Direct Deposit for Your Small Business: A Complete Guide (2024)

Paying your employees and contractors accurately and on time is a painless way to keep moralehigh and retain the talent that makes your company successful. Many businesses find directdeposit a reliable means to automate payroll functions, stay in compliance with tax laws andensure workers can promptly access their funds on payday.

But there are gotchas to watch for, like more difficulty switching financial institutions orupdating payment errors. So is direct deposit right for your business? Here’s a guideto howthe process works, a checklist to set up direct deposit, and a rundown of benefits anddrawbacks.

What Is Direct Deposit?

Direct deposit replaces older payment methods, such as issuing paper checks and envelopes ofcash. By electronically transferring funds from your company’s bank account to youremployees’ accounts, you minimize risk and set your payroll team up for success.

You may also hear direct deposit referred to as direct pay, electronic funds transfer (EFT)or electronic checks. Whatever the term, most businesses choose to pay their employees usingthis option, with 94% ofworkers receiving their pay through direct deposit .

Key Takeaways

  • Direct deposits are widely used as a convenient, time-saving and cost-effective way topay employees.
  • Direct deposit is also generally safer for both employers and workers than paying bycheck or cash.
  • There are a few drawbacks: It’s more difficult to change banks and to stop oradjusterroneous payments than when issuing a check.
  • Direct deposits can also be used for payments to contractors and for bonuses, annuitiesand travel expenses.

Direct Deposits Explained

Direct deposits move funds between banks over a centralized electronic payment network calledthe Automated Clearing House (ACH) network. A bank-funded nonprofit organization calledNacha—which was established as the National Automated Clearing HouseAssociation—manages theadministration, development and governance of the ACH network.

Nacha facilitates information-sharing among regulatory bodies and financial institutions. Italso focuses on reducing risk and fraud with the goal of keeping banks, employers andworkers confident in the direct deposit system.

How Does Direct Deposit Work?

As an employer, you’ll get started by setting up direct deposit with your bank or apayrollservice provider and connecting your accounting system.

You’ll need information about the account that will be used to pay employees and thecheckingor savings account numbers for the accounts into which each worker or contractor wants payto be deposited.

Then, for each payroll run, you provide your bank or payroll service with directdeposit instructions listing the amount to be transferred to each employee’s account.Yourbank or provider sends the direct deposits to the ACH network, which directs them to youremployees’ banks. The receiving banks then credit your employees’ accounts.Funds areimmediately available to your employees once payment posts.

ACH payments generally take one to two business days to close. The ACH network also supportssame-day payments, which usually involve an additional fee.

Can Small Businesses Use Direct Deposit?

Businesses of any size can use direct deposit—the payroll process is essentially thesamewhether you have 10 employees or 10,000. And in fact, payroll often emerges as a pain point assmall companies add workers. Direct deposit helps remove that barrier to growth and putsyour firm on an equal footing with larger companies come hiring time.

Advantages of Direct Deposit

Direct deposit is easy, safe and cost-effective. It also makes cash flow more predictablecompared with paying employees with paper checks.

Many of the benefits of direct deposit apply both to your company and to your employees.Let’s look at it from both angles.

Benefits of direct deposit for your business

Save time: Because direct deposit is automatic, ittakes less time to process payroll. You’ll reduce bookkeeping hours because youdon’t needto write, mail and reconcile checks—or reissue lost checks. And, you’ll minimizepayroll-related accountingissues like delays updating the general ledger and time spent on manualreconciliations.

Save money: Besides finance team time savings, you’ll eliminate thecostsof checks, postage and other mailing supplies required for a paper-check-based process.Reissuing lost checks may incur fees from banks or payrollservices. And, payroll services can ensure your company accurately retains tax andother deductions, and thus avoids penalties.

Improve cash flow projections: Minimizing cash flow problems isparamount for any business. With direct deposit, you know exactly when payments to employeeswill be withdrawn from your bank account, and the exact amount. This means you canaccurately predict cash requirements. In contrast, when paying by check, your cash flow willdepend on when employees choose to cash their paychecks.

More secure than paper checks: Direct deposits are generally consideredsafer than issuing checks, which can be lost, stolen or forged. Nacha reports that payrollimpersonation fraud, where a criminal targets an employee by sending a phishing email thatimpersonates the employer’s human resources or payroll department, is a real concern.

5 Steps to Keep Payroll Safe

Criminals may trick employees to log in to a fake website so they canhijack payroll data, including bank accounts. They use that informationto steal funds or reroute payments. Here’s how to keep workerssafe:
Train staff on how phishing attacks work and ways to recognizesuspicious links. Warn employees to be wary of emails purporting to comefrom your finance team or payroll service provider.
Provide a contact where employees can forward suspicious emails;consider rewarding workers who spot and report phishing attempts.
Implement a policy that payroll self-service portals will requireauthentication for requests to change payment information and willreauthenticate users accessing the system from unrecognized devices.
Set up automated alerts for payroll administrators so that unusualactivity—like when banking information is changed or multiplechangesthat use the same new routing number or identical accountnumbers—may becaught before money is lost.
Validate employees’ new direct deposit information by sending ACHprenotification transactions.

Process anytime/anywhere: Once you’ve set updirectdeposit, you’ll be able to pay your employees with a few clicks. Whether you’rein theoffice, working from home or travelling, your employees will still be paid on time. Notethat, for companies that have human resources teams, it’s good practice to unite HR and payroll systems fromthe get-go so that the payroll process can be run and data updated by more than one group.

Help the environment: If environmentally friendly practices are importantto your business, then direct deposit is the way to go. You’ll save trees and reducegreenhouse gas emissions by eliminating the need to print and deliver checks.

Benefits of direct deposit for your employees

Save time: Most employees like getting their payautomatically deposited in their accounts. They don’t have to worry about picking upchecks,running to the bank or waiting for checks to clear. They enjoy rapid access to their funds,since their money is always available on payday, even if they’re sick or on vacation.

Save money: Some banks offer free checking accounts if they know accountholders will receive their pay via direct deposit and meet other conditions, such asmaintaining a minimum monthly balance.

Simpler expense reimbursem*nts: You can include expense reimbursem*ntsthrough direct deposit simplifies the process for employees and employers.

More secure than paper checks: Employees no longer need to worry abouttheir checks being lost or stolen.

Choose where the money goes: Some banks and payroll providers enableemployees to split their direct deposit among multiple accounts, so they can direct part ofit into a savings account every month.

Disadvantages of Direct Deposit

Although direct deposit is more efficient than paying by check, there are some drawbacks forboth employers and employees.

Disadvantages of direct deposit for your business

Time-sensitive: To ensure payments reachemployees’bank accounts on payday, you need to run payroll one to two days in advance—regardlessofhow many other priorities you’re juggling. If you fail to do so, you’ll haveunhappyemployees.

Potential security risks in housing employee bank data: To enable directdeposits to employees, you need to store their bank account and routing information. Ensurethat you have adequate security measures and policies in place to protect their sensitivefinancial data—it’s not unheard of for finance employees to be targeted by scammers.

Fewer “stop payment” options than with paper checks: It can bemoredifficult to stop or reverse direct-deposit payments than when paying by check. If youaccidentally overpay an employee, you can generally reverse the payment as long as you do sowithin five days, but some states apply additional restrictions once the money has reachedemployees’ bank accounts.

Potential bank and overdraft fees: Banks generally charge employers feesfor direct deposit payments. And if you don’t ensure your account contains all thefundsrequired for a payroll run before payday, you may incur expensive overdraft fees.

Disadvantages of direct deposit for employees

Bank account fees: If employees don’t alreadyhave abank account for receiving direct deposits, they may need to open one and pay monthlyaccount maintenance fees. As an employer, you may consider offering education and referralsto institutions that will offer free checking, or even provide membership in a credit unionas a benefit.

Makes changing banks harder: If employees change banks, they’ll havetorepeat the initial direct deposit setup process, which can take several days.

Potential security risks. Your employees are entrusting your company, oryour payroll service provider, with sensitive financial information, potentially creatingnew risks including identity theft if the information isn’t well guarded.

Pros and Cons of Direct Deposit



Convenient for employers and employees Time-sensitive—you must schedule payments in time to reachemployees’accounts on payday
Time-saving and cost-effective for employersBank setup and transaction fees
Less chance of fraud or lost payments than with checks Data security concerns
Employees have fast access to wages Hard to stop payments if errors are found
Environmentally friendly More difficult to change banks

How Much Does Direct Deposit Cost?

There are several costs to consider. Banks generally charge an initial setup fee of $50 to$149 plus transaction fees averaging from $1.50 to $1.90 for each individual deposit. Somebanks may also charge monthly fees.

We say “generally” and offer a range because the fee structure depends on thesize of yourbusiness, your bank, whether you process payments yourself or use a service and yourspecific direct deposit agreement. It’s worth comparing prices among differentfinancialinstitutions and payroll service providers.

When Do Payroll Deposits Post for Employees?

With next-day ACH payments, payroll deposits are posted and available to your employees asearly as 9:00 a.m. or as late as 5:00 p.m. local bank time on payday, depending on when thereceiving bank receives funds. If the receiving bank receives funds by 5:00 p.m. local time,the money will be in employees’ accounts by the following morning.

Under same day ACH, employees are paid by 5:00 p.m. on the same day that you transfer funds,provided you meet specific deadlines set by your bank and the ACH network. Banks generallycharge extra for same-day ACH payments.

How Does Paying Contractors Work?

If you work with many independent contractors, it’s worth keeping your options open inregardto direct deposit. If you’re using payroll software or an outsourced payroll service,checkto make sure the system supports payments to contractors as well as employees—thoughindependent contractors are usually paid through accounts payable, not payroll. ACH can alsobe used for direct deposit through accounts payable.

Although the direct deposit payment process for contractors is generally the same as foremployees, you will need to maintain different paperwork. When you hire an independentcontractor or firm, they’ll complete a W-9 tax form instead of the W-2 that employeesuse.If you pay a contractor $600 or more per year, you’ll need to provide a 1099 form atthe endof the year.

How to Set up Direct Deposit for Your Small Business

You’ll need to go through five initial steps to set up direct deposit. It’simportant to notethat the setup process can take seven to 10 business days, so plan accordingly to ensurethere’s no disruption to your employees’ pay cycle.

  1. Select a direct deposit provider: You have a number of options here.You can set up direct deposits directly with your financial institution, or you canuse payroll software or a payroll service that will handle the direct deposits foryou. Take the time to understand and compare the options, including costs, securityfeatures and payment processing times. Your chosen provider should walk you or yourHR or finance team through the setup steps. Be sure to run test transactions toensure the direct deposit process is running smoothly.

  2. Obtain required employee information: After the setup and test phaseis complete, it’s time to load employee data into your system. Employersgenerallyneed to obtain the following information from employees, although the requirementsmay vary by state:

    • Bank account number
    • Type of bank account (checking, savings)
    • Bank routing number
    • Bank name
    • Employee signature authorizing the deposit of funds in the account(s)

    Some providers also request a copy of a voided check to ensure the accuracy of thebank information.

  3. Enter employee information into your system: If you’re usingyourbank to process direct deposit, you’ll either have to manually enter theinformationinto your bank’s online portal, or you may be able to export the informationfromyour payroll system.

    If you’re using payroll software or a service, employees can generally entertheirown information, including the data on deductions and residency you need to calculate payrolltaxes, and supply the necessary authorization.

  4. Create a payroll direct deposit schedule: Create a schedule thatincludes a deadline for entering employees’ hours worked and provides enough timetoreview the data, process payroll and meet direct deposit transfer deadlines.
  5. Run payroll: It’s time to send your first set of direct depositinstructions. Your upfront time investment in the initial setup will be rewarded byincreased automation and convenience on each payroll run.

What Else can Direct Deposit be Used for?

Once you get direct deposit set up the system can be used for a variety of other payments,including:

  • Bonuses and commissions
  • Annuities
  • Reimbursem*nts for travel and otherexpenses
  • Interest payments/dividends
  • Pensions and 401(k) disbursem*nts
  • Tax and other refunds

Again, you’ll enjoy the cost savings, security and other benefits of direct deposit andhavean easily accessible record of these outlays for general ledger and audit purposes.

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Payroll Software and Direct Deposit for Small Businesses

Managing payroll can be an extremely time-consuming and complex process, and it’scritical toget it right. Payroll software can relieve companies of mostof the burden by automatically calculating wages and tax withholding, filing taxes andpaying employees by direct deposit or other methods.

Features that growing businesses should look for include links to other systems, like HR andERP, as well as security roles and alerts that will helpguard against data theft.

Paying employees and contractors with direct deposit does require an initial investment inresources, time and planning. But once established, you will enjoy the speed, accuracy andsafety of automated payments while having one more touchpoint when competing for talent.

Direct Deposit FAQs for Small Businesses

Is direct deposit safe?

Direct deposit is one of the safest ways to pay employees because moneyis transferred directly into their bank accounts through the secure ACH Network.

How reliable is direct deposit?

Direct deposit is automated and highly reliable, as long as employersand banks meet the ACH payment transfer deadlines.

Can an employer require an employee to use direct deposit?

It depends on location. Federal law permits mandatory direct depositas long as the employee can choose which bank should receive the deposit. However, somestates require employee consent or impose other conditions.

What types of payment can be made by direct deposit?

Direct deposits can be used to pay employee’s salary, expenses,commissions, bonuses, tax refunds, investmentredemptions, payments from retirement accounts, and governmentbenefits such as Social Security.

Do I have other options besides direct deposit?

Yes, companies may pay employees with pay cards that are essentiallydebit cards onto which you deposit funds. But be aware of state lawsgoverning these cards.

In addition, in 2015, the U.S. Federal Reserve created the Faster Payments Task Force to makerecommendations about developing methods to support faster payments, including for payroll,by modernizing the ACH system.

Direct Deposit for Your Small Business: A Complete Guide (2024)


How to do direct deposit as a small business owner? ›

How to set up direct deposit for your small business
  1. Pick a provider. Decide which institution is going to handle your direct deposits. ...
  2. Initiate the process. ...
  3. Collect employee information. ...
  4. Enter the data into your system. ...
  5. Create a payroll schedule. ...
  6. Run payroll.
Apr 5, 2024

How hard is it for a company to do direct deposit? ›

To set up direct deposit, businesses usually need to provide their employer identification number (EIN), financial statements, a completed application and a voided business check.

How do I complete a direct deposit? ›

There are generally a number of steps involved:
  1. Get a direct deposit form from your employer.
  2. Fill in account information.
  3. Confirm the deposit amount.
  4. Attach a voided check or deposit slip if required.
  5. Submit the form.

How do I make a deposit for my company? ›

Identify Your Account: Start by writing your business account number and name at the top of the deposit slip. Date the Slip: Enter the current date to record when the deposit is being made. List the Amounts: List the amounts of checks and cash separately in the designated sections.

Can I set up direct deposit myself? ›

Here's everything you need to know about how to set up direct deposit at your financial institution.
  • Get a direct deposit form from your employer. Ask for a written or online direct deposit form. ...
  • Fill in account information. ...
  • Confirm the deposit amount. ...
  • Attach a voided check or deposit slip, if required. ...
  • Submit the form.
Dec 19, 2023

What is the best way to pay yourself as a small business owner? ›

You can pay yourself as a business owner by setting a regular salary or taking owner's draws. Maintain clear financial separation between personal and business accounts, and choose an amount that aligns with your business's financial health.

How much does it cost for a company to set up direct deposit? ›

Setup costs will depend on the size of your business, your payroll software, and the bank you use. A bank may charge anywhere from $50 to $149, on average, to set up direct deposit. Also, if there are any compliance concerns, you may need to pay for legal advice.

Does Zelle count as direct deposit? ›

Person to Person payments (such as Zelle®) are not considered a direct deposit. Micro-deposits do not qualify as a direct deposit for the bonus. Micro-deposits are small deposits, typically less than $1, that are sent to your account to verify it is the correct account.

Can QuickBooks do direct deposit? ›

With QuickBooks, you can instantly connect your bank account and set up company payroll and direct deposits.

How to do direct deposit with step? ›

How to set up direct deposit
  1. Open the Step App, tap “Add Money,” and select “Set up Direct Deposit.”
  2. Enter your account information or send the pre-filled form to your employer.
  3. Boom! Look out for your paycheck in your Step App.

Can someone withdraw money with direct deposit info? ›

Yes! After you've enrolled in direct deposit, you can still visit your bank to withdraw cash, check your balance, pay your bills, etc.

How do employers set up direct deposits? ›

Send A Direct Deposit Authorization Form To Employees

An authorization form is one that an employer sends directly to each employee, typically upon hire. At a minimum, the form should request an individual's contact information, bank account number, and routing number.

How do I set up direct deposit for my business owner? ›

Here's how to do it.
  1. Choose a payroll service. For most small businesses, the best option for direct deposit is a payroll service. ...
  2. Register formally for direct deposit. ...
  3. Obtain your employees' bank account information. ...
  4. Input your employees' banking information. ...
  5. Establish your pay schedule. ...
  6. Run payroll as usual.

Can I deposit my paycheck into my business account? ›

If the bank you're working with allows it, and it's endorsed properly, you can deposit a check in your name to your business account. However, it's best to keep personal funds separate from your business finances to avoid potential issues or tax complications. Rely on custom business checks as the solution.

How do I open a deposit account for my business? ›

What do I need to open a business bank account?
  1. The address and phone number of your company.
  2. The name(s) of the people who will be listed as account owners.
  3. Personal identification such as your driver's license.
  4. Documentation that proves the existence of the business. ...
  5. The bank's minimum deposit amount.
Jan 29, 2024

Do small businesses have direct deposit? ›

A small business owner can set up direct deposit in five basic steps. Ultimately, the process will run through a payroll provider or bank, which brings us to the first step.

Can self employed get direct deposit? ›

As for how you want to pay yourself, it's up to you. You can write yourself a physical check and then deposit it into your personal bank account or set up a recurring payment via direct deposit.

Can I deposit my own money into my business account? ›

You can fund your business with whatever amount of personal money you choose. However, you'll need to report any deposit over $10,000 to the IRS.

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

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Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.