Debt Snowball Can Pay off $6,000 in 6 Months. Here's How. (2024)

You may or may not have heard of Dave Ramsey’s Debt Snowball. However, if you want to pay off debt, using this method combined with a few tweaks will help you pay off debt even faster. In just 6 months, we were able to pay off over $6,000 worth of debt! The craziest part is we did this on one full time income. If you had told me 5 years ago that I would be able to pay off an average of $1,000 per month of debt I would have told you you were crazy. Up until the point we decided to pay off debt, we had been living paycheck to paycheck. Here’s the breakdown of how we paid off $1,000 of debt each month for 6 months and what you need to know to do it too.

*This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures.

While you could probably leap head first into debt payoff and still get results, there’s a good chance you’ll end up back in debt. Most of us who wind up deep in debt do so because we have a tough relationship with money and haven’t properly learned how to manage it.

When our family originally paid off debt, we followed Dave Ramsey’s Debt Snowball Method. However, after better understanding my finances, I now align myself more with the No Budget Babe ICE Debt Repayment Method.

4 things to do before you pay off debt:

  • Know Your Money – The Dave Ramsey method teaches basic budgeting principles that are important to understand before you begin paying off debt. No Budget Babe follows a similar method that encourages you to “Illuminate” your spending. This means getting to know your current spending, bills and more. This way you can eliminate unnecessary expenses as well as better plan your future spending.
  • Get an Emergency Fund – The rules of the Debt Snowball state that you should have a $1,000 emergency savings in place, I wish our family would have continued to make automatic deposits to our emergency fund during debt payoff. You can do this with just $100 per month and can earn around 5% interest on the money you save!! This way you can keep beefing up your emergency fund while getting paid to do so!
  • Understanding Your Habits – Something that the No Budget Babe ICE Debt Repayment Method covers that Dave Ramsey didn’t touch on is learning why you got yourself into debt in the first place. I love that she talks about mindset and beliefs, because if we don’t cover these things, we stand the chance of digging ourselves into debt again even after we pay it off.

Click here to learn more about the ICE Debt Repayment Method.

Evaluate Your Emergency Fund Needs

Through Dave Ramsey’s standard Baby Steps, he encourages people to build a $1,000 emergency savings. The problem with this can be that one single emergency can wipe out your entire emergency fund. If this happens, you will be stuck rebuilding your fund rather than focusing on debt payoff. This is what happened to our family which is why I now prefer the ICE Debt Repayment Method.

If I could go back and do the Debt Snowball Method differently, I would set a savings goal along with my Debt Snowball payoff. Even setting a goal of $100 per month can help continue to build your savings beyond $1,000 so you are more financially supported. See my 10x Savings Plan.

Continually contributing to savings (even a small amount) can help prevent you from having to re-build your emergency fund from scratch, therefore adding to your financial stress. Making the choice to commit to $100 monthly deposits to our emergency fund, (or whatever you can) can make a huge difference!

The Benefits of an HSA Savings Account

Another common mistake that people make when building a savings or emergency fund, is putting their emergency savings into a savings account through their current bank.

Things to know about HSA:

  • Having a savings account attached to your checking account makes it easy to transfer money out of savings for things that aren’t an emergency.
  • Savings accounts attached to your checking often don’t pay you as much in interest.
  • Opening a high yield savings account will help your money make more money! Accounts like the Savings Connect account through CIT bank pay 5% interest when you save only $100 per month!

Investing During Debt Payoff

A big topic of debate during debt payoff is whether or not you should continue to invest while paying off debt. If our family were to have followed the Dave Ramsey Baby Steps during our Debt Snowball, the “rules” technically were to not to continue investing while paying off our debt.

I am so thankful we insisted on continuing to contribute to company matched 401K. This was something we started doing later in life and now have learned to understand the power of investing. Our decision to do this aligns more with the ICE Debt Repayment Method that focuses on wealth building as well as debt payoff.

If you are currently investing a lot and want to consider lowering how much you invest in order to still take advantage of your company match while also having a little extra money to put toward debt, that might be a topic worth discussing.

Pay Back Less Debt When Possible

When our family started the Debt Snowball method, no one mentioned to us that a good idea to help save money and speed up the debt payoff process would be to get a lower interest rate. Especially on things like credit cards. (Ours was at a whopping 25% interest!)

Learning how to cut costs, including negotiating credit card interest rates is the second step in the ICE Debt Repayment Method and I know would have helped our family pay off debt even faster! Even though we didn’t have that knowledge at our disposal at the time, we still managed to pay back less money in interest by taking out a personal loan that had a lower interest rate.

How to pay back less in interest:

  1. Negotiating with credit card companies
  2. Getting a lower interest rate loan Payoff Loans are designed for this
  3. Transfer debt to a 0% interest credit card and work to pay it off (keep in mind you will have to pay this off within the promotional period, or you will be hit with major interest charges!)

If you want more guidance on how to negotiate your credit card interest or find balance transfer credit cards, you can learn more with the ICE Debt Repayment Method.

Negotiating Credit Card Debt

If you are also fighting a high interest rate, a good idea would be to look up online scripts to help negotiate interest rates on some of your credit cards.

Negotiations are definitely a smart tactic, but unfortunately they don’t always work. That’s why it can be good to have a backup plan.

Getting a Lower Interest Loan

If you have a significant amount of debt to pay off like we did, (we had a $12K credit card bill on top of car loans, student loans etc), it might be worth looking into taking out a loan with a lower interest rate or consolidation. Options like the Payoff Loan are designed to help you pay off high interest credit cards so you can save money and pay back less!

By taking out a loan to pay off our credit card we were able to go from a 25% interest rate to an 11%! That was a huge load of my mind because it felt like we were actually able to make a dent in our debt payoff rather than just paying the interest. Check your debt payoff interest rate.

In the visuals below we used the Bankrate calculator to calculate the savings we were able to get by lowering our interest rate. With our original interest rate of 25%, we would have paid $14,069 in interest alone (more than the original balance on our card) and by lowering our interest rate to 11% with a payoff loan, we were able to bring our interest to $3,016 (an $11,000 savings). **Keep in mind that this would have been our savings had we made the minimum payment on our credit card. Because we paid more toward our card we were able to pay it off quicker and avoid even more interest fees.** See what you qualify for with a Payoff Loan.

Debt Snowball Can Pay off $6,000 in 6 Months. Here's How. (1)
Debt Snowball Can Pay off $6,000 in 6 Months. Here's How. (2)

Using a 0% Interest Credit Card Balance Transfer

A common promotion that credit card companies run is offering 0% interest for an extended period of time (usually a year). While running this promotion, they will often allow balance transfers from another credit card! This means you could turn a high interest card (think 25%) to 0%!

This can be an amazing way to completely eliminate the interest you are paying on your credit card debt, however, there is one big catch you need to be aware of.

If you choose to transfer your credit card debt to a 0% interest credit card, you will want to make sure you can pay off what you owe in the allotted promotional period. For example, if you have 1 year to pay off $12,000, make sure you can commit to paying $1,000 per month! If you cannot commit to this, and you go past the promotional period, you can be slapped with interest charges! To better understand this method and how to go about it, be sure to follow the ICE Debt Repayment Method‘s teachings.

Ok, that was a lot of debt payoff pre-game info, now it’s time to dive into the rules of the Debt Snowball if you’re not familiar with them yet.

How the Debt Snowball works.

  1. Create an extra $200 per month in your budget
  2. Apply that extra $200 to your smallest debt on top of your current minimum payment
  3. Pay off your smallest debt balance
  4. Take entire payment from your smallest debt and begin applying it to the next greatest

Debt Snowball vs. ICE Debt Repayment Method

Another difference between Dave Ramsey’s debt payoff method and the ICE Debt Repayment Method is that Dave Ramsey’s focuses on paying off the smallest debts first while the ICE Debt Plan focuses on paying off high interest debt first.

Starting with your smaller debts, like the Debt Snowball encourages can be great if you are looking for quick-win debt payoff, however, plans that focus on paying off high interest first (like the ICE Debt Method) have been shown to help you pay off debt quicker and pay back less money in the long run. Learn more about the ICE Debt Repayment Method.

Finding an extra $200

The first step in starting the Debt Snowball is finding an additional $200 per month to put toward debt. A lot of people believe that finding extra money means working more. In reality, there is a good chance you already have $200 hiding in your budget.

Strategies for finding $200:

Do a spending inventory

A spending inventory is when you do a deep dive into your spending habits so you have a totally clear picture on how you spend money, where you spend it, and where you might be able to cut back.

Cut your monthly expenses

One of the best and fastest ways to get more money in your budget is by cutting monthly expenses. All you have to do is go through your budget and find ways that you can reduce or eliminate the expenses that you pay for every single month. Top areas to cut:

  • Subscription fees
  • Reduce grocery budget
  • Out-to-eat expenses

Get a side hustle for debt payoff

Another great idea to get more money to put toward debt payoff is to start a side hustle. I started a few different side hustles in order to help accelerate our debt payoff. These are jobs I was able to do from home while raising kids and homeschooling!

Again, these were not strategies that were discussed during the Dave Ramsey Baby Steps, however, the ICE Debt Repayment Plan goes more in depth on ways to earn more money to put toward debt payoff that go beyond simply “cutting back expenses.”

More posts on side hustles:

  • 10 Things I Did to Make Money From Home
  • 8 Ways to Make Extra Money Without Working More
  • 5 Easy Start Make Passive Income Streams in 2023

Organizing Your Debt Snowball Printout

Grab the Debt Snowball Printout here to get started and follow along, or you can get all of the teachings plus additional printouts when you sign up for the ICE Debt Repayment Plan.

Once you have your $200 extra per month, the Debt Snowball gets pretty simple. I recommend downloading my Debt Snowball printable to help you keep track of your debt payoff and to get an idea of how quickly you can pay off your debt.

Debt Snowball Can Pay off $6,000 in 6 Months. Here's How. (3)

How to fill out the Debt Snowball printout:

  1. Write out your debts – In the top column of the Debt Snowball Printout, write out your debts with the biggest debt in box #1. The #2 box will be your second largest, and so on and so on.
  2. Fill in your totals – Below each of these, fill in your total balance owed for each debt.
  3. Enter your monthly payment amount – Below that, fill in your minimum monthly payment for each debt.
  4. Apply your $200 – Lastly, you are going to take your $200 and apply it to your smallest debt first.

Applying $200 to your smallest debt

As you can see below, our $300 credit card was our smallest debt.

Our minimum monthly payment was $30.

By adding the additional $200 to that $30 we were able to put $230 toward our smallest debt of $300.

*Remember, you can always put more money toward debt if you are able to! This will help you pay off debt faster and save you from additional interest!

Debt Snowball Can Pay off $6,000 in 6 Months. Here's How. (4)

What if you have money left over?

As you can see, after we finished paying off our remaining $70 from our credit card, we took the remaining $160 and applied it to our next smallest debt.

Getting the debt snowball rolling

Once we paid off our smallest debt, we were able to take the full $230 that we applied toward it and begin putting that money toward our next smallest debt.

Because our minimum payment for our next smallest debt was $100, that gave us a grand total of $330 to apply toward that debt. Once that debt was paid off, we had $330 to begin applying to the next debt in line.

Debt Snowball Can Pay off $6,000 in 6 Months. Here's How. (5)

Now we had racked up a huge debt snowball and it just rolled faster and faster.

By the time we got to our biggest debt it only took a little over a month to completely polish off that remaining balance.

When we were finished paying off debt in 6 months, we still managed to have an additional $210 leftover.

Debt Snowball Can Pay off $6,000 in 6 Months. Here's How. (6)

Can everyone pay off $6,000 of debt in 6 months?

While we were able to get out of debt $6,000 of debt in 6 months, this isn’t going to be the case for everyone. Depending on the amount of debt you have, your income, and your motivation, debt payoff will look differently for everyone.

While being able to pay off this much money was a huge win for our family, I fully believe that if we had followed the ICE Debt Repayment Method we would have been able to pay off more. Oh well, live and learn.

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Debt Snowball Can Pay off $6,000 in 6 Months. Here's How. (7)


Debt Snowball Can Pay off $6,000 in 6 Months. Here's How. (2024)


How to pay off $6,000 in six months? ›

How the Debt Snowball works.
  1. Create an extra $200 per month in your budget.
  2. Apply that extra $200 to your smallest debt on top of your current minimum payment.
  3. Pay off your smallest debt balance.
  4. Take entire payment from your smallest debt and begin applying it to the next greatest.
Dec 12, 2023

Does debt snowball really work? ›

The truth about the debt snowball method is it's a motivational program that can work at eliminating debt, but it's going to cost you more money and time – sometimes a lot more money and a lot more time – than other debt relief options.

How long does it take to pay off 5000 in credit card debt? ›

1% of the balance plus interest: You would pay off $5,000 in 285 months. That means it would take nearly 24 years to eliminate your $5,000 balance if you only make minimum payments. During that time, you'll pay a total of $9,332.25 in interest for a total payoff cost of $14,332.25.

How to tackle 6000 debt? ›

Have $6,000 or More in Credit Card Debt? Here's How to Get Rid of It
  1. Start by cutting expenses and curbing credit card use.
  2. Pay more than the minimum payment whenever possible, and set up automatic payments.
  3. Consider transferring high-interest balances to a new card with a lower interest rate.
Jul 7, 2024

What is the average monthly payment on a $6000 loan? ›

Depending on the lender, your interest rate, and the length of the loan, your monthly payment could be anywhere from approximately $195 for a 36-month loan with a 10.29% APR to $255 for a 36-month loan with a 29.93% APR or more.

How long to save $5,000 in 6 months? ›

By saving around $833 each month, either by cutting expenses or earning extra income, you can reach your goal of saving $5,000 in six months. With careful planning and dedication, it's achievable!

What are the disadvantages of debt snowball? ›

The largest drawback of the debt snowball is that it does not reduce the amount you pay in overall interest as much as the debt avalanche method.

How do you speed up debt snowball? ›

Here are some ways to speed up your debt snowball:
  1. Get on a budget. A budget is just a plan for your money. ...
  2. Increase your income. Bring in extra money to go toward your debt snowball by picking up a side hustle or finding other ways to boost your paycheck.
  3. Sell things. ...
  4. Cut expenses. ...
  5. Take Financial Peace University.
May 31, 2024

How to pay off debt with no money? ›

How to get out of debt on a low income
  1. Sign up for a debt relief program.
  2. Cut expenses to free up extra cash.
  3. Take advantage of opportunities to earn more money.
  4. Use financial windfalls to your advantage.
May 22, 2024

How to pay off $5000 quickly? ›

Debt avalanche: Make minimum payments on all but your credit card with the highest interest rate. Send all excess payments to that card account. Once you pay that account off, send all excess payments to your next highest rate. Repeat until all of your debts are paid off.

How to pay off $7,000 in debt fast? ›

The fastest way to pay off debt is a simple two-step process.
  1. First, cut up your cards and stop using them. ( Seriously, STOP USING YOUR CARDS)
  2. Consider consolidating to lower interest or 0% interest options.
  3. Then, do whatever you can to make extra payments.
  4. Get a side hustle. Here are 9 that pay $1,000+ each month.
Jan 11, 2024

How many months to pay off $10,000? ›

1% of the balance plus interest: It would take 29.5 years or 354 months to pay off $10,000 in credit card debt making only minimum payments. You would pay a total of $19,332.21 in interest over that period.

How long does it take to pay off $6,000? ›

Credit Card Debt Payoff Scenarios
Debt Payoff MethodTime to Pay OffInterest and/or Fees Paid
Double the minimum payment (6%)Eight years, two months$2,932
More than triple the minimum payment (10%)Four years, seven months$1,481
Balance transfer at 21 months21 months$300
Balance transfer at 18 monthsTwo years$258
1 more row
Feb 27, 2024

Will credit card companies forgive debt? ›

The only way credit card companies are likely to forgive the full amount of your balances is if you file bankruptcy. However, there are other ways to get out of debt in a reasonable amount of time. For example, you may be able to have a portion of your credit card balances forgiven with a debt settlement program.

Is there a government credit card debt relief program? ›

No, the federal government does not offer credit card debt relief programs. However, depending on where you live and what type of debt you have, you may be able to access other types of debt relief from federal, state, or local governments.

Can I pay off my car loan in 6 months? ›

There are no legal restrictions to paying off your auto loan early but it may come with fees from your auto loan provider. Paying off a car loan early can be a good option to save money and reduce your debt, but whether it is a good idea depends on your unique financial situation.

How long will it take me to pay off $7000? ›

It will take 21 months to pay off $7,000 with payments of $400 per month, assuming the average credit card APR of around 18%. The time it takes to repay a balance depends on how often you make payments, how big your payments are and what the interest rate charged by the lender is.

How to pay off debt fast with low income? ›

Follow these seven steps to pay off debt on a low income:
  1. Find out how much debt you have.
  2. Create a budget.
  3. Pay off your debt with the debt snowball method.
  4. Increase your income.
  5. Cut your expenses.
  6. Avoid debt payoff scams.
  7. Believe you can do this. (Because you can.)
Jul 15, 2024

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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.