Curing potatoes before winter storage - Our Stoney Acres (2024)

Curing potatoes before winter storage is an important process that will help assure longer storing times for your potato crop.

Curing potatoes before winter storage - Our Stoney Acres (1)

Potatoes are a super important garden crop around our place. They provide us with a fresh vegetable source for a big part of the winter months. We store our potatoes for the winter in a makeshift root cellar that we put together in a window well on the east side of our house. This root cellar provides a nice cool spot for our potatoes to sit in all winter. But before we put them away for the winter, curing potatoes for a week or so first is very important.

In This Article

  • 5 Tips for Curing Potatoes
  • Why is it Important to cure potatoes?
  • How to get Potatoes ready for Storage

5 Tips-How To Cure Potatoes?

An important step to do before storing your potatoes is learning how to cure potatoes. Curing potatoes is really pretty easy. After we have harvested our potatoes we take them into our garage for the curing process. You simply spread your potatoes out on a surface we usually just spread our potatoes out on a big table in our garage.

Curing potatoes before winter storage - Our Stoney Acres (2)

There are a few things that are important to remember when you are curing potatoes:

Tip #1 Handle with care

When your potatoes are in the curing stage leave the dirt on, the less you handle them the better. Cleaning the dirt off right after you harvest potatoes could damage the skins. They don’t need to be cleaned off at this stage so just spread them out on a surface and let them sit.

Tip #2 Airflow is important

Try to lay the potatoes out flat in one layer, don’t pile them on top of each other, give them a little room to breathe.

Curing potatoes before winter storage - Our Stoney Acres (3)

Tip #3 The cooler the better

Ideal temperatures for curing potatoes would be 65 degrees or below, in the fall that is often pretty hard to accomplish. But do your best to let them sit somewhere as cool as possible.

Tip #4 Somewhere dark is essential!

Light especially direct sunlight is the enemy of potatoes. Light causes the skins of your potatoes to turn green. Green skins on potatoes taste terrible and are mildly poisonous. It’s important while curing potatoes to do it somewhere as dark as possible. A little light for a few days isn’t going to ruin your potatoes, but it is very important that you keep them out of direct sunlight and as dark as possible. So we like a nice dark garage with any windows covered.

Curing potatoes before winter storage - Our Stoney Acres (4)

I also like to cover the potatoes while they are curing with a light blanket or in this case a piece of fabric row cover. This helps keep the potatoes in the dark, to keep them from going green.

Tip #5 Let them sit and dry

How long should you cure your potatoes? Curing potatoes takes time, so just let them sit and dry. We set our potatoes out for a week to 10 days. After they have sat for about 5 days I go out and turn them so that both sides of the potato dry well.

I know curing may take a long time but you won’t regret it. Letting potatoes cure is such an important step and it will help them store better in the winter months.

Curing potatoes before winter storage - Our Stoney Acres (5)

Why is it Important to Cure Potatoes before Storing them?

Hardening skins

The first and most important thing is, that curing potatoes for about 10 days allows the skins of the potatoes to harden or toughen. This hardened skin will help the potatoes store for months!

Dries off all wet spots

Moisture is the enemy of any long storing food. Allowing your potatoes to sit out for 10 days assures that all of the potatoes are dry before you put them away.

Curing Potatoes allows damaged spots to heal

Potatoes have the amazing ability to heal damaged spots. Much of the minor damage done to the skins of potatoes while harvesting will heal if the potatoes are left out and exposed to the open air for 10 days. This assures that those damaged spots don’t become “bad” spots that will end up rotting.

Curing potatoes before winter storage - Our Stoney Acres (6)

Curing potatoes forces you to handle your potatoes

Having to set all the potatoes out on a table, turn them, and eventually clean them off, forces you to handle all of your potatoes. This way you are able to inspect them for rotten spots or damage that may become future rottenness. You can then pull these bad potatoes out and keep them from being placed in with the good potatoes where the rot might spread.

Bad potatoes show up quickly

Another nice benefit of curing is that bad potatoes show up quickly. You are able to spot rotten spots or even softer potatoes that just aren’t going to store long.

Allows you to sort by size (and type)

It is also super handy to sort by size. I sort by small, medium, and large. Small potatoes are a pain to peel and are better used for roasting and in soups where the peels can be left on. Medium potatoes are perfect for casseroles and for mashing. Larger potatoes are the best for baking. When you sort potatoes by size it makes them easier to use during the winter.

Curing potatoes before winter storage - Our Stoney Acres (7)

Setting all these potatoes out also allows you to sort them by size and variety. Some varieties of potatoes store longer than others. Russets potatoes last longer in storage than reds so if they are sorted by type you can use the shorter storage potatoes first.

I’ve also found that having all the smaller potatoes in one spot makes us see them and think about using them because they always seem to be the ones we put off using.

Getting Potatoes Ready for longterm Storage

Once your potatoes have sat for about 10 days take a little time to inspect and do a rough clean of your potatoes. I handle each and every one of my potatoes. Use a pair of gloves and handle each one. Rub off as much of the leftover dirt as you can (being careful not to damage the skins). This will make them easier to clean in the sink when it’s time to cook them.

I also look for soft spots, unhealed damage, and rottenness. Any potatoes with these types of problems I bring inside and store in the fridge until they can be used up. Also, look for potatoes that are overall soft, these too won’t store as long so I also pull them out to be used up quickly.

Learn more about storing your homegrown garden potatoes here.

Curing potatoes before winter storage - Our Stoney Acres (8)
Curing potatoes before winter storage - Our Stoney Acres (2024)
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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.