Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (2024)

  1. 2023-11-07,02:26 AM#21

    BannedDracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (28)

    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (29)
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    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (30) Originally Posted by TerizDracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (31)

    Because again you’re opening it up to multiple classes instead of restricting it to only a few. It also lessens the uniqueness of the race/class concept that is at the heart of the concept of the Dracthyr Evoker.

    Except Blizzard would not be giving "the other classes" the ability to fly. Because it is the dracthyr flying. I.e. the playable race, not the class. A night elf warrior would not be flying on their own. A blood elf mage would not be flying on their own. A tauren shaman would not be flying on their own. Etc, etc.

    Only the dracthyr would be flying. This is literally no different than Blizzard giving worgen the ability to "run" as fast as a normal ground mount. So, again: what is the issue, here?

  2. 2023-11-07,02:44 AM#22

    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (39) Originally Posted by TerizDracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (40)

    Eh… I’d say Soar is quite a bit more potent than Running Wild, especially with full dynamic flight capabilities.

    But at the end of the day other than the fantasy of I can fly without a mount and except for weird cases like the Maw and Worgen this has ZERO advantage against just having a mount. Hell as of War Within's pre patch every player will literally get a flying mount for free at level 10.

    Hell as of Dragonflight druids the only one that is special as flight form is
    1. Instant
    2. Capable of both kinds of flying
    3. Doesn't need to spec into being able to herb while mounted
    4. Is able to pick up quest items mounted

    All of which a monk can do outside of #2 and they can actually fish and mount while in Zen Flight

  3. 2023-11-07,03:19 AM#23

    BannedDracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (47)

    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (48)
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    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (49) Originally Posted by IeleniaDracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (50)

    Except Blizzard would not be giving "the other classes" the ability to fly. Because it is the dracthyr flying. I.e. the playable race, not the class. A night elf warrior would not be flying on their own. A blood elf mage would not be flying on their own. A tauren shaman would not be flying on their own. Etc, etc.

    Those classes would get that ability via the Dracthyr race.

    Only the dracthyr would be flying. This is literally no different than Blizzard giving worgen the ability to "run" as fast as a normal ground mount. So, again: what is the issue, here?

    Again, Dynamic Flight/Dragon Flying is a far more powerful travel ability than Running Wild.- - - Updated - - -

    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (51) Originally Posted by MysterymaskDracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (52)

    But at the end of the day other than the fantasy of I can fly without a mount and except for weird cases like the Maw and Worgen this has ZERO advantage against just having a mount. Hell as of War Within's pre patch every player will literally get a flying mount for free at level 10.

    Hell as of Dragonflight druids the only one that is special as flight form is
    1. Instant
    2. Capable of both kinds of flying
    3. Doesn't need to spec into being able to herb while mounted
    4. Is able to pick up quest items mounted

    All of which a monk can do outside of #2 and they can actually fish and mount while in Zen Flight

    The difference is that Druids flight form is restricted only to Druids. If Dracthyr get more class options, those classes get a flight form as well via Dracthyr.

    Also Druids aren’t getting dynamic flight until 11.0. Evokers get full Dragon riding in 10.2.5.

  4. 2023-11-07,03:27 AM#24

    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (60) Originally Posted by TerizDracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (61)

    Those classes would get that ability via the Dracthyr race.

    Again, Dynamic Flight/Dragon Flying is a far more powerful travel ability than Running Wild.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The difference is that Druids flight form is restricted only to Druids. If Dracthyr get more class options, those classes get a flight form as well via Dracthyr.

    Also Druids aren’t getting dynamic flight until 11.0. Evokers get full Dragon riding in 10.2.5.

    And it's still just effectively A MOUNT

    See this is the difference you see the whole "Dractyr can fly" as some super special ability
    I see them basically just having a special mount that only they have access too. Something that in the swing of things give them 0 advantage and is basically just something people will see and go "oh neat"

  5. 2023-11-07,04:42 AM#25

    BannedDracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (68)

    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (69)
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    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (70) Originally Posted by MysterymaskDracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (71)

    And it's still just effectively A MOUNT

    See this is the difference you see the whole "Dractyr can fly" as some super special ability
    I see them basically just having a special mount that only they have access too. Something that in the swing of things give them 0 advantage and is basically just something people will see and go "oh neat"

    Well it is a super special ability, because it’s a racial instead of a class ability, and it’s essentially a flight form. Despite it being effectively “just a mount”, the flight form is one of the most popular attributes of the Druid class. Soar is in a similar boat, and this change will only make the ability more popular.
  6. 2023-11-07,04:49 AM#26

    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (80) Originally Posted by TerizDracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (81)

    Well it is a super special ability, because it’s a racial instead of a class ability, and it’s essentially a flight form. Despite it being effectively “just a mount”, the flight form is one of the most popular attributes of the Druid class. Soar is in a similar boat, and this change will only make the ability more popular.

    Except Soar is much more limited than the Druid's flight form.
  7. 2023-11-07,04:52 AM#27

    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (89) Originally Posted by TerizDracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (90)

    Well it is a super special ability, because it’s a racial instead of a class ability, and it’s essentially a flight form. Despite it being effectively “just a mount”, the flight form is one of the most popular attributes of the Druid class. Soar is in a similar boat, and this change will only make the ability more popular.


    Soar ends with you land so can't really be used to herb like flight form or even an actual dragon riding mount
    Soar isn't instant so if you get whirling striked out of the sky you're just falling (not to your death because your a Dractyr and you can parachute)
    Even with flight form if I land to herb/mine I don't have to wait 2 seconds to fly again hell I don't even have to land to herb

    And at the end of the day soar is legit a worse flying mount that looks cool

    If Dractyr suddenly can become warriors people aren't going to en masse race change to Dractyr just for soar people will but not like every other race is suddenly inferior
    If Dractyr can be druids having both isnt going to diminish either form of flight because flight forms utility is still better than soar

  8. 2023-11-07,05:12 AM#28

    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (99) Originally Posted by DivadaDracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (100)

    I hoped that this was coming, and druids get it too! Some straight up wins from Blizz here.

    keep in mind blizz nerfed dracthyr first because they were worried people would get from place to place too quickly everywhere else. it's not really a W and more that they are finally taking back a pointless L. if druids get dragonriding in flight form, that would be a W.
  9. 2023-11-07,05:34 AM#29

    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (109) Originally Posted by TerizDracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (110)

    Well it is a super special ability, because it’s a racial instead of a class ability, and it’s essentially a flight form. Despite it being effectively “just a mount”, the flight form is one of the most popular attributes of the Druid class. Soar is in a similar boat, and this change will only make the ability more popular.

    So you're saying that having 7 unique race/class combinations (class being the common denominator) get access to an extra, slightly better dragonriding option is fine, but having 7-9 unique race/class combinations (race being the common denominator) get access to an extra, slightly worse dragonriding option would be bad?
    Last edited by Bwgmon; 2023-11-07 at 05:38 AM.

    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (111)

    confirmed by my uncle nitnendo and masahiro samurai

  10. 2023-11-07,11:03 AM#30

    BannedDracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (118)

    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (119)
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    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (120) Originally Posted by TerizDracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (121)

    Those classes would get that ability via the Dracthyr race.

    And classes have already access to 'travel powers' through the worgen. So, again, what's the issue?

    Again, Dynamic Flight/Dragon Flying is a far more powerful travel ability than Running Wild.

    Not really, no. Especially since: a) your dynamic flight ends immediately on you touching ground; and b) it has a cooldown so you can't just immediately fly back up after you land.

    So I'm going to ask you, again: what is the problem? You've repeatedly asserted there is a problem, but you never said what this alleged problem is.

    Also Druids aren’t getting dynamic flight until 11.0. Evokers get full Dragon riding in 10.2.5.

    Half a content patch earlier. What is the problem with that?- - - Updated - - -

    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (122) Originally Posted by MysterymaskDracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (123)

    I see them basically just having a special mount that only they have access too. Something that in the swing of things give them 0 advantage and is basically just something people will see and go "oh neat"

    It's not even that. With a flying mount, I can land, look around, and fly back up. As a dracthyr, the moment you land, your 'soar' ends, and you have to wait for the cooldown to use it again.
  11. 2023-11-07,11:07 AM#31

    DreadlordDracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (130)

    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (131)
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    There’s one of the ill-conceived “unique” aspects of the Dracthyr rescinded. But I’ll only be truly excited when they expand the transmog availability, if not simply adding barbershop options.
  12. 2023-11-07,11:20 AM#32

    BannedDracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (138)

    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (139)
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    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (140) Originally Posted by CalfreddDracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (141)

    Except Soar is much more limited than the Druid's flight form.

    Which is to be expected since Soar is a racial ability. However Soar is quite a bit faster than Flight Form, and I rather enjoy ending Soar high in the air and gliding down to a location. - - - Updated - - -

    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (142) Originally Posted by BwgmonDracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (143)

    So you're saying that having 7 unique race/class combinations (class being the common denominator) get access to an extra, slightly better dragonriding option is fine, but having 7-9 unique race/class combinations (race being the common denominator) get access to an extra, slightly worse dragonriding option would be bad?

    Like I said, Druid flight form is restricted to Druids and Druids alone. Opening up Dracthyr to other classes also opens up Soar to other classes, along with their other rather strong racial abilities.
  13. 2023-11-07,11:31 AM#33

    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (152) Originally Posted by TerizDracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (153)

    Which is to be expected since Soar is a racial ability.

    Making a distinction between race and class is moot when we talk about evokers and dracthyr, at least for now. Tail swipe and wing buffet are also racials, and yet we have an evoker talent choice that affects them.

    "Mastery Haste will fix it."

  14. 2023-11-07,11:37 AM#34

    Pit LordDracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (160)

    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (161)
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    Well since it has a cast time and a CD even if it gets reduced. Its going to be slightly worse then other drahonriding mounts. Everyone else will have a slight head start as your still winding up your soar. Dont see an issue even if (when) dracthyr get other classes. If a dracthyr wants Efficiency they can just go dynamic/static flying mounts.

    Myself though id give up efficiency to fly in style

    Edit : forgot about the glide. Still not to bad since everyone can get their hands on the globlin glider kit

    Last edited by Omians; 2023-11-07 at 11:47 AM.

    Omians- 80 Troll Enhancement shaman, Emerald Dream

  15. 2023-11-07,11:44 AM#35

    BannedDracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (168)

    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (169)
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    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (170) Originally Posted by IeleniaDracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (171)

    And classes have already access to 'travel powers' through the worgen. So, again, what's the issue?

    Not really, no. Especially since: a) your dynamic flight ends immediately on you touching ground; and b) it has a cooldown so you can't just immediately fly back up after you land.

    Pretty sure Soar’s max speed is like 500%+ movement and Running Wild’s max speed is 100%. Also Soar is flight which allows you to avoid mobs and the majority of obstacles. Add the Dragonflight buffs and it’s vastly superior.

    So I'm going to ask you, again: what is the problem? You've repeatedly asserted there is a problem, but you never said what this alleged problem is.

    Again, I could see Blizzard having a potential issue with multiple classes suddenly getting flight form and a gliding ability. You’re free to disagree with that of course, but changes like this (where they increase the power of Dracthyr racials) indicate to me that they have no intention of spreading Dracthyr to other classes anytime soon, if ever.

    Half a content patch earlier. What is the problem with that?

    Didn’t say it was a problem. I’m saying it’s 6-8 months earlier.- - - Updated - - -

    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (172) Originally Posted by GeckooDracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (173)

    Making a distinction between race and class is moot when we talk about evokers and dracthyr, at least for now. Tail swipe and wing buffet are also racials, and yet we have an evoker talent choice that affects them.

    Quite true. I was merely saying that racials should be by nature weaker than class abilities. Of course in the case of Dracthyr, they have very strong racials because of their link to the Evoker class. I wouldn’t be surprised if Soar gets some Evoker talents.
  16. 2023-11-07,11:54 AM#36

    But Soar is a racial with no combat power. Coming more options with dynamic flying, it'll be barely different from a racial flying mount.

    If anything Tail Swipe and Wing Buffet are far, far, FAR more problematic for new dracthyr classes. They are excellent buttons, and they are treated as racials ingame. Currently their power is tied basically to the balance of the evoker class only, but what if all them dragon warriors, rogues, mages and priests start popping up?

  17. 2023-11-07,12:12 PM#37

    BannedDracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (188)

    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (189)
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    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (190) Originally Posted by DevonitarDracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (191)

    But Soar is a racial with no combat power. Coming more options with dynamic flying, it'll be barely different from a racial flying mount.

    If anything Tail Swipe and Wing Buffet are far, far, FAR more problematic for new dracthyr classes. They are excellent buttons, and they are treated as racials ingame. Currently their power is tied basically to the balance of the evoker class only, but what if all them dragon warriors, rogues, mages and priests start popping up?

    This is a good point. I believe all they’re racials when placed altogether (Soar, Glide, Tail Swipe, Wing Buffet, Visage regen aura, etc.) would be problematic if expanded to several classes.
    Last edited by Teriz; 2023-11-07 at 12:33 PM.
  18. 2023-11-07,12:16 PM#38

    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (200) Originally Posted by BerkilakDracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (201)

    There’s one of the ill-conceived “unique” aspects of the Dracthyr rescinded. But I’ll only be truly excited when they expand the transmog availability, if not simply adding barbershop options.

    Completely true.

    Can't really get interested in playing dracthyr in any way since they look bad and you can't transmog them properly to look good.

    Transmogs are the real end game. Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (202)

  19. 2023-11-07,12:23 PM#39

    I think this is a nice consolation prize for having to look like a goofy gecko.
  20. 2023-11-07,12:23 PM#40

    BannedDracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (217)

    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (218)
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    Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (219) Originally Posted by MoraeDracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (220)

    Completely true.

    Can't really get interested in playing dracthyr in any way since they look bad and you can't transmog them properly to look good.

    Transmogs are the real end game. Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (221)

    I prefer my dragon in the buff, so I don’t have that issue.

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Dracthyr get full Dragonriding in 10.2.5! (2024)
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