Disinfection of Drinking Water Chorine and Chlorination (2024)

Disinfection of Drinking Water Chorine and Chlorination (1)

Private Well Owner and Small System Operator Guide

Water used for drinking and cooking should be free of pathogenic (disease causing) microorganisms that cause such illnesses as typhoid fever, dysentery, cholera, and gastroenteritis. Whether a person contracts these diseases from water depends on the type of pathogen, the number of organisms in the water (density), the strength of the organism (virulence), the volume of water ingested, and the susceptibility of the individual. Purification of drinking water containing pathogenic microorganisms requires specific treatment called disinfection.

Although several methods eliminate disease-causing microorganisms in water, chlorination is the most commonly used. Chlorination is effective against many pathogenic bacteria, but at normal dosage rates it does not kill all viruses, cysts, or worms. When combined with filtration, chlorination is an excellent way to disinfect drinking water supplies.

This fact sheet discusses the requirements of a disinfection system, how to test the biological quality of drinking water, how to calculate the amount of chlorine needed in a particular situation, chlorination equipment, by-products of disinfection, and alternative disinfection methods. A new pathogen screening test is Now Available.

Disinfection requirements

Disinfection reduces pathogenic microorganisms in the water to levels designated safe by public health standards. This prevents the transmission of disease.

An effective disinfection system kills or neutralizes all pathogens in the water. It is automatic, simply maintained, safe, and inexpensive. An ideal system treats all the water and provides residual (long-term) disinfection. Chemicals should be easily stored and not make the water unpalatable. State and federal governments require public water supplies to be biologically safe.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently proposed expanded regulations to increase the protection provided by public water systems. Water supply operators will be directed to disinfect and, if necessary, filter the water to prevent contamination from Giardia lamblia, Coliform Bacteria, Viruses, Heterotrophic Bacteria, Turbidity, and Legionella.

Private systems, while not federally regulated, are also vulnerable to biological contamination from sewage, improper well construction, and poor-quality water sources. Since more than 30 million people in the United States rely on private wells for drinking water, maintaining biologically safe water is a major concern.

Testing water for biological quality

The biological quality of drinking water is determined by tests for Total Coliform Bacteria. These organisms are found in the intestinal tract of warm-blooded animals and in the soil. Their presence in water indicates pathogenic contamination, but they are not considered to be pathogens. The standard for coliform bacteria in drinking water is "less than 1 coliform colony per 100 milliliters of sample" (< 1/ 100ml).

Public water systems are required to test regularly for Total Coliform Bacteria. Private system testing is done at the owner's discretion. Drinking water from a private system should be tested for biological quality at least once each year, usually in the Spring. Testing is also recommended following repair to or improvements in the well.

Coliform presence in a water sample does not necessarily mean that the water is hazardous to drink. The test is a screening technique, and a positive result (more than 1 colony per 100 ml water sample) means the water should be retested. The retested sample should be analyzed for fecal coliform organisms. A high positive test result, however, indicates substantial contamination requiring prompt action. Such water should not be consumed until the source of contamination is determined and the water purified.

A testing laboratory provides specific sampling instructions and containers. The sampling protocol typically includes the following:

  • 1 | We recommend removing any point-of-use devices or aeration devices and then run cold water for a few minutes (15 minutes) at a high velocity to clear the lines.
  • 2 | Use a sterile sample container and handle only the outside of the container and cap. Decontaminate the sampling tap using a chlorine solution or 91% alcohol (depends on the laboratory SOP (standard operating protocol)) or local standard. After decontamination, flush the line at a high velocity and then reduce the flow to a steady stream about the size of a pencil to sample.
  • 3 | Upon collecting the sample, immediately cap the bottle and place it in a chilled container if delivery time to the lab exceeds 1 hour (never exceed 30 hours). Note: Many laboratories do not accept samples on Friday due to time limits.

Note - If you are experiencing an intermittent water quality problem that may be related to the regrowth of bacteria in the lines, we recommend first-flush testing for total coliform, standard plate count, nuisance bacteria, and in some cases, Legionella.

Chlorine treatment

Chlorine readily oxidizes with some chemicals dissolved in water, microorganisms, and plant material, and tends to eliminate tastes, odors, and colors. The oxidation of these components "uses up" chlorine and adds to the chlorine demand of the treatment system. It is important to add sufficient chlorine to the water to meet the chlorine demand and provide residual disinfection. The chlorine that does not combine with other components in the water is free (residual) chlorine, and the breakpoint is the point at which free chlorine is available for continuous disinfection. An ideal system supplies free chlorine at a concentration of 0.3-0.5 mg/l.

Simple test kits, most commonly the DPD colorimetric test kit (so called because diethyl phenylene diamine produces the color reaction), are available for testing breakpoint and chlorine residual in private systems. The kit must test free chlorine, not total chlorine. We also recommend monitoring the ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) of the water.

For additional info on the Use of ORP Monitoring for Disinfection, check out the papers by the University of California and YSI.

Contact time with microorganisms

The contact (retention) time (Table 1) in chlorination is that period between the introduction of the disinfectant and when the water is used. A long interaction between chlorine and the microorganisms results in an effective disinfection process. The contact time varies with chlorine concentration, the type of pathogens present, pH, and temperature of the water. The calculation procedure is given below.

Contact time must increase under conditions of low water temperature or high pH (Alkalinity). Complete mixing of chlorine and water is necessary, and often a holding tank is needed to achieve an appropriate contact time. In a private well system, the minimum-size holding tank is determined by multiplying the capacity of the pump by 10. For example, a 5-gallons-per-minute (GPM) pump requires a 50-gallon holding tank. Pressure tanks are not recommended for this purpose since they usually have a combined inlet/outlet and all of the water does not pass through the tank.

An alternative to the holding tank is a long length of coiled pipe to increase contact between water and chlorine. Scaling and sediment build-up inside the pipe make this method inferior to the holding tank.

Table 1 | Calculating Contact Time

Minutes required = K / chlorine residual (mg/l)

K values to determine chlorine contact time

Highest pH Lowest Water Temperature for K Factors (°F)
> 50° 45° < 40°
6.5 4 5 6
7 8 10 12
7.5 12 15 18
8 16 20 24
8.5 20 25 30
9 24 30 36

To calculate contact time, use the highest pH and lowest water temperature expected. For example, if the highest pH anticipated is 7.5 and the lowest water temperature is 42 °F, the "K" value (from the table above) using the formula is 15.

For a chlorine residual of 0.5 mg/L with a pH of 7.5 and lowest temperature of 42 °F, the minimum chlorine contact time is 30 minutes (assuming no other demand).

Minutes Required = 15/0.5 = 30 minutes

For a chlorine residual of 0.3 mg/l with a pH of 7.5 and lowest temperature of 42 °F, the minimum chlorine contact time is 50 minutes (assuming no other demand).

Minutes Required = 15/0.3 = 50 minutes

Chlorination levels

If a system does not allow adequate contact time with normal dosages of chlorine, Superchlorination followed by Dechlorination (chlorine removal) may be necessary.

Superchlorination provides a chlorine residual of 3.0-5.0 mg/l, 10 times the recommended minimum breakpoint chlorine concentration. Retention time for superchlorination is approximately 5 minutes. Activated-Carbon Filtration removes the high chlorine residual.

Shock Chlorination is recommended whenever a well is new, repaired, or found to be contaminated. This treatment introduces high levels of chlorine to the water. Unlike Superchlorination, Shock Chlorination is a "one time only" occurrence, and chlorine is depleted as water flows through the system; activated-carbon treatment is not required. If Bacteriological problems persist following shock chlorination, the system should be evaluated. For more information regarding shock disinfection, check out our Shock Disinfection page.

Chlorination Guidelines

Chlorine solutions lose strength while standing or when exposed to air or sunlight. Make fresh solutions frequently to maintain the necessary residual.

Maintain a free chlorine residual of 0.3-0.5 mg/l after a 10-minute contact time. Measure the residual frequently.

Once the chlorine dosage is increased to meet greater demand, do not decrease it.

Locate and eliminate the source of contamination to avoid continuous chlorination. If a water source is available that does not require disinfection, use it.

Keep records of pertinent information concerning the chlorination system and we recommend that you monitor the ORP of the water and the chlorine residual.

Types of chlorine used in disinfection

Public water systems use chlorine in the gaseous form, which is considered too dangerous and expensive for home use. Private systems use liquid chlorine (sodium hypochlorite) or dry chlorine (calcium hypochlorite). To avoid hardness deposits on equipment, manufacturers recommend using soft, distilled, or demineralized water when making up chlorine solutions.

Liquid Chlorine Dry Powder Chlorine
Household bleach most common form Dissolved in water
Available chlorine range:
5.25% (domestic laundry bleach)
18% (commercial laundry bleach)
Available chlorine: 4%
Slightly more stable than solutions from dry powder chlorine Stable when stored properly
Fire hazard near flammable materials
Protect from sun, air, and heat Protect from sun and heat
Solution maintains strength for 1 week

Equipment for continuous chlorination

Continuous chlorination of a private water supply can be done by various methods. The injection device should operate only when water is being pumped, and the water pump should shut off if the chlorinator fails or if the chlorine supply is depleted.

The system normally uses a chlorine pump; these are normally positive-displacement or chemical-feed devices that are either fixed-dosed or flow-dosed. We recommend a flow-based device because this would work best if there is low pressure or a change in the water flow. The other components of the system would include a suction device, and an aspirator with either a chemical-feed system or a batch-system approach.

Disinfection by-products

Trihalomethanes (THMS) are chemicals that are formed, primarily in surface water, when naturally-occurring organic materials (humic and fulvic acids from degradation of plant material) combine with free chlorine. Some of the THMs present in drinking water are chloroform, bromoform, and bromodichloromethane. Since groundwater rarely has high levels of humic and fulvic acids, chlorinated private wells contain much lower levels of these chemicals.

THMs are linked to increases in some cancers, but the potential for human exposure to THMs from drinking water varies with the season, contact time, water temperature, pH, water chemistry, and disinfection method. Although there is a risk from consuming THMs in chlorinated drinking water, the health hazards of un-disinfected water are much greater. The Primary Standard (maximum contaminant level) for total THMs in drinking water is 0.10 mg/l, and activated-Carbon Filtration removes THMs from water.

Disinfection of Drinking Water Chorine and Chlorination (2024)


Disinfection of Drinking Water Chorine and Chlorination? ›

What is chlorination? Chlorination is the process of adding chlorine to drinking water to kill parasites, bacteria, and viruses. Different processes can be used to achieve safe levels of chlorine in drinking water.

Is chlorination done for making water safe for drinking? ›

Drinking water chlorination is the addition of chlorine to drinking water systems. It is the most common type of drinking water disinfection. Disinfection kills bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms that cause disease and immediate illness.

What are the guidelines for chlorine in drinking water? ›

The small amount of chlorine typically used to disinfect water does not pose risks to human health. The World Health Organization (WHO) has established a guideline value of 5 mg/L for chlorine in drinking water, meaning that such concentrations are considered acceptable for lifelong human consumption.

What are two disadvantages to chlorination as a way to treat drinking water? ›

Although chlorination is widely used, it has several disadvantages, such as formation of disinfection by-products and being ineffective against some types of microbes.

How much chlorine is needed to treat drinking water? ›

The quantity of chlorine added for disinfection after treatment depends on the actual treatment process, but generally sufficient chlorine is added to provide the desired chlorine residue (free chlorine and chloramine), usually in the range of 0.5–1 mg/l.

Do water companies put chlorine in drinking water? ›

Typically, water companies keep the level of residual disinfectant in the form of free or combined chlorine to 0.5 mg/l or less.

Is drinking chlorinated water bad for you? ›

Using or drinking water with small amounts of chlorine does not cause harmful health effects and provides protection against waterborne disease outbreaks.

How to remove chlorine in drinking water? ›

You can remove chlorine naturally by leaving the water in the open air. You can speed up the process of dechlorinating tap water by adding air bubbles. Use an air stone to aerate the water for 12–24 hours or boil it for 15–20 minutes to hasten the evaporation process.

What are the symptoms of too much chlorine in water? ›

The Dangers of Chlorine in Your Drinking Water

Stomachaches, vomiting, and diarrhea can all be effects of ingesting chlorine, and it can also cause dry, itchy skin. Severe chlorine poisoning can be far worse – a significant dose of liquid chlorine can be extremely toxic and even fatal to humans.

Do water filters remove chlorine? ›

Activated carbon filters and water distillers both effectively remove chlorine from water. Many types of water treatment, such as reverse osmosis, refrigerator filters, and water pitcher filters, incorporate a carbon filter to effectively remove the tastes and odors chlorine adds to water.

What is the alternative to chlorine in drinking water? ›

Bromine (Br)

Bromine is a heavy red-brown liquid that is a viable alternative to chlorine for water disinfection when water is released into the environment. Because ammonia is present in sewage water, bromamines are produced through injection of bromine and are even more effective than chloramines.

Does boiling water remove chlorine? ›

Boiling water will remove chlorine, as will allowing chlorinated water to stand in an open container for a few hours.

Is it safe to shower in chlorinated water? ›

What about bathing or showering with chlorinated water? Chlorine does not get into the body through your skin. The amount of chlorine in the water is too low to cause breathing problems. Some people who are very sensitive to chlorine could experience skin irritation.

Can Clorox be used to purify drinking water? ›

In an emergency, to purify drinking water, two methods are most often used. They are boiling the water and adding chlorine (household bleach, such as Regular Clorox) to it. Most emergency experts and health officials suggest a mixture of 8 drops of bleach to a gallon of generally clear water for best results.

How to sterilize water for drinking? ›

Boiling is the surest method to kill disease-causing organisms, including viruses, bacteria, and parasites. Bring water to a full rolling boil for 1 minute (at elevations above 6,500 feet, boil for 3 minutes), then allow it to cool before use.

How long does chlorine last in drinking water? ›

Keep in mind that boiling water doesn't remove chemicals like chlorine or chloramine. How long does it take to remove chlorine from tap water? Typically, if left exposed to air in an open container, chlorine will naturally dissipate within a few hours to a day.

Should I remove chlorine from my water? ›

You may even find yourself wondering whether it's safe to remove chlorine and chloramine, since these substances are supposed to be cleaning your water supply. The good news is that it's safe to eliminate or reduce chlorine from water as long as you use the proper methods.

How do you purify chlorinated water for drinking? ›

Does boiling remove chlorine from water? Yes, boiling water for 15 minutes will remove all of the chlorine form tap water. Alternatively, leave a jug of water uncovered at room temperature for at least 24 hours and the chlorine will evaporate without boiling.

Is chlorine used to disinfect drinking water? ›

To disinfect water, add one part of the chlorine solution to each 100 parts of water you are treating. This is about the same as adding 1 pint (16 ounces) of the chlorine solution to 12.5 gallons of water.

Can you remove chlorine from pool water to drink? ›

There are several methods to eliminate chlorine from water. They range from simple, do-it-yourself techniques to more complex professionally installed systems. These include evaporation, chemical neutralization, reverse osmosis filtration, carbon filters, distillation, UV light treatment, and whole house filtration.

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