Drag–and–Drop: How to Design for Ease of Use (2024)

Summary: Clear signifiers and clear feedback at all stages of the interaction make drag–and–drop discoverable and easy to use.

Drag–and–drop has been around since the dawn of GUIs and is familiar to most users. It is a type of direct manipulation, particularly useful for grouping, reordering, moving, or resizing objects. It works as follows:

  1. As with all direct-manipulation interactions, items of interest need to be visible on the screen — for example, icons, thumbnails, or explicit interface elements, such as column dividers in a table or spreadsheet. (In principle, we can drag invisible objects, but usability would surely suffer.)
  2. To initiate the interaction, users acquire an object — using a mouse or touch gesture (such as a mouse click or, respectively, a long press). Other selection techniques are possible, but not as common — for example, speech (“select the red car”) or “grabbing” an object in a VR or AR environment.
  3. While keeping the object selected (e.g., by continuous pressure on the mouse button), the user then moves the pointing device (mouse, finger, etc.) to some desired target. This is the “drag” part of the operation.
  4. Finally, the user deselects the object — for example, by letting go of the mouse button. This is the “drop” step.

The outcome of all these steps may simply be that the object has been relocated. For example, moving a column divider to the right makes that table column wider. Or, moving a circle in a drawing program changes the look of the picture being drawn. But the movement may also trigger a full command. The classic example is dragging a file icon to the trash icon and dropping it there, causing the corresponding file to be deleted. For many operations, drag–and–drop makes the actions visible and immediate and can thus improve usability.

The downsides to drag–and–drop are that it can be inefficient, imprecise, and even physically challenging, especially over long distances: if they run out of room, users might need to reposition their mouse or adjust their finger on a touchscreen. Thus, it often results in errors — the user drops an item in the wrong spot, and has to start all over again.

Because it is inherently a tricky physical interaction, understand your users’ mental model for the action that it will implement to make sure that they expect to use it. During usability testing, observe if users attempt to drag–and–drop objects (but don’t ask them about it directly).

In many cases, the downsides of drag–and–drop can be addressed by an accompanying more-precise interaction; for example, dragging a shape in Photoshop can get it to the general desired area, and then arrow keys can be used to precisely position it. In some situations, alternative interactions can replace drag-and-drop completely; on mobile, for example, using menus to move a file to a different folder can be less error-prone than drag-and-drop.

When appropriate, drag–and–drop is well understood, and quickly adopted by users. All the interactions that drag–and–drop is used for can be grouped in two main types:resizing objects and moving objects. These two capabilities need different microinteraction design to succeed as intuitive, responsive interfaces.

In This Article:

  • Clear Signifiers and Feedback for Drag–and–Drop
  • Cursor Changes
  • Feedback that an Object Has Been Grabbed
  • Accessibility for Drag–and–Drop
  • Drag–and–Drop on Touchscreens
  • Summary

Clear Signifiers and Feedback for Drag–and–Drop

Creating an obvious signifier for drag–and–drop is challenging. While a button can have a subtle drop shadow to indicate that it is raised and clickable, a drag–and–drop signifier has to signal two functions — (1) that the item is “grabbable” and (2) what dragging it somewhere will accomplish (moving or resizing).

There are two types of visual signifiers for grabbability: grab-handle icons and cursor changes.

Grab-Handle Icons

Grab handle icons communicate that drag–and–drop is available and provide a safe target to click and drag without activating other nearby controls. (In some applications the user need not click exactly on the grab handle icon, but its purpose remains the same.)

Unfortunately, icons in use for this purpose are not nearly as universal as designers may think and they are often a poor visual metaphor. There are several common drag–and–drop icons in use and the lack of a universal convention reduces their efficacy and recognizability.

Drag–and–Drop: How to Design for Ease of Use (1)

Some of the handle icons used to signal movement are confusing also because they resemble familiar icons conventionally used for other functionalities, such as a hamburger icon or the kebab icon.

Some of these icons also attempt to indicate the direction of movement: either in one dimension (e.g. reordering a list) or two dimensions (e.g. moving a window around on a screen), but their lack of external consistency fails to communicate the purpose clearly.

For resizing, such as expanding column headers in a table or changing an object’s size on a canvas, the grab-handle icon is often pretty subtle: a single vertical line between columns, for example, or a pair of diagonal lines in the bottom right corner.

Drag–and–Drop: How to Design for Ease of Use (2)

Cursor Changes

In mouse-driven interfaces, cursor changes can also be used to signal that drag–and–drop is available: as the user hovers upon an object that can be dragged–and–dropped, the cursor changes shape to indicate that clicking it will initiate a grab.

If you decide to change the cursor icon, avoid creating new, custom icons. Use the platform’s standard cursor for moving or resizing. On Macs, the standard arrow cursor will change to an open, white-gloved “Mickey Mouse” hand; this icon will further change to look like a closed hand grasping when the object is grabbed. Windows uses a white crossbar icon for drag–and–drop (typically for objects within an app or website, not for windows). For websites, CSS has a variety of classes that use the native platform icons.

Drag–and–Drop: How to Design for Ease of Use (3)

When the grab is followed by resizing, a slightly different crossbar cursor icon is available. The icon shows the arrows along one axis. A diagonal icon pointing out of a window in the corner indicates that an object can be resized along two dimensions at once (both width and height).

Drag–and–Drop: How to Design for Ease of Use (4)

Feedback that an Object Has Been Grabbed

Once the user has “grabbed” the object that will be dragged–and–dropped, two types of feedback are needed: (1) feedback that the object was “grabbed”, and (2) feedback previewing what will happen before the user “drops” the object.

Feedback that the object is grabbed usually makes the object look different than other similar objects on the screen; it can include the following:

  • An outline or a contrasting color
  • A visual presentation that makes it appear “above” other items, such as a drop shadow
  • Visual offsetting of the object, such as indenting it or angling it
  • A small, translucent “ghost” image of the object (for file uploading or moving between folders)

When dragging a file (e.g., to upload it or moving it to a different location), the cursor will typically stay unchanged, but a small, translucent “ghost” preview image of the file will be displayed. This image communicates that the file is being dragged and, when the ghost image is clear enough, helps prevent slips where a user drags the wrong file accidentally.

Especially when drag–and–drop is used to reorder a list of items, it’s important to show the background objects moving out of the way before the user releases the item. This short animationgives a preview of what will happen when the cursor is released and makes the motion feel natural. Rather than instantly redrawing the other objects in their new place, use a quick animation (roughly 100 ms) to show them moving towards their new location, in order to give the user a sense of physical manipulation of the objects. As with other types of UX motion, use easing to make the motion look natural.

One of the most complex aspects of the animated preview is deciding when to trigger the motion: should an object start moving out of the way when the edge of the grabbed object overlaps it or when the position of the mouse cursor overlaps the other object? The most natural version of this interaction uses neither — instead, it begins the reshuffling animation once the center of the dragged object overlaps the edge of the other object. This solution prevents both a “mushy”-feeling interaction (where it is slow and unresponsive), or a “twitchy”-feeling interaction (where items begin to move unexpectedly and too quickly).

Drag–and–Drop: How to Design for Ease of Use (5)
Drag–and–Drop: How to Design for Ease of Use (6)
Drag–and–Drop: How to Design for Ease of Use (7)

Magnetism and Snapping in Place

As described by Fitts’s Law, moving the cursor to a precise location on screen is challenging, which makes drag–and–drop inherently inefficient for precise adjustments. One way to mitigate this challenge is by simulating a magnetic effect that snaps objects into place, even if the user hasn’t yet fully acquired the target. For example, a file-upload drop zone can be active slightly outside its borders, allowing users to release the mouse before they’ve gotten all the way there.

Drag–and–Drop: How to Design for Ease of Use (8)

To use magnetism, you need to clearly indicate to the user when the drop zone is active, by showing a visual signifier when the dragged object is within the active drop zone (especially if the droppable area extends outside the visible border). Several common signifiers that are used for magnetism include a dotted border around the drop zone (especially common in file uploads) a highlight appearing over the drop zone when the cursor goes nearby, or an animation showing where it will snap into place before the user releases their cursor.

Accessibility for Drag–and–Drop

Drag–and–drop is traditionally a mouse or touchscreen-only interaction, but making it accessible for people that use assistive technologies is both completely possible and necessary. First, make sure that your handle icon is keyboard accessible with the Tab key; this enables “grabbing” the draggable item via the spacebar. Second, make sure the handle icon offers a message to screen readers that indicates what actions are available (typically using arrow keys to move or resize the object), whether it is currently “grabbed”, and its current position or size.

Drag–and–Drop: How to Design for Ease of Use (9)

Drag–and–Drop on Touchscreens

Drag–and–drop can be hard to implement on touchscreens because they lack hover states, which are often used to signal the availability of drag–and–drop. Furthermore, due to the fat-finger problem, you need to ensure that draggable objects have at least 1cm x 1cm of unused space for dragging and that fingers don’t cover any important feedback (such as a highlighted “grab” state). Another important consideration is that you must distinguish among a tap, a swiping gesture (such as scrolling), and an intentional “grab” by using a timing delay of a few milliseconds, and providing clear feedback that the object has been grabbed.

One way to provide feedback on mobile for drag–and–drop is to use haptics; a subtle haptic “bump” can indicate that an object has been grabbed, and another one can indicate that an object has been dragged over a drop zone.

Since hover signifiers for drag–and–drop (such as a cursor change) are not available on touchscreens, it is recommended to use drag–and–drop only when:

  1. You have clear evidence (from research such as usability testing) that your users expect drag–and–drop to be available, and
  2. There is no reasonable alternative with lower interaction cost(such as cut–and–paste or a menu-driven interaction).
Drag–and–Drop: How to Design for Ease of Use (10)


Drag–and–drop is not always the best choice, but when users expect it, the familiarity of the metaphor can make the interaction relatively simple and straightforward. To make drag–and–drop as effective as possible, use appropriate signifiers, such as handle icons and hover-state cursor changes, provide clear feedback throughout the interaction, and ensure that it is accessible.

Drag–and–Drop: How to Design for Ease of Use (2024)


What is the drag and drop feature allows you to answer? ›

Drag and drop lets the user transfer data between applications or within an application using a standard gesture (press-hold-and-pan with the finger or press-and-pan with a mouse or a stylus).

Which measures enable designers to use the drag and drop function? ›

One way to provide feedback on mobile for drag–and–drop is to use haptics; a subtle haptic “bump” can indicate that an object has been grabbed, and another one can indicate that an object has been dragged over a drop zone.

What are the two types of drag and drop questions? ›

There are two types of Drag and Drop grids; Rank and Categorize.
  • Rank allows the respondent to rank or rate the options provided by dragging and dropping them into an ordered list, for example order of most favorite.
  • Categorize allows the respondent to drag and drop options into specific categories or groups.
Mar 18, 2024

How do you drag and drop a selection to create a style short answer? ›

Drag-and-drop a selection to create a style

Select the object you want to base the style on and drag it to the Styles and Formatting window. The cursor changes to indicate whether the operation is possible or not. In the Create Style dialog box (Figure 2), type a name for the new style and click OK to save the style.

How to create a drag and drop activity? ›

Here are the three simple steps to remember when creating Drag and Drop questions:
  1. STEP 1: Creating the “Drag” portion of your activity. ...
  2. STEP 2: Identifying the “Drop” area(s) on your activity. ...
  3. STEP 3: Connecting the Drag Objects to their Drop Zones.

What is the correct formula for drag? ›

The drag equation states that drag D is equal to the drag coefficient Cd times the density r times half of the velocity V squared times the reference area A. For given air conditions, shape, and inclination of the object, we must determine a value for Cd to determine drag.

What is an example of a drag and drop? ›

For example, if you drop a file or text selection onto the Text Editor's drag and drop target, the entire contents of the Text Editor are replaced by the dropped file or text.

What are the challenges of drag and drop? ›

The fact that we can't have a single drag item represent multiple information units when reasoning about exporting pages out of our Document Editor posed a challenge as well. Dragging a single page out should generate a single-page PDF for the application accepting the drop.

What are the cons of drag and drop? ›

Another disadvantage of drag and drop builder is that you are not able to create a website that commands options for user interaction. You cannot also set the primary location that your business has to take place. In this case, the best option is to opt for the help of a professional developer.

How do you test drag and drop functionality? ›

Create automation tests for HTML5 Drag and Drop​
  1. Capture the draggable and droppable objects into the project's repository like above. ...
  2. Create a package inside Keywords with the name dnd.
  3. Run the test case and you will notice that the W3Schools image is dragged and dropped in the right rectangle successfully.

How do you react drag and drop? ›

Approach to implement Drag & Drop using React Component:

Wrap your application with a DndProvider from react-dnd to enable drag and drop functionality. Define draggable items using the useDrag hook provided by react-dnd. This hook handles the drag behavior and provides the necessary properties like isDragging.

How do you explain drag and drop? ›

Drag & drop is a well know feature of graphical applications, allowing the end user to use the mouse to drag an element of a window to another window in the same program or into an external application. The front-end platform/device must support this feature.

What are the test cases for drag and drop? ›

Check the basic operation by testing that an object can be dragged from its original position and dropped to a new location as intended. Test restrictions and boundaries to ensure that objects can only be dropped into valid locations and that any restrictions on drag&drop actions are enforced.

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