Digital Book: What Would Billionaires Do? (2024)

Here's Exactly What You're Getting...

This book details, in full, the multi-generational wealth plan invented and used by the Rockefellers for more than 6 generations...

That anyone can use to protect and grow their wealth, even if they’re not a millionaire.

You'll get the complete system, and one of the best things about this book is...

It's a quick, easy read that you can finish in a couple evenings or a weekend.

There's no technical language and the entire multi-generational wealth plan is spelled out in simple terms.

Plus it’s filled with client case studies and examples so you can see first-hand how it works and the impressive results the system provides.


It's About MORE Than Just Money — It’s About a Living Legacy, Too

You see, the system you discover inside this book allows you to live a more full and enjoyable life...

To preserve, protect, and grow your wealth for your family right now and for generations to come...

AND to free up more cash to enjoy life while leaving behind a significant (tax-free) inheritance for you kids and grandchildren.

Best of all, it works for anyone at any level — even if you're not a "millionaire."

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Here’s a Fraction of What You'll Discover...

  • Want to discover how to immediately improve your cash position? Take a look at Chapters Five and Eight for several ways to increase your cash flow without sacrificing your lifestyle.
  • See how you can boost your savings rate up to 400%–800% without having to lock your money away by checking out Chapter Six!
  • Improve your retirement income up to 30–40 percent without taking any additional risk or disinheriting your family. Take a look at Chapter Nine!
  • Discover the original little-known document that first led me to this multi-generational wealth plan — on page 29.
  • Want to make money every time you make big purchases like homes and cars? Check out Chapter Eleven!
  • Large family inheritances so often destroy lives! A special document from Chapter Twelve reveals how to pass on the advantages and opportunities of new wealth without the dangerous, damaging side effects ...
  • Enjoy guaranteed loans for the rest of your life — without credit checks and at the most competitive rates — for any reason. See Chapter Two ...
  • Discover why it's so critical to "keep the money together" and AVOID letting your children and grandchildren spend money as they please (the book outlines an elegant system to make sure it happens) ...
  • How to safeguard your wealth from lawsuits, creditors and financial predators (note: laws vary from state to state) ...
  • How to break your family out of middle class mediocrity and change your financial destiny in less than one generation ...
  • How traditional financial institutions plot to control your money for as long as possible — and get rich doing it. This system turns that concept on its head so the wealth funnels to YOU ...
  • The forgotten wealth-building account: After WWI nearly everyone had this account to safely grow their wealth — because it works! And the benefits are even better today ...
  • Finally grow a War Chest of money for unexpected surprises — like a lawsuit or cash flow crunch — that continues to grow and earn interest whether you use it or not ...
  • Why budgeting sucks (and what to do instead) ...
  • How to set up your own "family bank" (and tap into the secret "growth formula" the big banks use to grow their wealth) ...
  • The COMPLETE Billionaire Financial System: How to build continual wealth and pass it on to the next generation tax-free — plus pass along opportunity, wisdom and security that your great-grandkids will thank you for ...
  • And much, much more ...

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In Fact, this Book Gives You the Proven Way to Reach Economic Independence Fast...

Here's a huge bonus. You can even use the billionaire financial system revealed in the book to reach Economic Independence faster.

Economic Independence is the point at which you have enough cash inflows to support the lifestyle you want, and that doesn't require you to actively work.

This allows you to work when you want, for as long as you want — all on your terms, not because you "have to."

And that frees up your mind, your calendar and your energy level to do just about anything you want.

We've seen clients triple their net worth in 3-7 years while working half as much using this system. And while that may not be typical — especially just from reading a book — it is what's possible when you fully employ the systems found in this book.

But it gets better because you're also getting...

An Advanced System For "Buying Your Net Worth" Instead of Building It!

At the end of this book, you even get a blueprint of the most powerful way I've found to build your net worth ...

Consider how much money you would have to put away each month to build up a five million dollar nest egg. How much time, effort, and stress you would have to endure to make that happen?

With the method revealed in the book, instead, you can buy a specific type of legal contract that actually gives you a five million dollar nest egg immediately.

You’ll see exactly how it works when you read Chapter Ten.

The best part of this is that it's ...

Specifically Designed For People Who Want To Retire Wealthy and Enjoy Life!

Listen. If you worry about not being able to live the lifestyle you hoped for during retirement — you're not alone.

Between all the moving targets of interest rates, taxes, inflation, the markets, etc. — it's nearly impossible to predict what your net worth will be when you retire.

But this system gives you a contractually guaranteed net worth from day one, so you never have to worry about having enough money to retire on.

Better yet...

You'll Know How To Access, Spend, and Enjoy Your Wealth Long Before You Retire...

And you'll do it without the fear of running out of money.

Too many people put their lives on hold and defer the enjoyment of their wealth for that simple reason.

They're afraid if they spend and enjoy their money now, they won't have enough later.

The multi-generational wealth plan revealed in the book gives you the freedom to spend money on the things you love and create memories with your family and loved ones...

And still gives you absolute certainty that you'll have everything you need to retire wealthy...

And know your family will be taken care of for generations to come.

Plus It Guarantees Your Family and Future Generations Can Benefit From Your Wealth Without Being Able to Squander It

That's the part I really love, because I want to empower my children to accomplish amazing things and live fulfilling lives.

At the same time, I loathe the thought of them not being prepared for money and ruining their chance at happiness and purpose.

The system you get when you read the book solves that problem automatically.

In fact, it's built right into the system. It's part and parcel of how it works.

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Here's What to Do Next

It's part of Wealth Factory's mission to help one million entrepreneurs reach Economic Independence.

So to get this book into the hands of as many people as possible...

And as FAST as possible...

You can now get the book instantly as a digital download for just $4.95.

Why that price?

Well, that’s the exact price we charged for shipping and handling when sending physical copies of this book.

And I figure you'd prefer to get the book immediately without any shipping issues.

So as soon as you place your order, you'll get an email receipt with a download link to get the digital book instantly.

This way, we’re getting this important wealth building information into your hands IMMEDIATELY without having to wait...

Plus skipping the paper book means there’s one less tree to cut down at a time where wildfires have ravaged our forests.

And to double-down on rebuilding America’s forests...

Your Book Purchase Plants 1 Tree Today

For every purchase of What Would Billionaires Do? we are donating $1 to the National Forest Foundation (NFF).

Every $1 donation to the NFF plants 1 native tree in a National Forest in need of reforestation...

And gets us closer to the goal of planting 50,000,000 trees across America to rebuild forests devastated by wildfire, insects and disease.

With your book purchase today, they will plant at least one more tree...

And, for every $1 NFF puts towards rebuilding the forests...

The U.S. Forest Service will match it with $2 of value via project support and implementation.

Pretty good deal, right?

You get the book, you plant a tree and, oh, in case you're wondering...

Yes, Just $4.95 — THERE IS NO CATCH!

I realize this is very INEXPENSIVE ... so you might wonder what the "catch" is.

Here's the deal. My team spends thousands of dollars on marketing to get the message out about how entrepreneurs can create Economic Independence in 3-7 years by focusing on cash flow...

But it's much harder to "advertise" about the kind of wealth-building principles found in What Would Billionaires Do?

So rather than spend tens of thousands on traditional advertising, we decided to spend that money on getting this book into the hands of as many people as possible.

That way, you get to read through the book and see exactly how the system works and evaluate how you can implement it in your life.

And if that's all we do together, we'll be thrilled.

But I also know that some people may decide to reach out and ask us to help them fast-track the whole process — and of course that's a win for both of us.

Get the Audiobook for Just a Penny More!

Because we’re out of physical books, we want to give you an even better offer.

To help us with costs, we give a Quick Start Action Guide and Book Summary to anyone who pays just $4.99 more.

And then if you pay just one penny more, we’ll also give you the instant audiobook download of What Would Billionaires Do? (retail value $29.95).

And since it’s audio, you can listen in your car, while working out or anywhere else at your convenience.

The retail value of the audiobook is $29.95. The lowest we’ve ever discounted the audiobook is to $9.95.

But if you pay $9.95 today, you get the digital book, the Quick Start Action Guide AND the audiobook for one low, low price.

And We’ll Also Throw In a Free Bonus Book: Investor DNA

Ever wondered why some investors have incredible track records, when others fail or just have average results?

We can sum it up in 2 words: Investor DNA.

You have your own unique, personal Investor DNA inside you. And when you follow your Investor DNA, that’s when wealth is created and risk is avoided.

So while the average person basically invests like everyone else and it produces average results…

Millionaires and billionaires, even if they aren’t totally aware of it, are investing according to their Investor DNA and getting richer for it.

And when you purchase the “Best Value” option of What Would Billionaires Do? for $9.95…

You get as a FREE BONUS our book Investor DNA — Capitalizing On Your Unique Advantage in Investing.

Time Is Of The Essence

At our current numbers, it costs $20.63 in marketing costs to sell one book. So in most cases, we actually lose money.

Why would we do that?

It’s a marketing test to see if we can still make a small profit by offering this book and other services.

My hope is that you’ll love the book so much that you’ll consider doing business with us in the future.

Basically I’m betting that the message inside What Would Billionaires Do? is so compelling that I’ll actually make money in the long run — even if we lose money up front.

With all of that said — this is just a test and the offer could be pulled at any time, so I urge you to get your copy today.

This Offer Can’t Last Forever —

So Claim Your Copy Now Before It's Gone

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Thanks for investing in yourself and your financial future. I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Norm Westervelt

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm offering you this digital book that outlines the entire multi-generational wealth plan so you can build lifelong wealth, empower future generations to build on your legacy, while still living the life you love right now.

The book gives you the complete system for "buying your net worth instead of building it" — while achieving Economic Independence and enjoying life...

So you can spend your money and have some fun right now without worrying that you'll have enough money for retirement.

This gives you certainty and peace of mind that your loved ones will be taken care of for generations to come...

And still gives you full access and control of your money to live the ideal life you imagined along the way.

This deal may not last forever — it’s a marketing test and at such a low price, we actually lose money on almost every sale. Our hope is to gain your business in the future.

That said, there is no "catch" to this offer. You will not be signing up for anything else and there's no obligation to work with our team or access the shortcut systems we've developed.

Click here and claim your copy now. You won't regret it. :-)

Digital Book: What Would Billionaires Do? (2024)


What book should I read to become a billionaire? ›

"How to Be a Billionaire is a powerful arsenal of dead-on strategies for increasing your personal wealth and business acumen. Marty Fridson details the tactics of self-made billionaires with great intelligence and insight.

How many books do billionaires read a month? ›

According to Pew Research, the typical American reads about four books a year. Compare that to the reading habits of American billionaire Bill Gates. He doesn't simply outpace an average reader, he's on an entirely different level; he powers through an astounding 50 books each year. That's about one book per week.

What are some things billionaires do? ›

Main Activity
  • Primary – gather material from the earth. Mining, drilling oil, farming or fishing for example.
  • Secondary –turn materials into things to sell. ...
  • Tertiary – Provide a service for people. ...
  • Quaternary – Doing hi-tech research. ...
  • Match the billionaire to the sector of industry that has made them their money.

What do billionaires keep their money in? ›

Another common place where billionaires keep their money is in securities. Securities are financial investments and instruments with some value that can be traded, oftentimes on public markets. Common types of securities include bonds, stocks and funds (mutual and exchange-traded).

How many hours do billionaires read? ›

Warren Buffett spends 5-6 hours a day reading, often newspapers and financial documents. Mark Zuckerberg tries to read a book a week “with an emphasis on learning about different cultures, beliefs, histories and technologies”.

How to realistically become a billionaire? ›

Best Tips for Becoming a Billionaire
  1. Budget wisely and keep your finances a priority.
  2. Put a set amount from each paycheck into a savings account.
  3. Start an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) that will grow over time.
  4. Pay off your credit card debt to avoid paying interest.
  5. Buy and sell stocks on the stock market.

What is the most common job for billionaires? ›

Top 15 Careers That Can Make You a Billionaire
  • Investment banker.
  • Author.
  • Athlete.
  • Entrepreneur.
  • Lawyer.
  • Real estate developer.
  • Surgeon.
  • Inventor.
Mar 1, 2024

What bank do most billionaires use? ›

The Most Popular Banks for Millionaires
  1. JP Morgan Private Bank. “J.P. Morgan Private Bank is known for its investment services, which makes them a great option for those with millionaire status,” Kullberg said. “ ...
  2. Bank of America Private Bank. ...
  3. Citi Private Bank. ...
  4. Chase Private Client.
Jan 29, 2024

What is the most common thing in billionaire? ›

Being a billionaire takes an extreme work ethic and for many, quite a bit of patience. Billionaires are always learning; if you have the chance to ask them, they will almost always say they are the student, not the teacher. The most common traits among billionaires are work ethic and refusal to give up.

Do billionaires use credit cards? ›

What Credit Card Do the Super Rich Use? The super rich use a variety of different credit cards, many of which have strict requirements to obtain, such as invitation only or a high minimum net worth. Such cards include the American Express Centurion (Black Card) and the JP Morgan Chase Reserve.

Do billionaires have liquid cash? ›

Cash and cash equivalents are common places where billionaires keep of some their money. Though not often thought of as an investment, cash is a liquid asset, meaning you can use it in a variety of ways as needs or desires arise.

Where do most billionaires put their money? ›

Billionaires' wealth is concentrated in company stock, and their companies' value lies mostly in ideas and processes, not cash and physical property. The economy depends on some people having more than they need to consume, as their investments of capital fund business operations and private lending.

What is the best course to become a billionaire? ›

  • May 2, 2024. 10 Degree Subjects Most Likely to Make You a Billionaire. ...
  • Engineering. Many of the world's richest people, about 22% of the top 100 billionaires, studied engineering. ...
  • Economics. Learning about economics is important for making smart money choices. ...
  • Finance. ...
  • No Degree. ...
  • Business. ...
  • Computer Science. ...
  • Arts.
May 2, 2024

How many books do you need to read to become a millionaire? ›

On average, a millionaire reads 4 books a month which totals to an average of 52 books a year, helping them grow and build their empire. Another thing to note is that they don't just read fiction novels - they read non-fiction self-help books because one good idea could be worth millions of dollars.

How to Become a billionaire book summary? ›

  1. Look for ways to turn ideas into money.
  2. Realize that rules are breakable.
  3. Recognize that copying pays more than creating.
  4. Keep on growing and improving.
  5. Hold on to your equity.
  6. Value hard work (it's essential).
  7. Use financial leverage to increase your wealth.
  8. Keep the back door open.

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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Views: 6245

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Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.