Early Stopping on Validation Loss or on Accuracy? - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

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Early Stopping on Validation Loss or on Accuracy? - GeeksforGeeks (1)

Last Updated : 16 Feb, 2024




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Answer: Early stopping is typically based on validation loss rather than accuracy.

Early stopping based on validation loss is generally preferred over accuracy for several reasons:

  1. Generalization Performance: Validation loss is a more reliable indicator of the model’s generalization performance than accuracy. It measures how well the model is performing on unseen data, whereas accuracy can be misleading, especially in imbalanced datasets or when classes have unequal costs.
  2. Sensitive to Class Distribution: Accuracy alone may not adequately capture the performance of a model, especially in scenarios where classes are imbalanced. For example, a classifier might achieve high accuracy by simply predicting the majority class, while validation loss reflects the model’s ability to make nuanced predictions across all classes.
  3. Smoothness of the Optimization Landscape: Validation loss tends to have a smoother optimization landscape compared to accuracy. This smoothness can help prevent premature convergence or oscillations during training, making validation loss a more stable criterion for early stopping.
  4. Early Detection of Overfitting: Validation loss typically starts increasing when the model begins to overfit, providing an early indication to stop training and prevent further deterioration in performance. In contrast, accuracy may plateau or even continue to increase slightly before sharply decreasing, leading to delayed detection of overfitting.
  5. Consistency Across Models: Early stopping based on validation loss promotes consistency across different models and architectures since it focuses on optimizing the same objective function. In contrast, accuracy thresholds may vary depending on factors such as class distribution or dataset characteristics.


Early stopping based on validation loss is preferred over accuracy as it provides a more reliable measure of generalization performance, is less sensitive to class distribution, has a smoother optimization landscape, facilitates early detection of overfitting, and promotes consistency across models. By monitoring validation loss during training, practitioners can effectively prevent overfitting and ensure that the model performs well on unseen data.

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Early Stopping on Validation Loss or on Accuracy? - GeeksforGeeks (4)

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Early Stopping on Validation Loss or on Accuracy? - GeeksforGeeks (2024)


Early Stopping on Validation Loss or on Accuracy? - GeeksforGeeks? ›

Conclusion: Early stopping based on validation loss is preferred over accuracy as it provides a more reliable measure of generalization performance, is less sensitive to class distribution, has a smoother optimization landscape, facilitates early detection of overfitting, and promotes consistency across models.

Why is early stopping implemented on the validation set rather than the learning set or the test set? ›

Testing uses a test set; early stopping uses a validation set. The purpose is to prevent overfitting. You mention a couple regularization techniques, but whether you use them or not you don't guarantee preventing overfitting. You can choose to train longer in hopes of hitting double descent.

What is validation loss and validation accuracy? ›

The validation loss is a measure of how well the model generalizes to the validation set. It represents the error on unseen data. An increasing validation loss indicates that the model's performance on the validation set is worsening, suggesting that it is becoming less effective at generalizing to new data.

When to use early stopping? ›

In machine learning, early stopping is a form of regularization used to avoid overfitting when training a learner with an iterative method, such as gradient descent. Such methods update the learner so as to make it better fit the training data with each iteration.

How early stopping helps in reducing the overfitting of the model? ›

By halting the training process when the validation error starts to increase, early stopping prevents the model from becoming excessively complex and memorizing noise in the training data.

Is loss or accuracy better for early stopping? ›

Answer: Early stopping is typically based on validation loss rather than accuracy. Early stopping based on validation loss is generally preferred over accuracy for several reasons: Generalization Performance: Validation loss is a more reliable indicator of the model's generalization performance than accuracy.

What are the disadvantages of early stopping? ›

Limitations of Early Stopping:

If the model stops too early, there might be risk of underfitting. It may not be beneficial for all types of models. If validation set is not chosen properly, it may not lead to the most optimal stopping.

Is loss or accuracy more important? ›

People usually consider and care about the accuracy metric while model training. However, loss is something to be equally taken care of. By definition, Accuracy score is the number of correct predictions obtained. Loss values are the values indicating the difference from the desired target state(s).

What is the difference between accuracy and validation accuracy? ›

Validation is the process of measuring the accuracy of a model on a subset of the data. Accuracy is a measure of how well a model is able to predict the correct output given the input.

What is the big difference between training loss and validation loss? ›

Loss Reporting: Training loss is typically reported as an average of the losses over each batch within an epoch. In contrast, validation loss is calculated after the model has been updated throughout the epoch, potentially benefiting from the full extent of learning in that epoch.

What are the two main benefits of early stopping? ›

Early stopping offers several benefits in deep learning:
  • Regularization: Early stopping acts as a regularization technique by preventing the model from overfitting to the training data. ...
  • Computational Efficiency: By stopping the training process early, we can save computational resources and time.
Jun 10, 2024

How many epochs for early stopping? ›

People typically define a patience, i.e. the number of epochs to wait before early stop if no progress on the validation set. The patience is often set somewhere between 10 and 100 (10 or 20 is more common), but it really depends on your dataset and network.

What criteria would you use for early stopping? ›

Early Stopping Criterion: If the performance on the validation set starts to degrade (e.g., the loss increases or the accuracy decreases), it's an indication that the model is beginning to overfit the training data. At this point, early stopping is triggered, and the training process is halted.

How to apply early stopping? ›

In TensorFlow 2, there are three ways to implement early stopping:
  1. Use a built-in Keras callback— tf. keras. callbacks. EarlyStopping —and pass it to Model. fit .
  2. Define a custom callback and pass it to Keras Model. fit .
  3. Write a custom early stopping rule in a custom training loop (with tf. GradientTape ).
Mar 23, 2024

What is the most direct way to decrease overfitting? ›

How can you prevent overfitting? You can prevent overfitting by diversifying and scaling your training data set or using some other data science strategies, like those given below. Early stopping pauses the training phase before the machine learning model learns the noise in the data.

How can using early stopping improve the performance of a model? ›

Early stopping is a powerful technique for training deep learning models. It strikes a balance between underfitting and overfitting, ensuring the model generalizes well. By monitoring the validation loss and halting training at the right moment, early stopping prevents overfitting and saves computational resources.

Why use validation set instead of test set? ›

The validation set is used during the training phase of the model to provide an unbiased evaluation of the model's performance and to fine-tune the model's parameters. The test set, on the other hand, is used after the model has been fully trained to assess the model's performance on completely unseen data.

What are the benefits of early stopping? ›

Early Stopping is a form of regularization technique to prevent overfitting in a trained model. It helps in ceasing the training process at the right time. Why use Early Stopping? Early Stopping helps prevent overfitting, saves computational resources, and can minimize the need for manual hyperparameter tuning.

What is the purpose of early stopping in training a MLP neural network? ›

Early stopping is a form of regularization used in training iterative algorithms like Gradient Descent. It involves halting the training process when the validation error minimizes, thereby preventing the model from learning the noise and idiosyncrasies in the training data.

What is early stopping and how does it relate to regularization? ›

Early stopping in machine learning involves preventing your optimization process from converging in the expectation that your predictions will be more accurate at the expense of being more biased (regularisation).

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.