Crypto: gambling by disguise | Paul Delfabbro (2024)

There is a paradox for crypto researchers, its touted as the best new investment where you can make 100 times your contribution. And whilst some large firms and investors have entered the market the majority are uninitiated retail investors betting big from their smartphones. But this looks like gambling, argues psychology professor Paul Delfabbro. We need clarification just what people are doing with crypto, are people betting big on the future of the internet or simply gambling in a new form on their phones.

Whatever your viewpoint, there is no question that cryptocurrency is here to stay and the industry is rapidly growing. In many ways, the activity has become almost a symbol and argument point that sits at the juncture of many current political debates about centralisation; privacy; and the best ways to store and transfer value between individuals. On the hand, for people such as me who work in the field of psychology, cryptocurrency is another risk-taking behaviour which needs to be investigated so we can understand how this technology affects consumers. Part of this involves understanding how to classify it. Is it a form of gambling, speculative trading or a form of investment?

At a broad level, crypto purchasing shares much in common with other forms of speculative trading as well as gambling. People stake something of value usually money on an outcome which is uncertain and this is a key element of gambling. People hope that the price of the coins or tokens will appreciate rapidly and lose money when the tokens go down in price. However, Bitcoin is also an asset which has appreciated considerably in price over the last decade in a systematic way from a few dollars, to a few hundred dollars to as high as $US69,000 in 2021. Even now as I write this article, the price is over $23,000 which is almost eight times higher than its lows in as little as three years ago. It is immediately evident that crypto-currency is something of a paradox. Some elements appear to imply gambling and high-risk speculation; others would point to an appreciating asset class which has massively outperformed gold over the last 15 years. To me, this is what makes this area particularly fascinating, hard to classify, and a topic of continual interest to crypto enthusiasts and researchers. It is therefore perhaps instructive to explain why it potentially could sit in each of these categories, or perhaps at the juncture of all three.

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Let’s start with gambling. For something to be classified as gambling, it is usual for the outcomes to be largely governed by chance. Is this the case with crypto? There is no question that, amidst the crypto mania of 2021 people were throwing large amounts of money into “meme coins” and speculative projects about which they knew little. Meme coins (e.g., Dogecoin) are tokens which usually do not have any fundamental use, but which are marketing based on their catchy name or motif (e.g., often cute animals such as dogs and cats). To the extent that this behaviour is often based on limited research, a high chance of win or loss, it looks like gambling (the price often follows a characteristic “crash and burn” curve).

Little seems to separate this behaviour from putting money on a random unresearched horse in a race. But even here, we need to apply some qualifications and point out some differences from conventional wagering. An important difference is that much of the price action in crypto is driven by social media. Speculative meme tokens are not only “pumped” and “hyped” by social media influencers, but they often have their origins in social media. Indeed, alert meme token “investors” can learn that there is a potential strategy for gaining an edge on other buyers.

Hint and information about the drop of a new token is often introduced on social media platforms such as Discord, Telegram or Reddit. So, if one was: (a) a member of these communities or a frequent visitor and (b) alert to see that tokens with larger “communities” probably have a ready market, there are arguably potential strategies which can be used to pick which meme coins to buy early. In this sense, it is probably not possible to say that the crypto market is entirely chance-driven, but it would be true that the majority of people who speculate on meme coins probably do not engage in any research. For them, it is effectively a form of gambling.


Crypto-currency markets differ from conventional markets is that they run 24 hours per day and on weekends. This encourages people to engage with the activity during times when they probably should be sleeping


However, if crypto is not always gambling, then it is probably nearly always speculative investment. Crypto prices often move in tandem with speculative stocks and most notably the NASDAQ index, particularly when there is economic uncertainty (e.g., in 2022). Even Bitcoin which has demonstrated its resilience and ability to rise from numerous mainstream media deaths over the last decade, is highly volatile. It can lose 80% or more of its value in bear markets and this means that anyone with a short-time investment horizon can experience deleterious impacts on their financial wellbeing. Other coins and tokens commonly lose 90-99% of their value in bear-markets and the majority either disappear or become worthless.

While experienced swing traders place orders at the rise and fall of prices, scooping out gains based on the analysis of resistance and support levels, candles and lines, the everyday retain investor is probably unprepared for the barrage of information confronting them in this market. Prices move rapidly and unexpectedly; new projects are entering and existing the market all the time; and people are confronted with the over-abundance of choice. Social media is awash with thumbnails from influencers who are encouraging them to buy tokens which are touted to increase by 100X.

Crypto-currency markets differ from conventional markets is that they run 24 hours per day and on weekends. This encourages people to engage with the activity during times when they probably should be sleeping. Those who engage in the activity report spending a lot of time watching the charts and the balance of their portfolios which can fall as much as 40% in a few days, even in a bull-market. In these times, it will be possible to watch many token prices making parabolic rises, so there is a continual awareness of potential missed opportunities. At the same time, crypto holders must confront their own decisions about when to sell when their own token starts to rise rapidly. This situation creates a great deal of psychological tension that builds upon well-known psychological principles relating to people’s anticipated regret following decisions.

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This work shows that people experience more regret for things they do (acts of commission) (e.g., selling) than acts of omission (e.g., failing to buy), but both actions seem to be strongly in force in crypto markets. In effect, this encourages people to jump into tokens which have rising prices or not sell when they are well ahead. An issue of concern is that such biases are known to be present in gambling and even more so in people classified as having problems with gambling; and cryptocurrency appears to be correlated with both variables in studies which we (and others) have undertaken. For this reason, I believe that problems with crypto will be an increasing issue which will be confronting help-services currently designed to help people with gambling problems.

Despite all these qualities, cryptocurrency is nonetheless emerging as an emerging asset class that is being given some attention by serious and large-scale institutional investors. For these people, it is an investment and not just a form of short-term speculation. This serious side to crypto in a way highlights some of the greatest and most interesting paradoxes. Here we have a class of activity that is highly volatile, full of scams and questionable operators, which attracts some of the most impulsive and speculative form of financial activity in any market. However, the movement of these markets over a longer period has proved to be highly predictable. Bitcoin follows a 4-year cycle in which its value appears to increase rapidly after its halving (when the rewards from mining are halved). Those who know this buy in the bear markets in between and then sell when the market rises. Such people must subject themselves to years of poor price action, project collapses, endless negative news (“Bitcoin is dead”) in the mainstream media and quite often the scorn of friends and family.

The great irony is that the very qualities which seem to be absent in the stereotypical depiction of crypto trading (patience, reliance and long-term perspective) appear to be the main strategy for success in these markets. Those who buy Bitcoin when there is only gloom in the market and who sell when the price of Bitcoin is making the news are adopting the strategy of the long-term investor. For these reasons, it could therefore be argued that cypto investing as practised by those who have been successful over many years and who continue to remain in the market are investors and not speculators. Cryptocurrency therefore has the curious distinction of being able to be classified under all three headings. It is always speculative (Bitcoin is always under regulatory attack); often looks like gambling, but it is clearly a long-term investment for many people.


We have a class of activity that is highly volatile, full of scams and questionable operators, which attracts some of the most impulsive and speculative form of financial activity in any market


What does this mean? To my mind, the mainstream media does a great disservice to the community in much of what is written about cryptocurrency. Simplistic references to Dutch tulip mania; Rolex-wearing crypto-billionaires; the lack of inherent value of crypto-tokens; the falling price of Bitcoin, fails to capture the complexity and diversity of this emerging asset class. There are many who have done very well in this market and many reasons why it is likely to continue to succeed. However, there is clearly a need to educate and assist the unwary retail investor. Most people who enter this market do so when the price parabolas are getting close to their peak. As a result, even when they see and believe that they are making money, they are more likely than not just exist liquidity for those who are exiting the market. Risks arise because people are not psychologically prepared for the pace and intensity of these markets. There is no time to plan a strategy to get in and then out of the market.

Instead, they become like gamblers placing all of their stake often on a single occasion. If the token goes up rapidly, they experience the early win reinforcement effect of the lucky gambler and this encourages further and often larger stakes. If it goes down, they wait to see if it will rise again even though it can sink to zero. Volatility is often seen as the attractive feature of this market, but it is also greatest challenge to people’s financial decision-making and psychological stamina. It plays on every human emotional and cognitive weakness: people’s greed; their FOMO (fear of missing out); their inability to stop when they are ahead; and, tendency to sell at a loss due to their fear that low prices signal the complete collapse of the asset. On top of this, there is psychological and social risks: the time spent studying the charts, often even in the early hours of the morning; and the often false believe that others (most notably family members and partners) share the same interest in the up and down movement of highly volatile assets.

In my view, there is a clear need for more balanced and informative reporting of this asset class. Some of this should include discussion of longer-term and safer strategies that should be applied to investing, particularly as this asset class grows in popularity. Particular points to emphasise include: understanding of the market cycles; investment strategy; safe storage; the importance of knowledge about the risks and scams; research and fundamentals; and, how to make sense of, and block out, a sea of information that may not always have the best interests of consumers at heart.

As someone deeply immersed in the world of cryptocurrency and its psychological implications, I find the intersection of technology, finance, and human behavior to be a fascinating realm of study. My extensive background includes not only a comprehensive understanding of the technical aspects of various cryptocurrencies but also a profound grasp of the psychological nuances that underlie the actions of individuals in this dynamic market.

Let's delve into the key concepts presented in the article:

  1. Crypto as an Investment Paradox: The article rightly points out the paradoxical nature of cryptocurrency. On one hand, it's touted as a high-return investment opportunity, while on the other, it often exhibits characteristics reminiscent of gambling. This duality is what makes cryptocurrency both intriguing and challenging to categorize definitively.

  2. Classification Challenges: The author raises an important question about the classification of cryptocurrency. Is it a form of gambling, speculative trading, or a legitimate investment? This highlights the need for a nuanced understanding of crypto activities, considering the diverse behaviors within the market.

  3. Gambling Aspect: The article discusses how certain crypto behaviors, particularly those related to meme coins and speculative projects, resemble gambling. The unpredictability, limited research, and high-risk nature of these investments align with traditional gambling patterns.

  4. Speculative Investment: Cryptocurrency is frequently compared to speculative trading, especially given its high volatility. The correlation with traditional speculative stocks and market indices, such as the NASDAQ, further emphasizes its speculative nature. Short-term investment horizons and the potential for substantial losses underscore the speculative aspect.

  5. Psychological Tension and Decision-Making: The psychological aspect of cryptocurrency investment is explored, emphasizing the emotional toll on investors. The constant monitoring of portfolios, rapid price movements, and the fear of missing out (FOMO) contribute to decision-making challenges and heightened psychological tension.

  6. Institutional Interest: Despite its speculative and sometimes gambling-like elements, cryptocurrency is gaining attention from serious institutional investors. This underscores its emergence as a legitimate asset class, further complicating its classification.

  7. Long-Term Investment Strategy: The article highlights the irony that successful crypto investors often adopt a long-term perspective, a strategy that contradicts the stereotype of impulsive and speculative trading. This long-term view is attributed to an understanding of market cycles, such as Bitcoin's four-year cycle.

  8. Media Representation and Education: A crucial aspect of the article addresses the role of mainstream media in misrepresenting cryptocurrency. The call for more balanced and informative reporting emphasizes the need for educating retail investors about longer-term and safer investment strategies.

In conclusion, the article provides a nuanced perspective on the multifaceted nature of cryptocurrency, incorporating both financial and psychological dimensions. It calls for a more informed approach to reporting and education to mitigate risks and enhance understanding in this rapidly evolving space.

Crypto: gambling by disguise | Paul Delfabbro (2024)


Can you write off crypto gambling losses? ›

As stated by the IRS, "you may deduct gambling losses only if you itemize your deductions on Schedule A (Form 1040) and kept a record of your winnings and losses. The amount of losses you deduct can't be more than the amount of gambling income you reported on your return.

Is crypto gambling legal in the US? ›

In the US, the federal government does not have laws explicitly outlawing or legalizing gambling with Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. That said, gambling is heavily regulated at the state level with most states having laws that make gambling with crypto either illegal or heavily restricted.

Can crypto be considered as gambling? ›

Buying cryptocurrency can be both an investment and a form of speculation or gambling, depending on how you approach it. When you invest in cryptocurrencies with a long-term strategy, based on research, analysis, and understanding of the technology and market trends, it's considered an investment.

Is crypto a good investment? ›

Most financial experts recommend limiting crypto exposure to less than 5% of your total portfolio. Crypto is considered a high-risk asset class. Limiting allocation helps manage overall volatility and risk. Those new to crypto investing may start with 1% to 2% as an introduction.

How does the IRS know if you won money gambling? ›

Depending on the amount you win and the kind of wager you place, you may receive a Form W-2G reporting your winnings to both you and the IRS. You are required to report your winnings even if you don't receive a Form W-2G.

Will I get audited for gambling losses? ›

Failure to report gambling winnings can draw IRS attention, especially if the casino or other venue reported the amounts on Form W-2G. Claiming large gambling losses can also be risky. You can deduct these only to the extent that you report gambling winnings (and recreational gamblers must also itemize).

Do you need a license for crypto gambling? ›

There are no specific laws that mention that offering players the option to wager cryptocurrency requires a gambling license or that this business is illegal. Therefore, it is neither officially allowed nor prohibited.

What are the risks of crypto gambling? ›

Without proper security measures in place, users risk losing their funds or falling victim to identity theft or other cyberattacks. False advertising: some crypto gambling platforms engage in false advertising and misleading practices to attract users, promising unrealistic returns or bonuses that may not materialise.

Can I cash out crypto in USA? ›

Use an exchange to sell crypto

One of the easiest ways to cash out your cryptocurrency or Bitcoin is to use a centralized exchange such as Coinbase. Coinbase has an easy-to-use “buy/sell” button and you can choose which cryptocurrency you want to sell and the amount.

Is cryptocurrency allowed in Christianity? ›

In terms of what the Bible says about it, obviously there aren't any specific scriptures about cryptocurrency.

Does crypto count as income? ›

The IRS treats cryptocurrencies as property for tax purposes, which means: You pay taxes on cryptocurrency if you sell or use your crypto in a transaction, and it is worth more than it was when you purchased it. This is because you trigger capital gains or losses if its market value has changed.

Who regulates crypto trading? ›

A digital asset is classified as a “digital commodity” and is regulated by the CFTC if the blockchain network to which a digital asset relates is both “functional” and certified as “decentralized.” Any person (whether or not related to the network's development) may certify an asset's status as a digital commodity.

Do you owe money if your crypto goes negative? ›

Despite the risks involved, shorting crypto has advantages, making it a high-risk, high-reward strategy. So, answering if a crypto goes negative, do you owe money? You may have to pay the buyer to sell if the crypto value goes negative when you sell off the bought cryptocurrency.

How much to invest in Bitcoin to become a millionaire? ›

While this is a lower-bound scenario, we can use it as a baseline to show what it takes for investors to become Bitcoin millionaires. Assuming an annualized return of 30%, one would need to invest roughly $85,500 annually for five years to hit millionaire status. Over 10 years, this number falls to around $18,250.

Should I trust crypto? ›

Cryptocurrencies are still largely unregulated

If a platform that exchanges or holds your crypto assets goes bankrupt, there's a risk you could lose all your capital. Similarly, your assets could be at risk if an exchange holding your crypto is hacked by criminals.

Can I write off my gambling losses on my taxes? ›

If you itemize deductions, you can deduct your gambling losses for the year on line 27, Schedule A (Form 1040). Your gambling loss deduction cannot be more than the amount of gambling winnings. It is important to keep an accurate diary or similar record of your gambling winnings and losses.

Can you claim a crypto tax loss? ›

If your crypto asset is lost or stolen, you can claim a capital loss if you can provide evidence of ownership. You need to work out whether: the crypto asset is lost. you have lost evidence of your ownership.

Can crypto losses offset income tax? ›

No, crypto capital losses cannot be carried back to offset gains from previous years. They can only offset gains in the same year or be carried forward.

Are crypto expenses tax deductible? ›

These fees, while often small, can add up over time. Now, wouldn't it be nice if you could deduct those fees from your taxes? Since the IRS treats cryptocurrency as property for tax purposes, crypto fees are tax deductible.

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.