Easy Guide to Grow Mushrooms From Store Bought at Home - Optimusplant (2024)

Have you ever wanted to grow your own mushrooms but didn’t know where to begin? Look no further! In this easy guide, we will teach you how to grow mushrooms from store bought supplies right in the comfort of your own home. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a beginner, this project is a fun and rewarding way to produce your own food.

With just a few essential supplies and some basic knowledge, you’ll be on your way to growing your own delicious mushrooms in no time. So why wait? Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Learn how to easily grow mushrooms at home using store bought supplies.
  • Discover the benefits of growing your own food and the health benefits of mushrooms.
  • Choose the right mushroom variety to grow based on your preferences and available space.
  • Gather essential supplies, prepare the growing substrate, inoculate with spores, and create optimal growing conditions.
  • Monitor growth, troubleshoot common issues, and harvest your mushrooms at the peak of freshness and flavor.

Why Grow Mushrooms at Home?

If you’re looking for a rewarding and unique project to take on at home, growing your own mushrooms is an excellent choice. Not only is it a fun and interesting hobby, but there are also plenty of benefits to be gained from growing your own mushrooms in the comfort of your own home.

Here are just a few reasons why you should consider growing mushrooms at home:

  • Fresh, flavorful mushrooms: When you grow your own mushrooms, you can pick them at the peak of freshness, ensuring the best taste and texture. Plus, you can choose from a wide variety of mushroom species that you may not be able to find in stores.
  • Health benefits: Mushrooms are known to be nutrient-dense and have a range of health benefits. Many mushroom varieties are high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making them a great addition to any diet.
  • Sustainable and eco-friendly: Growing your own food is an excellent way to reduce your environmental impact. By growing mushrooms at home, you can reduce the carbon footprint associated with shipping and transporting store-bought mushrooms.
  • A fun and interesting hobby: Mushroom growing is a unique and fascinating process that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It’s a great way to learn more about the natural world and develop new skills.

Overall, growing mushrooms at home is a rewarding and beneficial project that is well worth the time and effort. Whether you’re an experienced gardener or just starting, this is a fun and educational activity that can be enjoyed by all.

Choosing the Right Mushroom Variety

Not all mushrooms are created equal when it comes to home cultivation. The mushroom variety you choose will depend on several factors, including your preferences, available space, and desired level of complexity.

Here are some popular mushroom varieties that are easy to grow from store bought supplies:

Mushroom Variety

Flavor Profile

Difficulty Level

White button mushrooms

Mild and earthy


Cremini mushrooms

Rich and nutty


Shiitake mushrooms

Meaty and savory


Oyster mushrooms

Sweet and delicate


When selecting your mushroom variety, consider the flavor profile you prefer and the difficulty level you feel comfortable with. In general, white button and cremini mushrooms are the easiest to grow, while shiitake and oyster mushrooms require a bit more attention to detail.

Keep in mind that different mushroom varieties may also require different growing substrates and conditions. Do some research on your chosen variety to ensure you have the right supplies and setup for optimal growth.

Tip: If you’re new to mushroom growing, we recommend starting with white button or cremini mushrooms before moving on to more complex varieties.

Gathering Your Supplies

Easy Guide to Grow Mushrooms From Store Bought at Home - Optimusplant (1)

If you’re ready to grow mushrooms from store bought at home, you’ll need to gather some essential supplies first. Don’t worry, it’s not an extensive list, and most items are readily available at your local garden center or online.




The material on which your mushrooms will grow. You can use straw, sawdust, or even coffee grounds.


You can use plastic, glass, or metal containers depending on the size of your growing space. Make sure they have lids for humidity control.


You can purchase mushroom spores from many online stores. Make sure you choose a variety that is suitable for growing in your area.

Pressure Cooker

For sterilizing the substrate and containers.

Spray Bottle

For misting your mushrooms with water.


To monitor the temperature in your growing space.

Once you have gathered your supplies, it’s time to move on to preparing the growing substrate.

Preparing the Growing Substrate for Store Bought Mushrooms

Once you’ve gathered all the necessary supplies, it’s time to prepare the growing substrate for your store bought mushroom project. The growing substrate is the material that will provide the nutrients for your mushrooms to thrive.

The type of substrate you use will depend on the type of mushroom you are growing. Some common substrates include:

Substrate Type

Best for Mushroom Varieties

Brown rice flour

Button, shiitake, and oyster mushrooms

Coconut coir

Oyster and shiitake mushrooms


Oyster and shiitake mushrooms

For this guide, we’ll be using brown rice flour as our substrate. Here’s how to prepare it:

  1. Mix 2 cups of brown rice flour and 1 cup of vermiculite in a large bowl.
  2. Add 1 cup of water and mix well. The consistency should be similar to that of damp sand.
  3. Fill your containers with the mixture, leaving about 1 inch of space at the top.
  4. Compact the mixture slightly and level it off.

Once you’ve prepared the substrate, you’re ready to move on to the next step: inoculating the substrate with spores.

Inoculating the Substrate with Spores

Easy Guide to Grow Mushrooms From Store Bought at Home - Optimusplant (2)

Now that you have prepared your substrate from store bought supplies, it’s time to add the spores. Inoculation is the process of introducing mushroom spores into the substrate, where they will colonize and form mycelium, the fungus’s vegetative growth.

There are a few different methods for inoculating the substrate, but the easiest and most beginner-friendly is using spore syringes. You can easily purchase spore syringes online or at specialty stores.

To begin, sterilize your work area and all equipment, including the spore syringe, by wiping them down with rubbing alcohol or a diluted bleach solution. Once everything is clean, inject the spore solution into the substrate according to the instructions that come with the spore syringe.

It’s important to keep the inoculated substrate in a sterile environment until it has fully colonized with mycelium. This can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the variety of mushroom and the growing conditions.

Pro tip: Before inoculating your substrate, read up on the specific mushroom variety you’ve chosen to grow from store bought supplies. Each species has its own unique growing requirements, so make sure you’re providing the right conditions for optimal growth and yield.

Creating Optimal Growing Conditions

Creating optimal growing conditions is vital for your store-bought mushrooms to thrive. Here are some factors to consider:


Most mushrooms require indirect sunlight or low-level artificial light. You can use LED lights if natural light is not available. During fruiting, the mushrooms need more light, so increase the light intensity. Avoid exposing them to direct sunlight, as this can cause overheating.


The temperature range for growing mushrooms is between 60°-75°F (15°-24°C). Temperatures above or below this range may slow down growth or kill the mycelium. Keep the temperature constant and maintain a stable environment, free from sudden temperature fluctuations.


Humidity is essential to keep the substrates moist. Keep the humidity levels between 80-90% throughout the growing process. You can maintain humidity levels by regularly misting the mushrooms and providing a humidifier, especially during the fruiting stage when the mushrooms are more vulnerable to drying out.


Good air circulation is necessary to prevent contamination and provide fresh air. However, avoid placing the mushrooms in areas with drafts or high airflows. Open the windows or use a fan to maintain fresh air and proper air exchange.

Monitoring Growth and Maintenance

Easy Guide to Grow Mushrooms From Store Bought at Home - Optimusplant (3)

Once you’ve set up the optimal growing conditions for your store bought mushrooms, it’s important to monitor their growth regularly to ensure they stay healthy. This involves maintaining key environmental factors as well as checking for signs of common issues that may arise during the process.

Growth Monitoring

Regularly checking on your mushrooms’ growth progress is essential. Make note of the rate at which they grow and how they look throughout the process. This will help you identify potential issues and adjust the growing conditions accordingly.

Tip: If your mushrooms grow too tall and thin, it may indicate insufficient light. Alternatively, if they grow too slow or not at all, the humidity may be too low.


Proper maintenance is crucial for healthy mushroom growth. This includes ensuring the growing substrate remains moist, maintaining optimal temperature and humidity levels, and providing adequate ventilation.

Regularly misting your mushrooms with a spray bottle is an effective way to maintain humidity levels. If the substrate starts to look dry, gently add a small amount of water to it.

Note: Be careful not to overwater your mushrooms, as too much moisture can lead to bacterial contamination.

Common Issues

Despite your best efforts to create the optimal growing conditions, issues may still arise. Common problems include mold or bacterial growth, small and deformed mushrooms, or mushrooms that fail to grow at all.

If you notice signs of mold or bacterial growth, immediately remove the affected mushrooms and adjust the conditions to prevent further spread. If your mushrooms are small and deformed, it may indicate a lack of nutrients in the substrate. Consider adding additional nutrients or switching to a different substrate.

If your mushrooms fail to grow, it may be due to spores that are not viable or environmental conditions that are not optimal. Try to identify the root cause and adjust your approach as needed.

Harvesting Your Mushrooms

Congratulations, you’re almost ready to harvest your delicious mushrooms! You’ve been eagerly watching your mushroom grow kit, checking on the progress every day, and now it’s finally time to enjoy your hard work.

Before you begin harvesting, make sure to wash your hands and sterilize your tools. This will help prevent contamination and ensure the best possible yield.

To harvest your mushrooms, simply grasp the stem near the base and twist gently to release it from the substrate. Avoid pulling the mushroom from the substrate, as this can damage the mycelium and affect future growth.

You should aim to harvest the mushrooms before the caps begin to flatten out. This will ensure they are at the peak of freshness and flavor.

It’s important to note that different types of mushrooms may have specific harvesting requirements, so be sure to do your research before you begin.

Avoid Overharvesting

While it’s tempting to harvest all your mushrooms at once, overharvesting can actually be detrimental to the health of your mushroom growing kit. Instead, try to harvest gradually, leaving some mushrooms to continue growing. This will help ensure a consistent supply of mushrooms over a longer period of time.

Storing and Preserving Your Harvest

Once you’ve harvested your mushrooms, it’s important to store and preserve them properly. Store your mushrooms in a paper bag or container lined with paper towels to help absorb any excess moisture. Avoid storing them in plastic bags, as this can cause them to become slimy and spoil more quickly.

If you have a large harvest, consider preserving some of your mushrooms for later use. Mushrooms can be dried, frozen, or canned for long-term storage. To dry, simply place sliced mushrooms in a single layer on a baking sheet and dry in the oven on low heat or using a dehydrator. To freeze, clean and slice the mushrooms and store in an airtight container in the freezer. Finally, to can your mushrooms, pack them into jars with vinegar and spices and process in a pressure canner.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

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While growing mushrooms from store bought supplies is a relatively easy and rewarding process, it’s not always smooth sailing. Here are some common issues you may run into along the way and how to troubleshoot them.

Issue #1: Contamination

Contamination is a common issue in mushroom growing and can come from bacteria, mold, or other fungi. Signs of contamination include unusual colors or smells, slimy or fuzzy growth, or slow growth.

To prevent contamination, make sure to sterilize all of your equipment and materials before starting. If you do notice contamination, remove any affected areas and dispose of them properly.

Issue #2: Slow Growth

If your mushrooms aren’t showing any signs of growth, there may be an issue with the temperature, humidity, or lighting. Make sure you’re following the specific recommendations for the variety of mushroom you’re growing and adjust your growing conditions accordingly.

If you’re still not seeing any progress, it may be time to check the spores. Low-quality spores or spores that have been exposed to high temperatures or moisture may not be viable.

Issue #3: Overwatering

Overwatering can lead to soggy substrate and suffocated mushrooms. Make sure to follow the proper watering instructions for your variety of mushroom and monitor the substrate closely.

To fix overwatering, reduce the amount of water you’re adding and increase ventilation to help dry out the substrate.

Issue #4: Dryness

Dryness can lead to dehydrated mushrooms or stunted growth. Make sure you’re providing enough humidity and moisture for your specific variety and adjust your growing conditions accordingly.

To fix dryness, increase the humidity level in your growing area and consider misting your substrate with water to add moisture.

With these troubleshooting tips in mind, you’ll be better equipped to handle any issues that arise during your mushroom growing journey. Don’t get discouraged if things don’t go perfectly at first – growing mushrooms is a skill that takes time and practice to perfect.

Expanding Your Mushroom Growing Skills

Congratulations on successfully growing mushrooms from store bought supplies! Now that you’ve mastered the basics, you may be eager to expand your skills and try more advanced techniques. Here are some resources and tips to help you take your mushroom growing to the next level:

Join Online Mushroom Growing Communities

There are plenty of online communities dedicated to mushroom growing where you can connect with other enthusiasts, share tips and advice, and learn new techniques. Some popular options include Reddit’s /r/MushroomGrowers and Mycotopia.

Experiment with Different Mushrooms

Once you have some experience under your belt, try experimenting with different mushroom varieties beyond the typical store bought options. Some popular advanced mushrooms to try include Lions Mane, Shiitake, and Oyster mushrooms. You may need to purchase spores from a specialty supplier, but the challenge and unique flavors are worth it!

Invest in Specialized Equipment

If you’re serious about mushroom growing, you may want to invest in some specialized equipment to make the process easier and more efficient. This could include a humidity and temperature-controlled growing chamber, a pressure cooker for sterilizing your own growing substrates, or a specialized mushroom cultivation book.

Attend Mushroom Cultivation Classes or Workshops

Many community centers, adult education centers, and agricultural extension offices offer workshops and classes on mushroom cultivation. Attending one of these events can be a great way to learn hands-on techniques and connect with other growers in your area.

  • Tip: Before investing in expensive equipment or supplies, research and compare prices from various suppliers to find the best deals and ensure you’re getting high-quality products.


Now that you have completed this easy guide to growing mushrooms from store bought supplies, you are ready to embark on a fulfilling journey of home mushroom cultivation.

Remember, the benefits of growing your own mushrooms at home are numerous, from the satisfaction of producing your own food to the incredible health benefits of these fungi.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you have learned how to choose the right mushroom variety, gather the necessary supplies, prepare the growing substrate, inoculate with spores, create optimal growing conditions, monitor growth and maintenance, harvest, troubleshoot common issues, and expand your mushroom growing skills.

With your newfound knowledge and skills, you can confidently experiment with different varieties of mushrooms and more advanced techniques.

So what are you waiting for? Get started on your mushroom growing adventure today, and enjoy the delicious and nutritious fruits of your labor!


Can I use any type of mushroom from the store to grow at home?

While it’s possible to grow some mushrooms from store bought varieties, not all mushrooms are suitable for home cultivation. It’s best to choose mushrooms that are specifically labeled as “grow at home” or “cultivation friendly.” These varieties have been selected for their ease of growth and adaptability to home environments.

How long does it take to grow mushrooms from store bought supplies?

The time it takes for mushrooms to grow from store bought supplies can vary depending on the variety and growing conditions. On average, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a couple of months for mushrooms to fully mature. It’s important to be patient and provide the optimal conditions for growth.

Do I need any special equipment to grow mushrooms at home?

While there are some essential supplies you’ll need for growing mushrooms at home, you don’t necessarily need any specialized equipment. Basic items like containers, substrates, and a spray bottle for misting are sufficient to get started. However, if you want to delve deeper into mushroom cultivation, there are more advanced tools and equipment you can explore.

Can I reuse the substrate for multiple mushroom harvests?

In most cases, the substrate used for growing mushrooms can be reused for multiple harvests. After each harvest, you’ll need to replenish the nutrients in the substrate by adding fresh materials or supplements. However, it’s important to monitor the substrate for signs of contamination or depletion and discard if necessary.

Are there any safety precautions I should take when growing mushrooms at home?

While the process of growing mushrooms at home is generally safe, there are a few precautions you should take. It’s important to maintain strict hygiene practices to prevent contamination and ensure the mushrooms remain healthy. Additionally, some mushrooms can cause allergic reactions in certain individuals, so it’s always a good idea to research and identify the specific variety you’re growing.

Easy Guide to Grow Mushrooms From Store Bought at Home - Optimusplant (2024)


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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.