Easy German Asparagus Salad Recipe – Oma's Spargelsalat (2024)

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Easy German Asparagus Salad Recipe – Oma's Spargelsalat (1)

by: Gerhild Fulson / Cookbook Author, Blogger, German Oma!

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This German Asparagus Salad recipe, aka Spargelsalat,is one of those great spring recipes.It makes a great luncheon meal that's both light and tasty.

For about 6 weeks every spring, asparagus is THE vegetable throughout Germany. Even the finest restaurants have a separateSpargelmenu that has various dishes, all starring the tasty white asparagus that grows throughout the region.

Easy German Asparagus Salad Recipe – Oma's Spargelsalat (4)

For this recipe you can use either green or white asparagus. The only difference is in the preparation of the asparagus ... the white needs to be peeled and then cooked just a tad longer.

This salad is so delectable with its hard boiled eggs, radishes, and green onions that complement the asparagus.

More tips forSpargelsalat ...

  • Adding the eggs provides protein for this dish, making it an excellent meal all on its own. Or omit the eggs to make it vegan.
  • In that case, though, this recipe would make enough for 2 - 3 people. As a side dish, it would serve 4.

Grab your copy of Oma's favorite asparagus recipes inA is for Asparagus eCookbook.

Easy German Asparagus Salad Recipe – Oma's Spargelsalat (5)

Take a peek at all Oma's eCookbooks. They make sharing your German heritage a delicious adventure!

The most commonly served meal is boiled white asparagus with a white Hollandaise sauce, sliced ham, and boiled potatoes.

Below, though, is one of the delicious alternative recipes for asparagus that use this spring-time treat. Nothing says spring like fresh asparagus.

If at all possible, try to usewhite asparagus.Cut off the tough end and then peel the stalk. If you can't get the white variety, which is traditional for this recipe, you can use green asparagus.

It isn't necessary to peelgreen asparagus, just snap off the tough bottom ends and reduce the cooking time.

Male and Female Asparagus?

Did you know that asparagus can be male or female? Interesting, huh? But how can you tell the two plants apart?

The female asparagus plants produce small red berries along with their spears. While male plants grow longer in size and produce larger flowers as females as well.

When female asparagus is ready to be harvested, its stalks are more fern-like and the berries will be grown in. These berries are NOT edible. The berries produced by the female plant are actually very toxic to humans. They will start off as small green bulbs growing off of the spears, and with time become a bright red.

Easy German Asparagus Salad Recipe – Oma's Spargelsalat (6)

When harvested and sorted, it is crucial to remove the berries from the spears. The male plants will never produce these berries, which does make them easier for harvesting.

I know it's hard not to shoo the birds from your gardens. But birds will eat asparagus berries. It isn't harmful to them. So maybe they can help speed up the harvesting process by getting all those pesky berries off for you! ;)

Make the Asparagus Salad traditional or vegan!

Below, my 13-year granddaughter, Lydia, makes this as a traditional and vegan version, since for this dinner party we had some vegan guests.

Instead of putting the sliced eggs right into the salad and mixing it, she served them on the side. That way, everyone could enjoy this!

Easy German Asparagus Salad Recipe – Oma's Spargelsalat (7)

Lydia Remembers ...

I have so many wunderbar memories in the kitchen with my Oma, and have had MANY of her most popular and traditional recipes, like this asparagus salad.

As you can see in the collage above, I grew up pretty familiar with this salad. I used to be skeptical about asparagus. But when Oma introduced me to this salad, I fell in love with its summery flavors and bold colors. It makes such a yummy statement piece for any dish!

The best part? It's actually SO easy!

Below, you can see my asparagus salad that I made just a few months ago for my family. It turned out just as good as Oma's! My family asks for this one often, and I have even introduced some other family members to it. It never disappoints.

Easy German Asparagus Salad Recipe – Oma's Spargelsalat (8)


Yep. Hummus. Sylvie, my daughter-in-law, shares that hummus dressing is delicious in thisand explains how to make the changes. Her easy hummus recipethat's the basis for the salad dressing so quick to make and it's becoming wildly popular in Germany. Try it. I think you'll like it too!

Ready to make Oma's asparagus salad?

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Easy German Asparagus Salad Recipe – Oma's Spargelsalat (10)

Easy German Asparagus Salad Recipe – Oma's Spargelsalat

This German Asparagus Salad recipe, aka Spargelsalat,is one of those great spring recipes.It makes a great luncheon meal that's both light and tasty.

Omit the eggs and this becomes a vegan salad. Or serve the eggs on the side, and everyone can enjoy this, vegan or not.

Prep Time

10 minutes

Cook Time

5 minutes

Total Time

15 minutes


Makes 4 servings


  • 1½ pounds asparagus
  • salt, pepper
  • 2 largehard-boiled eggs, peeled and chopped or sliced
  • 4 - 6 radishes, sliced
  • 4 green onions, sliced
  • 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
  • 3 tablespoonssunflower oil
  • 1 tablespoon mustard (optional)
  • 2 tablespoonschopped parsley


  1. Forwhite asparagus, peel, cutoff tough ends, and cutinto bite-sized pieces. Cook in simmeringsalted water for about 10 to 15 minutes, until tender.
  2. Forgreen asparagus, snap off tough ends. Cut into bite-sized pieces and cook in simmering salted water about 5 minutes, until tender.
  3. Drain asparagus and put into bowl.
  4. Add chopped eggs, sliced radishes and onions to bowl. (Omit the eggs if you're making this vegan.)
  5. In separate bowl, mix vinegar and oil (and mustard, if using).
  6. Pour dressing over asparagus mixture. Mix gently, re-seasoning with salt and pepper. Garnish with parsley to serve.

* * * * *

Unless otherwise noted recipe, images and content © Just like Oma | www.quick-german-recipes.com

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Easy German Asparagus Salad Recipe – Oma's Spargelsalat (14)

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Easy German Asparagus Salad Recipe – Oma's Spargelsalat (21)

Oma's German Asparagus Salad Recipe ~ Spargelsalat

By Oma Gerhild Fulson
Easy German Asparagus Salad Recipe – Oma's Spargelsalat (22)
Oma’s German asparagus salad recipe is one of those great spring asparagus recipes. It makes a such a great luncheon meal that's light and tasty. Hurry up, Spring! I WANT asparagus!

Ingredients: asparagus,seasonings,eggs,green onion,radishes,white wine vinegar,oil,mustard,parsley,

For the full recipe, scroll up ...

Words to the Wise

"Fathers can give their sons an inheritance of houses and wealth, but only the Lord can give an understanding wife."

Proverbs 19:14 (NLT)

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Easy German Asparagus Salad Recipe – Oma's Spargelsalat (2024)
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