Dutch weather (2024)

The average Dutch person loves complaining about the weather in the Netherlands, but is the weather here really that fickle? What is the average temperature per season? And does it really rain that much in the Netherlands? Read on and find out!

What is the Dutch climate like?

The Netherlands enjoys a moderate maritime (or oceanic) climate. This type of climate generally features mild winters and cool summers. Precipitation, such as rain, is common throughout the year, which means there is no dry season.

Within the Netherlands, a distinction can be made between regional climates:

North vs South

On average, the northern provinces endure lower temperatures compared to the southern provinces. In summer, the southern provinces enjoy a warmer climate. Generally, the east of Brabant and the very north of Limburg are the warmest around this time of year.

Coastal provinces

In the autumn and winter months, the coastal provinces in the south-west, west and north-east havea milder climate than the east and the north-east of the Netherlands.

Generally, the coastal provinces also enjoy more hours of sunlight than the rest of the country. However, right after the summer and during the autumn, the coastal provinces experience the heaviest rain showers. These heavy rain showers are activated by the warm sea water.

Dutch weather per season

Dutch weather differs per season, although autumn and spring can be quite similar in terms of precipitationand temperature.

Spring in the Netherlands

Astronomically, spring starts on March 20. However, meteorological spring lasts from March 1 until June 1 on the northern hemisphere.

Average temperature in spring

The average temperature in the Netherlands during spring is 9,5C. The amount of sun and rain during this timevaries greatly. From 1981-2010, an average of 240,7mm of rain fell during spring in the Netherlands, and the sun shined for 314,2 hours.

Coldest spring ever

The coldest spring recorded by the KNMI (Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute) in the Netherlands since 1706 was the spring of1962, with an average temperature of 6,7C. Looking at the top 10, the coldest springs occurredat the beginning of the second half of the 20th century. The coldest spring in this century took place in 2013 with an average of 7,4C.

YearLowest average temperature (°C)

Source: KNMI

Warmest spring ever

The warmest spring in the history of the Netherlands happened in 2007, with an average temperature of 11,7C. It is interesting to note that eight out of the ten warmestsprings occurred in the 21stcentury, the exceptions being the springs of 1998 (no. 7) en 1999 (no. 10).

YearHighest average temperature (°C)

Source: KNMI

Dutch summer

Astronomically, summer starts on June 21. However, meteorological spring starts on June 1 and lasts until September 1 on the northern hemisphere.

Average summer temperature

Generally, Dutch summers are warm, but not too hot. The average temperature in the Netherlands during summer is 17,0C. From 1981-2010, the average amount of rain that fell in the Netherlands adds up to 219,6mm, whilst the average amount of sunshine comes to 587,6 hours.

Coldest summer ever

The coldest summer took place in 1907, with an average temperature of 14,1C. The top 10 of the coldest Dutch summers does not include any summers from the 21stcentury. In fact, the coldest summers took place during the first half of the 20thcentury, with eight summers taking place before 1930.

YearLowest average temperature (°C)

Source: KNMI

Warmest summer ever

The warmest summer ever recorded by the KNMI took place in 2003, with an average temperature of 18,6C. The top 10 of the warmest summers includes only one summer of the first half of the 20th century, namely the summer of 1947, when the average temperature was 18,0C. It seems 1947 was a year of extremes, as thatyear's winter was one of the coldest winters ever.

YearHighest average temperature (°C)

Source: KNMI

Autumn in the Netherlands

Astronomically, autumn starts onSeptember 23. However, in the Netherlands, meteorological autumn starts on September 1 and ends on December 1.

Average autumn temperature

The average temperature in the Netherlands during autumn is 10,6C. Generally, autumn is the wettest season in the Netherlands, with November being the month with the most precipitation. However, on average (from 1981-2010), 240,7mm of rain falls during Dutch autumn, and people can enjoy 314,2 hours of sun this season.

Coldest autumn ever

The coldest autumn ever recorded by the KNMI happened in 1952, with an average temperature of 7,6C. However, the first 25 years of the first half of the 20th century seemed to be particularly cold during autumn as the top 10 features seven years from this time period (1902, 1905, 1912, 1915, 1919, 1920, 1922, 1925).

YearLowest average temperature (°C)

Source: KNMI

Warmest autumn ever

The warmest autumn in the history of the Netherlands took place in 2006, with an average temperature of 13,6C. The top 10 warmest Dutch autumns features eight autumns that took place in the 21st century, with the exceptions being the autumns from 1999 (no. 7) and 1982 (no. 8).

YearHighest average temperature (°C)

Source: KNMI

Dutch winter

Astronomically, winter in the Netherlands starts on December 21. However, meteorological winter starts on December 1 and ends on March 1 on the northern hemisphere.

Average winter temperature

The average temperature in the Netherlands during winter is 3,4C. Generally, this season experiences the least hours of sunshine, which also makes it the coldest season. From 1981-2010, the country experienced 197,3 hours of sunshine on average in winter, whilst 201,2mm of rain fell.

Coldest winter ever

The coldest winter ever recorded by the KNMI happened in 1963, with an average temperature of -3,0C. However, it seems like the 1940s were especially cold, with four years from this decade appearingin the top 10 coldest Dutch winters, namely 1947 (no. 2), 1940 (no. 3), 1942 (no. 4) and 1941 (no. 10).

YearLowest average temperature(°C)

Source: KNMI

Warmest winter ever

The warmest winter ever recorded took place in 2007, with an average temperature of 6,5C. As you can see below, the entire top 3 of the top 10 warmest Dutch winters took place in the 21stcentury, as well as no. 9 (2008) and no. 10 (2000).

YearHighest average temperature(°C)

Source: KNMI

How often does it rain in the Netherlands?

So, does it really rain that much in the Netherlands? One would think so since people love to complain about the weather here, but actually, it’s not that bad.

The average annual rainfall in the Netherlands is only 790mm. As a comparison, what some call the wettest place on earth, Maysynram in India, has an average annual rainfall of 11.871mm. And inside of Europe? Well, Crkvice in Montenegro receives around 4.600mm of rainfall each year, and Dalness in Scotland receives an average rainfall of 3.300mm each year.

So, why do people complain about the Dutch weather so much then? This might have something to do with the unpredictability of the weather here. There is no clear dry season or wet season. It rains all year long, however, the amount of rain that falls is nothing compared to what falls in, for example, the tropics.

Want to avoid the rain as much as possible? Avoid the Veluwe, Drenthe and the south of Limburg. These places are the wettest places in the Netherlands.

Dutch weather: All-timerecords

Here are some interesting weather records:

Longest cold wave in the Netherlands

According to measurements from the KNMI, The Netherlandshas had 33 cold waves since 1901. For a period to be called a cold wave, it needs to consist of at least five consecutive ice days (temperature lower than 0,0C), with at least three days of severe frost (temperature lower than -10,0C). The longest one took place in 1947 and lasted for 21 days.

The coldest Dutch day

The coldest day in the Netherlands ever was measured on January 27 in 1942 by Jaap Langedijk in Winterswijk. That day it was -27,4C. It was said that a lot of people went to bed with their coats on that day.

Longest heat wave in Dutch history

For a period to be called a heat wave, it needs to consist of at least five consecutive summer days (25,0C or higher), with at least three tropical days (30,0C or higher). The Netherlands has experienced a total of 24 heat waves since 1901. The longest heat wave took place in 1975 and lasted for 18 days.

The hottest day in the Netherlands ever

The hottest day ever in the Netherlandswas measured on August 23 in 1944 in Warnsveld. That day, it was 38,6C.

Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI)

The Koninklijk Nederlands Metereologosch Instituut (KNMI) or the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, is the national weather forecasting service in the Netherlands. The KNMI was founded in 1854 by Buys Ballot, and is located in the province of Utrecht, in De Bilt. Besides weather forecasting, the KNMI is responsible for the monitoring of climate changes and seismic activity.

Weather apps

Since the weather in the Netherlands is fairly unpredictable, it is advisable to install a weather app on your phone.

Dutch weather apps

The most popular Dutch weather apps are:


Buienradar (roughly translated as rain radar) lets you track the rain in the Netherlands. The app can show you whether there is any rain coming to your location in the next two hours. Get it for Android or iPhone.


Weeronline offers a rain radar, but it also offers a handy 14-day forecast, hay fever and UV radiation warnings. It can rate days according to activities, such as going to the beach, having a BBQ or skating as well. Get it for Android or iPhone.

Global weather apps

Here are some of the more popular weather apps, worldwide:


This handy app includes a RealFeel index (which suggests what the outdoor temperature feels like, rather than the actual temperature), plenty of graphs, maps, a radar and even video weather forecasts. Get it for Android or iPhone.

The Weather Channel

Many people consider this their go-to app when it comes to weather and forecasts. You can get 36-hour and 10-day forecasts, including wind speed, humidity, UV index and visibility. Get it for Android or iPhone.

Weather forecast for Dutch cities

Since the Dutch weather can differ from region to region and from city to city, it's best to take a look at localised weather forecasts if you wantto know whether you should take an umbrella with you or your sunglasses. Here are the weather forecasts for the largest Dutch cities:

Amsterdam weather

Are you visiting the country's capital? Want to know whether it's a better idea to stay indoors and maybe visit one of Amsterdam's many museums or if it's "safe" to explore this historic city with its charming canals by bike? Look no further! Here is the weather forecast for Amsterdam:

The Hague weather

Are you living in or visiting The Hague, the capital of the province of South Holland and the seat of the Dutch government? Want to know whether it's the perfect day to visit the beach in Scheveningenor if you are better off admiring Piet Mondriaan'sworks at the Gemeentemuseum? No need to look any further. Here is the weather forecast for The Hague:

Rotterdam weather

Rotterdam is the second largest Dutch city, and a hotspot for modern architecture. Want to know if it's going to be a good idea to stroll around the city, admiring its innovativebuildings, or if it's a better idea to stay indoors? Here is the weather forecast for Rotterdam, to help you make your choice:

Utrecht weather

Did you know that Utrecht is one of the Netherlands' oldest cities, and is encircled by a medieval canal? If it's sunny, it's a great idea to explore the canal by paddle boat. Of course, rain is often on the menu in the Netherlands, so make sure you check this Utrecht weather forecast before you get in a boat:

Eindhoven weather

Renowned as the capital of Dutch industrial design, Eindhoven is home to a lot ofexpats, as it ismany international companies. Want to know if it's a better idea to find an indoor activity or wander around the city? Find out whatthe weather in Eindhoven is like by checking out the following Eindhoven weather forecast:

Leiden weather

The birthplace of Rembrandt, Leiden is a picturesque town that offers a myriad of indoor and outdoor activities. Is it sunny? Explore the city by foot or sit atone of the lovely terraces by the canals. Is it rainy instead? Visit one of Leiden's museums, such as Japan Museum Sieboldhuis or NaturalisBiodiversity Center. Check the Leiden weather forecast now, to see what's up:

Dutch weather (2024)


Is Dutch weather unpredictable? ›

The Netherlands has a temperate marine climate with mild winters and not-to-hot summers. Though Dutch weather is seldom extreme, it is unpredictable.

Does it ever get warm in the Netherlands? ›

Generally, Dutch summers are warm, but not too hot. The average temperature in the Netherlands during summer is 17,0C. From 1981-2010, the average amount of rain that fell in the Netherlands adds up to 219,6mm, whilst the average amount of sunshine comes to 587,6 hours.

What is the rainiest month in the Netherlands? ›

On average The Netherlands deals with 100 minutes of rain per day and 130 days of rain per year, with October being the wettest month (13 days) and April the driest (9 days). That's quite a lot of rainy days to be fair.

What is the warmest city in the Netherlands? ›

Nijmegen has an oceanic climate (Cfb). It is one of the warmest cities of the Netherlands, especially during summer, when the highest temperatures in the country are usually measured in the triangle Roermond–Nijmegen–Eindhoven.

Which country has the best weather? ›

Countries with the most pleasant climate
  • Costa Rica. ...
  • Spain. ...
  • Australia. ...
  • Greece. ...
  • Italy. ...
  • Malta. ...
  • Mexico. Mexico features diverse climates, but many coastal areas enjoy warm weather year-round. ...
  • South Africa. Coastal areas like Cape Town and Durban enjoy mild temperatures and plenty of sunshine throughout the year.
Mar 16, 2024

What is the most unpredictable weather state? ›

California weather has never been as predictable as a Steve Martin gag — especially when it comes to the rain and snow of Golden State winters like this one. In fact, no state in the lower 48 sees as much variability in its year-to-year precipitation as California.

Is Germany warmer than Netherlands? ›

Weather. When it comes to weather, Germany has the upper hand. The Netherlands enjoys a maritime climate, which means there is not one dry season throughout the year. The weather in Germany is a lot milder, with warm summers and cool winters.

Is it expensive to live in the Netherlands? ›

Yes. Living in the Netherlands is slightly more expensive compared to other European countries. However, given the well-paying opportunities and comparatively higher salaries, people earning slightly above average can live comfortably in the country.

Which part of the Netherlands has the best weather? ›

Let's talk about the Dutch weather

The weather in coastal provinces is more moderate whereas inland more extreme weather is to be expected. The biggest chance of enjoying sunshine is along the coast , particularly in Zeeland and upper North Holland and on the Wadden Islands.

What food is the Netherlands famous for? ›

What are the most popular Dutch foods?
  • Stamppot. Stamppot is a quintessential Dutch dish that embodies the simplicity and heartiness of the Netherlands' culinary traditions. ...
  • Bitterballen. ...
  • Haring. ...
  • Poffertjes. ...
  • Erwtensoep. ...
  • Rookworst. ...
  • Kroket. ...
  • Patat.
Mar 13, 2024

What is the best month to go to Netherlands? ›

The best time to visit the Netherlands is in June, or between September and November, when the leaves change and the foods and beers of the festive season emerge.

What religion are Dutch people? ›

More than half (55 percent) of Dutch people aged 15 years and over are not religious. In 2020, 20 percent of the Dutch population belonged to the Catholic Church, 14 percent were Protestant, 5 percent Muslim and 5 percent belonged to another religious group.

What is the real capital of Holland? ›

Amsterdam is the capital city and most populous city of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Is Netherlands very humid? ›

All of which means that the air is relatively humid all year round. You'll often experience mist and fog, especially in late autumn and early spring. The yearly average rainfall adds up to 77 millimetres (3 inches), and rain can be expected in all seasons, although the summer months are generally drier.

Is the Netherlands a good place to live? ›

Happy and High Quality Living

According to the World Happiness Report, the Netherlands ranks as the #5 happiest country in the world. From very friendly people to an extremely good work life balance, it's no wonder the people living in the Netherlands are so happy.

Which country has the most unpredictable weather? ›

Here are five countries with some of the most remarkable and demanding weather patterns:
  • Antarctica: The Icy Desert. ...
  • Saudi Arabia: The Land of Extremes. ...
  • Iran: Land of Temperature Extremes. ...
  • Niger: The Sahara's Heart. ...
  • Norway: The Land of Fjords and NorthernLights.
Oct 27, 2023

What city has the most unpredictable weather? ›

Based on FiveThirtyEight's scale, Rapid City, SD secured the top spot for the “Unpredictability Index” with a score of 84. Conversely, Honolulu, HI was the most predictable with a score of 30.

Are thunderstorms common in the Netherlands? ›

During hot summer days there is a chance of thunderstorms, especially if the humidity is also high. In the Netherlands, it averages 25 days per year. It most often thunders over the west of Brabant: an average of 34 times a year. The number of lightning discharges exceeds 200,000 annually.

What are the weather patterns in the Netherlands? ›

The Netherlands is a country that boasts a typical maritime climate with mild summers and cold winters. Wind and rain are common throughout most of the year with July and August being the wettest months. March is the driest month of the year.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.