Dragon Age Inquisition: Should You Support The Mages Or Templars? (2024)

Templars vs. Mages is a major decision thrown on the player throughout the Dragon Age series. In Origins, it was relatively minor. In the second game, the decision was everywhere and everything exploded to the Mage rebellion. And, in Dragon Age: Inquisition, players are put in a place where they decide whether to have the Mages or Templars join their upstart organization. Whoever is not chosen becomes part of Corypheus' army.


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Dragon Age's Elvhen Pantheon is filled with fascinating stories and tales of grandeur.

So, what is there to consider when making such a big in-game decision? A lot. Enough for a full-fledged list; in fact. Let's get started!

15 Mages: The Oppression Is Real

Dragon Age Inquisition: Should You Support The Mages Or Templars? (2)

Mages are oppressed everywhere except in Tevinter. There are horror stories of them being abused by their Templar guards, forgotten in jail cells, and turned Tranquil. That is just how it is in Mage Towers. Outside the towers, Mages are hunted, killed, and live in hiding.

Even worse is if they are among the Qunari. Qunari sew the mouths of Saarebas (Mages) shut and use them as living weapons. So, why not choose them? Give them protection and show the world that they are worth more.

14 Templars: Mages Are Dangerous

Dragon Age Inquisition: Should You Support The Mages Or Templars? (3)

The reason Mages are oppressed is that they are feared. There are many examples of Mages just losing control of themselves and hurting people. They can turn into Abominations, they can set people on fire, use blood magic, necromancy, and much more.

Templars are not as dangerous in that they cannot become abominations. They are simply trained in a certain kind of combat with ways to fight magic. This can lead to lyrium addiction, but that's nowhere near as dangerous as a Blood Mage or abomination can be.

13 Mages: Meredith Happened

Dragon Age Inquisition: Should You Support The Mages Or Templars? (4)

On the other hand, one bad apple can spoil the bunch. Meredith from Dragon Age 2 is an example of one of the worst kinds of Templars. She has no mercy for Mages to the point that she does not treat them as people. In fact, she gets paranoid enough to destroy an entire city in the name of Mage-bound paranoia.


15 Hidden Easter Eggs In Dragon Age: Inquisition

Dragon Age: Inquisition is full of secrets and references to discover. For instance, Cullen has a voice line like Garrus' from Mass Effect.

It makes players wonder just how much fearmongering goes into Templar training. There's even a (retconned) potential epilogue slide in Dragon Age: Origins which reveals Cullen goes mad and slaughters a group of Mages. These things don't just happen!

12 Templars: Anders Happened

For every bad Templar, there is a bad Mage. Anders is just such an example. He commits an act of terrorism to incite a Mage rebellion. He destroys a Chantry. He is also a great example of how Mages can lack control.

A bit of a tragic character, Anders has a spirit of Justice inside him. But Anders' own anger twisted the spirit into one of Revenge. As such, the spirit sometimes takes him over and possesses him to the point that Hawke has to fight him depending on where the player brought him and what choices were made.

Though technically an abomination, Anders keeps himself under control...until he blows up a Chantry to send the Templars a message. Pretty extreme.

11 Mages: The Player And/Or Their Friends Are Mages

Dragon Age Inquisition: Should You Support The Mages Or Templars? (7)

In the series, the player meets a lot of Mages. There is Morrigan, Wynne, Anders, Merrill, Solas, Dorian, Vivienne, and many more. Fans may have romanced some of them, or the player character is of the Mage class. Logically speaking, a Mage would probably prefer to choose Mages over Templars. (Though Vivienne might disagree.)

Dorian and Solas obviously prefer the player choosing Mages over Templars. Vivienne does tolerate the choice if the Inquisitor makes sure they are controlled. In the epilogue, she transforms the Templars into a shell of themselves if made Divine.

10 Templars: Calpernia Is A Cooler Second-In-Command To Corypheus

Dragon Age Inquisition: Should You Support The Mages Or Templars? (8)

If the player sides with the Templars, then the Mages serve Corypheus, and his second in command becomes Calpernia. Many fans prefer her to Samson, courtesy of her backstory.

Calpernia is an ex-slave from Tevinter and a talented, capable leader. She loves her homeland but also wants to make the enslaved have more rights. What's also cool about her is that the player finds that she doesn't entirely trust Corypheus. In fact, players can convince her to betray Corypheus if they have the right leverage.

But if players choose the Mages to ally with the Inquisition, then they never even get to meet this character.

9 Mages: Cool Time Travel Plot

Dragon Age Inquisition: Should You Support The Mages Or Templars? (9)

Many fans have agreed that the Mage quest is far more interesting than the Templar one in terms of lore implications. In the Mage quest, players actually get to time travel to a future where Corypheus wins.

They see allies at their lowest and the stakes suddenly become incredibly high. It is emotional, frightening, and quite a bonding experience to see friends fight for the Inquisition with their lives in a doomed world. Leliana is especially amazing in this quest, as she has been tortured for so long but still has enough fight in her for the slim chance that she can change history. It's all rather Star Trek, really.

8 Templars: Save Ser Delrin Barris

Dragon Age Inquisition: Should You Support The Mages Or Templars? (10)

For every rotten Templar, there is a good soul, and Ser Barris surely qualifies. He is not afraid to ask questions of his superiors and does not give as much into fearmongering as some of his peers. The player can see this when he is first seen in Val Royeux. He's a lot like Cullen in some ways, the Inquisition version at least.

So, he's a cool character. However, if the player chooses Mages, then he will die. The only way to save him is to choose the Templars. Have we mentioned BioWare doesn't make this easy?

7 Mages: Save Grand Enchanter Fiona

Dragon Age Inquisition: Should You Support The Mages Or Templars? (11)

On the other side is Fiona, first introduced in the Dragon Age books. Those familiar with content outside the games will know she is Alistair's mother. Going into Inquisition with this knowledge, it's even more tragic if she dies, and she will die if the player chooses Templars.

With her dying goes any hope of her and Alistair being reunited. Poor Fiona is stuck between selling herself and her people to Tevinter and/or being saved by the Inquisition due to their need for protection from the Templars.

6 Templars: Lore-Wise, Templars Make More Sense

Dragon Age Inquisition: Should You Support The Mages Or Templars? (12)

Templars are built to fight magic, and Corypheus is a Mage. Cullen brings this up at the beginning of Dragon Age: Inquisition: that Templars are literally built for issues like what the Inquisition is facing. That is to say, the player is trying to shut a magical portal to the Fade, and Templars are basically anti-Fade warriors.


Dragon Age: 10 Unanswered Questions We Still Have About The Mages

Mages play a huge role in the Dragon Age series. Here are some confusing things about these characters that we still have no answers to.

They are used to fight demons -- a primary enemy in the game. So, it stands to reason that siding with the people who are not susceptible to possession is the wisest move to make regarding lore and the world of Thedas.

5 Mages: Seems Like What The Developers Want Players To Pick

Dragon Age Inquisition: Should You Support The Mages Or Templars? (14)

Despite the fact that the lore tells players that the Templars are a necessary evil in Thedas, the developers consistently push players to sympathize with Mages and adopt Mage characters into their party ranks.

From the original game, fans are told (ad nauseam) that apostates are dangerous heretics. But most of the interactions with apostates show that they are just ordinary people. In the same way that there are "bad eggs" among the Templars (Meredith, Ser Otto Alrik), there are bad eggs among Mages (Jowan, Livius Erimond).

4 Templars: The Fight Against Envy

Dragon Age Inquisition: Should You Support The Mages Or Templars? (15)

Though siding with the Mages introduces the player to the fabulous and sassy Dorian Pavus more quickly, siding with the Templars gives the player insight into a very interesting boss battle against an Envy demon.

The boss battle itself isn't as cool as the one against the mighty Fear demon later on in the game. But it introduces some compelling lore implications and the build-up to the fight is arguably more interesting than the nightmare of walking through a red lyrium prison where all the player's friends are dying or dead.

3 Mages: No Lyrium Addiction... That We Know Of

Dragon Age Inquisition: Should You Support The Mages Or Templars? (16)

By now, everyone who has played through Dragon Age: Inquisition at least once knows about Cullen's tragic lyrium addiction. The Inquisitor can even urge Cullen to keep taking it, eventually leading to his death.

This problem is rampant among the Templar ranks — so much so that Cullen opens a halfway house rehabilitation center for Templars once he retires. But this begs the question: Do mages have the same problem?

After all, lyrium just enhances a Mage's connection to the Fade and, thereby, the Mage's magical abilities. Since they have a Fade connection, they ostensibly don't need lyrium according to some fan theories.

2 Templars: It's What Connor Would Want

Dragon Age Inquisition: Should You Support The Mages Or Templars? (17)

This might be reopening some very old wounds for long-time Dragon Age fans, but let's recount the tale of young Connor of Redcliffe. He was but a boy, the son of Arl Eamon when his mother discovered his magical talent. He had no Circle guidance, and his tutor, unfortunately, turned out to be a blood Mage sent to poison his dad.

Connor soon found himself beset by a Desire demon amidst the outbreak of the Fifth Blight. The player has many ways of addressing the situation, but one lets Connor appear in Dragon Age: Inquisition in Redcliffe along with all the other "rebel" Mages.

He isn't fond of recalling what happened and voted to keep the Circles despite following his fellow Mages when they rebelled. Seems as if he might vote for the Inquisitor to side with the Templars.

1 The Answer: Goodness, It's Complicated

Dragon Age Inquisition: Should You Support The Mages Or Templars? (18)

We know you were hoping for a clear answer, but in fairness, can there ever in truth be a clear answer? BioWare has fashioned one of gaming's toughest choices with this one, and props to their fabulous writers for pulling it off so well. Go with your heart on this, and remember the golden rule: there's always the next playthrough.


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Dragon Age Inquisition: Should You Support The Mages Or Templars? (2024)


Dragon Age Inquisition: Should You Support The Mages Or Templars? ›

Though siding with the Mages introduces the player to the fabulous and sassy Dorian Pavus more quickly, siding with the Templars gives the player insight into a very interesting boss battle against an Envy demon. The boss battle itself isn't as cool as the one against the mighty Fear demon later on in the game.

Should I join the Templars or mages Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

The Mages Have The Best Storyline & Rewards

Choosing the Mages makes the most sense for a good-aligned Dragon Quest: Inquisition playthrough, since, although both sides have their flaws, the Mages ultimately have the more morally sound ideology.

Who should I ally with Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

For a first run, I have to recommend the Mages. Siding with the Mages leads you on a quest that involves meeting Dorian, one of the companion units, and a plot that uses magic with Time Travel. It's one of the best segments of the game… and you can completely miss it by choosing to side with the Templars.

Can you become a Templar in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

After assembling the ingredients, you can assemble the standard at any requisition table, then deliver it to resolve the quest. Afterward, you can choose to commit to being a Templar. If you decline, you can come back and commit to it later as long as you haven't committed to either of the others.

What character should I choose Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

For solo combat, players should pick a Dragon Age: Inquisition Warrior build. Warriors are the best tanks due to their ability to build Guard, which shields their health bars from damage.

Is it better to side with mages or templars? ›

Though siding with the Mages introduces the player to the fabulous and sassy Dorian Pavus more quickly, siding with the Templars gives the player insight into a very interesting boss battle against an Envy demon. The boss battle itself isn't as cool as the one against the mighty Fear demon later on in the game.

Can you get Dorian if you side with the Templars? ›

You can recruit Dorian to your party in two ways, depending on what decisions you make. If side with the Templars in Champions of the Just, Dorian will arrive at Haven where you can recruit him. If you side with the Mages during In Hushed Whispers, he will instead be found in Redcliffe Village's Chantry.

Who can you marry in Inquisition? ›

  • 8 Josephine Montilyet. The Ambassador And Chief Diplomat Of The Inquisition. ...
  • 7 Blackwall. A Free Marcher Grey Warden. ...
  • 6 Iron Bull. Leader Of The Bull Chargers. ...
  • 5 Dorian Pavus. An Altus Mage Of The Tevinter Imperium. ...
  • 4 Cassandra Pentaghast. Right Hand Of The Divine. ...
  • 3 Sera. A Sassy Elven Archer. ...
  • 2 Solas. ...
  • 1 Cullen Rutherford.
Mar 29, 2024

What happens if you choose the templars? ›

If you side with the Templars, you will have a mission where you visit a Caer (A fort) that the Templars have based themselves in. Your appearance disrupts a plan by an Envy demon disguised as Templar leader, Lord Seeker Lucius, to infect the Templars with Red Lyrium.

Can a mage become a templar? ›

A mage could, at least in theory, practice the same disciplines as a Templar. But by the very nature of the order the mage would never be allowed to join, they would see the mage as a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Who will betray you in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

It is Dragon Age: Inquisition where the betrayal gets even more serious. Solas betrays the Inquisitor by taking their arm, planting a spy network in their inquisition, and by lying about his goals and who he actually is. Not only will Solas start a war as Anders did, but it may destroy all of Thedas in the process.

What is the strongest class in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

So far it looks like Rogue is the strongest and Mage is weakest, because of your reliance on auto-attacks to make most of your damage and Mage DPS being far lower than the other classes.

Which class is most fun in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

People generally say Rogue is the most fun, followed by Mage. I will say Warrior has some abilities that let it play like a pseudo-ARPG and has potential to be pretty fun. Races do have different bonuses.

Should I join the mages guild? ›

It is a good idea to join the Mages Guild early in the game, especially if you plan on using Magicka. You'll obtain spells, items, and equipment that make being a spellcaster go from nearly impossible to easy as pie. Once in to the Mages Guild, don't screw up.

Is Mage a good class in Dragon Age: Inquisition? ›

The Best Weapons In Dragon Age: Inquisition (& How To Get Them) Mages are some of the most powerful damage dealers in Dragon Age: Inquisition, though they are significantly less durable than the other classes, and their high damage output can attract the attention of enemies.

Can templars marry Dragon Age? ›

That said, the Chantry does occasionally give permission for templars to marry, provided the spouse has their own means of support. This is often the case when the spouse owns land or a title. Even so, considering the spouse wouldn't be able to see the templar often, it's not going to happen frequently.

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