Does Electric Toothbrush Whiten Teeth? - Brüush Blog | Brüush (2024)

The short answer is yes—electric toothbrushes can help brighten your teeth and give you a white smile. Some models even have a whitening mode! We’ll get into the specifics below.

How white your teeth look is due to a wide range of factors, such as: what you eat, your oral health habits, the medications you’re taking, and the natural color of your teeth. Clearly, there’s a lot going on, and not all of these things are totally in your control.

Below we’ll walk you through:

  • The difference between intrinsic and extrinsic teeth stains
  • How exactly electric toothbrushes can help to remove surface stains
  • The main causes of yellow teeth stains

What Causes Teeth Stains (or Yellow Teeth)?

As mentioned, there are some teeth stains that are caused by your own doing, and others that you cannot help. Anything listed in lifestyle stains can often be buffed off by a dentist, or even just by using a power toothbrush. Those in the non-lifestyle bucket, unfortunately. can't be removed naturally—they require some sort of cosmetic treatment.

  • Examples of lifestyle teeth stains: consuming dark pigmented food and drinks, smoking, or not brushing properly/enough.
  • Examples of non-lifestyle teeth stains: taking certain medications (like tetracycline), illness/disease, overexposure to fluoride, or existing tooth damage/decay.

Two Types of Stains: Intrinsic and Extrinsic

Teeth stains are classified as either intrinsic or extrinsic. This doesn’t mean that you can’t have both types at once, though!

  1. Extrinsic stains are on the surface of your teeth, mainly caused by lifestyle choices that are within your control. These types of stains can often be removed fairly easily with a toothbrush or basic teeth whitening. Anything that requires a bit more gusto can be dealt with by your dentist.
  2. Intrinsic stains are below the surface of your teeth, often within your tooth enamel. These types of stains are caused by non-lifestyle choices (things that are out of your control). These types of stains are more permanent, and will not respond to the same methods that extrinsic stains will.

Can Electric Toothbrushes Help Remove Stains?

Yes, electric toothbrushes can help to remove stains on your teeth... but only extrinsic ones. Any intrinsic stains will need to be treated by cosmetic means, such as in-office whitening, which often only covers up the stain and does not actually remove it.

Maybe you’re an avid coffee drinker, or enjoy a good beet forward smoothie—no judgements here—your teeth can take on these dark pigments, causing surface (extrinsic) stains. Power toothbrushes can help to scrub these stains off with their quick, oscillating movements. You can technically remove teeth stains with a manual toothbrush as well, but it will take you longer.

Where a manual averages around 200 brush strokes per minute (relying on your own human power), the best electric toothbrushes, like Brüush, will get you 31,000 brush strokes in the same time. That’s a HUGE difference. For tips on how to properly use a power toothbrush, check out our quick guide.

Does Electric Toothbrush Whiten Teeth? - Brüush Blog | Brüush (1)

Do Whitening Toothpaste & Whitening Brush Heads Work?

Whitening toothpaste can in fact whiten your teeth, but it will not change the natural color of your teeth. Some people are born with brighter teeth, and thicker tooth enamel—just like some people are born with anatomically straight teeth and will never require braces or aligners. But hey, every smile is beautiful! And there are ways to improve your teeth color.

What whitening toothpaste can do is remove stains left from food and beverages, giving you an overall brighter smile. What’s the difference between regular toothpaste and whitening toothpaste?

  1. Whitening toothpaste will often have some sort of special abrasives which work to gently polish the teeth
  2. It may also have chemicals like peroxide which help dissolve or break down surface stains
  3. And some whitening toothpastes contain a chemical called blue covarine that adheres to teeth, creating an optical illusion that makes your teeth appear less yellow

Various battery powered toothbrush brands also sell whitening brush heads, which have a polishing cup in the centre of the brush head. This is designed to mimic the effect of a professional dental tool, and is found to be effective at removing stains.

So, take a good look at your teeth and determine why they’re not as white as you’d like them to be. Some things you may be able to control, while others will require an actual whitening treatment—whether that be at home whitening strips, or a cosmetic dental procedure.

What Causes Extrinsic Yellow Teeth Stains?

We’ve mentioned a few reasons above, but we’ll dig in further here. There are many reasons why your teeth may be stained a yellow, grey or brown hue. From certain foods and drinks, to smoking and poor dental hygiene, these lifestyle choices are some of the main teeth staining culprits:

Does Electric Toothbrush Whiten Teeth? - Brüush Blog | Brüush (2)

1) Beverages

The things you drink on the daily can produce extrinsic stains on your teeth. We’re talking all of these darkly pigmented goodies:

  • Red wine
  • Coffee
  • Tea (particularly black tea)
  • Grape, blueberry, cranberry, tomato, or beet juice

TIP: Try rinsing your mouth out after consuming any of these beverages to wash away any lingering particles.

2) High-Sugar Diet or Processed Foods

A diet that is high in starch, sugar, or processed foods can actually lead to tooth decay. How? These sneaky foods break down into simple sugars, and can get cozy in your mouth. Bacteria love sugars and actually produce acid, which can lead to tooth decay.

Some examples of high-sugar, processed foods are:

  • Candy and chocolate bars
  • Refined, white bread
  • Processed lunch meats
  • Pop/soda

3) Smoking and Chewing Tobacco

By now you should know that smoking and chewing tobacco is bad for your overall health. It also happens to be bad for your ORAL health. Smokers are found to be 3-6x more likely to develop gum disease or periodontal disease, and of course are putting themselves at risk of getting lung, throat, and mouth cancer (to name a few).

It’s actually the tar or nicotine in tobacco that can cause teeth stains and yellowing. So, think twice before you reach for that cigarette, vape, or chewing tobacco.

4) Fluoride & Mouthwash

The stuff that’s supposed to be good for our teeth can actually stain them?! Yes, unfortunately there have been studies which show that both fluoride and mouthwash can stain your teeth.

According to Harvard Health Publishing, many mouthwashes on the market “are highly artificial concoctions that contain sweeteners for taste and artificial colorings for a bright hue that separates them from their competitors or creates variety within a brand.” And when it comes to chemical ingredients like chlorhexidine and nanoparticle-containing mouthwashes, these can actually create brown stains on both the teeth and gums.

5) Poor Oral Hygiene Habits

Needless to say, not brushing your teeth enough/properly can lead to surface stains, along with a whole bunch of other mouth issues. Flossing is also a key component in a good oral health routine and shouldn’t be overlooked!

Here are some quick oral health tips:

  • Brush once in the morning for 2 minutes, and once at night (or 3 if you’re using a manual brush) for optimal plaque removal and freshness
  • Make sure to floss daily (with standard floss, a water flosser, or a waterpik), and do it before you brush your teeth
  • Change out your toothbrush head or manual brush every 2-3 months
  • Schedule regular dentist visits every 6 months to 1 year

Brushing is Easier and More Effective With an Electric Toothbrush

If you’ve ever used a rechargeable electric toothbrush before, or compared it to a manual one, you’ll know that brushing is much easier and more effective. When using a manual brush, you’re limited to the power of your hand/arm, at an average of 200 brush strokes a minute. An electric toothbrush like Brüush has 31,000 brush strokes a minute and soft bristles made from nylon to give you a much better clean. You also have 6 brushing modes to choose from, like Gentle for those with tooth sensitivity, or White for extra vibrations and scrubbing power.

Electric brushes also help to reinforce good brushing habits. For example, the Brüush power toothbrush has a built in 2 minute timer with a quadrapacer that lets you know when to move to the next area of your mouth. Overbrushing can lead to gum recession and damage, whereas underbrushing can leave behind bacteria on your teeth. So, brushing for just the right amount of time in a uniform manner can drastically improve your oral health.

So, keep your mouth happy, help remove those extrinsic surface stains, and get a whiter smile with an electric toothbrush!

Does Electric Toothbrush Whiten Teeth? - Brüush Blog | Brüush (2024)


Does Electric Toothbrush Whiten Teeth? - Brüush Blog | Brüush? ›

Using an electric toothbrush can make your teeth appear whiter by removing stains. Electric toothbrushes cannot make your teeth overall whiter in the same way that professional bleaching will.

Do electric toothbrushes actually whiten teeth? ›

Reputable institutions conduct definitive research on the use of electric toothbrushes. It proves that electric toothbrushes are not only safe but much more effective in whitening your teeth than manual toothbrushes.

Does the whitening setting on an electric toothbrush work? ›

In White mode, your toothbrush works a bit harder to remove surface stains caused by things like coffee and tea. After the standard two-minute program is completed, you'll get an extra thirty seconds to focus on polishing your front teeth, so you get a healthy smile that really shines.

Does the Sonicare toothbrush really whiten teeth? ›

You can expect healthier gums, less plaque and whiter teeth in just a couple of weeks … and probably perfect little teeth-brushing children after one day of using Sonicare.

What do dentists say about electric toothbrushes? ›

Electric Toothbrush vs.

A 2021 Meta-Analysis has shown that electric toothbrushes are more efficient than manual ones at removing plaque and bacteria from teeth and gums, preventing cavities and gum disease. The primary goal of brushing your teeth is to eliminate debris and plaque.

Does an electric toothbrush get rid of yellow teeth? ›

Electric toothbrushes remove surface stains from teeth more effectively than manual toothbrushes. Oscillating electric toothbrushes are generally the best for teeth whitening compared to sonic-powered toothbrushes. Electric toothbrush costs range greatly because of the “bells and whistles” they often add.

How long does it take to whiten teeth with an electric toothbrush? ›

Whitening Toothpaste

Ideally, you will use an electric toothbrush to eliminate as much staining as possible. Use teeth whitening toothpaste two times per day and you might notice whiter teeth in as little as half a month's time. However, it could take upwards of a month and a half to produce meaningful results.

What is the best electric toothbrush for whitening teeth? ›

The quick list
  • Best for most people. Oral-B iO Series 10. View at Best Buy. ...
  • Best value. Ordo Sonic Lite. Best value. ...
  • Best premium. Philips Sonicare 9900 Prestige. View at Amazon. ...
  • Best without apps. Ordo Sonic Plus. View at Amazon. ...
  • Best mid-range brush. Oral-B IO Series 6. ...
  • Best minimalist toothbrush. Mode electric toothbrush.
Jul 23, 2024

How long does it take for electric toothbrush to remove plaque? ›

Oral-B® Electric Toothbrushes make it even easier to brush the dentist-recommended two minutes and remove 100% more plaque than a regular manual toothbrush.

How many times should you brush your teeth with an electric toothbrush? ›

Benefits of Brushing Teeth 2+ Times a Day

Brushing your teeth and flossing daily is important for your hygiene routine. Here are the top reasons why you should brush at least two times a day after meals: More Plaque Removal: As you go about your day, plaque can accumulate along with your teeth and gums.

What is the fastest way to whiten your teeth? ›

Zoom-in-office whitening is the best teeth whitening system out there. It is fast (takes about an hour) and you get great results. This is the one you have probably seen before where the patients are under that blue light and it turns your teeth up to four shades of whiter.

Does Sonicare or Oral B remove more plaque? ›

The award-winning Oral-B iO Series Electric Toothbrush is clinically proven to remove more plaque vs. Phillips Sonicare DiamondClean Smart toothbrush. Oral-B is the first electric toothbrush brand to be accepted by the American Dental Association for effectiveness and safety.

What is the disadvantage of using an electric toothbrush? ›

Higher Cost- Battery-powered toothbrushes are more expensive than their traditional counterparts. They also require replacement heads, which can be quite pricey. Higher Risk of Damage- Because of their electronics, they are at a higher risk of damage if dropped or falling in the water.

Do doctors recommend electric toothbrush? ›

Actually, yes: Electric toothbrushes are generally considered more effective at removing plaque and keeping teeth clean than manual toothbrushes. Dental hygienist Denise Stepka, RDH, weighs in on the pros and cons of using an electric toothbrush.

Do dentists recommend sonicare or oral B? ›

Sonicare's heads are large and flat compared to Oral-B's small round brushes, and they're long-lasting, according to Wellspring Dental dentist Mandy Nebel, who prefers Sonicare over other brands. This specific model — one of two from the brand accepted by the ADA — is a more entry-level Sonicare.

Are electric toothbrushes actually better for your teeth? ›

Studies show that electric toothbrushes do a better job of cleaning your teeth than manual toothbrushes do, which can help prevent cavities and gum disease.

Do electric toothbrushes really remove plaque? ›

A review of studies showed that, in general, electric toothbrushes do decrease more plaque and gingivitis than manual toothbrushes. After three months of use, plaque was reduced by 21 percent and gingivitis by 11 percent. Oscillating (rotating) toothbrushes seem to work better than just vibrating toothbrushes.

Do electric teeth whiteners work? ›

LED teeth whitening kits can be an effective way to remove stains and keep your smile bright. However, every individual varies in how they respond to teeth whitening. Some people may experience tooth sensitivity or gum discomfort when using whitening products. This discomfort is usually temporary and not harmful.

Can an electric toothbrush remove teeth stains? ›

In particular, self-brushing using an electric/sonic toothbrush has been reported to provide a stain removal effect that is superior to manual brushing with toothpaste (5). Abrasives are included in dentifrices for removing discoloration on the tooth surface (6,7).

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