Don't Want to Create a Budget? Do This | The Budget Mom (2024)


Don't Want to Create a Budget? Do This | The Budget Mom (1)

You don't have to spend hours creating a complicated budget. I get it. Budgeting isn't the most exciting way to spend your time but it's definitely the most important. If you are like me, having step by step instructions makes things a lot easier. So today, I am giving you exactly that. A step by step, easy to follow guide with pictures! So, sit back, grab a notepad, a cup of warm tea and let's get to work.

When you don't have extra money sitting in your bank account, one of the most important things you can do is create a budget. A budget allows you to keep tabs on how much money is leaving your bank account and how much money is coming in.If you are constantly checking your bank account to make sure you have enough moneyto make purchases, this post is for you.

I am not going to lie. I am completely old school when it comes to my budget. I started budgeting back in 2011 and I still budget the same way. When you search the internet you will run into a thousand ways to track and create a budget.

Today, I want you to focus on creating and tracking your budget using only one method – using pen and paper. Take my word for it. You have to learn the basics of budgeting first and to do that we are going to use just a piece of paper and a pen. Super easy. Once you have budgeted for a couple of months, then you can expand your budgeting skills with online programs but for now, I need you to stick with me.

Don't Want to Create a Budget? Do This | The Budget Mom (2)

Step #1:Determine & Write Down Your Monthly Income

Figuring out your income is a pretty easy task if you have consistent paychecks every single month. You get paid the same days every month and it's always the same amount. You simply add up all of your paychecks and you have your take home income. But what happens when you have irregular income? Trust me, this can create some really bad budgeting headaches.

If you do have irregular income,I want you to always focus on the worst case scenario.

So for example: Let's say you work from home as a photographer and you make anywhere from $800 – $1,500 per month. The income that you would use for your take home income on your budget is $800. If you are not sure what your minimum take home pay is, look over the last 3 months. Find the paycheck that was the lowest and use that amount. You want to make sure you use a figure that you KNOW you can make during any given month. ALWAYS.

If you make more than that minimum amount, we will deal with the extra in just a moment.Don't worry.

Don't Want to Create a Budget? Do This | The Budget Mom (3)

Step#2: List ALL of YourBills/Expenses

When you create your budget you need to know two different things – what you need to pay and when you need to pay them. Take the paper you wrote your income onand I want you to list all of your bills, the due date for each bill and the amount. It's important that you'recompletely honest with yourself when listing your bills and expenses. You need to list everything, even if the bill is small. The general rule – if you spend money on it, you need to list it.


When listing your expenses make sure to list thingsthat you (and your family) can't live without. These things are called necessities. The things to include in this category include things like food and gas. These are the only two necessities I have in my budget but you might have more to add to the list.

If you are not sure on how much you spend on necessities look at your bank statements for the last two months.

For example: Let's say you are trying to figure out how much you spend on food every month. For the month of January you spent $450 on eating out and groceries and for February you spent $360. Add these two numbers up and divide by the number of statements you are looking at. So on average for January & February you spent $405 per month and this is the amount you would use for your monthly food budget. $450 + $360 = 810 ($810 / 2 = $405).

  • Read: Why I Budget Paycheck to Paycheck

“Dedicated Money” Expenses

The last thing to list for your bills/expenses are things that I like to call“dedicated money” expenses. These are things that you don't spend money on every single month but are things that you buy infrequently. These include items like gifts, vacation funds, saving goals, haircuts, or clothes. The best way to handle these type of expenses is to set a realistic amount that you need to put towards these things and then add to them every month. Here are a few examples ofmy family'sdedicated moneyexpenses:

Beauty (haircuts etc…), clothes, gifts, emergency savings, vacations, school supplies, and vehicle maintenance.

We are extremely fortunate that my husband works on cars for a hobby and for side money. We don't have to worry about paying for expensive shop labor when it comes to our vehicles. I am also on my “no new clothes for an entire year” challenge so our clothes budget is really low. My husband never buys clothes (or wants new clothes) and I get a lot of my son's clothes from consignment shops. The area we are working on is our food budget. We are horrible at buying way more than we should and this is a financial goal I am currently working on.

So where do you stash the money for your dedicated expenses? The best thing to do is to open a separate bank account for each expense.

For example, I currently have 4 savings accounts, one for each of my dedicated expenses. This really helps use put small amounts aside every month so we can have a large amount when we need it. I never recommend stashing cash in your house and it really helps to keep track of everything if it's not all in one account. Consider an online high yield savings account like CIT Bank Saving Builder as an option.

Don't Want to Create a Budget? Do This | The Budget Mom (4)

Step #3: Subtract Your Income From Your Expenses/Bills

This where a lot of people freak out. If this is your first time budgeting it's normal to come up with a negative number. This just means you are spending more money than income. Most people don't realize they are doing this until they have it all written down.

What Do I Do If I Got a Negative Number?

Look for ways to cut your current bills. There are always cheaper alternatives to what you are doing now.

  • Read: 30+ Ways to Save More Money

The best example of this is by using Netflix (or Sling TV or Hulu) instead of paying for cable. Here are some other examples for you to try:

Look for a cheaper cell phone plan. There are some great companies who are offering really great competitive rates.Mint Mobile, and Republic Wirelessare all fantastic examples. Look at getting a cheaper rate by switching cell phone companies or by combining your cell phone bills and getting a really affordable family plan.

Have you looked over your car insurance lately? Try reducing your car insurance by looking over your current plan. Car insurance companies are constantly coming out with new discounts, so make sure to talk to your representative today to see if you qualify for any new deals.

Another area to cut costs is by reducing some of your “dedicated money” expenses. Instead of allocating $50 per month for your son's yearly birthday party, reduce it to $25 per month. This is the area where you can make the greatest impact because you have complete control over the amount that you spend.

  • Read: 5 Things That Will Help You Stick to a Grocery Budget

What Do I Do If I Got A Positive Number?

Having a positive number when you subtract your income from bills/expenses is really a fantastic thing, but you must have a plan for it. I am trying to pay off my student loans, so any extra money gets put towards that. Do you have something you want to save for? Maybe you want to go on a big family vacation or pay more towards your mortgage? This what you use your “extra” money on.

You always want to make sure that every dollar of income has a job. This way, if you have a plan for that money you are less likely to spend it.

Don't Want to Create a Budget? Do This | The Budget Mom (5)

Step #4: Decide on When You Are Going to Pay Things

The easiest way to decide when you are going to pay bills is by using the date(s) you get paid. I highly suggest using a calendar. It's easy to read visually but it also keeps you organized. Write down the days you get paid and pay your expenses based on their due date. For example, I am using pay dates of the 5th and 20th in this example. Our mortgage is due on the 1st so I want to make sure to pay that with the paycheck on the 20th. The cell phone is due on the 15th so I can pay that with the paycheck we get on the 5th. Repeat this until all bills/expenses are listed under your pay dates. Subtract them from your income on that payday.

The calendar I am using in this example is a free printable I got from here. There are a ton of free calendar printables on Pinterest that I absolutely love. If you don't have access to a printer you can find some affordable ones in stores as well (I will be adding my very own free printables to The Budget Mom in the coming months).

  • Update: Free printables are available in the Free Resource Library

Don't be afraid to write in other blocks on your calendar if you need more space. Budgeting your money according to your paychecks is the best method to use if you are a beginner and don't have a lot of money to work with.

Step #5: Update Frequently

It's important that you rely on your actual bank account as well as your budget calendar. There have been so many times where my husband bought something and forgot to tell me about it. You always want your calendar and bank account to match. That's the goal. Pick a day during the week to look over your bank account and adjust your budget calendar accordingly. You might want to do this daily until you get the hang of things.

I compare my bank account with my budget every Saturday morning before my son wakes up. It only takes me about 20 minutes and it allows me to spend the rest of the weekend without worrying about anything. Having everything on your calendar is a great reminder to check your budget.

Have you created a budget before? How many times have you failed?



Don't Want to Create a Budget? Do This | The Budget Mom (2024)


How to answer the budget question? ›

Go ahead and share your budget estimate, even if it's a broad range. Cite a high- and low-end, or give a more specific figure if you're comfortable doing so. If your budget depends on a variety of factors, be open about that. What considerations will impact how much you can spend?

How do you budget when you don't make enough? ›

How to Create a Budget With a Low Income
  1. Step 1: List your income. Every budget starts with your income, no matter how much you make. ...
  2. Step 2: List your expenses. ...
  3. Step 3: Subtract your expenses from your income. ...
  4. Cut out extras. ...
  5. Skip the restaurants. ...
  6. Don't buy new clothes. ...
  7. Sell your stuff. ...
  8. Save money on expenses.
Oct 17, 2023

Why is it important to create a budget even if you don t get a lot of money? ›

A budget helps create financial stability. By tracking expenses and following a plan, a budget makes it easier to pay bills on time, build an emergency fund, and save for major expenses such as a car or home.

How do you answer budget objection? ›

Expert Ways To Handle The “I Have No Budget” Objection
  1. Recognize the objection's validity. Simply saying “I understand” can be a great way to neutralize the objection. ...
  2. Talk about pricing early. ...
  3. Use strict criteria to qualify leads. ...
  4. Highlight the value, not the cost. ...
  5. Drill down on the problem's financial cost.
Feb 3, 2023

What is a budget simple answer? ›

A budget is a plan you write down to decide how you will spend your money each month. A budget helps you make sure you will have enough money every month. Without a budget, you might run out of money before your next paycheck. A budget shows you: how much money you make.

How to create a budget? ›

Creating Your Budget
  1. Determine a Time Span for Your Budget.
  2. Choose a Tool to Help You Manage Your Budget.
  3. Review Your Monthly Income.
  4. Identify and Categorize Your Expenses.
  5. Save for Emergencies.
  6. Balance Your Budget.
  7. Maintain and Update Your Budget.

What is the budget formula? ›

Allow up to 50% of your income for needs, including debt minimums. Leave 30% of your income for wants. Commit 20% of your income to savings and debt repayment beyond minimums. Track and manage your budget through regular check-ins.

What is the simplest budgeting method? ›

1. The zero-based budget. The concept of a zero-based budgeting method is simple: Income minus expenses equals zero. This budgeting method is best for people who have a set income each month or can reasonably estimate their monthly income.

How do you say you don't have enough budget? ›

You could also say, “My finances are tight" or, "I'm on a tight budget.” Even saying something simple like, “I'm not sure I can afford it” sounds so much better than saying, “I don't have money.”

What is the most effective way to budget? ›

In the 50/20/30 budget, 50% of your net income should go to your needs, 20% should go to savings, and 30% should go to your wants. If you've read the Essentials of Budgeting, you're already familiar with the idea of wants and needs. This budget recommends a specific balance for your spending on wants and needs.

How do you say your budget is too low? ›

“We've analyzed your project, and we don't feel like you've allocated enough budget to accomplish your goals. There are two ways we can proceed. We could either revise the scope to create a minimum viable product, like a phase one, and then do another phase later when you have more budget.

What happens if you don't create a budget? ›

If you don't stick to a budget, you are at risk of spending more than you can afford, leading to poor decisions and debt. Poor credit score. In these modern times, it is crucial to maintain a good credit score. However, overspending can rack up your credit card bills and send your credit score plunging.

Do I really need a budget? ›

Even if budgeting doesn't work for you, having an idea of how much you're spending can be a useful tool to make sure you're meeting your financial goals, like paying off credit card debt or saving for retirement. Budgeting apps like Mint and YNAB can help you understand how all of your money is being used.

Why do people struggle with budgeting? ›

Common issue: Non-monthly expenses – it's pretty easy to make a budget of the bills we have that have a consistent due date and relatively consistent amount such as housing, utilities and even groceries. It's all the other expenses of daily life that seem small that add up that are the challenge to plan for.

How do you answer what is your budget for this project? ›

The best way to answer project budgeting questions is by providing concrete examples that illustrate your budgeting expertise. Start by explaining the specific budgeting process you've employed in past projects, detailing how you estimated costs, allocated resources, and managed expenses.

What to say when a dealer asks your budget? ›

Counter the monthly payment conversation: Your dealer may ask what you're hoping to pay for your car each month. Instead, tell your salesperson that you'd prefer discussing the car's out-the-door price and fair market value. If need be, you can always discuss refinancing your car loan down the road.

What to say when a realtor asks for your budget? ›

If you're not ready to give it, tell them before they ask. Don't leave them guessing. However, I don't recommend waiting till you say, “Yes, we have deal” to reveal your budget. Instead, leverage the information to understand what options are available and to help validate your budget requirements.

What to say when a vendor asks your budget? ›

You don't have to disclose your exact budget to every vendor you talk to. In fact, doing so could make you lose leverage or risk overpaying. Instead, you can be honest but vague about your budget, using phrases such as "around", "approximately", or "in the ballpark of".

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

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Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.