Cryptocurrency, Is It A Security, Currency Or Asset? (2024)

Cryptocurrency, Is It A Security, Currency Or Asset? (3)

Labels are important in the financial world because they help regulators know how to fit something into the existing framework — or if they should create a new category.

Sensible regulation has the potential to strengthen the entire industry, offering greater clarity for law enforcement and protection for investors. It’s essential for governments to put adequate controls in place for any disruptive new technology, so it’s not used for crime. Ultimately, regulators dictate the future of the industry.

But to regulate something, you need to know which box to put it in.

The US. Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) recently declared cryptocurrencies to be a commodity, which usually means it intends to regulate them in the same way as physical commodities.

Putting something in one category implicitly excludes it from other categories.

By declaring cryptocurrencies to be a commodity, the CFTC indirectly asserted that they’re not a currency, investment vehicle, or anything else. It’s clear the debate is far from over.

Cryptocurrencies are complex because different people use and regard them in different ways, and regulatory rulings don’t change that, in the same way calling a platypus a mammal doesn’t stop it laying eggs.

Let’s delve further into this definition debate to understand why the boundaries between each can blur at times.

This means all units are treated as interchangeable. Although commodities vary in quality, they each tend to be regarded as a market in itself.

Into this category fall raw materials (such as metal ores), precious metals like gold and silver, agricultural products (like coffee and sugar), and other resources.

Thousands of years ago, people used commodities like salt as money. They have value because they can be used for practical purposes. Commodities can be traded on exchanges, where supply and demand set the price.

The CFTC may have defined cryptocurrencies as a commodity because the individual units are interchangeable and have the same core properties for anyone who uses them. If you regard Bitcoin as ‘digital gold’, this makes sense.

On paper, this would seem like the most appropriate category.

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are, after all, designed to be currencies and can be used to make purchases from merchants that accept them.

In its simplest form, a currency is a medium of exchange which is fungible, divisible, transferable, portable, and scarce.

If something has those qualities, we can use it as a currency.

It’s sometimes said that cryptocurrencies are not currencies because they’re not backed by governments. But that’s confusing currency with legal tender.

Anything can act as a currency if it has the right properties and people use it as such. And, although volatility is impractical for a currency, price stability isn’t a requirement.

Currencies like the Dollar and Euro can function as commodities — traders buy and sell them to profit from exchange rate fluctuations. So if you use a euro to buy a sandwich it’s a currency, but if a trader sells that same euro on an exchange it’s a commodity. Commodities can, as we’ve seen, act as currencies too. There’s a clear overlap between the two categories.

Ownership of a security can pass between people, with the owner always receiving the profit or loss. Into this category fall financial products that don’t represent tangible assets, including stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.

For example, when you buy a stock you make money if it rises in value, and lose if it drops. Although it represents a piece of a company, it’s not a physical piece.

So, why doesn’t Bitcoin count as a security, in the eyes of regulators?

The key distinction is that it’s decentralised and no one controls it, whereas securities are released by a central authority.

Regulating cryptocurrencies as securities would be problematic because there’s no one to comply with the rules usually imposed on issuers.

Cryptocurrencies are not backed by anything other than trust.

ICO tokens are, however, mostly counted as securities if they’re released by one company and function similarly to stocks. This means the organisers need to follow the disclosure rules applied to securities. The SEC ruled that Ethereum and Ethereum tokens are not securities.

It has been suggested that cryptocurrencies are simply a whole new category because they’re not quite like anything else. If that’s the case, regulators will need to treat them as unique instead of looking for a home in the existing frameworks.

Seeing as each new cryptocurrency has slightly different intentions and technical details, they may need to be considered on a case-by-case basis and slotted into a few categories.

The world is rarely black and white, and there’s no single answer to the question of what cryptocurrencies are — not yet anyway.

Yet it’s this versatility that offers such great opportunities for a diverse range of people.

For a migrant worker sending money to their family without heavy transfer fees, it acts as a currency.

For an investor looking to diversify their portfolio, it acts as a commodity or security.

For a developer working to improve the Bitcoin network as a hobby, it might be seen merely as software.

These groups of people and numerous others all stand to benefit in their own ways.

As the industry continues to evolve, we expect this question to come up many more times and we’ll continue discussing it at Luno.

Now, over to you.

Do you define cryptocurrencies as a currency, commodity, security, or something else?

Do you think regulators should fit them in one blanket category, or adjust it depending on use?

Let us know what you think or reach out on social media — we’d love to hear your thoughts.

Cryptocurrency, Is It A Security, Currency Or Asset? (2024)


Cryptocurrency, Is It A Security, Currency Or Asset? ›

A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency secured by cryptography, which makes it nearly impossible to counterfeit or double-spend. Many cryptocurrencies are decentralized networks based on blockchain technology—a distributed ledger enforced by a disparate network of computers.

Is crypto an asset or security? ›

Gensler's statement reflects the SEC's long-held view that many cryptocurrencies and digital assets are securities under U.S. law.

Is crypto an asset class or currency? ›

Crypto assets are a digital representation of value that you can transfer, store, or trade electronically. This also includes non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Crypto assets are a subset of digital assets that use cryptography to protect digital data and distributed ledger technology to record transactions.

What is the classification of crypto? ›

Answer: There are about nine types of cryptocurrencies. They include utility, exchange, payment, security, stablecoins, DeFi tokens, NFTs, and asset-backed tokens. These categories are based on several things, including the formulation or code, application or use case, and functioning of the cryptocurrency.

Is crypto technically a currency? ›

Virtual Currency

A digital representation of value used as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, or a store of value, but does not have legal tender status in the United States. Cryptocurrencies are considered to be virtual currencies.

Why is cryptocurrency not a security? ›

The Securities and Exchange Commission's primary theory on whether a cryptoasset is a security appears to be based upon whether the blockchain project associated with a cryptoasset is, at any point in time, “sufficiently decentralized.”[2] If so, the cryptoasset is not a security.

Does crypto fall under security? ›

Howey Co., 328 U.S. 293 (1946))—a financial instrument such as a crypto asset will be considered an “investment contract,” and therefore a “security,”[2] where there is: an investment of money (which could include, for example, an investment of fiat currency or cryptocurrency)

Why is crypto not an asset? ›

Other asset classes are derivatives of the above. The “market” determines what these assets are worth on a given day, but they are real things that have value independent of what the market says they are worth at a particular moment. Not so with crypto. When you buy crypto, you own nothing.

What happens if crypto is a security? ›

If crypto is deemed a security, it would mean that it would be subject to the same regulations as other securities. This could mean that crypto exchanges would need to register with the SEC, and that investors would need to comply with certain regulations when trading digital assets.

What are crypto assets called? ›

Crypto assets Overview

They are commonly known as cryptocurrencies such as Litecoin, Ripple, Bitcoin, and Ethereum. With crypto assets, you will need to use cryptographic techniques to access digital assets. It will act as a medium of exchange for all financial transactions.

How is cryptocurrency classified in accounting? ›

Key impacts. There is no specific US GAAP on crypto assets. Most crypto assets meet the definition of, and are therefore accounted for as, intangible assets.

What are the three categories of cryptocurrencies? ›

In total, there are three big types of cryptocurrencies - Bitcoin, altcoins, and tokens.

What is the difference between Bitcoin and cryptocurrency? ›

Therefore, Bitcoin is a form of cryptocurrency and is bound by the environment in which cryptocurrency operates, called a blockchain. Data is stored on a digital ledger, where all validated transactions are protected. Individuals can prove their ownership of crypto with their private keys.

What does crypto count as? ›

The IRS classifies cryptocurrency as property or a digital asset. Any time you sell or exchange crypto, it's a taxable event. This includes using crypto used to pay for goods or services. In most cases, the IRS taxes cryptocurrencies as an asset and subjects them to long-term or short-term capital gains taxes.

Is Bitcoin a currency or not? ›

Bitcoin (BTC) is a cryptocurrency, a virtual currency designed to act as money and a form of payment outside the control of any one person, group, or entity, thus removing the need for third-party involvement in financial transactions.

What is the difference between crypto and currency? ›

Cash is issued by a government. Crypto is not. Crypto isn't controlled by an individual, institution, or any other authority. Instead, it's managed by blockchain technology and verified by all its users on the network.

What classifies a crypto as a security? ›

A security token is a form of cryptocurrency. It represents fractions of assets that have real value such as equity, a company, real estate, etc. In essence, security tokens owners have a stake in an asset. Owners receive a share from the profits of the asset; like owning stock from the company.

What is the difference between an asset and a security? ›

A security is a financial instrument, typically any financial asset that can be traded. The nature of what can and can't be called a security generally depends on the jurisdiction in which the assets are being traded.

What is the difference between a currency and a security? ›

Simply put, a currency is a store of value, unit of account, and medium of exchange, while a security is a tradable financial asset that has monetary value.

Is crypto a risky asset? ›

The risk of loss for individual investors who participate in transactions involving crypto assets, including crypto asset securities, remains significant. The only money you should put at risk with any speculative investment is money you can afford to lose entirely. Investors should understand that: 1.

Is Ethereum considered a security? ›

Ethereum co-founder says ether not a security, compares it to oil after regulator claims.

Is Ethereum a security or commodity? ›

Ether has long been treated as a commodity by state and federal regulators, including the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).

What asset is cryptocurrency backed by? ›

Like the U.S. dollar and most other fiat currencies, Bitcoin isn't backed by physical assets in a vault, but instead by its value as a mode of payment.

Why is Bitcoin an asset and not a currency? ›

Summary. A currency can transact directly without being referenced to a market price. Cryptocurrency is not currency. The more crypto gets used for transactions the more selling pressure there is on crypto.

Why are banks against cryptocurrency? ›

Banking regulators' recent speeches, guidance and policy statements have made their stance on cryptocurrency clear: digital assets are a threat to the safety and soundness of the banking industry, and banks should proceed with caution.

Is crypto a security or commodity? ›

‍The classification of cryptocurrencies and digital assets as either commodities or securities is critical because it impacts how they are regulated. Generally, securities are more highly regulated than commodities. Commodities are taxed more favorably than securities.

Is crypto safer than real money? ›

Cryptocurrencies may be more secure than other types of currency, and riskier in others. Before buying or selling crypto, you'll want to be aware of potential scams and other pitfalls to look out for.

What makes an asset a security? ›

Generally, if an investment of money is made in a business with the expectation of a profit to come through the efforts of someone other than the investor, it is considered a security.

What is the oldest crypto asset? ›

Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency created and is now the most valuable and well-known. It was first launched in January 2009 by a computer programmer or group of programmers under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, whose actual identity has never been verified.

How do you explain cryptocurrency to a beginner? ›

Cryptocurrency is digital money that doesn't require a bank or financial institution to verify transactions and can be used for purchases or as an investment. Transactions are then verified and recorded on a blockchain, an unchangeable ledger that tracks and records assets and trades.

Can cryptocurrency be converted to cash? ›

You can use a crypto exchange like Coinbase, Binance, Gemini or Kraken to turn Bitcoin into cash. This may be an easy method if you already use a centralized exchange and your crypto lives in a custodial wallet. Choose the coin and amount you'd like to sell, agree to the rates and your cash will be available to you.

How is cryptocurrency reported on balance sheet? ›

So, when you buy Bitcoin or Ether, you should add it to your balance sheet at its fair market value on the date you bought it. Here, you'll need to debit your assets account. Likewise, if you bought Bitcoin or Ether with a fiat currency, you'll need to credit your cash account for the purchase price.

What type of currency is Bitcoin? ›

Since its creation in 2009, Bitcoin (BTC 0.14%) has become a revolutionary digital currency. Because it enables peer-to-peer payments without a third party (like a bank), it has set off a tidal wave of other cryptocurrencies and digital assets making use of blockchain technology.

What are the most popular 4 types of cryptocurrency? ›

Let's look at the top 15 cryptocurrencies by market cap at the time of writing this article (July 2022).
  • Bitcoin (BTC) Market cap: $372.3 billion. ...
  • Ethereum (ETH) Market cap: $128.9 billion. ...
  • Tether (USDT) Market cap: $66.1 billion. ...
  • USD Coin (USDC) ...
  • Binance Coin (BNB) ...
  • Binance USD (BUSD) ...
  • Cardano (ADA) ...
  • XRP (XRP)

Who invented cryptocurrency? ›

Dorian Nakamoto

In a high-profile 6 March 2014 article in the magazine Newsweek, journalist Leah McGrath Goodman identified Dorian Prentice Satoshi Nakamoto, a Japanese American man living in California, whose birth name is Satoshi Nakamoto, as the Nakamoto in question.

What is the opposite of cryptocurrency? ›

cash-reliant. Noun. ▲ Opposite of a form of digital currency that is decentralized. fiat money.

What is the difference between stocks and crypto? ›

Purpose. Speaking of exchanging value, many cryptocurrencies were designed as transactional cryptocurrencies, which means that they are meant to be a sort of digital currency or coin. On the other hand, when one purchases a stock, they are buying a fractional ownership share in the issuing company.

Where does cryptocurrency come from? ›

Units of cryptocurrency are created through a process called mining, which involves using computer power to solve complicated mathematical problems that generate coins. Users can also buy the currencies from brokers, then store and spend them using cryptographic wallets.

Do you have to declare crypto on taxes? ›

You must report income, gain, or loss from all taxable transactions involving virtual currency on your Federal income tax return for the taxable year of the transaction, regardless of the amount or whether you receive a payee statement or information return.

Do I need to report crypto on taxes if I lost money? ›

Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin are treated as property by the IRS, and they are subject to capital gains and losses rules. This means that when you realize losses after trading, selling, or otherwise disposing of your crypto, your losses offset your capital gains and up to $3,000 of personal income.

What are the IRS rules for cryptocurrency? ›

The IRS generally treats gains on cryptocurrency the same way it treats any kind of capital gain. That is, you'll pay ordinary tax rates on short-term capital gains (up to 37 percent in 2023, depending on your income) for assets held less than a year.

What are the two types of cryptocurrency? ›

While many cryptocurrencies share a blockchain-based infrastructure, there are some striking differences between them. Generally speaking, cryptocurrency can be clustered into two distinct categories: coins and tokens.

What is the US dollar backed by? ›

Today, like the currency of most nations, the dollar is fiat money, unbacked by any physical asset. A holder of a federal reserve note has no right to demand an asset such as gold or silver from the government in exchange for a note.

Why is crypto good as currency? ›

A cryptocurrency is a digital currency based on a network that is scattered across a huge number of computers. The decentralized system of cryptocurrency makes it faster and cheaper to transfer money.

Is Ethereum a security or an asset? ›

“In 2018, the Securities and Exchange Commission has said regardless of what it might have been in [2014],” Gensler said, referring to when Ethereum launched and announced an ICO using Bitcoin to buy it, “it's now sufficiently decentralized that we'll consider it not a security.”

Why is cryptocurrency not an asset? ›

Other asset classes are derivatives of the above. The “market” determines what these assets are worth on a given day, but they are real things that have value independent of what the market says they are worth at a particular moment. Not so with crypto. When you buy crypto, you own nothing.

What happens if a crypto is a security? ›

If crypto is deemed a security, it would mean that it would be subject to the same regulations as other securities. This could mean that crypto exchanges would need to register with the SEC, and that investors would need to comply with certain regulations when trading digital assets.

What would happen if crypto is a security? ›

If Ethereum is classified as a security, investors may become more cautious about investing in the cryptocurrency market as a whole. Additionally, the value of Ethereum and associated Altcoins could decrease, leading to significant losses for investors.

Is Bitcoin a security or commodity? ›

According to the Howey Test, an asset can be a security if it involves an investment of money with an expectation of profit derived primarily from the efforts of others. On the other hand, the CFTC classifies cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum as commodities.

What are the 4 types of securities? ›

There are four major types of securities in finance – equity (high-risk, high-return stocks), debt (low-risk, low-return loans), hybrid (combination of equity and debt), and derivatives (financial contracts based on the value of an underlying asset).

What are three types of assets in security? ›

Assets generally include hardware (e.g. servers and switches), software (e.g. mission critical applications and support systems) and confidential information.

What is considered a security asset? ›

In the United States, a "security" is a tradable financial asset of any kind. Securities can be broadly categorized into: debt securities (e.g., banknotes, bonds, and debentures) equity securities (e.g., common stocks) derivatives (e.g., forwards, futures, options, and swaps).

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

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Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.