Dunmeri language (2024)

Dunmeris is the common language of the Dunmer. It is descended from Aldmeris, the language of the first elves, and is written using the daedric alphabet. Note that this is FANMADE and for the biggest part not based on official lore.

Pluralisation follows a very simple convention. To pluralise a noun, take the first vowel from the right and double it. For example, to pluralise the word providihn, pick the second I and double it, making providiihn.

For possessive words other than possessive pronouns, add 'm. For instance, "Azura'm gah'amer" would mean "Azura's champion".

RegularRegular Ending in -ADIrregular "Be"Infinitivekhosid - "to walk"ahrenshad - "to agree"muhrid - "to be"Imperativekhosi - "walk"ahrensha - "agree"muhri - "be"Simple Futurekhosin - "will walk"ahrenshan - "will agree"ean - "will be"Simple Presentkhosig - "walks"ahrenshag - "agrees"

e - "am"

adur - "are"

edur - "is"

Past Participlekhosi'ag - "walked"ahrenshe'ag - "agreed"muhri'ag - "been"Simple Past

ebahr - "was"

abahr - "were"

Past Perfectkhosi'ath - "had walked"ahrenshe'ath - "had agreed"muhri'ath - "had been"Future Perfectkhosi'an - "will have walked"ahrenshe'an - "will have agreed"muhri'an - "will have been"Past Continuouskhosith - "was walking"ahrenshath - "was agreeing"muhrith - "was being"Present Participlekhosikam - "walking"ahrenshakam - "agreeing"muhrikam - "being"

A verb is subjunctive when it expresses a wish, a suggestion, a command, or a condition that is contrary to fact. Consider the difference between "To fight is better than to run" and "It is better that you fight than run."

Present subjunctive (also called Jussive or mandative) is used in declaritive "that" clauses in which something is demanded, suggested, or similar. In all cases, (except for the verb "be"), the imperitive form of the verb is used.

Past subjunctive most recognized for the "If I were you" structure. Like modal verbs, the if conjunction -AJ is attached to the verb in this case.

In Dunmeri, modal verbs are attached directly to the verb they are helping. This is done by first dropping the -d at the end of the verb and then attaching the corresponding suffix.

In cases where subjects have an order, such as first, second, third, etc., you simply add the number before the word with a very light "a" at its end. To say firstly, for example, one would say alna'.

In cases where subjects are grouped into finite amounts, such as single, double, triple, etc., you simple add the ordinal form of a number with a "vri" at its end. To say double, for example, one would say ascavri.

Some words which are originals. Aldmeri words like Aedra, Bos or Chi are not dunmeri words, but are used in the common language. You can read them at uesp.net

  • Ald, old or elder
  • Alt, high
  • Aka, dragon
  • Aruhn, full form of ruhn
  • Bal, stone
  • Balmora, "Stone Forest"
  • B'vehk, "by Vivec!", interjection
  • Card, "undeparted kin-wardens"
  • Cardruhn, Ancestral Tomb
  • Chap'thil, a guard or a House retainer
  • Corprus, skin blight
  • Daedra - "our stronger, better ancestors"
  • Dun, dark or cursed
  • Dwe, deep
  • Enamor, pride
  • Fetcher, thief (insult)
  • F'lah, "native", form of address
  • Foyada, "fire river"
  • Gah, great
  • Gah-Julan, "great benefit"
  • Gahmerdehn, queen
  • Gahmerdohn, king
  • Hla, little
  • Isra, row (Bal Isra, "Stone Row")
  • Julan, benefit
  • Kena, an honorific for scholars and tutors
  • Khan, leader or councillor
  • Kogo, unbreakable
  • Miramer, thief
  • Molamer, warrior
  • Mora, forest
  • Morag, forester
  • Muthsera, term of great respect, also used in legal documents
  • Nammu, "no-name"
  • Nchow, a vulgar interjection
  • N'wah, outlander/slave, insult
  • Oad, harbor
  • Ouada, river
  • Rah, staff
  • Ruhn, home / hearth-hall
  • Sadrith, mushroom
  • Sedura, term of respect for wealthy people
  • Ser, term of respect (shortened from serjo or sera, familiar)
  • Sera, term of respect, aimed at those to whom they have sworn allegiance.
  • Serjo, term of respect, to address nobility
  • Sunna, blessed
  • S'wit, nimwit, insult
  • Tel, tower
  • T'lonya, birthing swaddle
  • Tong, guild

Some original nouns have no equivalent in English. They are transcribed here with a definition.

  • Alit, a tailless two-legged predator native to Morrowind
  • Alrathith, a female garment tailored to support the breasts from the Ordinator's liturgical vestment
  • Arnith, a golden "underbelt" secured using brass pins from the Ordinator's liturgical vestment
  • Duleso, a crimson wool stole from the Ordinator's liturgical vestment
  • Dreni'urolan, Deputy Curate of Tribune Permissions
  • Felassani, pants from the Ordinator's liturgical vestment
  • Guar, a bipedal reptilian creature native to both Morrowind and Black Marsh which is used as beast of burden
  • Gula-khan, champion of the Ashkhan for the Ashlanders
  • Kagouti, a two legged creature with horns native to Morrowind
  • Llananor, a long shirt from the Ordinator's liturgical vestment
  • Llanathro'lani, first vesting of the Ordinator's liturgical vestment
  • Neleviso, a triangular golden reliquary clasp from the Ordinator's liturgical vestment
  • Nosa, a blue rope-like belt from the Ordinator's liturgical vestment
  • Rathith, a triangular linen small clothes dyed a deep blue and fastened with brass pins from the Ordinator's liturgical vestment
  • Vvardvark, an anteater from Vvardenfell
  • about, lih
  • above, morh
  • after, ghinu
  • along, kin
  • also, sha
  • always, marik
  • among, jibu
  • around, sudas
  • as, fut
  • at, kol
  • back, bivi
  • behind, pohim
  • between, devohr
  • by, ru
  • down, huirf
  • ever, neiris
  • for, sut
  • from, devehr
  • here, iru
  • in, gher
  • in front/before, gan
  • into, gherde
  • like, lacor
  • never, bahris
  • on, ghar
  • out, wah
  • outside, khurdahr
  • over, bar
  • so, et
  • than, ilu
  • then, dash
  • there, diru
  • though, noj
  • to, de
  • through, damjulan
  • under, luvahr
  • until, telshahr
  • upon, tifur
  • with, enhi
  • within, enhigher
  • of, am
  • not/no, bahr
  • yes, nei
  • maybe, neibahri

Warning. While the possessive suffix is -m (see above), possessive pronouns terminate in -th and adjective pronouns terminate in -m (except for the first person singular which follows the general possessive rule)

Subject pronounsObject pronounsPossessive adjectivesPossessive pronounsI, me, my, mine
  • I, os
  • me, lo
  • my, yi
  • mine, yim
you, you, your, yours
  • you, ohn
  • you, ohl
  • your, ohm
  • yours, ohth
he, him, his, his
  • he, oas
  • him, oal
  • his, oam
  • his, oath
she, her, her, hers
  • she, eas
  • her, eal
  • her, eam
  • hers, eath
it, it, its, its
  • it, el
  • it, el
  • its, amel
  • its, amel
we, us, our, ours
  • we, osuhn
  • us, osuhl
  • our, iam
  • ours, iath
you, you, your, yours
  • you, ohuhn
  • you, ohuhl
  • your, ohuhm
  • yours, ohuhth
they, them, their, theirs
  • they, asuhn
  • them, asuhl
  • their, asuhm
  • theirs, asuhth
  • who, ku’or
  • what, ku’ilm
  • where, ku’ay
  • when, ku’elm
  • why, ju’it
  • how, ju’okor
  • to agree, ahrenshad
  • to argue, ruid
  • to ascend, barokad
  • to ask, lakhad
  • to attack, marghad
  • to attempt, orod
  • to avenge, balmhadod
  • to become, veysad
  • to begin, jabid
  • to believe, nulfid
  • to bend, maliad
  • to betray, dael'udurid
  • to bite, yadid
  • to birth, muhrhad
  • to blaspheme, demid
  • to bleed, ouakilid
  • to bless, sunad
  • to blow, vishad
  • to boil, molouad
  • to bound, loharad
  • to break, adurid
  • to breathe, mulkad
  • to build, balmarad
  • to burn, molad
  • to bury, cardad
  • to buy, julred
  • to call, aynad
  • to camp, tosad
  • to capture, alinfed
  • to cast [a spell], archad
  • to challenge, sorilkad
  • to change, nifid
  • to cheer, julrishid
  • to choose, khiryad
  • to clear, rupud
  • to close, rurhilid
  • to come, yaglad
  • to command, gaharud
  • to complain, wehbid
  • to contain, ashalud
  • to continue, manised
  • to convert, bahpud
  • to cook, vehrumad
  • to cover, yakid
  • to create, amaldad
  • to criticise, dahrmalad
  • to dance, alda'hirad
  • to dare, munuad
  • to darken, molhid
  • to deliver, pedihr
  • to deny, sehted
  • to descend, luvahrokad
  • to die, drahad
  • to direct, ouanesid
  • to discuss, dahrlihad
  • to divide, devadurid
  • to do, mugad
  • to drift, lakud
  • to drink, ouajid
  • to drizzle, ouapid
  • to eat, brohad
  • to end, dimid
  • to enjoy, juhlmid
  • to enter, ruhnjad
  • to excavate, molcithad
  • to exit, ajalded
  • to explain, ahardid
  • to fail, mumaebid
  • to fall, gokled
  • to favour, julifid
  • to fear, nabulad
  • to feed, tejid
  • to feel, merakhed
  • to fight, molhad
  • to fill, ouabad
  • to find, shotelad
  • to flail, turutad
  • to fly, barmid
  • to follow, eremnesid
  • to gather, amurod
  • to get, enad
  • to give, jikhid
  • to glow, sinvad
  • to go, havad
  • to grow, muhrsad
  • to hate, malked
  • to have, harid
  • to heal, nahilad
  • to hear, leyshad
  • to heat, khenad
  • to herd, surghid
  • to hide, miragad
  • to hold, falmed
  • to honor, lornad
  • to hope, vamid
  • to hunt, kilmid
  • to join, humored
  • to judge, amalatud
  • to kill, erufid
  • to know, shogahad
  • to lay, anashud
  • to lead, halberad
  • to learn, viyad
  • to leave, khurhad
  • to let, balorid
  • to lie, mephad
  • to light, sincad
  • to linger, minthid
  • to listen, velsuad
  • to live, muhrad
  • to look, binthid
  • to lose, jigdod
  • to love, daelhad
  • to make, balmarid
  • to marry, lascwinod
  • to match, lascad
  • to measure, alshurod
  • to meet, prokid
  • to mock, malagid
  • to move, okad
  • to murder, fahrad
  • to name, ammud
  • to obey, sehred
  • to observe, menfid
  • to open, pasdid
  • to paint, sairuhad
  • to pass, ligdud
  • to pay, tolkhid
  • to pierce, tralsid
  • to pile, bavhod
  • to place, rested
  • to plan, maridid
  • to plant, baldrid
  • to play, juhlridad
  • to practise, maridad
  • to pray, almesed
  • to prepare, maridod
  • to proclaim, elevirad
  • to promise, winad
  • to protect, fredad
  • to punish, ferghad
  • to purify, ouagorud
  • to read, talehjid
  • to rest, difshid
  • to run, aradid
  • to reflect, lacortud
  • to reform, biridad
  • to refuse, usehted
  • to reincarnate, aldadad
  • to release, khardid
  • to rely, lavsid
  • to remain, alburod
  • to remember, norid
  • to remove, sinuthid
  • to represent, yivid
  • to reside, derihid
  • to respect, lorkod
  • to retaliate, devarked
  • to return, devahrokad
  • to reveal, alshokad
  • to ridicule, helvid
  • to rip, armakad
  • to rise, havgad
  • to ruin, balgad
  • to run, ekanad
  • to say, dahrid
  • to scream, girad
  • to search, talid
  • to see, taljed
  • to seek, talghed
  • to seem, ujilid
  • to send, nesid
  • to serve, yilad
  • to sever, uripad
  • to share, devod
  • to show, ulorad
  • to signal, ahshad
  • to silence, almardid
  • to sin, demyrid
  • to sing, belid
  • to sit, julifud
  • to skin, balkhid
  • to sleep, druhad
  • to smell, unirad
  • to smile, periud
  • to speak, dahrdid
  • to spill, vocud
  • to spread, finred
  • to stab, udurid
  • to stand, bahnid
  • to succeed, mujulid
  • to suspect, molshid
  • to swim, ouakad
  • to symbolise, pasad
  • to take, captud
  • to talk, dahrud
  • to tame, drenlid
  • to teach, shoreshad
  • to tell, homad
  • to torment, hadarshad
  • to trade, julad
  • to trap, ueghid
  • to travel, duhnad
  • to trouble, rokashid
  • to trust, itkhod
  • to turn, hulod
  • to understand, heriad
  • to use, markad
  • to wake, bahrdruhad
  • to wait, hilyed
  • to walk, khosid
  • to wander, errad
  • to want, urad
  • to waste, khayad
  • to watch, doldid
  • to wear, neripod
  • to weave, balmephid
  • to weep, lournad
  • to whisper, mulkarud
  • to win, yalid
  • to work, baldefud
  • to worship, ahanhad
  • to wound, arked
  • to write, shokhad
  • affair, shuhnif
  • agreement, ahrenshad
  • air, ka
  • alliance, derjuhn
  • ally, julbir
  • ambition, shocapta
  • amusem*nt, uripe
  • ancestors, card
  • ancestral tomb, cardruhn
  • anteater, vark
  • anticipation, alvios
  • ape, tigi
  • arena, molhamar
  • armor, molfredihn
  • army, shaldmas
  • art, sairuhash
  • ash, ara
  • ashland, arador
  • assassin, morfijin
  • axe, dibol
  • baby, hla'jul
  • balance, amnur
  • bark, boskhun
  • basket, ashadihn
  • battle call, cornayn
  • beauty, merdekh
  • bed, druhfir
  • bell, vurok
  • belly, venbakar
  • beer, mazte
  • beginning, jabihn
  • belief, nulfyr
  • berry, tidihn
  • betrayal, dael'udur
  • betrayer, dael'udurag
  • bird, miluth
  • birth, muhrhal
  • blade, urip
  • blasphemer, demig
  • blessing, shoksuna
  • blight, gahmakhet
  • bliss, luayl
  • blood, molkhun
  • body, khier
  • bone, duru
  • book, shokhahn
  • bowl (food), brofis
  • bowl (general), fis
  • box, lud
  • breath, mulkaf
  • brick, balmar
  • brilliance, yifif
  • brother, daesohn
  • bush, kabur
  • business, ajil
  • bypass (work-around), sudas
  • call, majahn
  • camp, tos
  • canopy, bosri
  • care, ihasmir
  • cart, bolthi
  • cave, molkadish
  • center, alish
  • chain, molghen
  • chair, julifur
  • challenge, sorilk
  • champion, gah’amer
  • change, nifun
  • channel, ouapith
  • chaos, rokav
  • charcoal, embier
  • child, muhrjul
  • chief, khan
  • city, fell
  • claw, kagilim (pl) kagilint
  • clay, mar
  • clearing of trees, mijuhr
  • cliff, balseth
  • cliff racer, mal'barmiag (literally evil flier)
  • cloak, solsha
  • clothes, halmin
  • cloud, sumuth
  • coast, ouabal
  • coin, ota
  • color, askabahn
  • comfort, julbihn
  • compensation, ferkhes
  • conspiracy, malshore
  • cook, vehrumag
  • corner, jehrfas
  • corruption, malkhes
  • cost/price, khes
  • councilor, ponihn
  • coward, nabeshvig
  • cowardice, nabesh
  • creature, wukim
  • crowd, malyuri
  • crystal, arkhes
  • cup, vulis
  • curate, dreni
  • curse, malyisk
  • custom,alda’harish
  • curtain, tirur
  • dagger, shuduri
  • darkness, lor
  • daughter, julikal
  • dawn, dayn
  • day, sin
  • day-dream, rouansho
  • death, dra
  • decadence, khesfir
  • defeat, jigdol
  • denial, seht
  • desk, ounshok
  • destiny or doom, lor
  • destroyer, opreym
  • destruction, dagon
  • devil, sharmat
  • direction, duhn
  • dirt, baldrahn
  • disease, makhetos
  • dish, brofas
  • disorder, rokaldehn
  • distance, khoslim
  • door, khis
  • dragon, aka
  • dream, almeshin
  • dung, argal
  • dusk, sur
  • dust, mesh
  • duty, opulidi
  • east, muhrduhn
  • ear, kudun
  • earth, malath
  • edge, jehrlas
  • egg, vish
  • egg of time, telsanvish
  • elder, ald
  • end, dimi
  • ending, dimihn
  • enemy, moljuhn
  • energy, arcaresh
  • epic, gah'toshok
  • epoch, tosh
  • error, kiohr
  • eruption, abhoril
  • essence, albusehr
  • event, gahshuhn
  • evil leader, gahmal
  • existence, muhrjil
  • exit, khurhahn
  • exodus, gahkhosahn
  • eye, jakesh
  • fable, resdul
  • face, shogan
  • faction, provihn
  • failure, mumae
  • famine, malak
  • farm, rosdoyna
  • farmer, rosdoynag
  • fate, arghen
  • father, ata
  • fear, beshvi
  • feast, gulak
  • field, deldor
  • figure, pahrn
  • fire, molag
  • fire river, foyada
  • fish, ouakim
  • flaw, gui
  • flood, rouagah
  • flower, dalder
  • follower, eremnesig
  • food, bro
  • food (plant), narum
  • foot, pandu
  • forest, mora
  • forester, morag
  • form, iluvi
  • founder, shotelag
  • freedom, julgham
  • friend, daeljuhn
  • friendship, daeljuha
  • fruit, khesdihn
  • future, gan'tosh
  • guard, chap
  • gem, khes
  • ghost-snake, shalnosa
  • gift, indkhes
  • glacier, solkahst
  • glutton, brohadik
  • goblet, ouafas
  • godhead, panthihn
  • gold, khestis
  • good leader, gahjuli
  • government, Narshad
  • grandfather, gahata
  • grandmother, gahalma
  • grass, bohtok
  • grease, yagaht
  • greatsword, uri'gah
  • ground, dor
  • growth, binif
  • guild, tong
  • hair, sashun
  • hall, desroth
  • hand, baldefur
  • hatred,malkem
  • head, sho
  • heart, daelkhun
  • hearth, drabim
  • helmet, fredsho
  • herd, surghin
  • herder, surghinag
  • hill, citha
  • hip, hub
  • home, ruhn
  • honor, lorna
  • hope, vamidium
  • house, thil
  • hunger, ur'bro
  • hunter, kilmin
  • husband, daelekil
  • immortal, albumuhr
  • inequity, khifird
  • information, medelel
  • ink, dahkem
  • insect, shavish
  • iron, moldask
  • jail/prison, ghenmar
  • jealousy, malshir
  • journey, itam
  • king, gahmerdohn
  • kinsman, daeruhn
  • kitchen, vehrumuhn
  • knee, denubah
  • knowledge, shogah
  • lake, ouadir
  • lamp, af
  • land, providihn
  • language, hudilk
  • lantern, sinlud
  • lava, foyer
  • law, aldweleh
  • leader, halberag
  • leaf, hlabos
  • learner (student), viya
  • leather, balkham
  • legacy, minth
  • legend, toshok
  • lesson, shoreshik
  • library, shokrahn
  • life, muhr
  • life path, mahkan
  • light, sil
  • light, malur
  • lockpick, ruhrtukh
  • longblade, niburi
  • love, daelha
  • lover, daelheg
  • loyalty, kan’ild
  • luck, kuayl
  • mage, archag
  • magic, arcuhn
  • malice, ihrfihn
  • man, ekilam
  • marriage, lascwinol
  • master, gaharihn
  • match, lasc
  • meal, brodihn
  • meat, kagin
  • member, inil
  • memory, norim
  • message,venshik
  • metal, molihn
  • middle/luke warm, smolkhen
  • midnight, lursan
  • mind, shoyul
  • mine, molcithuhn
  • miner, molcithmer
  • miser, hildegan
  • misery, lourgih
  • month, calhnsan
  • monument, havgahn
  • moon, luhn
  • moor, duhr
  • morality, julinith
  • morning, dayn
  • mortal (being), aln'muhr
  • mortal plane, muhrhadik
  • mother, alma
  • mountain, cithal
  • mouth, hidyivin
  • movement, okahn
  • murder, fahraj
  • murderer, fahrag
  • mushroom, sadrith
  • native, f'lah
  • music, leyr
  • name, ammu
  • neck, bokun
  • necromancy, arcuhnecrom
  • need, ur’ish
  • newborn, muhrhag
  • night, san
  • nightmare, malalmeshin
  • noise, vohn
  • north, chiduhn
  • nose, burahn
  • oblivion, dradihn
  • omen, ahshun
  • order, arihn
  • package, jiha'lud
  • page, shokhthi
  • palace, merdishk
  • parchment, silud
  • passage, seyda
  • pants, haldesh
  • passing, ligdur
  • past, po'tosh
  • path, sey
  • piety, sunlidi
  • peace, flur
  • people, mer
  • perfume, uhimus
  • piece, kulim (pl) kulint
  • pilgrim, gahduhnag
  • pilgrimage, gahduhnir
  • place, bulor
  • placenta, jikhes
  • plague, gahmakhet
  • plain (ground type), jenthi
  • plan, marida
  • plant, ghelu
  • pocket (clothing), hallud
  • poet, leyrehjiag
  • poetry, leyr'lehjii
  • poison, analen
  • pole, sild
  • port, oad
  • potion, muhroua
  • power (influence), kegrath
  • power (magic), arc'gah
  • prayer, almes
  • present (time), hi'tosh
  • prey, molnik
  • pride, enamor
  • priest, almsti
  • problem, balgan
  • promise, winol
  • prophecy, bihn
  • prophet, bihn'shokil
  • punishment, ferghen
  • purpose, julminth
  • queen, gahmerdehn
  • rain, rouada
  • reformer, biridar
  • reincarnation, aldadim
  • respect, lorkor
  • responsibility, todinith
  • restraint, falmerhn
  • return, devahr
  • revealing, shoksehr
  • river, ouada
  • river spring, ouamuhr
  • road, khosduhn
  • robe, telmin
  • rock, bal
  • role, hulip
  • roof, kharuhn
  • room, drushuhn
  • root, ghindi
  • rope, jerlosh
  • row, isra
  • rug, hadlu
  • sacrilege, de’im
  • sand, harekum
  • scion, almedif
  • scroll, shokarcahn
  • sea, ouafe
  • secret, farayn
  • seed, morjul
  • sequence, leyrihn
  • seriousness, sa'elidi
  • shadow, tear
  • shape, hadaf
  • shame, bahrenamor
  • ship, ouakhas
  • shirt, halvid
  • shock, sinkayl
  • shoes, halduhn
  • shrub, yurdif
  • sign, shokhos
  • silence, almardi
  • silk, min
  • sin, demyr
  • sister, daeseh
  • size, je
  • skill, shoviya
  • skin, balkhun
  • skull, shoduru
  • sky, rouan
  • slavery, molgham
  • smell, unir
  • smoke, f*ckahn
  • snake, lanaga
  • snow/ice, fal
  • son, julekil
  • song, ania
  • soul, sul
  • sound, rokahr
  • south, maorduhn
  • speech, gahrudi
  • spirit, shaln
  • spy, mephajul
  • staff, rah
  • stairs, nuhnshol
  • star, silvar
  • stone, balhlag
  • store, julrehn
  • storm, malroua
  • stranger, nammu
  • street, duvil
  • strength,amer’kon
  • success, muju
  • sun, magnu
  • swimmer, ouakam
  • sword, cheldur
  • symbol, pasakur
  • table, ounar
  • tail, argori
  • tamer, drenlyn
  • taming, drenlihn
  • taste, kampoyr
  • tea, sai
  • teaching, shoreshin
  • tear, lourif
  • temple, daenthi
  • thief, miramer
  • thing, zuil
  • thought, shoul
  • throne, gahridu
  • time, telsad
  • today, kasin
  • tongue, serpul
  • tonight, kasan
  • tooth, shud
  • torch, molalsi
  • torture, fershadal
  • tower, tel
  • tower, telgah
  • trade, jiha
  • trash,voclur
  • travel, duhnad
  • traveller, duhnadag
  • treachery, bali’anan
  • tree, bosmin
  • triangle, gahneen
  • tribe, merial
  • trophy, yalpas
  • trouble, rokashin
  • trust, itkhol
  • truth, neihn
  • twilight, smolsan
  • urn, dra’ash
  • undead, bahrdrar
  • victory, yalalt
  • virtue, julopum
  • vision, talul
  • voice, yivohn
  • void, nol
  • wall, balmarhin
  • wanderer, barudag
  • want, ural
  • war, molgah
  • warning, nivisu
  • warrior, molamer
  • waste, khayag
  • water, oua
  • waterfall, ouacithuhn
  • way, malidi
  • wealth, julkhes
  • weapon, molhegahn
  • weaver, balmephag
  • wedding, windael
  • well, ouajihr
  • welt, forihmarken
  • west, draduh
  • whisper, mulkar
  • wild beast, du'gahkim
  • wilderness, dualish
  • wife, daelikal
  • will, khamir
  • wind, ka’im
  • wind, re
  • wine, shein
  • wisdom, opumel
  • wisem*n, opumer
  • witness, urithir
  • woman, ikalam
  • wood, morash
  • word, lehji
  • work, baldefud
  • world, hadishk
  • worship, ahanha
  • wound, arken
  • wrath, abhahr
  • yesterday, ochisin

In general, adjectives follow the noun which they are modifying.

  • alive, amuhr
  • alone, alne'khier
  • all, hadik
  • ambitious, khardafi
  • angry, abharif
  • bad, maeb
  • balanced, amnudif
  • bare, sehrma
  • beautiful, merdekhes
  • bitter, nikula
  • black, baan
  • blasphemous, demigi
  • blatant, hudayn
  • blessed, sunna
  • blind, maebjakesh
  • blue, ouahn
  • blunt, forihm
  • brave, khamirif
  • bright, alsinif
  • brilliant, yifir
  • broken, adurif
  • buried, duhayl
  • calm, ouafluroua
  • capable, baldif
  • central, alif
  • certain, shog'nei
  • chaotic, rokadif
  • clear, cishu
  • clouded, arouar
  • cold, solsif
  • crafty, miratif
  • crimson, kilivur
  • curious, muhrtisk
  • curled, furul
  • cursed, dun
  • dangerous, urighi
  • dead, drar
  • deep, cithunif
  • different, vilshif
  • difficult, maltif
  • diseased, mahketif
  • decadent, malkhesah
  • dirty, baldraf
  • divine, burkhan
  • double, ascivri
  • dry, bahrudir
  • each, alni
  • early, hirkin
  • empty, nolmard
  • encircled, alifin
  • enormous, gahfer
  • even, hadot
  • evil, mal
  • exotic, khajir
  • expensive, khestif
  • fallen, gokleif
  • far, khostif
  • fast/quick, aradir
  • fat, akhesdif
  • few, bivri
  • fine, meshti
  • flat, halor
  • flawless, bahrgui
  • foolish, khebreit
  • foul, makhel
  • found, bahr’errat
  • free, indur
  • full, udir
  • glow, shivir
  • godless, bahrpanthif
  • godly, panthif
  • gone, madir
  • good, juli
  • green, bosara
  • guilty, bahrjulihn
  • happy, kumif
  • hard, maltir
  • heavy, agir
  • high, alt
  • holy, nahadif
  • hot, molaf
  • hungry. ur'brofo
  • immovable, bahrokamif
  • important, garif
  • impossible, bahr'feyal
  • incapable, bahrbaldif
  • innocent, julihn
  • insane, malshok
  • invisible, bahrperhu
  • irresponsible, bahrtodihf
  • favourable, julifif
  • known, shogur
  • large/big, bahlar
  • last, kefris
  • late, keshik
  • lazy, zalku
  • left, ayn
  • less, abehntik
  • little/small, hla
  • living, muhrji
  • locked, rurilif
  • long, nibis
  • lost, errat
  • loud, dishmak
  • low, lan
  • loyal, kan
  • lucky, kuaym
  • many, kivri
  • mighty, throgah
  • more, eshtik
  • musical, leyrur
  • murderous, fahrimif
  • near, nekhostif
  • new, hagil
  • now, hij
  • off, bahrlom
  • on, lom
  • only, alnef
  • old, ald
  • open, yidul
  • own, juzei
  • parallel, hatur
  • physical, khierju
  • plagued, gahmakhel
  • poor, bahrkhestik
  • possible, feyal
  • powerful, kegran
  • pregnant, julemsen
  • prideful, enamorur
  • prophesied, ouabihn
  • proud, velishif
  • pure, ouahul
  • real, gersek
  • red, kili
  • reliable, lavsif
  • responsible, todihf
  • rich, khestik
  • ridiculous, bahrsa’eltim
  • right (direction), eyn
  • round, yudat
  • ruined, balgif
  • sacred, deif
  • sad, igunif
  • safe, ayuli
  • same, albur
  • secretive, faraynif
  • serious, sa’eltim
  • sharp, vohrim
  • silent/quiet, almardif
  • simple, hayghin
  • slow, re’aldis
  • sneaky, joual
  • soft, maliat
  • solitary, kubem
  • some, lah
  • sour, scutif
  • steadfast, bahnidorif
  • steep, asakhen
  • strange, bidi’im
  • striped, pashut
  • strong, jubu
  • stubborn, gena’id
  • sure, nish
  • suspicious, molshiris
  • sweet, com
  • symbolic, pasakrif
  • symmetrical, talur
  • tangerine, khesire
  • thick, mighi
  • true, neen
  • trustworthy, amitkhuli
  • unbreakable, kogo
  • unconscious, bimuhr
  • uneven, bahrhadot
  • unlocked, bahrurilif
  • unnamed, nammu
  • unsure, bahrnish
  • victorious, yalif
  • visible, perhu
  • warm, khen
  • weak, jubarhu
  • weary, signif
  • wet, rudir
  • white, julahn
  • wicked, malfurdigh
  • wide, sekhes
  • wild, dual
  • wilted, nibiv
  • windy, o’uter
  • wise, opumelu
  • yellow, muhrahn
  • young, julder

The following is an excerpt from the Casual Elder Scrolls PnP roleplaying game. As you can see, it was necessary to heavily revise and simplify the English text before translating it into the terse Dunmeri language.

Original Text (English): Suddenly, the gold and blue blur that was Dremoran dashed past the rest of the group, his golden sword held aloft in the air above his head. "MORE BLOODSHED!" he yelled, most likely stamping on any remaining chances of the group managing to remain unnoticed and stealthy. Charging past the rest of the group, Dremoran charged into the next room. Shortly after he disappeared from sight, a wavering, screeching sound could be heard coming from the room, followed by the sound of several sword hits landing, the horrible screeching sound of something being scraped across metal, Dremoran's yells of shock and surprise, and the sound of magicka being released in fire and ice spells. Comically, Dremoran suddenly ran backwards out of the room yelling, his shield (aswell as the front of his armour) covered in a layer of frost and sporting several scratches or claw marks in the paintwork, "Wraith, WRAITH, WRAITH!"

Revised Text (English): With no warning, Dremoran passed them like a blue and yellow blur, holding his yellow sword over his head. "Spill more blood!" he battle-called, revealing them. He ran into the hall. Before many time[-unit]s passed, they heard Dremoran's insane battle-calls, then a loud high sound, then the sound of attacking with swords, then the bad high sound of ripping metal, then the sounds of casting. 'They saw with amusem*nt Dremoran running back from the hall. His armour was cold and claws had attacked it. "Wraith, wraith, wraith!"

Final Text (Dunmeri): Bahr enhi nivisu, Dremoran ligdu'ag asuhl lacor ot shivir ouahn muhrahn, falmekam oam cheldur muhrahn bar oam sho. "Vocu eshtik molkhun!" oas cornayne'ag, alshokkam asuhl. Oas aradi'ag gherde as desroth. Gan kivri telsaan ligdu'ath, asuhn leyshe'ag as cornaayn malshok am Dremoran, dash 'ot rokahr dishmak alt, dash as rokahr am marghakam enhi chelduur, dash as rokahr maeb alt am molihn armakkam, dash as rokaahr am archakam. Asuhn talje'ag enhi uripe Dremoran aradikam bivi devehr as desroth. Oam molfredihn ebahr solsif en kagiliim marghe'ath el. "Wraith, wraith, wraith!"

Dunmeri language (2024)
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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

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Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.