Dividend vs. Index Investing, or Both? (2024)

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Dividend vs. Index Investing, or Both? (1)

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Topic: How To Invest

August 13, 2024|by Scott Clayton

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Dividend vs. Index Investing, or Both? (2)

What are the key differences between dividend and index investing?

Dividend investing focuses on stocks that pay regular cash distributions to shareholders, while index investing aims to replicate the performance of a broad market index by holding a diversified portfolio of securities.

Dividend vs. Index Investing, or Both? (3)

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One big advantage of index funds when weighingdividend vs index investing is that they can help you avoid the risk of choosing a mutual fund with a management style that virtually guarantees below-average long-term performance. When considering dividend vs index investing, a common question is “do index funds pay dividends?” The answer is that some index funds do pay dividends, depending on the holdings of the fund.

Another advantage of index funds is that they can give investors with limited funds a low-cost way to get some stock-market exposure. They can also be a good starting point for a registered education savings plan (RESP), or a child’s in-trust account. Many investors also consider them when they invest funds in their tax-free savings accounts (TFSAs). So when asking “do index funds pay dividends,” it’s important to consider your overall investment goals and account types.

How to find the best Canadian index funds?

To find the best Canadian index funds, compare expense ratios, tracking error, and asset coverage of funds that mirror major Canadian indices like the S&P/TSX Composite Index.

The MERs (Management Expense Ratios) are generally lower on ETFs than on conventional mutual funds. That’s because most ETFs take a much simpler approach to investing. Instead of actively managing clients’ investments, ETF providers invest so as to mirror the holdings and performance of a particular stock-market index. This leads back to the question, “do index funds pay dividends?” If the underlying index includes dividend-paying stocks, then the index fund will likely pay dividends as well.

ETFs practice this “passive” fund management, in contrast to the “active” management that conventional mutual funds provide at much higher costs. Traditional ETFs stick with this passive management—they follow the lead of the sponsor of the index (for example, Standard & Poors). Sponsors of stock indexes do from time to time change the stocks that make up the index, but generally only when the market weighting of stocks changes. They don’t attempt to pick and choose which stocks they think have the best prospects.

This traditional, passive style also keeps turnover very low, and that in turn keeps trading costs for your ETF investment down.

How to find the best Canadian dividend stocks?

To find the best Canadian dividend stock, research companies with consistent dividend growth, sustainable payout ratios, and strong financials in stable sectors of the Canadian economy, such as banks, utilities, and telecommunications.

Should I buy dividend stocks? It’s a question many new investors ask. Our answer is always “yes.” We look for Canadian dividend stocks that have industry prominence, if not dominance. Our reasoning, besides brand recognition, is that major companies can influence legislation and industry trends to suit themselves. Minor firms can’t do that.

Are dividend stocks less risky than index funds?

Dividend stocks are not necessarily less risky than index funds. Index funds typically offer broader diversification, which can reduce overall portfolio risk, while individual dividend stocks may carry company-specific risks.

For Canadians asking “should I buy dividend stocks?”, it’s important to remember that Canadian dividend stocks are an important contributor to your long-term gains, and dividend-paying stocks tend to expose you to less risk than non-dividend-payers. That’s why the majority of your stocks should be dividend-payers at all times. As you get older and closer to retirement, you should raise the proportion of dividend-paying stocks in your portfolio, to cut risk and improve the stability of your investment results. When considering dividend vs index investing, the question “do index funds pay dividends” becomes particularly relevant for those nearing retirement.

Should I buy dividend stocks?

Yes, dividend-paying investments can be among your best holdings. We’ve always placed a high value on a record of dividends, mainly because it provides something of a pedigree for stocks we recommend. That’s another reason why we always answer “yes” to the question, “should I buy dividend stocks?” After all, you can’t fake a record of dividends. It takes a lot of success and high-quality management for a company to have the cash and the determination to declare and pay a dividend every year for five or 10 years. It’s not something you can create at the spur of the moment.

If you stick with top-quality, high dividend-paying stocks, the income you earn can supply a significant percentage of your total return—as much as a third of your gains. And at the same time, dividends are more dependable than capital gains as a source of investment income.

We think Canadian dividend stocks are some of the best investments you can own. That’s another way of answering the question, should I buy dividend stocks?

How do dividend ETFs compare to individual dividend stocks?

Dividend ETFs offer greater diversification and easier management than individual dividend stocks, but typically come with ongoing fees and less control over specific holdings.

Overall, we recommend looking for dividend-paying ETFs that hold companies with records of long-term success and a long history of payouts. These companies are the most likely to keep paying and increasing their dividends.

How can I choose the best dividend-paying ETFs?

To choose the best dividend-paying ETFs, consider factors such as yield, expense ratio, diversification, track record, sector allocation, and dividend growth history.

Here are three key tips to finding the best of those income providing stocks.

  • Know the economic stability of countries when investing in international dividend ETFs. It’s also worth mentioning that foreign leaders may not be your ally when it comes to passing legislation that can affect your investments.
  • Know how broad the dividend ETF is, so you can determine its volatility. The broader the ETF, the less volatility it may have. A sector-based ETF, like one that tracks resource stocks, may be more volatile.
  • Know the current financial health of each company in the ETF. If a company is doing well, has done so consistently, and shows signs of growth, these factors are indicative of stocks that will keep paying a dividend.

What are DRIPs?

Dividend reinvestment plans, or DRIPs, are plans some companies offer to allow shareholders to receive additional shares in lieu of cash dividends. DRIPs bypass brokers, so shareholders save on commissions.

DRIPs also eliminate the nuisance effect of receiving small cash dividend payments. Second, some DRIPs let you reinvest your dividends in additional shares at a 5% discount to current prices. Third, many DRIPs also allow optional commission-free share purchases on a monthly or quarterly basis.

Generally, investors must first own and register at least one share before they can participate in a DRIP. Registration will generally cost $40-$50 per company. The investor must then notify the company that they wish to participate in the company’s DRIP.

In summary, when comparing dividend vs index investing, a common question is “do index funds pay dividends?” The answer is that some index funds do pay dividends, depending on the holdings of the underlying index. Index funds offer advantages such as lower management expense ratios and broad market exposure. However, dividend-paying stocks can provide reliable income and lower risk, making them attractive for investors nearing retirement.

Dividend-focused index funds can offer the benefits of both approaches. When selecting dividend ETFs, investors should consider factors such as the economic stability of the countries represented, the breadth of the fund’s holdings, and the financial health of the underlying companies. Dividend reinvestment plans (DRIPs) can provide an additional benefit for dividend stock investors by allowing them to reinvest their dividends in additional shares, often at a discount and without brokerage commissions. Ultimately, the choice between dividend vs index investing depends on an investor’s individual goals and circ*mstances, but understanding the role of dividends in index funds is crucial for making informed decisions.

What are the different dividend ETF strategies (e.g., high dividend, dividend growth, covered call)?

There are several dividend ETF strategies, each with its own approach to generating income for investors. Here are the main types:

  1. High Dividend Yield ETFs: These focus on stocks with above-average dividend yields. They aim to provide higher current income but may have less potential for dividend growth.
  2. Dividend Growth ETFs: These target companies with a history of consistently increasing their dividends. They may offer lower initial yields but potentially higher total returns over time.
  3. Covered Call ETFs: We don’t recommend these as they use options strategies to generate additional income on top of dividends. They sell call options on their holdings to collect premiums, potentially boosting yields but limiting upside potential.
  4. Quality Dividend ETFs: These focus on companies with strong financials and sustainable dividend policies, aiming for a balance between yield and growth.
  5. International Dividend ETFs: These invest in dividend-paying stocks from outside the investor’s home country, offering geographic diversification.
  6. Sector-Specific Dividend ETFs: These concentrate on dividend-paying stocks within specific sectors, like utilities or real estate.
  7. Total Return Dividend ETFs: These aim to balance dividend income with capital appreciation for overall returns.

An extremely high dividend yield can be a sign of danger. Have you chased a high dividend before, and if so, what led you to take the risk?

If you had to choose between investing in an index fund or dividend stocks, what would factor into your decision?

This post was originally published in February 2010 and is regularly updated.


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Dividend vs. Index Investing, or Both? (5)

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Dividend vs. Index Investing, or Both? (2024)


Is it better to invest in dividend stocks or index funds? ›

Index funds offer advantages such as lower management expense ratios and broad market exposure. However, dividend-paying stocks can provide reliable income and lower risk, making them attractive for investors nearing retirement. Dividend-focused index funds can offer the benefits of both approaches.

Does dividend investing beat the S&P 500? ›

Not necessarily. While dividend ETFs can offer stable income, their growth potential is generally lower over the long run. That said, dividend ETFs may outperform the S&P 500 during particular time frames, such as during a recession or a period of easing interest rates.

What are the downsides of dividend investing? ›

Other drawbacks of dividend investing are potential extra tax burdens, especially for investors who live off the income. 3 Once a company starts paying a dividend, investors become accustomed to it and expect it to grow. If that doesn't happen or it is cut, the share price will likely fall.

Is dividend investing the best strategy? ›

Dividend investing can be a best-of-both-worlds solution to that problem. It allows money to grow over time, taking advantage of the market's long-term growth, but also provides payments with that money, which you can use to make additional investments.

Does Buffett reinvest dividends? ›

Buffett's strategy is to reinvest those dividends but not to pay one to Berkshire Hathaway investors. Part of Berkshire Hathaway's success is due to its use of the "float"—money taken in as insurance premiums before it is needed to pay claims.

Do dividend ETFs outperform the S&P 500? ›

The iShares Core Dividend Growth ETF (NYSEARCA:DGRO) offers a portfolio of 412 companies that has outperformed the S&P 500 over a ten-year time period, while slightly underperforming the index over time horizons shorter than five-years.

Can you live off dividend income? ›

You can retire on dividends. To do so, you generally need to start investing in dividend-paying assets early and reinvest the dividends until you retire.

What percentage of S&P 500 return is from dividends? ›

Decade By Decade: How Dividends Impacted Returns

From 1940–2023, dividend income's contribution to the total return of the S&P 500 Index averaged 34%.

What is the downside of dividend ETF? ›

Cons. No guarantee of future dividends. Stock price declines may offset yield. Dividends are taxed in the year they are distributed to shareholders.

What are the best dividend stocks to buy and hold forever? ›

Three of the safer ones you can put in your portfolio today are Abbott Laboratories (ABT -0.37%), Procter & Gamble (PG 0.35%), and Enbridge (ENB 0.59%).

Is it smart to only invest in dividend stocks? ›

As part of a diversified portfolio, dividend stocks have their place. They offer relative stability, may pay increasing amounts over time and may provide steady income. But relying too heavily on dividend stocks as a primary investment approach could put you at risk and reduce your long-term investment gains.

Can you become a millionaire from dividend stocks? ›

Long-term dividend investors can take advantage of the DRIP strategy to grow their stock investments into fortunes, and Pfizer Inc (NYSE:PFE) is among the growth stocks with the potential to make you a millionaire in about ten years through dividend compounding.

What is the most profitable dividend stock? ›

20 high-dividend stocks
CompanyDividend Yield
CVR Energy Inc (CVI)10.14%
Eagle Bancorp Inc (MD) (EGBN)8.76%
Insteel Industries, Inc. (IIIN)8.68%
Alexander's Inc. (ALX)7.98%
18 more rows

Which stock gives the highest dividend in the world? ›

World's companies with the highest dividend yields
SymbolExchangeDiv yield % TTM
27 more rows

Is it better to own stocks or index funds? ›

One share of an index fund based on the S&P 500 provides ownership in hundreds of companies, while a share of Nasdaq-100 fund offers exposure to about 100 companies. Lower risk: Because they're diversified, investing in an index fund is lower risk than owning a few individual stocks.

Is it better to invest in dividend stocks or growth stocks? ›

If you are looking to create wealth and have a longer time horizon, staying invested in growth will enable you to enjoy longer returns. But if you are looking for a more immediate return and steady cash flow, dividend investing could be the best choice for you.

Should I put all my money in dividend stocks? ›

The chief advantage of buying and holding dividend stocks is that over time, consistently profitable companies tend to raise their dividends as their earnings grow. This allows their shareholders to earn more income as time goes on. Moreover, it helps push the underlying stock price higher.

Are dividend stocks a good investment now? ›

High-dividend stocks can offer investors income that rises over time. AOMR and REVG are some of the top dividend stocks by yield right now. A high dividend yield isn't always a good thing — some are unsustainable, and others are just the result of a low stock price.

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