Difference Between C and C++ (2024)

Table Of Contents


  • Introduction
  • Difference Between C and C++
  • What is C?
    • Key Features of C Programming
  • What is C++?
    • Key Features Of C++
  • Example
    • C Program to Add Two Integers
    • C++ Program to Add Two Integers
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    • Q.1: Is C++ better than C?
    • Q.2: How are C and C++ different?
    • Q.3: Is C easier than C++?
    • Q.4: Is C still used?
    • Q.5: What can C++ do that C Cannot?
  • Additional Resources


In the world of programming languages, C and C++ have become highly prominent languages that have been around for a long time and are popular topics among developers. C and C++ are two of the most widely used programming languages that can be used for many things, from software development, game development, and database design, to operating systems development, and more.

The main difference between C and C++ is that C is revered as the “God” of programming languages whereas C++ was developed as an extension of C. As two of the most widely used languages, the choice between C and C++ can be challenging for developers. In this article, we will explore key differences between C and C++, their respective features, and examples. This will help developers in making informed decisions about their projects. Let’s dive in now

Difference Between C and C++

Programming StyleThe C programming language is a procedural language type.The language is function-driven.C++ is an object-oriented programming language type. The language is object-driven.
ApproachC programming follows a top to down programming approach that focuses on the steps rather than the data.C++ follows a bottom-to-top approach that focuses on data rather than the overall procedure.
Program DivisionAs C is a structured programming language, the program is divided into blocks known as functions which can be viewed as individual components of the program.As C++ is an object-oriented programming language, the code consists of Objects and Classes.
Data TypesC supports built-in data types. C is a basic version of a programming language and supports only primitive, fixed data types.Besides built-in data types, C++ also supports user-defined data types. C++ is an enhanced version of C and supports generic data types.
Exception HandlingC does not support exception handling, i.e., support in times of ‘hard’ errors causing code problems.C++ supports exception handling and provides efficient support during errors and incorrect codes.
Application DevelopmentThis programming language is more suitable for assemblers, text editors, network drivers, and low-level implementations.C++ programming language is suitable and extensible for high-end programming including game development, embedded systems like smartwatches, medical machines, etc.
CompatibilityC is the foundational language and, hence, the code written with C can be run with the C++ compiler.C++ is the superset of the C language including OOP concepts and hence, cannot run the code in the C compiler.
File Extension.c is the file extension for the C programming language..cpp is the file extension for C++.
Ease Of CodingAlso known as Hands-on language which means C allows the programmer to tell everything. Therefore, one can program it the way we want. It is easy.C++ is a more object-oriented high-level programming language which requires fixed construction and principles. However, it is easier to code.
Data SecurityC programming language does not adhere to the encapsulation concept and allows easy data manipulation from outside code.C++ is a more secure programming language.
Inline FunctionC does not support inline functions.C++ supports inline functions.
VariableA variable is like a storage location and in C it needs to be defined at the beginning itself.Variables in C++ can be declared anytime.
NamespaceTo organize the code for efficiency and prevent collisions, the namespace is required. C does not support that.C++ as a flexible programming language supports namespace.
Source codeC was the base of many foundational languages and is itself known for its free format source code.C++ was developed, and inspired by the C programming language.
Used ByMicrosoft Windows Kernel, Telegram Messenger, Oracle Database, MySQL, etc.Google Chrome, Microsoft Office, Torque 3-D game engine, and so many more.
Header FilesThe C language uses a <studio.h> header file.The C++ language uses a <iostream.h> header file.
Access ModifiersNo access modifiers are present in the C structure.Access modifiers are used in C++ structures.
Memory Allocation/De-allocationFor dynamic memory allocation, C provides the malloc() and calloc() functions, as well as free() function for memory de-allocation.With C++, memory allocation can be performed by a new operator, and memory de-allocation can be accomplished by a delete operator.
InheritanceInheritance is not supported by C.Inheritance is supported in C++.
FocusThe C language focuses on methods or processes instead of data.Rather than focusing on methods or procedures, C++ focuses on data.
Virtual and Friend functionsThe C language does not support virtual functions or friend functions.In C++, virtual functions and friend functions are supported.

What is C?

Difference Between C and C++ (1)

C is a general-purpose, structured programming language that was introduced for system development work i.e., programs that make up the operating systems. It soon gained popularity for several application developments because of its flexibility, faster execution, and simplicity.

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It was developed in the year 1972 by computer scientist Dennis Ritchie at the Bell Laboratories. C is known by the name of God’s programming language, as it forms the base of many of the modern-day languages you might have been studying today like Python, Java, C++, and many more.

The prevalence and versatility of C can be highlighted through the most popular applications and software built with this language. From working on different operating systems like Windows, Apple OS X, and Symbian to mobile and desktop operating systems; From Language compilers, Network Drivers to one of the most known applications like MYSQL, Adobe, etc.

Key Features of C Programming

C and C++, as we have read above, have their complexities, purposes, goals, and advantages. And before jumping on the comparison of C vs C++, we should read about the features of both of them as well.

  • Simple: C programming language is one of the oldest programming languages and is known for its simplicity and easy-to-understand format. It forms the base for many programming languages and therefore, many programmers prefer C as a good starting point for beginners.
  • Portable: The C programming language is adaptable to different platforms and systems. This means that if you have written your code on one platform, you can port or run it on different platforms as well for modifications or updates. This is why C is called the machine-independent language.
  • Procedural or Structural Language: C language uses a particular flow of the program to run the code. It breaks the code into small blocks for differential functioning and minimizes the complexities.
  • Case Sensitive: The C programming language is case sensitive and will treat ‘C’ and ‘c’ as different variables.
  • Dynamic Memory Allocation: C supports dynamic memory allocation. It means C allows memory space during the run time as well. It plays to the advantage of the programmer because they cannot know beforehand the space or memory required while running the code.
  • Rich Library: To provide programmers with a better and simple coding experience, C gives them a library with built-in functions or user-defined functions. C has a rich library that caters to varied needs and requirements.
  • Speed: C programming is not only simple and efficient. It is also faster. In comparison to programming languages like Java and Python, C provides rapid performance as it is a compiler-based language.

Read More – C Language Features

What is C++?

Difference Between C and C++ (2)

C++ or C with Classes is a general-purpose object-oriented programming language that is used to create high-performing applications. C++ was earlier known by the name of C with classes as it was an amalgamation of C and Simula67 (the first object-oriented language). It means that with the properties of the C programming language, C++ also introduced the concepts of classes and objects for user-defined data types.

The origin of C++ goes back to 1979, developed by Bjarne Stroustrup. The idea behind C++ was, as the name suggests, to bring about a general-purpose language that should not be limited to a specific use. It is used with Operating systems, high-end libraries, cloud-distributed systems, compilers, game development, smartwatches, graphic applications and so much more.

Today, C++ isn’t just an extension of C programming language, but, with three modern updates and high-end performance, it is changing its position from merely a language extension into one of the most popular and in-demand programming languages on the market.

C++ forms the base for programmers to learn about object-oriented programming more simply and thoroughly.

Key Features Of C++

Here are some of the key features of the C++ programming language:

  • Static Type System: C++ is a compiler-based language. It means that before executing or running the code, we need to use a compiler that makes it understandable to the computer.
  • Fast and Powerful: As C++ is a compiler-based language, it enhances and makes the execution of the code faster. Plus, with an extensive assortment of functions and data types, etc, it makes the language powerful and a sure choice for programmers.
  • Pointers: A point in the C++ language holds the address of a particular object. It is a feature that allows programmers to use pointers for interacting with the functions, arrays, memory and structures with less code and rapidly.
  • Object-Oriented Language: The language C++ was an extension to the procedural programming language C, and as such included the OOP (object-oriented programming) concepts like Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Abstraction, Inheritance, etc.
  • Extensible: C++ programming language is known for its extensibility because it is flexible in adapting to new features and any modifications in design.
  • Additional Features: It is to be noted that since C++ is a superset of the programming language C, it includes all the features of C as well, like dynamic memory allocation, rich library, structured programming, portability, etc.

Read more: Top C++ Features


C Program to Add Two Integers

#include <stdio.h>int main() { int num1, num2, sum; printf("Enter two numbers: "); scanf("%d %d", &num1, &num2); sum = num1 + num2; printf("Sum of %d and %d is %d\n", num1, num2, sum); return 0;}

C++ Program to Add Two Integers

#include <iostream>int main() { int num1, num2, sum; cout << "Enter two numbers: "; cin >> num1 >> num2; sum = num1 + num2; cout << "Sum of " << num1 << " and " << num2 << " is " << sum; return 0;}


The difference between C and C++ wraps up to one conclusion as a programmer, you decide to choose the language for your project.

After a glance at the features, drawbacks, and advantages of both C and C++, you could make out that both languages are suitable for different kinds of projects.
C is more suitable for low programming-level applications but also is one of the foundational languages for a beginner.

C++ as an extension of this language provides the additional OOP concepts that help to build complex applications faster, better, and more secure. Plus, the demand for this language proceeds to a bright scope for developers. Therefore, to make your unbiased decision on which one is between C and C++, you need a thorough reading of this article.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1: Is C++ better than C?

Ans: C++ is a superset of the language C, with enhanced features including OOP concepts. So, yes in creating some complex projects C++ is better than C.

Q.2: How are C and C++ different?

Ans: C is a structural or procedural programming language introduced earlier for system applications and low-level programs. Whereas C++ is an Object-oriented programming language with features similar to C and additional features like Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Data Abstraction, Data Hiding, Inheritance, etc., for complex application development. They are the same yet different in so many parameters.

Q.3: Is C easier than C++?

Ans. C is easier to learn because of its hands-on characteristics. But C++ is easier to code with its fixed structures and principles. Here is a free course on C++ to get started.

Q.4: Is C still used?

Ans: Yes, C is still used in many companies and by many developers today.

Q.5: What can C++ do that C Cannot?

Ans. The significant difference between C and C++ is an Object-oriented language that gives the advantages of data security, scalability, better performance, rich built-in functions and so much more.

Additional Resources

  • C Interview Questions
  • C++ Interview Questions
  • C++ MCQ
  • C++ Books
  • C++ IDEs
  • C++ Projects With Source Code
  • C# Vs C++
  • Top C IDE
  • C Projects
  • C Programming Books
  • Applications of C Programming Language
  • Difference Between C and Java
Difference Between C and C++ (2024)


Difference Between C and C++? ›

The main difference between C and C++ is that C is a procedural programming language that does not support classes and objects. On the other hand, C++ is an extension of C programming with object-oriented programming (OOP) support. Is C and C++ a compiled or interpreted language? C and C++ are both compiled languages.

Is C++ actually better than C? ›

If you are interested in low-level programming tasks such as operating systems and device drivers, C may be your better choice. If you are more interested in developing higher-level applications such as web browsers and graphics software, C++ may be a better fit.

Is C or C++ harder? ›

Now, you may be wondering, “Is C++ more difficult than C?” The answer is both yes and no, depending on what you are trying to achieve. C gives direct control over memory and hardware. As a superset, C++ has the same control but with easier tools.

Should I learn C or C++ first? ›

While it's certainly true that both languages are essential in the long run, most experienced programmers will tell you that C is the more versatile of the two, and should, therefore, be learned first.

Is C# or C++ better? ›

Development is usually faster in C#. If the application doesn't perform time-critical tasks, it makes sense to choose the easier and less error-prone language. Traditionally, C++ was the right choice for a non-Windows environment, but that changed once Microsoft started encouraging open-source implementations of . NET.

What is the hardest coding language? ›

Malbolge. This language is so hard that it has to be set aside in its own paragraph. Malbolge is by far the hardest programming language to learn, which can be seen from the fact that it took no less than two years to finish writing the first Malbolge code.

Why write C instead of C++? ›

However, writing code in C is cleaner, clearer and avoids subtle errors. There are many programmers, myself included, who prefer C over C++. Programming in C requires greater discipline and encourages you to think clearly. In C++ you are leaving many things to the compiler.

Is C tougher than Python? ›

Syntax of Python programs is easy to learn, write and read. The syntax of a C program is harder than Python. Python uses an automatic garbage collector for memory management. In C, the Programmer has to do memory management on their own.

Is C++ too hard for beginners? ›

C++ is somewhat difficult to learn, especially if you have never programmed before or you have never used a low-level programming language before. If you are a beginner with no programming experience, you should expect it to take at least three months to learn the basics.

Is C++ better than Python? ›

C++ duel lacks a clear winner, as the better choice depends on individual preferences and project requirements. Python excels in quick learning and the rapid development of small programs. In contrast, C++ is suitable for large projects and exploring multiple languages, although it requires more time to master.

Should I start with Python or C? ›

Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, etc fields are mostly dominated by Python now. If you are a complete beginner in coding and want to learn Python, then I will say without thinking twice you should start learning Python. Don't get worried about the confusion that you need to learn C first.

Is C still used? ›

C is still used extensively in fields where performance matters more than ease of development.

Is C or Java better? ›

It's a general consensus that Java is easier to learn because its syntax is closer to natural language than C. What's more, Java already has many built-in features to use, including graphics and sound. The Java language is the third most popular and used language in the world in Jul 2022, according to the Tiobe index.

Is C# an outdated language? ›

C# is a very mature language that evolved significantly over the years. The C# language is one of the top 5 most popular programming languages and . NET is the most loved software development framework in the world. TIOBE Index predicts C# as 2023 'Language of the Year' close to overtake Java in popularity.

Is Python or C# faster? ›

Performance and Speed

This makes Python an attractive option for developers who need to quickly prototype and iterate on their projects. On the other hand, C# boasts better runtime performance due to its compiled nature and static typing.

Why is C++ so fast? ›

How is C++ so fast? C++ was designed with the goal of being portable between a variety of architectures and operating systems, which has contributed to its speed and reliability. The object-oriented nature of C++ enables it to use abstractions of hardware and code to make programs more efficient.

Is there any advantage of C over C++? ›

C is somewhat more efficient than C++ since it doesn't need for Virtual Method Table (VMT) lookups. VMT — It is a mechanism used in programming languages to support dynamic dispatch (or Runtime Method Binding).

Is C++ really useful? ›

C++ Is Everywhere

C++ programming language is almost everywhere around the world. For example, it is used for making browsers, applications, and software. Also, C++ is used majorly to make operating systems, and almost all operating systems are built using C++, for example, Mac Os, Windows, Linux, etc.

Why is C++ safer than C? ›

Massey said that Bluefruit Software tends to use C++ rather than C and that well-architected object-oriented code can mitigate memory-safety problems. He added that C++ makes code more testable, supporting the company's use of unit testing together with a comprehensive set of practices.

Is C C++ outdated? ›

C++ is not outdated; it remains a powerful and widely used programming language, especially in performance-critical applications and systems programming. While Python and Java offer different advantages, they aren't necessarily better alternatives to C++.

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