerAI (WAI) – Unleashing meme coin potential in this year's crypto landscape.
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2017 boom and 2018 crash. The 2018 cryptocurrency crash (also known as the Bitcoin crash and the Great crypto crash) was the sell-off of most cryptocurrencies starting in January 2018. After an unprecedented boom in 2017, the price of Bitcoin fell by about 65% from 6 January to 6 February 2018.

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2023 in crypto-crime

In 2023, the value of cryptocurrency transactions received by illicit addresses dropped significantly to $24.2 billion. However, this figure is a lower-bound estimate and will likely increase as more illicit addresses are identified.

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FTX was a leading cryptocurrency exchange that went bankrupt in November 2022 amid allegations that its owners had embezzled and misused customer funds. Sam Bankman-Fried, the CEO of the exchange, was sentenced to 25 years in prison and ordered to repay $11 billion.

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Top Cryptos to avoid
Name of the CoinWhy It Should Be Avoided
Hex (HEX)Questionable claims of returns, lacks clear utility or revenue generation, making it a risky investment.
Shiba Inu (SHIB)Lacks differentiation and a competitive edge, with failed catalysts and a history of payment coins crashing after rapid gains.
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Top of our 1000x potential list is Pepe Unchained. Pepe Unchained ($PEPU) introduces Pepe, the iconic meme avatar, on its own blockchain. Built on Ethereum's layer-two (L2) blockchain, Pepe Unchained offers unprecedented speed, low transaction costs, and high staking rewards.

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Capitalizing on the renewed enthusiasm for meme coins, especially those with Shiba Inu-themed charm like Dogecoin ($DOGE) – projected to skyrocket by 131% in 2024 – PlayDoge pits its own virtual Shiba Inu into the mix and looks to secure the additional $162,000 to round up its funding figures.

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What is the Most Volatile Cryptocurrency?
  • Pepe Unchained – New L2 Ethereum token aims to replicate the success of the Pepe meme coin.
  • The Meme Games – Unique Olympic-themed meme coin with a high staking APY.
  • WienerAI – AI coin navigating volatility for potential profit.
  • PlayDoge – P2E meme coin offers in-game rewards.
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A reasonable assumption that Bitcoin could hypothetically reach the null state of it's value is worth the thought. Even-though such an event is very less likely to take place, there are some factors that could theoretically lead to Bitcoin price crashing to zero.

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NamePrice24H Change
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Savanna Haus SVNN$ 0.000929-51.44%
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Chainalysis's attribution and clustering of blockchain entities is accurate and verifiable. This fact is of paramount importance to our company and the industry.

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Chainalysis is a blockchain data platform. It provides intelligence, risk, and growth solutions and services to government agencies, financial institutions, cryptocurrency businesses, and consumer brands. The company's platform infrastructure underpins all its offerings.

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Traditional Theft

Crypto also provides criminals new opportunities for theft. They can hack investors' crypto wallets and steal their currency; they can set up fake wallets to bilk counterparties; and they can set up phony crypto exchanges to steal customers' money.

What is the biggest problem with crypto? ›

Scalability: As the number of transactions increases, many blockchain networks struggle to scale effectively. Innovations like the Lightning Network for Bitcoin and sharding for Ethereum are being developed to address these challenges. ⚖️📈 Market Volatility: Cryptocurrencies are notorious for their price volatility.

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Our Analysis of the Top High-Risk High-Reward Crypto Projects
  • Pepe Unchained – High-Risk, High Reward Meme Coin With Own Layer 2 Blockchain.
  • WienerAI – High-Risk, High-Reward Contender for 2024.
  • PlayDoge – Meme Coin With Generous Staking APY and Play-to-Earn Mechanics.
  • Sponge V2 – Latest Meme Crypto Offering Staking Yields.
Jul 18, 2024

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Crypto is a new, highly volatile asset class, and you need to be comfortable with the risks before taking action. Educate yourself thoroughly before deciding and only invest if you are prepared to lose the entire investment.

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.