Discontinued Snack Cakes That Need To Make A Comeback - Mashed (2024)


ByOona O'Brien/

The best snack ever? Why not have it be cake? Celery is great and all, though sometimes a sweet fix is the only thing you need. Cakes rolls, cookie cakes, cheesecake bars, chocolate bites, donut holes ... all snacks worthy of the title "cake." From the Hostess brands to the company Little Debbie, there's a favorite snack to meet everyone's fancy. Whether they evoke memories of busy school days or served as an afternoon treat, some stood to the test of time, while others left us prematurely.

One of the most recognizable cake snack companies, Little Debbie, first began selling their cakes in 1933 for five cents a piece to a small bakery, according to the company website. Founder O.D McKee's cakes gained popularity with the birth of his very first, Oatmeal Creme Pies. Still a bestseller for the company, fast forward to 1959 and Nutty Buddy Bars came to be, still loved by fans.

Additional cake snack brands like Hostess, Nabisco, Hershey's, Philadelphia, Kellogg's, Snackwell's, and Farm Rich, innovated new products, pushing fan favorites to the side.Behold the mini cakes lost in the perils of time, still being mourned by their loyal fans who hope for a revival of their favorite treat. Some are missed because there are no other cakes on the market like them. Others, simply because they tasted like snack perfection. It's hightime the snack cake titans consider bringing back these beloved treats.

Hershey's Bites

What could possibly be better than an outer layer of chocolate dough filled with chocolate cream? Contained in a bite-sized ball, Hershey's Bites were a dessert for those looking to indulge. And we miss them just as much as the next chocolate lover.These decadent treats were a part of the chocolatier's Bites line, which also included some of the brand's most popular items like Kit Kat and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, according to Snack History.

Hershey's Bites, described on its packaging as "soft donut bites with a sweet and creamy chocolatey filling," were introduced in the early 2000s. A frozen dessert meant to be microwaved, you could pop them right into your mouth and down the hatch after waiting only 30 seconds for them to warm up. Four bites made up a serving, with 180 calories and 15 grams of sugar. Though that's not why the product is no longer in stores.

The Bites line was discontinued in 2008, and these donut hole cakes are now lost in history. While a few similar product ideas have stood the test of time through rebranding, you can still purchase some of Hershey's bite-sized candy treats like Pretzel Bites via itswebsite.

Philadelphia Cheesecake Snack Bars

Cheesecake? As a snack? That's a tough deal to pass up. Morning, afternoon, midnight snack ... pretty much any occasion at that. Even though the Philadelphia Cheesecake Snack Bar is simply a dessert made to look like a light munch, the treat became a crowd favorite upon its release and is greatly missed today.

According to The Chicago Tribune, Philadelphia Cheesecake Snack Bars first appeared in 1999 by the Kraft/Philadelphia company. A silky, thick layer of cheesecake atop a base of graham cracker crust, this cake was available for purchase in its classic flavor, chocolate raspberry, chocolate chip, and its most loved one — strawberry (via My Urban Treats). The product was eventually discontinued due to the company's ongoing struggle with manufacturing capabilities. However, the company alluded to the possibility of bringing them back should these challenges get resolved, and is obviously aware these treats have a loyal fanbase.

Described as "making you feel like you died and went to heaven," a petition by cheesecake bar fan Chelsee Teleha was started in 2017 with a 50,000 signatures goal in mind, via Change.org. Comments like "it cures my sadness," flood in favor of the movement. With over 40,000 signatures, the "cause" is nearing one of the top signed petitions on the site. If that isn't enough of a reason to bring these dreamy bars back, then they may never see the light of day again.

Hostess Choco Bliss

A snack introduced by Hostess in the 1980s, Choco Bliss was a mini cake that some fans are still nostalgic for, according to In The 80s. Marketed toward kids and teenagers, these chocolate dreams invoke memories of happier days to its fans.With a hefty slab of chocolate cream inside a devil's food cake sandwich, this treat is described as "super chocolatey" in a Youtube video of an old commercial. With two cakes per package, one Choco Bliss could also be pulled apart in half for easy sharing. And chocolate devotees want it back.

One fan, under an alias of ChocoBlissanator, confessed"I loved these so much that I chipped my new Veneers trying to get the package opened." Another admitted "I miss these things! Zingers tried to take their place but it's just not the same ... they always discontinue the good stuff." With Zingers being the closest treat to the Choco Bliss, fans agree that the original just isn't replaceable.

Why did the Choco Bliss disappear from grocery shelves? Although somewhat of a mystery, the loss is most likely linked to Hostess filing for bankruptcy in 2012, as Today tells us, when they decided to shut down the production of all their products due to a conflict with union workers. By 2015 however, the company was churning out 1 million Twinkies a day, according to Insider, having made a comeback ... except Choco Bliss never came back.

Nabisco's Oreo Big Stuf

Did you know that America's favorite cookie had a cake phase? When you think of Oreos, you're most likely picturing a small, round double-sided chocolate cookie filled with vanilla cream. Known for its versatility, some enjoy the cookie halved to scoop the cream out first, while others prefer biting right into this chocolate-vanilla duo. Then came Oreo Big Stuf, to challenge the will of snackers everywhere.

Quite literally a giant Oreo, this treat was more of a cake due to its size. Nearly 10 times bigger than your traditional Oreo, this full-on meal was reported to take around 20 minutes to finish (via Fast Company.) Released in 1984, the product was discontinued in 1991. Boasting 13 grams of fat along with 316 calories, the product is said to have ultimately failed despite its glory days because dietary guidelines were made more aware to consumers. The snack, geared toward children, was fit for the appetite of a (very) snack-ish adult.

Despite its downfall, the Oreo Big Stuf is still desired. One community group on Facebook was formed, by the name of "Oreo Big Stuf – 1,000,000 People to Bring Them Back." One fan posted "Can you imagine if they came back? We'd be able to fry an Oreo Big Stuf!!! Another user pointed out that a comparable product, Oreo Mega Stuf, is "getting closer, but still not the Big Stuf." There's even apetition to revive these one-of-a-kinds on the market. Perhaps one day it will find its place back in the market.

Hostess Chocodiles

If you know the taste of a Twinkie, you can imagine what a Chocodile was like without ever having tried it. A Twinkie is simply a sponge cake in bar form with a thick vanilla filling. For many, the Chocodile was a step above the Twinkie. The Hostess brand released this snack in the 1980's, and it was very well received by chocolate lovers everywhere. You'd think that a product in such demand would've been brought back years ago. Over 30 years later, these cakes have not left the mind of craving fans.

The Chocodile is no longer being sold, now assuming a new identity as Fudge Covered Twinkies, with a couple differences from its original version. Though similar, their sizes differ, Chocodiles having been 2 ounces, while the newer version is a tad smaller, according to Snack History.

Leaving snack shelves towards the end of the 1990s, the scarcity of the snack led to shady behavior from Chocodile junkies (via DMagazine.) How missed is this cake snack? So sought after, one man named Geoff Johnston spent $17 to have one delivered to his home. As the treat became more limited, an online black market was formed and fake sellers sold Chocodiles at sky high prices, one box going for $35. Snack fans featured their complaints, concerned with one specific site claiming they sold Chocodiles, via In The 80s. One user wrote "The best snack of all creation!" while others, who agreed, warned people of potential scammers.

SnackWell's Devil's Food Cookie Cakes

Discontinued Snack Cakes That Need To Make A Comeback - Mashed (7)


Snackwell's Devil's Food Cookie Cakes were released in 1992. A small, soft chocolate fudge-like center surrounded by a thin layer of marshmallow, this snack was nestled under a rich chocolate coat.You might be thinking that a fat-free treat is not good enough to make a revival, but Twitter doesn't seem to be bothered by the cookie's reputation as a "diet" food. For some, this cookie-cake combo was a decadent bite, via an account dedicated to discontinued foods called Snack Memories.

"These were really, really good," according to a comment made on the post. "I could have eaten a whole box by myself," commented another fan. The maker of the post fought back to users stating the cakes were too dry, explaining that biting into the cookie then letting it soak in milk was the perfect way to enjoy this unassuming snack.The cookie gained popularity with diet culture emerging in the 1990s(via Tedium). With a low fat content yet a fair amount of sugar, this snack yielded 120 calories per serving of two cookies, according to Calorie King.

So why did they disappear? According to the Chicago Tribune, Snackwell's was acquired by Back to Nature Foods Company. With a goal of rebranding to appeal even more to diet culture, the company removed most of the artificial ingredients that gave the cookie its flavor. Soon after, the product was shoved to the side to make way for a new, "healthier" version minus all of its flavor. The old version of Snackwell's is missed, and the new one, even with marshmallow, simply isn't cutting it.

Kellogg's Danish Rings and Go-Rounds

Kellogg's Strawberry Danish Rings did not live to enjoy many days relaxing on snack shelves, and since they vanished, their loss is still mourned by fans. The Kellogg's brand introduced the first version of the snack, known as Danish Go-Rounds, in 1968 according to The Daily Meal. Think rounded Pop-Tarts that twirl in the middle. Thin in texture, these did not have much structural integrity, and would snap easily. Later on, in 1976, Danish Rings were the new, improved cousin of the Go-Rounds. They never really picked up and in 1980, were taken off the market entirely. Meanwhile, Pop-Tarts were only becoming more popular.

Fans of the Danish Rings and Go-Rounds took to the internet to describe why they missed these, and why they aren't the same as Pop-Tarts. One user, via In the '70s, shared "Hey I loved these things and have searched for them ... I was hoping I could find out who made them and beg them to make them again."Another expressed, "Why couldn't Kellogg's make BOTH Danish-Go-Rounds AND Pop-Tarts? I prefer danish over a 'regular' toaster pastry." There's even a Facebook group called "Danish Go-Rounds Memories," where fans have posted sentiments like "Bring them back!!" With such public outcry, why not give it a shot, Kellogg's?

Farm Rich Donut Holes

Snack providers Farm Rich, a company owned by Rich Products Corporation, known for its snack collection, showcases a little bit of everything from sweet to salty goodies. The company announced in 2018 that its chocolate cake and cinnamon sugar donut holes were being discontinued via a Facebook post as a result of altering its product mix to allow for newer ones.

Both flavors of the cinnamon sugar and chocolate treats were leaving the market, and social media users did not hesitate to let Farm Rich know they'd miss these sweet bites. One commented, "Not the donut holes! Please!!" Another shared a similar sentiment and wrote "Cinnamon and sugar donut holes were great." "I've never seen these, and now that I'm excited they are being discontinued" is the bleakest comment on the post.

The company seems to have taken a turn, with new product lines now featuring healthier options like cauliflower bites and meat replacements, many geared toward breakfast according to Prepared Foods. But there's nothing in their food repertoire quite like those chubby bits of chocolate and cinnamon goodness, (though French Toast Sticks are still available on the company's site) perhaps that's enough of a reason for Farm Rich to hear us out.

Little Debbie's Boston Creme Rolls

Little Debbie Boston Creme Rolls were nothing short of a tasty little bite of dense yellow creme neatly tucked between layers of vanilla cake. Like most Little Debbie cake rolls (think Swiss Rolls or Strawberry Shortcake Rolls) this small but mighty snack cake had weight to it. Many fans are saddened that this sturdy bite of scrumptiousness is now nowhere to be found. And with no other snack in the company quite like the Boston Creme Roll, and it's about time Little Debbie hears our cries.

Through a quick search on the Little Debbie product locator found on the company'swebsite, the Boston Creme Rolls yielded no results, having disappeared swiftly. Answerbarn confirmed that the cakes have been discontinued, and although the reason is unknown to fans, there's no sign they'll be coming back anytime soon.

What are fans saying? One Youtube video mentioned the need for Boston Creme Rolls to come back to the snack market, most viewers agreeing it was their favorite Little Debbie snack. One viewer commented, "Those boston creme rolls definitely need to make a comeback! I loved those." Another said "I literally cry thinking about ... boston creme rolls. Omg I'm mad now." An enthusiastic Reddit user went as far as comparing the cake to a drug.

Little Debbie Coffee Cakes

You might be thinking, "Oh no, Little Debbie Coffee Cakes are off the market?" Fret not, the company still churns out a version of its coffee cake, though it's nowhere near the original — the one fans have been asking to get back. And with reason at that, the original coffee cakes were nothing short of irreplaceable.

Little Debbie Coffee Cakes were the perfect companion for drinks like hot chocolate or coffee. A spongy, soft vanilla cake was the resting place for a crumbly layer of cinnamon and apple paste, crunchier on the top and mushy in the middle.

Facebook users shared their concerns over not finding these little bites of cinnamon goodness via a Facebook post made in 2010. One fan said, "they are delicious but I can't find them anywhere," while another expressed "Same here, I can't find them anywhere!" Another user pointed out the original coffee cakes as being far better than the version circulating on the market today. To this day, they have not been revived and while fans did have the option of a less-tasty counterpart, the Streusel Cakes, those too are no longer available for snacking. Hostess boasts a similar product, though still not comparable to the light-weight, slightly creamier coffee cakes made by Little Debbie.

Where have they gone? Well, McKee foods (Little Debbie providers) purchased Hostess' coffee cakes during their bankruptcy. This is why some fans see their coffee cakes as interchangeable, via Reddit. The product disappeared years ago, most likely to make room for their newer Streusel Cake.

Discontinued Snack Cakes That Need To Make A Comeback - Mashed (2024)
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