Cryptocurrency security guide + 9 crypto protection tips | Norton (2024)

Follow these cryptocurrency security measures to help protect your crypto investments.

Cryptocurrencies— and the public’s interest in them — are surging across the globe, garneringmore than 300 millionusers across nearly 150 countries. How did thishappen so fast? Well, it could be they’re more convenient than your typicalbank, great for avoiding transaction fees, and accessible for anyone looking toinvest.

However, nothing isperfect. There are still cryptocurrency security threats that could makedealing with money on this new digital platform risky. Use this cryptocurrencysecurity guide as a tool to improve your crypto safety. We’ve mined for answersto how safe cryptocurrency is, commoncryptocurrency scams, advantages and disadvantages of cryptocurrency,along with security measures for protecting cryptocurrency wallets.

Let’s dive in.

What is cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrencyis adigital currency that uses advancedencryptionto make it nearly impossible to counterfeit. Unlikethe money we’re used to dealing with, cryptocurrencies exist on ablockchain. Think of this as a kind of virtual ledger that isseparate and out of reach of official governments and banks.

Beginning withBitcoin (BTC) in 2009, cryptocurrency received its name because of its use ofencryption to authenticate transactions. Since then, the world witnessed therise of Ether (ETH), Binance Coin (BNB), Tether (USDT), and many morecryptocurrencies that sparked further interest in these new digital assets.

How safe is cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency security guide + 9 crypto protection tips | Norton (1)

Trading, investing,and making purchases with cryptocurrency can be a pretty secure process. Theblockchain technology used to protect data during these transactions makes itdifficult for crypto scammers to hack.

However, it’simportant you not get tricked into a false sense of security. Hackers have beenworking hard to develop cryptocurrency scams to trick users into compromisingwallet keyphrases or other information that could allow them access to privateaccounts.

9 cryptocurrency security measures

Think aboutincorporating these cryptocurrency security measures to help ensure your cryptowallets stay protected from differenttypes of hackers.

1.Research trustworthy cryptocurrency exchanges

As with any type ofinvestment, it’s imperative that you do your research before committingyourself financially. As mentioned, there are a number of cryptocurrency scams,like investment opportunity scams, attempting to defraud people out of theirmoney, tricking people into compromising private keyphrases, and other kinds ofsensitive data.

2. Createcomplex passwords

Securepasswordsare always your first defense against cybercriminalsthat are up to no good. As you create login credentials for your crypto wallet,choose a password with a variety of letters, numbers, and symbols. This canhelp protect your crypto wallet fromcyberattackslikepassword sprayingand credential stuffing.

3.Diversify your crypto assets

One cryptocurrencysecurity measure people often take to protect their account and investments issplitting up their crypto assets. It’s completely fine to have more than one cryptowallet holding your balances. Creating this separation helps you avoid losingall of your money if a hacker is able to compromise one of your accounts.

4. Keepyour keyphrase private and store them safely

The best way to avoidhaving your crypto wallet hacked is remembering to always keep your keyphraseprivate and to store it safely. This unique phrase is the only thing that cangrant you access to your account and allows you to trade and purchasecryptocurrency online. Never share this with anyone — as a compromisedkeyphrase could lead to theft or fraudulent transactions associated with yourprofile.

Because these aremore complex phrases, you should consider using apassword managerso you don’t have to worry about forgetting it.Lastly, be sure to choose a crypto wallet that has the protective featuresneeded to keep your assets and information Cyber Safe.

5. Avoidpublic Wi-Fi

Public Wi-Fidoesn’t have the protection you need to defendagainst lurking hackers. That’s why you should avoid completing cryptocurrencytransactions until you are connected to a private internet connection you cantrust. Cyberthieves like to usespywareand othertypes of malwareto compromise keyphrases and other kinds of data.

6. Installa VPN

If you find that youneed to complete a crypto exchange or purchase on public Wi-Fi, aVPNis a great tool to have on your device. These work by maskingyourIP addressand network activity so hackers can’t follow yourevery move, which makes identifying potential targets and installingvirusesway more of a challenge.

7. Enabletwo-factor authentication

Most crypto walletsfeaturetwo-factor authentication, a process used to verify useridentitiesduring the login process.Biometricdata from facial recognition and fingerprintscanning software makes it next to impossible for crypto scammers toimpersonate you even after finding out your keyphrase.

8. Beware of cryptocurrency scams

Cryptocurrency security guide + 9 crypto protection tips | Norton (3)

Cybercriminals haveto turn to deception to work their way around cryptocurrency’s level ofencryption. Here are some commoncryptocurrency scamsused to trick everyday people.

  1. Investmentopportunity scams: Unsolicitedmessages luring you to a fraudulent website to get you to investcryptocurrency in a fake business opportunity.
  2. Impostercryptocurrency scams: Cybercriminalspose as a trusted company orgovernment agency to get you to complete a purchase or pay a fee usingcryptocurrency.
  3. Blackmailcryptocurrency scams: Afraudulent message informing you of stolen files that a cybercriminal willonly return after you pay a ransom via cryptocurrency.
  4. Social mediacryptocurrency scams: A false social media post or ad for aproduct or service requesting payment via cryptocurrency.
  5. Giveawaycryptocurrency scams: Scamsdesigned to trick people into transferring cryptocurrency in hopes ofreceiving twice as much back.
  6. Fake appscams: Apps designed to look like legitimatecryptocurrency trading platforms usingspywareto stealcredentialsas people log in.
  7. Loaderscams: Direct requests for access toyour cryptocurrency account to help with an investment, promising largereturns once complete.
  8. Romance scams: Hackers posing as online love intereststo trick trusting individuals to send them money using cryptocurrency orother payment methods.
  9. Phishing scams: Email messages often featuring urgentrequests for money or account issue alerts from illegitimate businessesand/or cryptocurrency companies.
  10. Employmentcryptocurrency scams: Scamsthat offer employment training sessions in exchange for payment viacryptocurrency.

There's no reason tofeel scared — just remember to look for the obvious signs of a potential scam, likean urgent request for money or your personal login credentials via email.

9.Download antivirus software

Downloadingantivirus softwarecan take a little bit of the weight of avoidingcryptocurrency scams off your back. You’ll automatically receive alerts if youcome across things like a potentially dangerous link or fake crypto websitethat could compromise of your crypto wallet.

Whether you’reinterested in purchasing anNFTor simply want to expand your investment portfolio,cryptocurrency security should be top of mind as you continue exploring thisnew investment platform. Use the information and tips provided to keep yourcrypto wallet and assets Cyber Safe fromemerging threats.

Cryptocurrency security FAQs

Round out yourknowledge of cryptocurrency security by browsing through some commonly askedquestions regarding digital currency.

How secureis cryptocurrency?

The process ofexchanging cryptocurrency is relatively secure. However, hackers usecryptocurrency scams to break into crypto wallets and steal investments.

Is cryptosafe to invest in?

There is risk in investingin cryptocurrencies, but there is also the potential for high earnings.

What arethe most popular cryptocurrencies?

Bitcoin is the mostpopular cryptocurrency, followed by Ethereum, Binance Coin, Tether, andLitecoin.

Which isthe safest cryptocurrency?

Ethereum was one ofthe first cryptocurrencies designed to block interference or fraud from outsideparties.

Cryptocurrency security guide + 9 crypto protection tips | Norton (4)

  • Clare Stouffer
  • Gen employee

Clare Stouffer, a Gen employee, is a writer and editor for the company’s blogs. She covers various topics in cybersecurity.

Editorial note:Our articles provide educational information for you. Our offerings may not cover or protect against every type of crime, fraud, or threat we write about. Our goal is to increase awareness about Cyber Safety. Please review complete Terms during enrollment or setup. Remember that no one can prevent all identity theft or cybercrime, and that LifeLock does not monitor all transactions at all businesses. The Norton and LifeLock brands are part of Gen Digital Inc.

Sure, I've got quite a bit to unpack here. Let's start from the top.

Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies secured by advanced encryption techniques, operating on a decentralized ledger called the blockchain. Their surge in popularity owes to their convenience, low transaction fees, and accessibility. However, despite their security features, there are prevalent threats such as scams and hacking attempts.

To safeguard your investments, there are several essential security measures:

  1. Research Trustworthy Exchanges: Investigate and use reputable cryptocurrency exchanges to avoid falling prey to scams.

  2. Create Strong Passwords: Utilize complex passwords with a mix of characters to fortify your crypto wallet against cyberattacks like password spraying and credential stuffing.

  3. Diversify Assets: Splitting crypto assets among multiple wallets reduces the risk of losing everything if one account gets compromised.

  4. Secure Keyphrases: Safeguard your keyphrases as they grant access to your account. Never share them and consider using a password manager for added security.

  5. Avoid Public Wi-Fi: Conduct cryptocurrency transactions only on trusted private internet connections to evade potential hacking via public Wi-Fi networks.

  6. Install a VPN: If necessary, use a Virtual Private Network to mask your IP address and enhance security, especially when using public Wi-Fi.

  7. Enable Two-Factor Authentication: Implement additional layers of security with biometric data or authentication codes to prevent unauthorized access.

  8. Beware of Scams: Educate yourself about common scams such as investment schemes, impersonation, blackmail, social media scams, fake apps, phishing attempts, and more.

  9. Download Antivirus Software: Antivirus programs can provide alerts against potential threats like dangerous links or fake crypto websites.

Understanding these security measures helps protect your crypto investments. However, it's crucial to acknowledge that while cryptocurrency transactions are relatively secure, the potential for scams and hacking remains. Conducting thorough research, diversifying assets, and employing robust security measures are key to mitigating risks.

The article also delves into popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Coin, Tether, and Litecoin. Ethereum stands out for its design aimed at blocking interference or fraud from external parties.

Lastly, Clare Stouffer, an employee at Gen, specializes in cybersecurity writing and covers various related topics. Her article emphasizes awareness and education about cyber safety while acknowledging that no solution can prevent all forms of cybercrime or identity theft.

Understanding these concepts can help you navigate the world of cryptocurrency with greater confidence and security.

Cryptocurrency security guide + 9 crypto protection tips | Norton (2024)


Cryptocurrency security guide + 9 crypto protection tips | Norton? ›

The best way to protect your bitcoins and other digital assets from being stolen is to keep your private keys stored in a cold wallet. Cold wallets are not connected to the internet or even another device.

What is the best protection for crypto? ›

The best way to protect your bitcoins and other digital assets from being stolen is to keep your private keys stored in a cold wallet. Cold wallets are not connected to the internet or even another device.

How can I improve my crypto security? ›

Crypto Safety: The Basics of Protecting Your Crypto
  1. Use two-factor authentication (2FA) on your wallets and exchange.
  2. Withdraw your crypto from your exchange to a wallet.
  3. Write down the seed words for your wallet on a piece of paper, but store it safely.
  4. Use strong passwords every time.
Jun 6, 2024

What is the number one rule in crypto? ›

1. Never Invest More than You Can Afford to Lose. Cryptocurrencies are still relatively new and extremely volatile assets that can gain or lose significant value in a single day.

What is the safest way to keep cryptocurrency? ›

The safest place to store crypto is in a hardware wallet, which is a physical device that stores your private keys offline and keeps them solely under your control. A cold wallet is the most secure for long-term crypto storage. It protects against online attacks and unauthorized access.

What's the safest device to store your crypto? ›

The most secure option would be to use a metal card or a “paper wallet.” It's also preferable to store a private key rather than a seed phrase on the paper wallet. In case you're wondering what the distinction is between a Private Key and a Seed Phrase.

Where is the best place to keep crypto safe? ›

The answer to the question “what is the safest way to store crypto” is a self-custody cold storage wallet. As covered earlier, options include hardware wallets and paper wallets. But that's not to say that holding 100% of funds in cold storage is right for everyone.

Is it better to keep crypto in wallet or exchange? ›

Wallets provide strong security and allow you to grip your assets tightly, making them great for storing crypto safely. Exchanges streamline trading, offering quick deals and access to many currencies. Your choice should reflect what you're after, whether holding assets securely for a while or trading often.

What is the most secure crypto? ›

Which cryptocurrency is most secure? Ethereum is considered to be the most secure cryptocurrency as compared to other digital assets. This is largely because its platform uses the blockchain technology, which is one of the most robust technologies for digital transactions.

What is the safest cryptocurrency? ›

What is the safest crypto to buy now? Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH), and stablecoins like Tether (USDT) are considered safer options due to their history and stability. Remember, cryptocurrency markets are volatile, so it's crucial to always do thorough research before making any investments.

What is the biggest risk in crypto? ›

If you store your cryptocurrency online, you don't have the same protections as a bank account. Holdings in online “wallets” are not insured by the government like U.S. bank deposits are. A cryptocurrency's value can change constantly and dramatically.

What is the 1% rule in crypto? ›

Still, it is advisable to adopt a 1% rule instead, as it is generally safer due to the high volatility of the cryptocurrency market. This rule dictates that traders shouldn't risk more than 1% of their available capital when trading.

What is the 10% rule for crypto? ›

A good rule of thumb is not to invest more than 10% of your money in high-risk investments.

What is a cold wallet in crypto? ›

A "cold wallet" is a device or method for storing cryptocurrency private keys offline. Private keys are transferred from a device with an internet connection to a device without one.

Should I keep all my money in crypto? ›

If so, should I put 100% of my spare cash into Bitcoin investing for the next few years? It is generally not recommended to invest all of your money into a single asset, such as Bitcoin. Diversification is a key principle of investing, as it helps to spread risk and protect against potential losses.

Where is the safest place to buy and hold crypto? ›

If you are looking to trade on a highly secure, regulated crypto exchange that offers a large number of supported cryptocurrencies, Gemini is your go-to choice. If you are looking to trade a wide range of new and small-cap crypto tokens, BitMart is arguably the best choice.

What is the best antivirus for crypto? ›

Get Kaspersky Premium: Your all-in-one antivirus + cryptocurrency protection. Defends you from malware, crypto scams, phishing attacks, and crypto wallet hacking.

Which crypto platform has the best security? ›

Best Crypto Exchanges and Apps of July 2024
  • Best for Low Fees and Best for Experienced Traders: Kraken.
  • Best for Beginners: Coinbase.
  • Best Mobile App:
  • Best For Security: Gemini.
  • Best for Altcoins: BitMart.
  • Best for Bitcoin: Cash App.
  • Best Decentralized Exchange: Bisq.

Which crypto has the best security? ›

Which cryptocurrency is most secure? Ethereum is considered to be the most secure cryptocurrency as compared to other digital assets. This is largely because its platform uses the blockchain technology, which is one of the most robust technologies for digital transactions.

What is crypto protected by? ›

Crypto can be thought of as 'digital representations of value or rights' that are secured by encryption and typically use some type of 'distributed ledger technology' (DLT).

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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

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Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.