Crypto Exit Strategy: 14 Ideas to Maximize Your Investment (2024)

Timing is everything when it comes to creating a crypto exit strategy — and this is especially true for cryptocurrency investors. Planning a crypto exit strategy is difficult in this volatile market, which can see swings like the one of Bitcoin from $20,000 in December to almost $65,000 in April 2021.

If you can’t control the timing of the market, you can take steps to ensure that your exit strategy delivers the highest possible return on investment. The best crypto exit strategy takes into account capital gains tax, other liquidity options, reinvestment strategies, and tax-exempt accounts to ensure that you don’t see your returns disappear overnight.

Unfortunately, there’s no crystal ball that can tell you when the best time to maximize your return and minimize your tax burden is. However, there are exit strategies and best practices that you can follow that will help avoid taxes and fees and make your exit as valuable as possible. Here’s where to start.

1. Hold for at least a year

Ideally, you will plan your exit after your crypto investment has made significant gains. However, note that the tax you pay on capital gains depends on how long you held the asset before selling it. Capital gains, including gains on crypto, are classified as either short or long-term and taxed at different rates accordingly.

Short-term gains tax is the same rate that you would pay on your ordinary income. Depending on your federal tax bracket, that can be up to 37% in 2021. Long-term capital gains tax applies to assets that have been held for more than one year. The tax rate is according to graduated thresholds for taxable income: 0%, 15%, or 20%. Most taxpayers who report long-term capital gains don’t pay more than 15%.

Bottom line: hold your crypto for at least a year to trigger the long-term capital gains tax rate, rather than see your investment disappear at the higher short-term capital gains tax rate.

2. Borrow using Aave or Compound

Aave is a decentralized finance protocol that allows you to lend and borrow cryptocurrency without going through a centralized third-party. When you lend money, you earn interest. Compound is a similar app that allows you to earn interest by providing assets to a shared liquidity pool or vice versa — you can borrow assets from that liquidity pool by posting collateral. Borrowings are paid back with interest.

Using AAVE or Compound for liquidity is a good alternative to selling a crypto asset. Interest rates tend to be relatively low — historically, 0.3-6% APY for the Compound USDC pool. You can borrow assets for a short period, pay a low-interest rate, and avoid paying any capital gains tax.

3. Use a combination of borrowing and holding for a better tax rate

If you are getting close to a year holding period, but you need to exit for liquidity, borrow from Aave or a Compound pool. Borrow for the duration of time, then repay your liquidity pool and complete your crypto exit strategy. This approach can help you reach the year deadline for a more favorable tax rate.

4. Take a write-off loss…and reinvest

If your crypto token price has dipped, consider selling the token to take the write-off loss. As long as you don’t have capital gains to offset the capital loss, you can use a capital loss as an offset to ordinary income up to $3,000 per year. Once you’ve written off the loss, rebuy the same token — crypto assets are currently not considered securities, so making this strategic move can help you maximize your investment potential.

5. Set up a charitable remainder trust

A charitable remainder trust (CRT) is a tax-exempt irrevocable trust that can reduce your taxable income. These trusts allow individual beneficiaries to draw a certain amount of income each year for a period of years or for their or multiple lifetimes and then donate any funds that remain in the trust to a designated charity.

Before you decide to sell your crypto assets, set up this structure so you can avoid paying taxes upfront and reinvest all of the money pre-tax. Here’s how this could work: imagine you had a cryptocurrency that you purchased for $0 and sold for $1 million. As a California resident, you would be obligated to pay 35% in long-term capital gains tax, leaving you with $650,000 to reinvest.

That’s a great result, but you could keep far more of your earnings by setting up a Charitable Remainder Trust. By setting up a trust, you can donate your $1 million. When the trust sells assets, it pays no taxes. This allows the trust to keep the entire $1 million available for reinvestment, rather than $650,000.

6. Take advantage of opportunity zones

An opportunity zone is designated by the IRS as an economic development tool to invest in distressed parts of the US. Opportunity zones aim to “spur economic growth and job creation in low-income communities while providing tax benefits to investors,” according to the IRS.

One crypto exit strategy could be to sell your assets and immediately reinvest the money into opportunity zones. There are a couple of benefits to this tactic. Those who invest in opportunity zones can elect to defer capital gains tax if they invest those gains amounts in a Qualified Opportunity Fund (QOF) — avoiding capital gains tax until they sell or exchange their QOF investment or Dec 31, 2026, whichever is earlier. Likewise, holding an investment in a QOF comes with additional tax benefits:

  • If the investor holds the QOF investment for at least 5 years, the basis of the QOF investment increases by 10% of the deferred gain.
  • If the investor holds the QOF investment for at least 7 years, the basis of the QOF investment increases to 15% of the deferred gain.
  • If the investor holds the investment in the QOF for at least 10 years, the investor is eligible to elect to adjust the basis of the QOF investment to its fair market value on the date that the QOF investment is sold or exchanged.

Opportunity funds are not only a good way to exit crypto without high taxes, but also a great way to invest in communities in need.

7. Use charitable deductions to write off realized gains

By taking charitable deductions from a charitable remainder trust and charitable lead annuity trust, you can write off your realized gains significantly. The IRS allows for up to 50% of adjusted gross income to be deducted for charitable donations.

Alternately, consider donating the appreciated cryptocurrency. When an appreciated asset is donated, the asset’s fair market value is the amount used to reduce taxable income. In addition, if the organization is a qualified charitable organization, you won’t pay capital gains tax.

8. Invest from a Roth IRA

A Roth IRA allows qualified withdrawals on a tax-free basis if certain conditions are satisfied. Because Roth IRAs are funded with after-tax dollars, the contributions are not tax-deductible. But, as soon as you start withdrawing funds, this money is tax-free. If you plan ahead, this means you can invest in crypto using funds from a Roth IRA account — making any returns you receive upon exit tax exempt.

Note, however, that there’s a limit to who is eligible to contribute to a Roth IRA. If you earn over a certain threshold, you are not allowed to add to a Roth IRA. According to the IRS, the limit in 2022 for single individuals is $144,000; for married couples filing jointly, the limit is $214,000.

9. Maintain all transaction records

The best crypto exit strategy is also one that is easy. Maintain files of all your transactions to make your tax preparation that much more straightforward. Transaction records can show how long you’ve held each asset, helping you and your tax prep team understand where you’re subject to long-term or short-term capital gains taxes. Remember, an exit strategy isn’t just about the numbers: it’s also about keeping good records and avoiding the attention of auditors.

10. Keep up to date with the Wash Sale rule

The Wash Sale rule is an IRS rule that seeks to eliminate transactions in which the trader sells a security to realize a tax-deductible loss, only to invest in an identical security within the following 30 days. Currently, cryptocurrency investments aren’t subject to the Wash Sale rule; however, the Build Back Better Act, currently under debate in Congress, is likely to eliminate the Wash Sale loophole for cryptocurrencies.

What does this mean for your crypto exit strategy? If you expect capital gains in 2021, consider harvesting crypto losses to reduce your capital gains liability. If you don’t have capital gains, realized losses can reduce up to $3,000 of ordinary income per year.

11. Offset capital gains and losses

Consider using your capital gains and losses to offset each other. For example, use losses in one investment to offset crypto gains and vice versa. Note that short-term losses first can reduce short-term gains, and long-term losses reduce long-term gains. After that, net losses of either can offset the other. If you have a net loss, this can reduce ordinary income up to $3,000.

12. Navigate income years

If your income dips and rises from year to year, consider timing your exit strategy to sell an appreciated crypto asset until a lower-income year. You may be able to take advantage of a lower tax rate if you are selling at the short-term capital gains tax rate (remember, this is taxed at ordinary income). Alternately, if you anticipate your income rising the following year, consider accelerating gains to enjoy lower capital gains rates. Running a multi-year income and tax projection is key to strategizing the best time to make your exit.

13. Reduce your overall income

Reducing income in the current year is always a solid tax strategy. Finding smart ways to invest in write-off business expenses. 401k plans, IRAs, HSA, or by making donations to charitable organizations can lower your overall tax burden. Work with experts to find specific deductions and credits that become available from year to year. Ultimately, these steps can help move you toward a lower tax bracket and maximize your ROI when you choose to exit.

14. Choose the right tax lot method

Practice tax-smart selling: use crypto accounting software to identify the best specific cost basis of each asset to sell. Treat your exit plan like any accounting decision, and use FIFO (first in, first out), HIFO (highest in, first out) or a specific lot as recommended.

For more tips to help you create the best crypto exit strategy, check out our Crypto Guide with tons of resources on setting up charitable remainder trusts and more.

Next Steps

Contact the team behind this tax planning business to go through your specific questions. We can help you out!

About Valur

We built a platform to give everyone access to the tax and wealth building tools of the ultra-rich like Mark Zuckerberg and Phil Knight. We make it simple and seamless for our customers to take advantage of these hard to access tax advantaged structures so you can build your wealth more efficiently at less than half the cost of competitors. From picking the best strategy to taking care of all the setup and ongoing overhead, we make it easy and have helped create more than $500m in wealth for our customers.

As an expert in cryptocurrency investment and taxation, I bring a wealth of knowledge and practical experience to guide investors through the complexities of creating a successful crypto exit strategy. I have actively participated in the cryptocurrency market, staying abreast of its volatile nature and mastering the nuances of maximizing returns while minimizing tax liabilities.

Concepts related to the Crypto Exit Strategy:

  1. Timing and Holding Period:

    • Holding crypto for at least a year triggers the long-term capital gains tax rate.
    • Short-term gains are taxed at ordinary income rates, which can be higher (up to 37% in 2021).
  2. Leveraging Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Platforms:

    • Utilizing platforms like Aave and Compound allows investors to borrow against their crypto holdings, providing liquidity without triggering capital gains tax.
    • Interest rates on these platforms are relatively low, making them an attractive alternative to selling assets.
  3. Combining Borrowing and Holding:

    • A strategy involving borrowing from DeFi platforms when nearing the one-year holding period, allowing for a more favorable tax rate.
  4. Write-off Loss and Reinvestment:

    • Selling a depreciated crypto asset to claim a capital loss, which can be used to offset ordinary income up to $3,000 per year.
    • Reinvesting in the same asset to maximize investment potential.
  5. Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT):

    • Establishing a CRT to donate crypto assets and reduce taxable income.
    • The trust sells assets tax-free, allowing for a complete reinvestment of the proceeds.
  6. Opportunity Zones:

    • Investing in designated opportunity zones to defer capital gains tax and potentially increase the basis of the investment.
  7. Charitable Deductions:

    • Using charitable deductions from trusts to write off realized gains significantly.
    • Donating appreciated cryptocurrency to qualified charitable organizations to avoid capital gains tax.
  8. Roth IRA Investments:

    • Investing in crypto through a Roth IRA to enjoy tax-free withdrawals under certain conditions.
  9. Transaction Record Maintenance:

    • Keeping detailed transaction records to facilitate tax preparation and demonstrate holding periods.
  10. Wash Sale Rule:

    • Monitoring potential changes in tax regulations, such as the potential elimination of the Wash Sale loophole for cryptocurrencies.
  11. Offsetting Capital Gains and Losses:

    • Strategically using capital gains and losses to offset each other, considering short-term and long-term distinctions.
  12. Navigating Income Years:

    • Timing the exit strategy based on variations in income levels to optimize tax rates.
  13. Reducing Overall Income:

    • Implementing strategies to lower overall income, including deductions, contributions to retirement accounts, and charitable donations.
  14. Choosing the Right Tax Lot Method:

    • Implementing tax-smart selling by using accounting methods like FIFO, HIFO, or specific lot identification.

These concepts collectively contribute to a comprehensive crypto exit strategy, ensuring investors make informed decisions to safeguard their returns in the volatile crypto market while optimizing their tax positions.

Crypto Exit Strategy: 14 Ideas to Maximize Your Investment (2024)


Crypto Exit Strategy: 14 Ideas to Maximize Your Investment? ›

Exit by Cycle

The crypto market commonly moves in cycles, with periods of rise followed by decline. To maximise profits, you can plan your crypto exit strategy by selling at the cycle's peak. Pros: The strategy minimises the risk of loss when the asset's price drops.

What is the best exit strategy in crypto? ›

Exit by Cycle

The crypto market commonly moves in cycles, with periods of rise followed by decline. To maximise profits, you can plan your crypto exit strategy by selling at the cycle's peak. Pros: The strategy minimises the risk of loss when the asset's price drops.

What is the most profitable crypto strategy? ›

  1. HODL. HODL is a crypto trading strategy where investors buy and hold onto their cryptocurrencies for the long term, regardless of short-term market fluctuations. ...
  2. Scalping. ...
  3. Arbitrage. ...
  4. Day trading. ...
  5. HFT Trading. ...
  6. Range Trading. ...
  7. Crypto New issues. ...
  8. Moving average crossover.
Mar 31, 2024

What is the best exit strategy for trading? ›

Popular exit strategies include stop-loss orders to limit losses, take-profit orders to lock in gains, trailing stop-losses to capture profits in trending markets, using technical indicators to identify reversal points and time-based exits.

How do you maximize profit in crypto? ›

Maximizing Profits: Effective Day Trading Strategies in Crypto
  1. Choose the Right Coins. ...
  2. Leverage Small Position Sizes. ...
  3. Use Limit Orders. ...
  4. Trade During Peak Volatility. ...
  5. Follow the Momentum. ...
  6. Use Technical Analysis. ...
  7. Manage Risk and Emotions. ...
  8. Maintain Detailed Records.
Mar 17, 2024

What is the simplest exit strategy? ›

Liquidating assets and ceasing operations is the simplest exit strategy, involving selling off assets and settling debts without transitioning the business to new ownership.

What is the best cash out strategy for crypto? ›

Crypto Exit Strategy: 14 Ideas to Maximize Your Investment
  • Hold For At Least A Year.
  • Borrow Using Aave Or Compound.
  • Use A Combination Of Borrowing And Holding For A Better Tax Rate.
  • Take A Write-off Loss… ...
  • Set Up A Charitable Remainder Trust.
  • Take Advantage Of Opportunity Zones.

Which is the most profitable cryptocurrency? ›

Bitcoin has always been the top choice for investors trading cryptos for profit. It has also been the highest-profit crypto, reaching a record high of $68,000 in November 2021 and again in March 2024.

Which crypto will make you millionaire? ›

Top 10 Cryptos to Hold Become a Millionaire in 2025💥
  • Bitcoin: Bitcoin needs no introduction as the pioneer of cryptocurrencies and the flagship digital asset. ...
  • Ethereum: ...
  • Binance Coin: ...
  • Cardano: ...
  • Solana: ...
  • XRP: ...
  • Polkadot: ...
  • Chainlink:
Mar 23, 2024

Which coin will reach $1 in 2024? ›

Conclusion. In the dynamic landscape of cryptocurrency, these ten coins, including TRON, Shiba Inu, Astar, Kaspa, Dogecoin, Stellar, Kava, Polygon, Cronos, and VeChain, present diverse potentials for reaching the $1 milestone in 2024. Investors keen on penny cryptos have a spectrum of options to explore.

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One of the simplest and most widely known fundamental strategies is value investing. This strategy involves identifying undervalued assets based on their intrinsic value and holding onto them until the market recognizes their true worth.

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One of the ways beginners can implement the most profitable trading strategies effectively is by embracing the buy-and-hold strategy. This involves researching companies with solid fundamentals and stable earnings, then holding their stocks for a long time without being swayed by short-term market fluctuations.

How do you make $100 a day trading cryptocurrency? ›

If you're new to crypto day trading, here's what you need to know to make money. The most effective way to make $100 a day with cryptocurrency is to invest approximately $1000 and monitor a 10% increase on a single pair. This approach is more realistic than investing $200 and tracking a 50% increase on the pair.

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Take steps to manage your risk and place your trade

To help manage this risk, you can set a stop-loss level in the deal ticket. If triggered, the stop-loss will automatically close your position and cap your risk. To lock in any profits if the market moves in your favour, you can also enter a limit level.

What is the best way to withdraw crypto? ›

One of the easiest ways to cash out your cryptocurrency or Bitcoin is to use a centralized exchange such as Coinbase. Coinbase has an easy-to-use “buy/sell” button and you can choose which cryptocurrency you want to sell and the amount.

What is a good stop loss for crypto? ›

In this example, the stop price is 10% below the purchase price of BTC. This is a common percentage to use for stop-loss orders in crypto, as the market is known to be volatile. However, the exact percentage you use will depend on your individual risk tolerance and investment goals.

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Best Trading Strategies for a Crypto Bull Market
  1. Buy and Hold. ...
  2. Momentum Trading. ...
  3. Swing Trading. ...
  4. Short-term Trading Strategy: Scalping. ...
  5. Leverage Trading. ...
  6. Go Long in the Futures Market. ...
  7. Stake Crypto to Earn High APYs.
Jun 26, 2024

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Prediction: Bitcoin will reach an all-time high in Q4 2024, driven by political changes and regulatory optimism.

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.