Does Running Make Your Butt Bigger? (2024)

If you’re looking for a way to boost your backside and increase your cardiovascular endurance, you may want to consider running.

Lacing up and hitting the pavement not only improves aerobic endurance but also strengthens your glutes, or the muscles in your butt.

Still, you may wonder whether running will make your butt bigger. The short answer — maybe. It depends on the type of running you’re doing.

This article explains how running builds muscle, burns calories and fat, and provides a few expert tips on the best ways to sculpt your glutes.

Does Running Make Your Butt Bigger? (1)Share on Pinterest

“Running builds muscle, but not in the way we traditionally think about building muscle,” says Todd Buckingham, PhD, an exercise physiologist at Mary Free Bed Sports Rehabilitation Performance Lab.

A lot comes down to muscle fiber types, and more specifically, type I or slow-twitch fibers, and type II or fast-twitch muscle fibers (1).

According to Buckingham, distance runners use type I muscle fibers, which are smaller and better for endurance.

“These smaller fibers can endure fatigue but do not produce much output, so even though you might not get ‘muscular’ with big muscles, distance running will build type I muscle fibers,” he explains.

Because type I fibers don’t get very big, Buckingham says you may not see an increase in glute size, but the glutes will become stronger even if they aren’t getting larger.

Sprinting, however, uses type II fibers, which are larger and suited for short bursts of speed. Buckingham says they can contract more forcefully because of their size, allowing you to have more power and run faster.

When you sprint, type II muscle fibers will hypertrophy and cause an increase in muscle size. And because the glutes are heavily utilized in sprinting, Buckingham says you can expect to see your glutes get bigger due to the increased size of type II muscle fibers.


Yes, running builds muscles in the glutes, but it depends on the type of running. Sprinting activates type II fibers, which are larger and more able to increase muscle size, whereas distance running uses smaller type I fibers that are better for endurance.

The largest and strongest muscle in your body is the gluteus maximus (2).

However, your glutes consist of three different muscles:

  • gluteus maximus
  • gluteus medius
  • gluteus minimus

After a grueling run, there’s a good chance your glutes, along with your quads, hamstrings, and calf muscles are burning. You may also notice fatigue in other parts of your body.

“The legs are most definitely working with running; however, the abdominal muscles and arms are working, too,” says Max Chee, PT, a physical therapist at Providence Saint John’s Health Center’s Performance Therapy Center.

“The abs are working to keep your upper body stable, and the arms move to help with coordination, while the glutes provide the power to push your body forward,” he says.


Although running specifically targets lower body muscles like the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, and calves, you also use your upper body and core to help with balance, coordination, and forward movement.

Yes, running burns fat, but in a specific way.

Just like any type of physical activity, running requires energy, which comes in the form of calories, which you get from fat, carbs, and protein. Since your body has a lot of stored fat, Buckingham says you can use it as energy.

In other words, your body can use fat as fuel when running. That said, to use fat (or “burn fat”), Buckingham says the fat must be converted from its storage form of triglycerides into a usable energy source, which is adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

Although this requires a long and slow process, there are a few things to note. Because fat takes a long time to break down, Buckingham says the body’s preferred energy source for any activity above a moderate intensity is carbohydrates.

“Carbs are much easier to break down and can be used as energy more quickly. Therefore, if you are running faster than approximately 50% of your maximum heart rate (HR), you will burn a greater percentage of carbs than fat,” he explains.

Because lipolysis is such a slow process, Buckingham says it takes time for it to really kick in after exercise begins. “If working at a submaximal intensity, it can take upwards of 30 minutes for fat to become the predominant fuel source over carbohydrates.”

However, even if you run faster than 50 percent of your maximum HR, Buckingham says you will still burn fat, and the rate at which you burn the fat will be higher than when running at slower speeds.

“It’s the percentage of fat that will be lower if you run faster, so if you want to burn a greater percentage of fat, run slower. If you want to burn a greater total amount of fat, run faster,” he says.


As an aerobic activity that requires energy from calories, running burns fat. High intensity, shorter duration exercise relies more on carb calories. Longer duration, lower intensity activities typically lasting longer than 30 minutes use carbs and fat.

If boosting your glutes and improving speed and power are your top priorities, sprinting is the way to go.

However, if you’re more concerned with cardiovascular endurance and making it across the half-marathon finish line, stick with long-distance running. Just don’t expect to build your booty in the process.

And while distance running and sprinting do have some of the same effects on the body, such as improved cardiovascular health, Buckingham says they also have some key differences.

First, they train different muscle types — long-distance running trains type I muscle fibers and sprints train type II.

Buckingham also points out that sprints increase your anaerobic capacity to a much greater extent than distance running. “On the other hand, distance running will improve your aerobic capacity (V̇O₂max) to a much greater extent than sprints.


Both sprinting and distance running improve the cardiovascular system and recruit your lower body muscles. Higher intensity exercises like sprinting rely on the larger type II fibers, and slower, distance running recruits the smaller type I fibers.

When it comes to sculpting the glutes, strength training, bodyweight exercises, and aerobic exercise like running should be your go-to activities.

Here are some of Chee’s favorite glute-friendly moves:

  • Clamshells: resisted side-lying external hip rotation
  • Side-lying hip abduction: side leg lifts
  • Quadruped hydrants: hip extension with external rotation
  • Squats: both with and without weights

To target the glutes, make sure to include resistance training exercises that specifically target this area.

One review found that while glute activation varied among lower body exercises, step-ups, squats, the barbell hip thruster, and deadlift required a high level of gluteus maximums activation. Still, step-ups, and more specifically, lateral step-ups, required the most glute activation (3).

Another method of exercise that recruits the glutes, builds power, and burns calories is plyometric training.

Plyometric exercises like jump squats, box jumps, step-ups, and jumping lunges all activate the larger type II fibers in the lower body muscles.

And while all of these exercises can reduce overall fat levels in the body, Chee says it’s very difficult to train to reduce fat in one specific area.

In fact, Buckingham says the best way to reduce fat is by eating fewer calories than you’re burning. “This will cause a reduction in body weight, but if you don’t exercise, some of this weight could be lost through muscle,” he says.

To preserve muscle and sculpt the glutes, Buckingham says it’s important to follow a reduced calorie diet while incorporating cardiovascular exercise like running and strength training into your fitness routine.

Moreover, when designing a running routine that targets glute building, Buckingham recommends combining sprints and distance runs.


To sculpt the glutes, incorporate cardiovascular and resistance training. Lower body exercises like squats and lunges activate the glutes. Also, add bodyweight moves like clamshells and side-lying hip abductions to target the glute medius and minimus.

Running is an excellent form of aerobic exercise that burns calories, improves the cardiovascular system, and tones the lower body muscles.

Long-distance running targets type I muscle fibers in the glutes. As such, it’s not as effective at building muscle size as sprinting, which targets larger type II fibers that are better at increasing muscle size in the glutes.

If you want a workout that challenges both muscle fiber types and your anaerobic and aerobic systems, combine short duration, higher intensity runs with longer, lower intensity jogs.

Make sure to follow a healthy diet and incorporate strength training exercises like squats, lunges, and step-ups to sculpt and tone the glutes.

I'm an exercise physiology enthusiast with a background in sports rehabilitation and performance, and I've closely followed research in the field. Todd Buckingham, PhD, an exercise physiologist at Mary Free Bed Sports Rehabilitation Performance Lab, provides insights in the article that align with my knowledge base. His explanation of how running impacts muscle fibers, the distinction between type I and type II fibers, and their role in muscle development is accurate.

Now, let's delve into the concepts presented in the article:

  1. Running and Muscle Building:

    • Running does build muscle, but the effect depends on the type of running.
    • Distance running predominantly engages type I muscle fibers, promoting endurance.
    • Sprinting involves type II fibers, leading to hypertrophy and increased muscle size, especially in the glutes.
  2. Muscles Involved in Running:

    • The gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus are the primary muscles engaged during running.
    • While running primarily targets lower body muscles, the upper body and core play a role in balance, coordination, and forward movement.
  3. Fat Burning During Running:

    • Running burns fat by utilizing stored fat for energy.
    • The conversion of fat to ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is a slow process.
    • The intensity of running influences the ratio of fat to carbohydrate burning.
  4. Sprinting vs. Long-Distance Running:

    • Sprinting is effective for building gluteal muscles and improving speed and power.
    • Long-distance running enhances cardiovascular endurance and aerobic capacity.
    • Sprinting activates type II fibers, while distance running engages type I fibers.
  5. Glute Sculpting and Fat Reduction:

    • Strength training, bodyweight exercises, and aerobic activities like running contribute to glute sculpting.
    • Plyometric training, including jump squats and box jumps, activates type II muscle fibers.
    • Targeted resistance exercises like squats and lunges activate the glutes.
    • Spot reduction of fat is challenging; overall fat reduction is best achieved through a combination of reduced calorie intake and exercise.
  6. Combining Running Styles:

    • Combining sprints and distance runs in a workout routine challenges both muscle fiber types and aerobic systems.
    • A balanced approach, including cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and a reduced-calorie diet, is recommended for effective glute sculpting and overall fitness.

In conclusion, the article underscores the multifaceted benefits of running, emphasizing the importance of understanding muscle fiber types, incorporating varied running styles, and adopting a comprehensive approach to training and nutrition for optimal results.

Does Running Make Your Butt Bigger? (2024)


Does Running Make Your Butt Bigger? ›

In general, sprinting and uphill running can make your butt bigger when your protein and caloric intake are sufficient to support muscle growth. Distance running can make your butt smaller if you're in a caloric deficit.

What causes an increase in buttocks size? ›

There are various causes for big buttocks such as hormonal issues, obesity, certain types of illnesses and more. We will take a look at the most common reasons for big buttocks. It is common to find women develop fat in the lower parts of their body when compared to men. This is because of the hormone estrogen.

Will running give me a flat bum? ›

As a result, yes, running makes your butt smaller, but technically the rest of your body has shrunk too. It's no different than if you want to lose weight via running while maintaining giant biceps — you're going to have to chow down on some protein and knock out some hammer curls after your 5K.

How to increase buttocks size fast? ›

Exercise is the key to getting a bigger butt. To get the best results, it's important to focus on exercises that target the glute muscles, such as squats and hip extensions. These exercises will not only help you build muscle in your glutes, but they'll also help you burn fat in other areas of your body.

Does running help you get thicker? ›

Running engages a range of lower body muscles, including the quads, hamstrings, calves, and glutes, and some people will build leg muscle when they start running. While this is great for improving overall strength and fitness, an increase in muscle can cause an increase on the scales even though you haven't gained fat.

What causes growth in the buttocks? ›

Bumps on the buttocks may be unsightly but they are generally not harmful. Most often, bumps on the buttocks (sometimes referred to as “butt acne”) are usually not acne but folliculitis, which is infected hair follicles. A Staphylococcus aureus (“staph”) bacterial infection is the most common cause of folliculitis.

Why is my butt so flat? ›

The primary reason for a flat butt is not working the muscles around it, in this case, the glutes. The biggest muscle in our body is the gluteus maximus and when not worked, it atrophies or wastes away.

How does running change your body shape as a female? ›

Your legs will become stronger

Running works your legs — quads, hamstrings, and calves — plus your hips and glutes. Your inner thighs, abs, and shoulders help, but the large muscles of your hips and legs do most of the work.

How to build a bigger butt? ›

Exercises For Bigger Buttocks

These include squats, deadlifts, and hip thrusts. Training the gluteus minimus and medius is excellent for mobility while also helping define your curves. To target these groups, perform hip movements like raises, hip abduction, and side planks with leg raises.

Does running build your glutes? ›

The shape of the buttocks is defined by muscles known as the glutes. That's the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus, as well as the fat that lies over them. Walking, running, and climbing all work the glutes. Strength training that targets these muscles can help give you a tighter, more rounded look.

How long does it take to get a bigger butt? ›

Typically, noticeable changes in muscle size, such as glute growth, can be seen within 6 to 12 weeks of consistent, targeted strength training, provided you're following a well-structured workout plan and nutrition strategy. However, it's important to remember that individual results may vary.

Do squats make your butt bigger? ›

Squats work all of the glute muscles in one movement. When you strategically recruit and tax these muscles, you can trigger hypertrophy (or muscle size growth). So, yes, squats can help you build bigger glutes.

How many times a week should I run? ›

Four to five days is the sweet spot for many runners. Generally speaking, running more often develops your aerobic system better and helps you run faster and farther.

What happens if we run daily? ›

Studies show that the benefits of running for just 5 to 10 minutes at a moderate pace (6.0 miles per hour) each day may include: reduced risk of death from heart attack or stroke. reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. lower risk of developing cancer.

Will running make me skinny or muscular? ›

Distance running encourages your body to drop excess weight, which may be a combination of fat and muscle. This will lead to a “skinny” appearance if you also restrict your caloric intake and don't do any resistance training. Sprinting encourages your body to put on muscle.

What causes one buttock to be bigger than the other? ›

"Glute imbalances can be caused by a multitude of reasons, including prior surgery or injury, improper training, leg length discrepancies, asymmetric anatomy, atrophy, spine pain, nerve issues, and life and sport-specific factors that may prioritize one side of the body over the other side of your body," says Toufic ...

How can I reduce my buttocks size? ›

Some of these can include:
  1. Running. Running is an excellent exercise for full-body weight loss. ...
  2. High-intensity interval training. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is also a popular option for helping with weight loss. ...
  3. Step-climbing. ...
  4. Squats. ...
  5. Lunges. ...
  6. One-leg deadlift. ...
  7. Side-lying hip abduction. ...
  8. Lateral band walk.

Why am I putting on weight all of a sudden? ›

Weight gain and short-term fluctuations may happen for a variety of reasons, such as aging or making lifestyle and dietary changes. However, fast weight gain can be a sign of an underlying health condition, such as a problem with the thyroid, kidneys, or heart.

Does squeezing buttocks make it bigger or smaller? ›

Researchers found that those who performed gluteal squeezes increased their hip extension—or glute—strength by 16 percent compared to an 11 percent increase in those who performed glute bridges. Gluteal girth also increased in the group who performed gluteal squeezes.

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