Don Sabwa on LinkedIn: What are five pillars of sustainable finance? Pillar 1: Definition: Use of… (2024)

Don Sabwa


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What are five pillars of sustainable finance?Pillar 1: Definition: Use of proceeds. Pillar 2: Selection: Process for project evaluation. Pillar 3: Traceability: Management of proceeds. Pillar 4: Transparency: Monitoring and reporting. Pillar 5: Verification: Assurance through external review.



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Bithika Hazra

Head of Products, FTF IAF, Palladium


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Don Sabwa pillar 1 is not clear to me. Can you please elaborate

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Alinane Tembo

Leading HR Strategy| Change Catalyst| Personal Mastery Coach| Leading Agile Projects


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Don Sabwa please elaborate more on each pillar

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    #WORLD POPULATION DAYLET'S EXPLORE THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN GLOBAL POPULATION GROWTH AND THE PROVISION OF SUSTAINABLE HEALTHCARE:TODAY BEING #WORLD POPULATION DAYPopulation Trends and Healthcare Demand:The world's population has grown significantly, from around 3.6 billion in 1970 to over 7.9 billion in 2023.This population growth, along with aging demographics, has led to a substantial increase in healthcare demand globally.Strain on Healthcare Systems:The rapid population growth, especially in developing regions, has put immense strain on healthcare systems in terms of infrastructure, staffing, and financial resources.Many countries struggle to provide universal access to quality healthcare services due to the sheer volume of patients and limited healthcare budgets.Widening Disparities in Access to Care:The uneven distribution of population growth and economic development has resulted in significant disparities in healthcare access and outcomes between affluent and underserved communities.Disadvantaged populations in low- and middle-income countries often lack access to basic healthcare services, contributing to poor health outcomes.Sustainability Challenges:Providing sustainable, high-quality healthcare for a rapidly growing global population requires substantial investments in healthcare infrastructure, technology, and workforce development.Governments and healthcare organizations must find ways to improve efficiency, leverage digital technologies, and pursue innovative financing models to ensure the long-term viability of their healthcare systems.Preventive and Primary Care Approaches:Emphasizing preventive healthcare and strengthening primary care services can help manage the growing demand for healthcare services in a more sustainable manner.Investing in health promotion, disease prevention, and early intervention can reduce the burden on secondary and tertiary care facilities.International Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing:Global collaboration and knowledge sharing among healthcare systems and providers can foster the adoption of best practices and innovative solutions to address population health challenges.Initiatives such as the World Health Organization's Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health can help strengthen healthcare workforce capacity worldwide.To provide sustainable healthcare in the face of global population growth, a multifaceted approach is required, involving strategic investments, policy reforms, technological advancements, and international cooperation. This will be crucial in ensuring equitable access to quality healthcare services for all.

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  • Don Sabwa


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    The healthcare industry experiences regular cycles of technology innovation and adoption, from Healthcare facilities can optimize their capital investment strategies to adapt to changing market conditions by leveraging the following principles of effective cyclic management:Scenario Planning and Forecasting:Develop robust financial models and scenario analyses to forecast future demand, utilization trends, reimbursem*nt changes, and other market dynamics.Use these forecasts to guide capital allocation decisions and anticipate potential future needs or challenges.Modular and Flexible Facility Design:Incorporate modular construction techniques and flexible layouts into new facility designs.This allows for easier expansion, reconfiguration, or repurposing of spaces as needs evolve over time.Phased Capital Expenditures:Break down major capital projects into smaller, more manageable phases.This enables facilities to allocate capital incrementally and adjust plans in response to changing conditions.Diversified Asset Portfolio:Maintain a diverse portfolio of facility types, locations, and service lines.This diversification can help mitigate risks associated with localized market cycles or shifts in specialty care demands.Proactive Facility Lifecycle Management:Continuously monitor the condition and performance of existing facilities.Develop long-term capital plans to systematically modernize, expand, or replace aging infrastructure as needed.Strategic Partnerships and Joint Ventures:Explore partnerships with other healthcare providers, real estate developers, or financial institutions.These collaborations can provide access to additional capital, expertise, and flexibility to adapt to market changes.Data-Driven Decision Making:Leverage data analytics, predictive modeling, and business intelligence tools to gain deeper insights into market trends and facility performance.Use these data-driven insights to inform more responsive and agile capital investment strategies.By incorporating these cyclic management principles, healthcare facilities can enhance their ability to adapt to evolving market conditions, optimize their capital allocation, and ensure the long-term sustainability of their physical infrastructure and service offerings.medical equipment to IT systems.

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  • Don Sabwa


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    Let’s explore effective cyclic management investment strategies in the context of healthcare facilities. Here are some key considerations:1.Facility Lifecycle Cycles:Healthcare facilities have distinct lifecycle stages, including construction, expansion, modernization, and eventual replacement.Investors need to time their capital allocation to align with these facility lifecycle cycles and anticipate future capacity needs.2.Demographic and Utilization Cycles:Population growth, aging demographics, and shifts in disease prevalence create cyclical changes in healthcare utilization.Investors should monitor these demographic and utilization trends to adjust their facility investment plans.3.Reimbursem*nt and Regulatory Cycles:Changes in government healthcare policies, insurance reimbursem*nt rates, and regulatory requirements can significantly impact facility revenues and operations.Investors must stay attuned to these policy and regulatory cycles to manage risks and identify opportunities.4.Technology Adoption Cycles:The healthcare industry experiences regular cycles of technology innovation and adoption, from medical equipment to IT systems.Investors should time their capital investments to capitalize on technological advancements that can enhance facility efficiency and patient care.5.Seasonality and Utilization Patterns:Healthcare facilities often experience cyclical fluctuations in patient volumes and service utilization throughout the year.Managers should adjust staffing, inventory, and other operational factors to accommodate these seasonal utilization patterns.6.Diversification and Flexibility:Maintaining a diversified portfolio of healthcare facility investments can help mitigate risks associated with individual facility or market cycles.Incorporating flexibility into investment plans, such as modular construction designs, can enable easier adaptation to changing conditions.By incorporating these cyclic management principles, healthcare facility investors can optimize their capital allocation, improve operational efficiency, and enhance the long-term sustainability of their investments.

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  • Don Sabwa


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    LEADERSHIP CYCLES AND THEIR IMPACT ON FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY IN THE HEALTHCARE SERVICE INDUSTRY:The healthcare industry experiences cyclical leadership changes that can significantly affect financial sustainability. Generally, these leadership cycles span 5-10 years on average.Typical Leadership Cycle:1.Visionary Leadership (0-3 years): New leadership comes in with ambitious plans for growth, innovation, and expanded services. This often involves significant capital investments, mergers/acquisitions, and aggressive marketing.2.Operational Focus (3-6 years): As the organization scales, the focus shifts to optimizing operations, improving efficiency, and consolidating gains from the previous growth phase. Cost control and financial discipline become priorities.3.Stability/Incremental Change (6-10 years): Mature leadership emphasizes maintaining stability, incrementally improving existing programs, and sustaining the organization's financial health. Growth is more moderate, and the organization becomes risk-averse.Impact on Financial Sustainability:1.Visionary Leadership: High capital expenditures, increased debt, and initial financial strain as the organization invests in expansion. Revenues may not yet match the pace of growth.2.Operational Focus: Greater financial discipline, cost control, and revenue optimization. This phase can help restore financial stability and build reserves.3.Stability/Incremental Change: Slower growth, more conservative financial management. The organization aims to maintain its financial position and avoid major disruptions.The cyclical nature of healthcare leadership can create challenges for long-term financial planning and sustainability. Organizations need to balance short-term priorities with a vision for the future, while managing the inherent risks and opportunities at each stage of the leadership cycle.Successful healthcare leaders navigate these cycles by:1.Developing flexible financial strategies that can adapt to changing circ*mstances2.Maintaining a diverse revenue streams to mitigate reliance on any single source3.Investing in data analytics and financial modeling to anticipate and plan for future needs4.Fostering a culture of financial literacy and responsibility across the organization5.Aligning short-term initiatives with long-term strategic goals for sustainable growthOverall, understanding and proactively managing the leadership cycle is crucial for healthcare organizations to maintain financial stability and continue providing high-quality services to their communities.


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  • Don Sabwa


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    SIGNIFICANT BARRIERS TO ACCESSING HEALTH CARE SERVICES,INCLUDING:Geographic Isolation: Individuals living in rural or remote areas may have to travel long distances to reach the nearest hospital, clinic, or doctor's office. This can be especially difficult for those without reliable transportation.Lack of Public Transportation: Many underserved urban areas have limited or inadequate public transportation options, making it difficult for residents to reach health care providers.Socioeconomic Status: Individuals with low incomes or without health insurance coverage may be unable to afford the costs of care, including doctor visits, medications, and procedures.provider shortagesUnderserved communities frequently experience shortages of health care providers, such as:1.Primary Care Physicians: There is often an insufficient number of primary care doctors serving these areas, leading to long wait times for appointments.2.Specialists: Access to medical specialists like cardiologists, oncologists, and surgeons can be very limited in underserved regions.3.Mental Health Professionals: Shortages of psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health providers are common in many underserved communities.Cultural and Linguistic BarriersEffectively serving diverse populations in underserved communities requires overcoming cultural and linguistic barriers, such as:1.Language Differences: Patients who do not speak the dominant language fluently may have difficulty communicating with health care staff and understanding medical information.2.Cultural Beliefs and Practices: Health care providers need to be sensitive to and accommodate the cultural beliefs, values, and practices of their patients.Chronic Disease ManagementUnderserved populations often have higher rates of chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and asthma. Providing effective long-term management of these conditions poses challenges, including:Patient Education and Engagement: Helping patients understand their conditions and adopt healthy self-care behaviors can be difficult.Care Coordination: Integrating primary care, specialty care, and supportive services is critical but challenging in resource-constrained settings.Social Determinants of HealthMany social and economic factors that influence health outcomes, such as poverty, housing instability, and limited access to healthy foods, are more prevalent in underserved communities. Addressing these social determinants of health is crucial but complex.

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  • Don Sabwa


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    CHURCH NATIONALISM IN KENYA:In the early 20th century, Christian churches in Kenya played a significant role in the growth of Kenyan nationalism and the push for independence from British colonial rule. Some key points:·Mainline Protestant churches like the Anglican and Presbyterian churches often aligned with British colonial authorities and did not strongly advocate for Kenyan independence.·However, African-led independent churches like the African Independent Pentecostal Church and the Kimbanguist Church promoted Kenyan nationalism and self-determination. They emphasized African cultural traditions and were critical of European colonial influence.·The East African Revival movement, which spread from Rwanda and Uganda into Kenya in the 1930s, also had nationalist undertones. It rejected European cultural norms and asserted a distinct African Christian identity.·Catholic churches in Kenya were more mixed, with some bishops supporting colonial rule while others, like Archbishop John Njenga, became advocates for Kenyan nationalism and independence in the 1950s and 1960s.·Prominent Kenyan Christian leaders like Jomo Kenyatta, the first President of independent Kenya, drew on Christian themes and rhetoric in their nationalist movements.So in various ways, the growth of independent African churches and the nationalist positions of some Christian leaders helped fuel the Kenyan independence movement in the mid-20th century. The relationship between church and nationalism was complex but significant.

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  • Don Sabwa


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    KEY LIMITATIONS AND DRAWBACKS OF THE SHIF SCHEME:1.Restricted Maternity Coverage:·The low caps on reimbursem*nt for normal deliveries (Ksh 11,200) and C-sections (Ksh 32,600) may not be sufficient to cover the full costs of quality maternal healthcare.·The short hospital stay limits of 48 hours for normal deliveries and 72 hours for C-sections may not allow adequate time for postpartum care and recovery, especially for mothers with complications.·Requiring re-evaluation for mothers needing longer hospital stays could create additional barriers to accessing care.2.Lack of Antenatal Care (ANC) Coverage:·Excluding ANC visits from the scheme and directing mothers to traditional birth attendants (TBAs) is concerning, as quality antenatal care is crucial for identifying and managing pregnancy-related risks.3.Age Restrictions on Cancer Screening:·Limiting prostate and colon cancer screening to older age groups may miss earlier detection of these cancers.·Capping cervical cancer screening to women aged 30-50 years is problematic, as cervical cancer can manifest in younger women.4.Limited Vision Care:·Restricting vision care coverage to only beneficiaries under 18 years old leaves a significant portion of the population without access to affordable eye exams and glasses.5.Household-level Caps on Inpatient Care:·Limiting inpatient care to 50 days per household annually may be insufficient for families with multiple members requiring extended hospital stays.Overall, these limitations suggest the SHIF scheme may not provide comprehensive and equitable healthcare coverage, potentially leaving gaps in critical areas like maternal health, cancer prevention, and vision care.


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  • Don Sabwa


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    THE NEW HEALTH SCHEME IN KENYA CALLED THE SOCIAL HEALTH INSURANCE FUND (SHIF) AND SOCIAL HEALTH ACT. HERE IS A SUMMARY OF THE KEY POINTS:1.Maternity Coverage:·Normal deliveries are covered up to Ksh 11,200, and Caesarean sections up to Ksh 32,600.·Hospital stay is limited to 48 hours for normal deliveries and 72 hours for C-sections.·Mothers requiring longer hospital stays due to complications must undergo re-evaluation before accessing SHIF services.·Antenatal care (ANC) visits are not covered under SHIF, and mothers are expected to seek care from traditional birth attendants (TBAs).2.Cancer Screening:·Prostate cancer screening is covered for men over 55 years old.·Colon cancer screening is covered for men over 40 years old.·Cervical cancer screening is covered for women between 30 and 50 years old.3.Vision Care:·SHIF will pay Ksh 935 for consultation and eyeglasses, with a limit of Ksh 1,000 per household, for beneficiaries under 18 years old.4.End-of-Life Services:·SHIF will cover preparation and storage of a body in a mortuary, up to Ksh 500 per day, with a cap of 5 days.5.Inpatient Care:·Inpatient services are capped at Ksh 3,500 to Ksh 5,000 per day at Level 4, 5, and 6 hospitals, limited to 50 days per household annually.THIS IS SCAM TO PROVISION OF AFFORDABLE, ACCESSIBLE, EQUITABLE, FAIR, HEALTH CARE TO KENYANS

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Don Sabwa on LinkedIn: What are five pillars of sustainable finance?Pillar 1: Definition: Use of… (15)

Don Sabwa on LinkedIn: What are five pillars of sustainable finance?Pillar 1: Definition: Use of… (16)


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Don Sabwa on LinkedIn: What are five pillars of sustainable finance?
Pillar 1: Definition: Use of… (2024)


Don Sabwa on LinkedIn: What are five pillars of sustainable finance? Pillar 1: Definition: Use of…? ›

Pillar 1: Definition: Use of proceeds. Pillar 2: Selection: Process for project evaluation. Pillar 3: Traceability: Management of proceeds. Pillar 4: Transparency: Monitoring and reporting. Pillar 5: Verification: Assurance through external review.

What are the pillars of sustainable finance? ›

It's not simply about where the money goes, but how it's used to foster a better, more sustainable world. And to further understand this, it's important to define the three main pillars of sustainable finance: environmental, social, and governance (ESG).

What is sustainable finance in simple words? ›

Sustainable finance is about financing both what is already environment-friendly today (green finance) and what is transitioning to environment-friendly performance levels over time (transition finance).

What are the goals of sustainable finance? ›

The goal of sustainable finance is not just to minimize negative impacts but also to actively contribute to positive change. It seeks to create a financial system that supports and incentivizes sustainable practices, ultimately leading to a more resilient, inclusive, and sustainable economy.

What are the criteria for sustainable finance? ›

These criteria include analysis of the impacts of business activities in terms of carbon emissions, biodiversity protection, waste management, etc.; societal impacts; and the set of rules that govern the way companies are controlled and managed.

What is the 5th pillar of sustainability? ›

The five pillars of sustainability : economic, social, environmental, cultural and security aspects.

What are the main pillars of finance? ›

These four pillars—Earn, Spend, Save, Invest—form the foundation for achieving financial independence.

What is another word for sustainable finance? ›

Definition and sustainability synonym
  • Sustainable investing.
  • Environmental-friendly investing.
  • Socially responsible investing.
  • Green investing.
Feb 3, 2023

What is the difference between ESG and sustainable finance? ›

While sustainability and ESG are closely related concepts, they have distinct focuses and governance implications. Sustainability takes a broader, holistic view, encompassing environmental, social, and economic dimensions, while ESG provides a structured framework for evaluating specific performance criteria.

What is the brief description of financial sustainability? ›

What is Financial Sustainability? At Advance, we define financial sustainability as the ability to start, grow and maintain your staffing business with short- and long-term financial stability.

What is the most important barrier to sustainable finance? ›

Short termism, a deeply entrenched corporate behaviour, is one of the key challenges to creating a sustainable financial system.

Why use sustainable finance? ›

By supporting projects that prioritise resource efficiency, healthy ecosystems and promote the circular economy, it helps reduce waste generation, promotes recycling and reuse, and protects ecosystems.

What are the five pillars of sustainable finance? ›

Pillar 1: Definition: Use of proceeds. Pillar 2: Selection: Process for project evaluation. Pillar 3: Traceability: Management of proceeds. Pillar 4: Transparency: Monitoring and reporting.

What is an example of sustainable finance? ›

Examples of sustainable finance initiatives include: Social impact bonds / Pay for success (PFS) schemes. Sustainable investment funds. Social venture capital.

Which of the following best describes sustainable finance? ›

Green finance, often referred to as sustainable finance, describes financial operations that support the transition to a carbon-neutral economy, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and encourage ecologically sustainable economic growth.

What are the 3 pillars of sustainability? ›

Sustainability is an essential part of facing current and future global challenges, not only those related to the environment.

What are the 4 pillars of sustainability framework? ›

The term sustainability is broadly used to indicate programs, initiatives and actions aimed at the preservation of a particular resource. However, it actually refers to four distinct areas: human, social, economic and environmental – known as the four pillars of sustainability.

What are the three elements of financial sustainability? ›

What is Financial Sustainability?
  • Access to Capital. Trust us on this one, it takes money to make money, and you'll need a lot of it to run a successful staffing business. ...
  • Profitability. When it comes to profitability, balance counts (and there can be negatives on each side). ...
  • Reporting. ...
  • Planning.
Jun 11, 2024

What are the ESG pillars? ›

ESG stands for environmental, social and governance. These are called pillars in ESG frameworks and represent the 3 main topic areas that companies are expected to report in. The goal of ESG is to capture all the non-financial risks and opportunities inherent to a company's day to day activities.

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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.