Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (2024)

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (appsmith.com)
75 points by rlnorthcutt on Sept 8, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 91comments
Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (1)

sudhirj on Sept 8, 2023 | next [–]

That's a little misleading. Git was created in 10 days in the same way that Apple was created in a garage in a month. Or the way that Facebook was created in a dorm in one night.

Git v0.0.1 might have been created in 10 days, and the foundational ideas were certainly excellent. And it's amazing that two of the biggest contributions to the world of software came from the same person.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (2)

avg_dev on Sept 8, 2023 | parent | next [–]

well, this quote from Linus Torvalds is in the article:

> "So I’d like to stress that while it really came together in just about ten days or so (at which point I did my first kernel commit using git), it wasn’t like it was some kind of mad dash of coding. The actual amount of that early code is actually fairly small, it all depended on getting the basic ideas right. And that I had been mulling over for a while before the whole project started. I’d seen the problems others had. I’d seen what I wanted to avoid doing."

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (3)

rob74 on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

Well, the fact that he and the other Linux maintainers had previously used (and were intimately familiar with) BitKeeper, and thus had a good idea of what their new FLOSS DVCS should look like, probably also helped.

Not saying that he copied BitKeeper 1:1, but if you look at BitKeeper usage examples (http://www.bitkeeper.org/), they do look familiar, don't they? BTW, BitKeeper is now open source - and development seems to have largely ceased...

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (4)

avg_dev on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

Well, this is too is pretty clearly highlighted in the article... I mean it doesn't really matter too much, but

> He aimed to create a tool that was:

> Distributed: [...]

> Compatible: The new tool would incorporate as many features and workflows as BitKeeper.

> Secure: [...]

and there is another quote from Linus Torvalds contained in the article:

> 'Well, it was obviously designed for our workflow, so that is part of it. I’ve already mentioned the whole “distributed” part many times, but it bears repeating. But it was also designed to be efficient enough for a biggish project like Linux, and it was designed to do things that people considered “hard” before git – because those are the things I do every day.'

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (5)

rlnorthcutt on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Honestly, I think that is the key. He didn't just create Git out of thin air... he spent alot of time thinking about what he wanted and using something that gave him a conceptual foundation.

10 days of writing code is impressive, but there would many,many days of thinking that preceded it.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (6)

Blikkentrekker on Sept 8, 2023 | parent | prev | next [–]

> And it's amazing that two of the biggest contributions to the world of software came from the same person.

That's not that amazing at all, because the fame and weight of being the creator of the former led to the adoption of the other as it became the official version control management system on which Linux was developed. — These are not two independent results.

If someone completely unknown developed Git 0.01 in 10 days, it would probably have stayed relatively obscure, and the reason for it's quality is because it became so famous due to being tied with Linux, attracting many developers.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (7)

comboy on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

I certainly agree that marketing plays a huge role in software, but I was actively looking at different VCS trying even the obscure ones, there were really no reasonable non-proprietary options.

Bazaar and mercurial got created the same year as git. Before that it made you happy if people were using subversion instead of CVS.

Sure, if nobody knows about the project nobody will use it, but I think git stands on its own. If any medium project adopted it (and it seems likely that its author would be working on some other things too), I think it would spread.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (8)

luluthefirst on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Linux might have provided fertile ground for the adoption of Git but Git had to exceed existing standards to achieve its own merit-based acclaim. He created these two tools that both have achieved high degrees of utility and widespread adoption within their respective domains.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (9)

Blikkentrekker on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

And many things that exceed existing standards objectively somehow lost out to exceeding standards or inferior standards coming later. The success of software in particular is about being at the right place at the right time as well as interoperability. Plan9 is generally considered a technical improvement over Unix, but where is it, who uses it? Redox can improve or Unix all it wants on a theoretical level, but it will probably never outcompete it due to interoperability and because of that it won't attract the developers to add the necessary features to compete with it.

Linux in particular started because a student made a task scheduler on his home computer with no real goal to make a Unixlike kernel, and it grew into it and it so happened that at the time there was a big vacuum for a free Unixlike kernel. kFreeBSD and kMinix were not yet free at that time, had they been, Linux would have no doubt stayed a hobby project.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (10)

pbreit on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

> not that amazing at all

Are there any other examples that come even close?

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (11)

Blikkentrekker on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

I'm fairly certain a lot of very influential software came from the hands of Bill Gates as well such as the FAT filesystem which is still used, the original MSDOS and BASIC Interpreter which made a huge impact.

Of course, that's all mostly because much of that was bundled with the original MSDOS.

Also, in terms of video games, a great deal of innovative techniques and games game from John D. Carmac, which of course also is a result from Id Software pushing it.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (12)

Scaevolus on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

FFMPEG & QEMU from Bellard, perhaps?

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (13)

samspenc on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

Would love to learn more about this - were they created in a similarly expedited timeline? What did that look like?

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (14)

raible on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

It's hard to imagine either Linux or Git if Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie hadn't laid the foundation.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (15)

sudhirj on Sept 9, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

I don't think anyone builds in a vacuum these days... Everyone builds everything standing on the shoulders of giants.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (16)

kramerger on Sept 9, 2023 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Brian Kernighan

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (17)

dclowd9901 on Sept 8, 2023 | parent | prev | next [–]

Not for nothing, but after the first big contribution from a person, aren’t successive contributions from that person more likely to be big and successful?

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (18)

em-bee on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

i don't see that many people with more than one contribution that have the caliber of linux. so to me it looks like that when the first big contribution is wildly successful, then they will stick working on that and not start other projects.

possibly one of the reasons why git could be successful is that linus quickly handed over development to someone else.

of the top of my head i can only think of a few people that created multiple wildly successful projects. donald knuth with his books and with TeX (and i am not sure if the books are considered wildly successful). richard stallman with emacs and gcc (and the GNU licenses), anders hejlsberg with turbo pascal, c# and maybe typescript.

if you look at everyone else, they usually have only one wildly successful project that they are known for.

here is a list of programmers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_programmersmost there only have one project that is widely known. if they have multiple projects then most of those are smaller.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (19)

lusus_naturae on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Not necessarily, there are plenty of examples where earlier success did not lead to future success. A recent example that comes to mind is CloudKitchens? I could be wrong about CK, so happy to learn differently.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (20)

thfuran on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

>there are plenty of examples where earlier success did not lead to future success

Unless there are more examples of that than of a lack of prior success not leading to future success, it doesn't seem like counterevidence.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (21)

lusus_naturae on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

I am not sure why you're stipulating that there needs to be a threshold of minimal examples to present a contradictory pov, or why you need those counter examples to be greater in number. Most mammals don't have bills, but platypuses exist. Should we not describe a paltypus as a mammal simply because there are not enough examples of this type of animal? Or maybe I misunderstand your point.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (22)

thfuran on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

Because the parent didn't say "prior success guarantees future success".

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (23)

lusus_naturae on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

Yes, they said "more likely", so I think what I said still works because just because you were successful in the past doesn't mean you're more likely to succeed in the future in all circ*mstances, i.e., if you extrapolate an infinite number of scenarios then your likelihood of success doesn't remain constant in each and every single one of them. If that were the case, then we wouldn't have Lehman brothers or Polanski (filmaker) or SBF.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (24)

lossolo on Sept 8, 2023 | parent | prev | next [–]

Indeed, if you look at the first Git commit, you can see that it's around 1k lines of code, and it's so basic that you can't compare it to today's Git. Much of it is also devoted to memory management in C, rather than actual business logic. You could achieve the same functionality in just a few hundred lines of code in Go or Rust today.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (25)

loloquwowndueo on Sept 8, 2023 | prev | next [–]

“The Linux kernel, an enormous open-source project, used a proprietary VCS called BitKeeper. However, due to a conflict between the community and the company behind BitKeeper, the free-of-charge status was revoked.”

The details about that conflict are worthy of an article in and of themselves :)


Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (26)

Salgat on Sept 8, 2023 | parent | next [–]

Imagine having the most famous open source project using your product for the world to see and losing all that free publicity in a desperate attempt for control.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (27)

dagw on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

Yea BitKeeper was a one hell of a story. They also had a clause that holders of commercial BitKeepers licenses could not develop competing products and even forced a company to ban one of their employees from contributing to Mercurial(?) or the whole company would have their BitKeeper license revoked.

The sad part is that BitKeeper really was an amazing product and way ahead of its time, pioneering many of the features git later made popular. Had they just been a bit smarter about the whole thing they could be where git (and GitHub) is today

Ironically the last thing they did before going bankrupt was release BitKeeper as Open Source.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (28)

toyg on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

In a way, he got enough publicity - we still know about it, so many years later.

But he lost the opportunity to remain central to the booming FOSS ecosystem, and all that it entails.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (29)

rlnorthcutt on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

No kidding

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (30)

bcantrill on Sept 8, 2023 | parent | prev | next [–]

Agreed -- and it's absurd that BitKeeper's enormous influence here has been reduced to two sentences in the article. Not to take anything away from Torvalds and git, but McVoy and BK (and TeamWare and NSE/NSElite before it) are the real pioneers here. I got a bit into this deeper history in a USENIX talk in 2011[0] -- but I would welcome a more thorough treatment!

[0] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zRN7XLCRhc#t=2m50s

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (31)

em-bee on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

he has only himself to blame for that. the whole story shows the power of collaboration in the FOSS community. get in the way of that collaboration and you will get rolled over. i have seen that happen multiple times. you get to ignore the will of the community at your own peril.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (32)

random42_ on Sept 8, 2023 | parent | prev | next [–]

Not mentioned in the article but I think what triggered BK to pull the license was Andrew Tridgell (SAMBA and rsync) reverse engineering BK's protocol to implement a third-party client.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (33)

bcantrill on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

Yes, it was -- which made this whole episode particularly galling and tragic.[0]

[0] http://dtrace.org/blogs/bmc/2005/04/15/on-reverse-engineerin...

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (34)

toyg on Sept 8, 2023 | parent | prev | next [–]

McVoy screwed the pooch, being penny-wise and pound-foolish. There is an alternative universe where BitMover is what GitHub has become.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (35)

snvsn on Sept 8, 2023 | prev | next [–]

You can look at the code in the first commit Linus made. It is a very minimal yet functional version of Git.


Edit: To get to this commit run

 $ git log --oneline --reverse master | head -n1 e83c516331 Initial revision of "git", the information manager from hell
Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (36)

neilk on Sept 8, 2023 | prev | next [–]

Torvalds didn't create anything like the `git` we know today in 10 days.

It was heavily inspired by `monotone`, which popularized the concept of a Merkle tree. Torvalds' comments about what he liked and didn't like about `monotone` are preserved in the Wikipedia page. In particular he criticized their use of C++ and SQLlite.


Torvalds' git, on day 10, was some basic routines which saved and restored the contents of a directory. But it did satisfy his desire for it to be fast and minimal.

Someone named Jason Stopak helpfully found the original version of git and commented it heavily, here:


A bash script shows what the workflow would be like. You would be adding files one by one, saving trees, obtaining a SHA from that tree, then retrieving the SHA. There is a very basic notion of history.


As is typical with Torvalds, he left it to others to write tooling around the basic concepts soon after this. Torvalds deserves credit for the core ideas and a barely usable prototype. But most importantly, he enforced its use on a major open source project, very early in its life, which ensured that it would be improved upon.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (37)

rlnorthcutt on Sept 8, 2023 | prev | next [–]

I went down a bit of a rabbit hole the other day, and put together some quotes from Linus and some info on how and why Git was created.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (38)

avg_dev on Sept 8, 2023 | parent | next [–]

i enjoyed your article; thanks. one small note: I think when you say

> (queue heart attack)!

you actually mean to say

> (cue heart attack)!

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (39)

rlnorthcutt on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

Lol - thanks... this was just something I wrote quickly.

Or, I meant that this was yet _another_ heart attack waiting in line? Kidding...

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (40)

tough on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

queue heart attack attack would be something for future scifi movies fr

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (41)

cortesoft on Sept 8, 2023 | parent | prev | next [–]

My favorite Linus quote about Git came from his talk at Google:

“The end result was I decided I could write something better than anything that was out there in two weeks, and I was right”


Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (42)

dekervin on Sept 8, 2023 | parent | prev | next [–]

Please do share !

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (43)

das_keyboard on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

He did share. He submitted this article :)

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (44)

dekervin on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

Sorry ! I did a quick visual check and I thought I was replying to someone different from the one who posted the article, and she had additional anecdotes. Don't know why I missed they were the same.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (45)

brainerazer on Sept 8, 2023 | prev | next [–]

Yeah, it shows

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (46)

avg_dev on Sept 8, 2023 | parent | next [–]

i have used cvs, subversion, and git, and to a much lesser extent, darcs and hg. i would have to agree with both the article that this (d)vcs is a breath of fresh air compared to cvs and svn and also with your post and this tweet https://twitter.com/markrussinovich/status/15784512452490526... .

i believe that i notice some nice changes have been coming to git over the years. and i believe i'm largely comfortable with the toolset it offers and occasionally i advance my knowledge of it. i mostly use: git diff, git status, git commit, git rebase, git pull, git log, occasionally git merge or once in a rare while git reflog or whatever else comes up when i try to look up "how do i get back commits from a stash i popped and then checked out" (losing the changes within the stash). i actually did that again the other day and i think i may have tried git reflog and git fsck for the first time on my Windows Subsystem Linux Ubuntu machine (no idea if that is relevant) and i could not find my lost stash at all, and just ended up recreating the changes.

git is nice in the distributed sense, it is fast for my use, git lfs has been quite a pain for me in the past (but maybe it has improved). but i do find the commands quite arcane and it was very hard for me to get used to it. i am all in now and i appreciate the ux changes the project has made (and likely will make) over the years - the git command output often seems to give a short education message about what command to execute in replacement of some arcane thing i've been using for some years and there are often good blog posts describing how to use new commands, but i spent a lot of time figuring out what the hell i was doing that it would be nice if i could have spent another way.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (47)

ilyt on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

I always said git is very nice and understandable after your read thru git book three or four times.

Which is to say everything in it makes intuitive sense if you know exactly how it works which is fine for developers, not exactly great for normal user that just wants to have some version control writing his novel.

But I think tooling got to the point where that is no longer the problem.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (48)

at_a_remove on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

The "porcelain" (as opposed to the chrome) is terribly arcane.

I had a really tremendously bad experience with using git professionally and haven't touched it since, but apparently instead of something like "undo" you get "reflog." I don't know what to say about that. Everyone tells me that the internals are great, wonderful, magic, and I am willing to accept that on face value, but the selection of command names just baffles me. As a solo developer, I will just live without it until the names make more sense and I can find a use case.

(I am quite sure that someone will begin howling that you cannot program without git the same way projects cannot be done without Agile, and yet programming existed before either.)

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (49)

eternityforest on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

It's not the internals that make Git special, it's the fact that GitHub uses it, and all the other developers know it.

I always say people should learn VCS at the same time as their first programming language, it's that important. And GitHub is as close to "the standard" VCS as it gets.

Git cola makes most tasks easy, and the stuff it can't do, can be googled.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (50)

dvngnt_ on Sept 8, 2023 | parent | prev | next [–]

what could you do in 11 days?

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (51)

devoutsalsa on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

Massive amounts of yak shaving. Two weeks ago I decided to build a new web app. Before I build it, I need a solid deploy strategy to save money since Heroku nuked their free tier. Currently writing a new programming language so I can reinvent Terraform with an AGPL license. I should deploy hello world by 2049.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (52)

lijok on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

Dude same. We should start a consultancy.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (53)

devoutsalsa on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

yakshaver.dev is available. We should be able to implement a DNS server and brainf*ck to web assembly transpiler to launch a landing page by 2035. Let's do it.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (54)

mrkeen on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

I could almost get my front-end and back-end to talk together despite CORS.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (55)

nitwit005 on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Hacker News is completely filled with people who have gotten crappy early versions of things out in that time frame. You don't see people claiming their first versions were great.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (56)

eastern on Sept 8, 2023 | parent | prev | next [–]

TBH I always thought it was like one all-nighter

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (57)

philbarr on Sept 8, 2023 | prev | next [–]

"Subversion was slow and clunky"

Lucky you, you never used clearcase or Visual SourceSafe!

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (58)

hesnuts on Sept 8, 2023 | parent | next [–]

As opposed to git, which is fast and clunky

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (59)

isanjay on Sept 8, 2023 | parent | prev | next [–]

I used Visual SourceSafe before git. What a nightmare

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (60)

sumtechguy on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

SourceSafe was nice with its built in tools integration when everyone else at the time was non existent. It was really meant for a 2-5 person team. Anything bigger and the thing would die on its own database updates. But if you are still using that thing today you should move away from it. It is terrible for usage today. I got to the point I was doing backups every 6 hours and keeping rotating backups on hand for when it decided to corrupt itself. Then I as subjected to clearcase and sourcesafe was amazing compared to the complexity that thing brought. I knew it was bad when they had to send out a consultant just to show us how to get it installed correctly and make branches.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (61)

JoeAltmaier on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

ClearCase?! An enormous pile of unnecessary complexity. Where I worked they hired a fulltime person just to manage it!

I remember fondly, there was no way to back out a commit. The hired consultant told me "Just check out the previous version and check it back in over the bad change!"

So now our test group would have two(!) changes to test, instead of zero. Brilliant.

I also remember ClearCase had five (5!) views of the same database. Commands worked on one of the five view, and god help you if you got confused.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (62)

ptx on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

SourceSafe apparently had integration with the VBA editor in Office 2000 [1]. I've never used it, but it seems like it would have been handy when I had to work in VBA.

[1] https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/office/d...

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (63)

hiyer on Sept 9, 2023 | parent | prev | next [–]

And perforce. +1 for clearcase though - even perforce was a breath of fresh air compared to it.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (64)

thrixton on Sept 8, 2023 | parent | prev | next [–]

Yep, subversion was a dream compared to VSS, branches that actually worked, what a concept.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (65)

baseballdork on Sept 8, 2023 | parent | prev | next [–]

CMSynergy. I shudder thinking about it.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (66)

ilyt on Sept 8, 2023 | prev | next [–]

When you anger a wrong nerd and they will rip apart your entire business's niche in 2 weeks long caffeine and anger fueled hackathon #justbitkeeperthings

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (67)

didip on Sept 8, 2023 | prev | next [–]

I am glad that Git took off instead of Bazaar or SVN. But I would have been ok if Mercurial won as well.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (68)

bni on Sept 8, 2023 | parent | next [–]

SVN was used by "everybody" a couple of years before git took over

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (69)

lagniappe on Sept 8, 2023 | parent | prev | next [–]

Mercurial is still available in a lot of places. If you want to use it, I say more power to you

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (70)

princevegeta89 on Sept 8, 2023 | prev | next [–]

Linux Torvalds is a living genius no doubt about it

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (71)

happytoexplain on Sept 8, 2023 | prev | next [–]

These pieces of ostensibly impressive trivia of the format "X was written in Y days" promote a fallacious impression that managers often suffer from: That "work" is writing code, and great developers "work" fast. Writing v1 is the easiest and fastest part of making a great product, by far. Understanding the details of the problems it solves and the ramifications of specific solutions - that's the hard work that takes years of experience and months of planning, and is the real measure of a developer. Unfortunately the former can be tracked with metrics, while the latter can not.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (72)

mprovost on Sept 8, 2023 | prev | next [–]

Linus's biggest contribution to software engineering is git but it took writing a kernel first to give him the idea. I'd argue that git has had a bigger impact on the world than Linux.

The Linux kernel is an amazing piece of software but especially in the beginning wasn't especially innovative. The Solaris kernel was a much better implementation of the Unix lineage. The Mach kernel was interesting from a research perspective, and lives on in MacOS and iOS. HURD was a worthy experiment, as was Plan 9. But git was really head and shoulders above anything that came before.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (73)

lambic on Sept 8, 2023 | prev | next [–]

I wrote a curses based cheque processing system in C over a weekend after our old cheque processing server literally went up in smoke. I'm guessing it is long dead and did not become a leader in its field though.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (74)

bragr on Sept 8, 2023 | prev | next [–]

Under the hood, git is pretty simple and built out of a few primitives. That's why projects like this [1] are so fun!


Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (75)

BigDaveDiode on Sept 8, 2023 | prev | next [–]

I was using BitKeeper at the time and was just glad that there was (going to be) an alternative to all that drama! BitKeeper was a nice product but man did they misunderstand their customers.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (76)

muditsrivastava on Sept 8, 2023 | prev | next [–]

Along those lines, it's interesting how he chose such a simple and nonsensical name, "Git," that has become so important today. :)

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (77)

kramerger on Sept 9, 2023 | prev | next [–]

Unix (the original) was created over 3 weeks. Source: Kernighans memoir.

Remember that next time you call yourself a 10x dev

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (78)

glonq on Sept 8, 2023 | prev | next [–]

Yes, I remember Linus hastily writing git to quell a civil war that was brewing over BitKeeper.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (79)

bluedino on Sept 8, 2023 | prev | next [–]

I'm surprised that Linus was able to spend the better part of 10 days working on it.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (80)

pimlottc on Sept 8, 2023 | prev | next [–]

And on the 11th day, he rested.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (81)

arey_abhishek on Sept 8, 2023 | prev | next [–]

Does anyone have the code from the first commit?

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (82)

sciurus on Sept 8, 2023 | parent | next [–]

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (83)

rlnorthcutt on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

Oh sweet - I added that link. Thank you!

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (84)

Moto7451 on Sept 8, 2023 | parent | prev | next [–]

Sure, it’s all in… git!


Here is a deeply paged link that will eventually not point to the first commits.


Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (85)

avg_dev on Sept 8, 2023 | parent | prev | next [–]

heh, i browsed the tag history on github to see if i could track it down, but github gave me a 500 error on this link: https://github.com/git/git/releases/tag/v0.99

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (86)

sampo on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

This answer explains how to edit the url to get to the oldest commit in Github


Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (87)

dkdbejwi383 on Sept 8, 2023 | parent | prev | next [–]

When did git become self-hosting?

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (88)

hesnuts on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

git itself doesn't need to be hosted

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (89)

jogjayr on Sept 8, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

I'm sure they meant when could git use itself for version control.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (90)

azangru on Sept 8, 2023 | prev [–]

Same as javascript?

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (91)

ilyt on Sept 8, 2023 | parent [–]

No, the main goal wasn't "look close enough to Java to fool the suits" but to make something useful.

Did you know Git was originally created in 10 days? (2024)
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