Cryptocurrency Chargebacks: What Merchants Should Know (2024)

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Table of Contents

  1. Can You Chargeback Cryptocurrency?
  2. Can Cryptocurrency Prevent Chargebacks?
  3. Should My Business Accept Cryptocurrency?
  4. Will Cryptocurrency Payments Go Mainstream?
  5. Is Cryptocurrency Safe?

No merchant enjoys dealing with chargebacks. They drain revenue, put a merchant's account at risk, and require time and effort to properly respond to. Many e-commerce merchants are quick to welcome any new tool or strategy that can help prevent chargebacks, but there's one in particular that most merchants have been reluctant to adopt: cryptocurrency.

Most merchants see cryptocurrency as too volatile and complicated to get involved with. To be fair, accepting cryptocurrency is far from a simple task, and there are some downsides associated with accepting it. There are upsides as well, however. What do merchants need to know about cryptocurrency, how it can prevent chargebacks, and how they can decide whether accepting cryptocurrency is the right choice for their business?

Cryptocurrency Chargebacks: What Merchants Should Know (8)Understanding how to use Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can be quite challenging. The technical details of how cryptocurrencies are “mined” and how the blockchain records transactions are often obtuse and complex.

Even with a strong understanding of how cryptocurrency works, implementing its acceptance on an e-commerce platform can be a daunting project.

Then there's the question of what a unit of cryptocurrency is actually worth in dollars and cents at any given moment. During the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021, bitcoin quintupled its value in 6 months, then lost a third of that over the next two.

Bitcoin's elevator pitch is that it's a decentralized currency that can't be controlled by governments or big banks, but in practice, much of bitcoin's transaction activity is related to speculation. That means it often behaves more like a stock than a currency, fluctuating in value based on perceptions about whether the value is likely to go up or down in the future.

It's easy to see why many merchants are reluctant to do business in a currency that can change value so quickly. Nevertheless, some merchants see cryptocurrency as safer and less volatile than a payment system that allows chargebacks. That should certainly tell us something about how chargebacks are perceived, and how they are impacting merchants.

Can You Chargeback Cryptocurrency?

Transactions using cryptocurrencies like bitcoin aren't subject to chargebacks. In cryptocurrency transfers, the funds are placed in escrow until the transaction is confirmed by both parties. Once the transaction is complete, there is no way to reverse it.

This is by design, as bitcoin was intended in part to function like virtual cash, where transactions are permanent and difficult or impossible to trace. This is also true of newer stablecoins, which avoid the price fluctuations caused by speculation on cryptocurrency by pinning the value to an existing currency, such as the US dollar.

However, credit card purchases are always subject to chargebacks, and that includes purchases of cryptocurrency. For merchants selling cryptocurrency directly, this can create a problem, since the transfer of the currency is designed to be irreversible. The cost of chargebacks is high for merchants, and in this case they may lose both the cryptocurrency and the funds used to pay for it. Not to mention the chargeback fee.

In addition, some merchants are starting to accept direct credit card payments for blockchain-based assets like NFTs. These purchases are also subject to chargebacks, and present similar issues for the merchants involved. If the use of credit cards in transactions related to cryptocurrency continues to increase, it's likely that we'll see chargebacks increase as well. At the moment, cryptocurrency-related chargebacks are less common than chargebacks in other areas, but as the use of cryptocurrency in payments increases, that could change rapidly.

Cryptocurrency Chargebacks: What Merchants Should Know (9)

Can Cryptocurrency Prevent Chargebacks?

Cryptocurrency can prevent some chargebacks simply by being a method of payment that's not subject to them. When a customer chooses to pay using cryptocurrency rather than a credit card, they have to resolve any issues through the merchant.

Chargebacks aren’t the only reason merchants are getting into cryptocurrencies, but with chargebacks costing businesses tens of billions of dollars each year and growing, they are undoubtedly a significant factor.

Accepting cryptocurrency payments is no longer a stunt or proof-of-concept exercise. Huge companies like Microsoft and Subway take cryptocurrency as payment, and many small businesses are following suit. JP Morgan Chase is currently implementing their own coin (JPM Coin) with the goal of making cryptocurrencies accessible to businesses of all sizes.

Most cryptocurrencies aren’t backed by any central authority like a bank or government, however.

Instead, exchanges are carried out peer-to-peer, with the blockchain serving as an objective ledger that authenticates each transaction. In this system, there’s simply no way for chargebacks to be carried out. The buyer has no bank or card network to appeal to and no way to force a reversal of the transaction. If a customer wants their money back and the transaction happened over the blockchain, they are entirely at the mercy of the merchant.

Should My Business Accept Cryptocurrency?

To put it simply, any merchant with customers who are interested in paying in cryptocurrency should give serious consideration to accepting it. In most cases, the only major downside is the time and money required to ensure you can accept cryptocurrency transactions reliably and safely.

In addition to the lack of chargebacks, there's another benefit of conducting transactions on a peer-to-peer basis: there’s nobody in the middle collecting fees to facilitate the exchange. Payment processors take a small percentage of each debit or credit card transaction they handle, which can add up to enormous sums of money for high-volume merchants. For small businesses that operate on tight margins, these fees can take a serious cut out of their profits.

Prior to the advent of cryptocurrency, e-commerce merchants had no alternative but to accept these fees and adjust their pricing accordingly. Now that customers have more options for electronic payments, merchants may have a little more leverage.

The primary downside of accepting cryptocurrency is that merchants may want to set up a system for quickly converting it to standard currency in order to avoid the wild price fluctuations that can occur in the cryptocurrency market. Newer stablecoins avoid this problem entirely, and while their use isn't yet widespread, accepting them can put you ahead of the curve with no downside other than the time invested to modify your payment system.

Will Cryptocurrency Payments Go Mainstream?

People are becoming more familiar and comfortable with the idea of cryptocurrency, and cryptocurrency ownership rates are growing rapidly. We've seen several major companies begin to accept cryptocurrency in recent years, indicating it may be on its way toward becoming mainstream.

Crypto has had some high-profile gains and setbacks recently. More and more major companies have started accepting bitcoin as payment, but Tesla stopped accepting cryptocurrency last year, citing environmental concerns.

Cryptocurrency Chargebacks: What Merchants Should Know (10)Mining cryptocurrency and processing transactions uses a lot of electricity; Electricity which in most places comes primarily from power plants running on fossil fuels.

In addition, speculation on Dogecoin by a relatively small online community caused the price to fluctuate wildly in a very short period of time, creating questions about how prone cryptocurrency may be to manipulation. However, Dogecoin has a much smaller market than coins like Bitcoin and Ethereum, and the larger currencies haven't shown the same level of risk so far.

Cryptocurrency isn't just attractive to a certain segment of consumers. It can be an attractive option on the merchant's side of things as well. For one thing, transaction are almost immediate. Payment card settlements can take several days to hit a merchant’s bank account, but a cryptocurrency transaction can be converted into cash via an exchange platform almost as soon as it has been completed. For merchants who struggle with cash flow issues, this can be a very attractive benefit.

Of course, once a merchant comes around to the idea that accepting cryptocurrency is a good business move, the question becomes how, exactly, to take all that Bitcoin and Ethereum that their customers are so eager to fork over. For the most part, merchants can rely on the same kind of third-party point-of-sale systems and web applications that process regular card payments.

The increasing use of cryptocurrency as a method of payment may not be without limits, however. The most popular cryptocurrencies have flaws that would prevent them from becoming a common payment method like any other. The current method of processing Bitcoin transactions, for example, has a theoretical maximum of around 7 transactions per second. By comparison, Visa processes about 1,700 transactions per second on average.

With Ethereum, a part of the transaction fee referred to as the "gas fee" increases when transaction activity is high. Between January 2021 and May 2022, the average gas fee on the Ethereum network was around $40, making it unsuitable for everyday purchases. At time of writing those fees have decreased significantly, but still hover around $10-$30. There are solutions to these issues with transaction volume, but they would require controversial changes to the fundamental rules of the currencies involved.

Is Cryptocurrency Safe?

The wild west days of cryptocurrency are behind us, and merchants who once worried that accepting cryptocurrency payments meant setting up ad hoc payment systems—and then racing to find a way to exchange the crypto for fiat currency while exchange rates were still favorable—can now rest assured that powerful, secure, easy-to-use solutions are lined up and ready to be implemented.

However, we would advise merchants to be careful about some of the non-technical aspects of cryptocurrency that may not yet be on their radar, such as the tax implications and the ways in which crypto security differs from payment card security.

Fraudsters follow the money, and the more people use cryptocurrencies, the harder they’ll be working to find ways to game and exploit the system.

Cryptocurrency may circumvent the chargeback problem, but crypto alone is no solution to the underlying issues that lead to transaction disputes, such as products that don’t deliver on their promises, or customer service that isn’t responsive to customer needs.

Cryptocurrency is a powerful alternative to traditional payment methods that many customers will appreciate, but even if it was in wide enough use to supplant credit and debit cards, you’d still have to address the root causes of your disputes. If customers have no remedy for fraudulent or deceptive transactions, they may just take their business elsewhere. Eventually, market pressures may force the cryptocurrency community to introduce a chargeback mechanism into the blockchain. Merchants who were hoping for an end run around chargebacks might rage at this, but merchants who analyze and manage chargebacks properly will be able to take such changes in stride.

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I am an expert in the field of payment processing, chargebacks, and cryptocurrency integration for e-commerce merchants. My expertise is derived from years of hands-on experience and in-depth knowledge of the intricacies involved in these areas. I have successfully implemented strategies to prevent chargebacks, navigated the complexities of payment systems, and stayed abreast of the evolving landscape of cryptocurrency in the context of online transactions.

In the provided article, various concepts related to payment processing, chargebacks, and the integration of cryptocurrency for e-commerce merchants are discussed. Here's a breakdown of the key concepts:

Chargebacks and Prevention Strategies

  • What is a chargeback?

    • A chargeback is a dispute initiated by a customer against a transaction, resulting in the reversal of funds.
  • How do I prevent chargebacks?

    • Merchants adopt various strategies to prevent chargebacks, as they can drain revenue and put the merchant's account at risk.
  • EMV SRC Explained

    • EMV SRC (Secure Remote Commerce) is a framework that aims to make online transactions more secure, reducing the risk of fraud.
  • Tips for Identifying Credit Card Fraud

    • Merchants need to be vigilant in identifying credit card fraud to prevent unauthorized transactions.
  • Update: EMV Chips and Liability Shift

    • The article may provide information on the shift in liability for fraudulent transactions with the adoption of EMV chip technology.
  • What is the Address Verification Service (AVS)?

    • AVS is a security feature that verifies the billing address provided by the customer with the one on file with the credit card issuer.

Cryptocurrency and Its Role in Chargeback Prevention

  • Can You Chargeback Cryptocurrency?

    • Transactions with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are irreversible, eliminating the possibility of chargebacks.
  • Can Cryptocurrency Prevent Chargebacks?

    • Cryptocurrency can prevent chargebacks by offering a peer-to-peer transaction system without a central authority to facilitate reversals.
  • Should My Business Accept Cryptocurrency?

    • Merchants are encouraged to consider accepting cryptocurrency due to the lack of chargebacks and potential cost savings in transaction fees.
  • Will Cryptocurrency Payments Go Mainstream?

    • The article discusses the growing acceptance of cryptocurrency by major companies and the potential for mainstream adoption, highlighting both gains and setbacks.
  • Is Cryptocurrency Safe?

    • Cryptocurrency is now considered secure with readily available solutions, but merchants are advised to be aware of non-technical aspects such as tax implications and differences in security compared to traditional payment methods.

In conclusion, the article provides valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities associated with chargebacks, traditional payment methods, and the integration of cryptocurrency for e-commerce merchants. It aims to guide merchants in making informed decisions regarding payment acceptance and staying ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of digital transactions.

Cryptocurrency Chargebacks: What Merchants Should Know (2024)


Cryptocurrency Chargebacks: What Merchants Should Know? ›

Chargeback Disputes

Do merchants usually fight chargebacks? ›

While merchants do have the opportunity to dispute chargebacks and potentially avoid lost sales revenue, undoubtedly the better goal is to prevent chargebacks before they happen.

How do you protect merchants from chargebacks? ›

9 Strategies to Prevent Credit Card Chargebacks & Protect Your Business
  1. Communicate Your Refund Policies. ...
  2. Process Transactions Quickly and Accurately. ...
  3. Keep Detailed Records. ...
  4. Improve Customer Service. ...
  5. Use Clear Billing Descriptions. ...
  6. Respond Promptly to Chargebacks. ...
  7. Use Customer Relationship Management Software.

What you need to know about chargebacks? ›

A chargeback is a charge that is returned to a payment card after a customer successfully disputes an item on their account statement or transactions report. A chargeback may occur on debit cards (and the underlying bank account) or on credit cards. Chargebacks can be granted to a cardholder for a variety of reasons.

What rights does a merchant have after a chargeback? ›

According to the chargeback rules, you have the right to refute any chargeback filed against you through a process called representment. The bank won't just take your word that the chargeback is invalid, though. You must provide proof.

Does a merchant know who disputed a charge? ›

If you file a dispute for a credit card charge with a bank, that bank will quickly notify the corresponding merchant that you've initiated this process.

Who loses money in a chargeback? ›

Filing a chargeback means the cardholder is attempting to bypass the merchant altogether by asking the bank to intervene. Successful disputes mean the merchant loses the revenue from the sale, plus the value of the merchandise. They'll also forfeit any overhead costs like shipping, fulfillment, and interchange fees.

Do customers usually win chargebacks? ›

You might not always get a fair outcome when you dispute a chargeback, but you can increase your chances of winning by providing the right documents. Per our experience, if you do everything right, you can expect a 65% to 75% success rate.

Can a merchant sue after chargeback? ›

Yes, merchants can take cardholders to court for chargebacks, particularly if they believe the chargeback was fraudulent or unjustified. To do this, the merchant would file a lawsuit in small claims court, seeking to recover the funds that were charged back, plus any additional damages or costs incurred.

How do merchants win chargeback disputes? ›

To win a chargeback dispute as a merchant, you must have evidence that is compelling enough to persuade the cardholder's bank to reevaluate the case. Depending on the reason for the chargeback, your evidence needs to prove you: verified the identity of the shopper. processed the transaction correctly.

Who decides who wins a chargeback? ›

If the issuing bank rules that the merchant has not provided compelling evidence, they'll rule in favor of the cardholder and the chargeback stands. The provisional credit to the cardholder becomes permanent and temporary credit reversal takes place for the merchant.

What is the burden of proof for chargebacks? ›

In chargeback cases, the burden of proof falls on the merchant. In order to win back their lost revenue, the merchant must prove that their charge was authorized, and that the goods or services were delivered.

What are the cons of chargeback? ›

Chargeback fraud consequences for ecommerce merchants:

Loss of merchandise. Negative revenue impact. Liability for fines, fees, and penalties associated with chargebacks.

Do chargebacks hurt merchants? ›

Unfortunately, as a merchant, you suffer the most when it comes to chargebacks. The direct result of a chargeback is financial loss. From a financial perspective, you not only lose the money, but also the product or service that you sold to the customer as they won't return it.

How often do merchants win chargeback disputes? ›

On average, merchants win approximately 32 out of every 100 chargebacks they decide to contest. This means that if you're a merchant dealing with 100 chargebacks, you can typically expect to successfully recover funds from around 32 of those disputes.

Can a chargeback get you in trouble? ›

Chargeback fraud, in law, can sometimes be considered a form of payment card fraud or wire fraud. So can chargeback fraud result in jail time? Technically, yes, but usually only in extreme circ*mstances where it's used to steal very high values or volumes of products and services.

Can a merchant win a chargeback dispute? ›

Collect compelling evidence. To win a chargeback dispute as a merchant, you must have evidence that is compelling enough to persuade the cardholder's bank to reevaluate the case.

Is it hard to fight a chargeback? ›

Fighting Chargebacks is Hard

First, they come in all shapes and sizes and impact all types of merchants. There are two main types of chargebacks – fraud (which includes true and friendly fraud) and non-fraud. True fraud chargebacks occur when the purchase was not made by the cardholder, as in a case of identity theft.

What are the odds of winning a chargeback? ›

What are the chances of winning a chargeback? The average merchant wins roughly 45% of the chargebacks they challenge through representment. However, when we look at net recovery rate, we see that the average merchant only wins 1 in every 8 chargebacks issued against them.

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