Easy Roasted Pumpkin Soup Recipe (4 Ingredients!) | Nutritarian | Vegan | VIDEO - Nourish Your Lifestyle (2024)

Easy Roasted Pumpkin Soup Recipe (4 Ingredients!) | Nutritarian | Vegan | VIDEO - Nourish Your Lifestyle (1)

Easy Roasted Pumpkin Soup Recipe VIDEO

Easiest to Make Ever

You are gonna love me for this one! What’s better than throwing some vegetables on a pan, roasting them, throwing them in a blender and eating?? This roasted pumpkin soup recipe really couldn’t be easier unless you just ate the veggies raw. And it’s a SOUP!

Roasting: Such Great Flavor

An activity that you really want to get into your life is roasting — if you don’t already. And with most of us facing that colder weather, it’s really nice to be able to turn on the oven and let some things cook (and warm up our house), right? I know I love it.

If you’ve been watching my YouTube videos, you’ll know I’ve been roasting a lot of mushrooms lately to get in my G-BOMBS… (it’s super important to eat mushrooms every day!)…and now it is starting to be the weather where I crave roasted everything all the time.

Easy Roasted Pumpkin Soup Recipe (4 Ingredients!) | Nutritarian | Vegan | VIDEO - Nourish Your Lifestyle (2)

When you roast vegetables, it concentrates and multiplies their flavor…it’s like putting them on steroids. If you’ve ever had a roasted carrot, as compared with a raw one…or better yet a roasted tomato as compared with a raw one…you know what I mean. Picture that flavor in your mind…

Then imagine making a soup where every ingredient is roasted…flavor explosion!

Roasting actually creates caramelization (mmm) in the foods, as well as creating that browning on top. Caramelization is a chemical reaction in cooking which brings out a nutty, sweet flavor as the sugars in the foods are broken down.

Easy Roasted Pumpkin Soup Recipe (4 Ingredients!) | Nutritarian | Vegan | VIDEO - Nourish Your Lifestyle (3)

Basically, it equals yum, and when you do it to vegetables it makes them oooohhh-so-palatable.

I highly suggest, for those of you who aren’t Super Veggie Fans yet — start with roasting. You’ll turn into veggie lovers WITH THE QUICKNESS!!!

Which Pumpkins to Use

Easy Roasted Pumpkin Soup Recipe (4 Ingredients!) | Nutritarian | Vegan | VIDEO - Nourish Your Lifestyle (4)

The kind of pumpkins you want to use are called sugar pumpkins. These aren’t the big ones you see at the store for carving, those tend to be more stringy and they aren’t as sweet as the smaller ones.

Trust me, you want to use the smaller ones for this recipe.

The ones I used I found at Whole Foods, and they were organic, but feel free to use whatever you can find where you live. It’s worth the effort to find sugar pumpkins as opposed to regular, carving pumpkins.

What to Do With the Pumpkin: Tools Needed

The YouTube video I made above shows you exactly what to do with the pumpkin, so you won’t go wrong…but basically you’re going to cut the pumpkin in half, scoop out the strings and the seeds and discard (or wash and save the seeds for another use) and roast the pumpkin by laying it cut side down in a glass dish and adding water up to 1/4 inch.

Easy Roasted Pumpkin Soup Recipe (4 Ingredients!) | Nutritarian | Vegan | VIDEO - Nourish Your Lifestyle (5)

You roast it in high heat until the skin starts to bubble or you can stick a knife or fork easily into the skin.

Watch the video to see a cool thing that I totally didn’t expect while roasting it myself… :D Ha!

Great for the Holidays…and 100% Nutritarian!

This soup would make a fabulous appetizer or even part of the main course at your holiday parties. Thanksgiving, Christmas, or whatever else you celebrate!

It’s so creamy, nutritious and super delicious, that I bet you no one will even know that it’s 100% Nutritarian. You’ll be filling your friends’ and family’s bellies with tons of micronutrients and they will be none the wiser!

Sneaky nutrition is an important thing to attempt at time when everyone is thinking of the sweets, treats, creams, sauces and meats. :P

Easy Roasted Pumpkin Soup Recipe (4 Ingredients!) | Nutritarian | Vegan | VIDEO - Nourish Your Lifestyle (6)

Other Flavors You Could Add

I love this soup exactly the way it is. But I do realize that my tastebuds are completely dialed into the whole Nutritarian thing too, meaning I think maybe sometimes I can’t relate with the Standard American Diet eater anymore. I also love to keep things simple when possible, and with only 4 ingredients, this soup hits that mark.

That being said, even though I think this soup doesn’t need anything added (those roasted veggies tho!), you can feel free to add any spices or seasonings that you love or you know your family will love.

Add combinations like cinnamon and nutmeg or thyme and oregano. Cumin and ginger…the possibilities are endless! Try not to add any sweeteners or salty spices. See what you can do with other flavors and get creative! Pumpkin soup is so versatile because it can go either sweet or savory.

Or keep it simple!

Add Some Beans for Bulk

When I make a soup that is composed of only vegetables, I typically think that it needs some beans. Chalk it up to my Inner Nutritarian. There are a lot of times when I just want to keep it simple though, like for this soup.

Easy Roasted Pumpkin Soup Recipe (4 Ingredients!) | Nutritarian | Vegan | VIDEO - Nourish Your Lifestyle (7)

But the problem with that is sometimes, depending on how you eat that day, having a soup like this can leave you hungry an hour later if you don’t pair it with enough other foods (like the huge salads the size of my torso that I’m always eating lol). And that’s just annoying to get so hungry so soon!

A suggestion that might work for you is to add some white beans to the soup when you’re in the blending stage. That way you get the creaminess and fiber from the beans, while adding a very mild flavor component. It’s up to you!

Freezing Is So Easy

Whenever I make soups (embarrassingly demonstrated on my YouTube channel), I tend to make WAYYYYY too much. It’s definitely a superpower of mine, aka a gift/flaw that always ends up giving me way more food than I could possibly eat before it goes bad. But this also ensures, if I take the the right steps, that I can have lunch for the next 3 weeks if I need it.

That’s where freezing comes in.

Oftentimes, I get lazy, let the soup cool completely, and then I’ll just throw it into whatever freezer safe container I have allowing for room for expansion when it freezes.

Easy Roasted Pumpkin Soup Recipe (4 Ingredients!) | Nutritarian | Vegan | VIDEO - Nourish Your Lifestyle (8)

However, when I’m feeling super industrious, I’ll do my favorite trick which allows for maximum efficiency of space in my freezer. I will put the leftover cooled soup in a large freezer gallon ziplock bag. Then I take a small cookie sheet and lay the soup on there, flat, to freeze.

Once it’s frozen, I just pile it up in the place where I keep all my soups. And I use the best amount of space without wasting corners here and there. And I can easily pile other freezer items on top of them. Here’s what that looks like in my freezer right now:

Easy Roasted Pumpkin Soup Recipe (4 Ingredients!) | Nutritarian | Vegan | VIDEO - Nourish Your Lifestyle (9)

A Quick Tip About Thawing

Just a note forwhen you’re thawing, to put the square bag in a big bowl as well, because sometimes those bags get holes in them while being rustled around in the freezer, and you don’t want to have thawing soup slowly spilling all over your counter.

Not that that’s ever happened to me or anything…

Aaaaaaand here’s the recipe:

Easy Roasted Pumpkin Soup Recipe (VIDEO) | Nutritarian | Vegan

Prep time

Cook time

Total time

I like this soup just the way it is written, with no added seasonings at all. Mmmm...that roasted flavor!!!! But feel free to add any seasonings desired, including cumin, cinnamon, nutmeg, pepper, salt, Mrs. Dash, red pepper, etc, at the final stage of blending, adjusting to taste.

Author: cheri

Serves: 4 servings or 8 cups


  • 1 sugar pumpkin (about 5-6 inches diameter), cut in half, seeds and strings removed
  • 1 head garlic, unpeeled and wrapped loosely in foil, but with no holes
  • 2 small sweet onions, cut in half
  • 4 large carrots, scrubbed if organic, peeled if not, chopped into large pieces
  • 2-3 cups water


  1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. In a large glass baking dish, place pumpkin halves cut side down. Add ¼ inch water to the bottom of the dish.
  2. In another large glass baking dish, lightly spray or wipe with oil. Place onions cut side down on bottom of dish. Add carrots.
  3. Add both glass dishes and foil-wrapped garlic in the oven for about 45 minutes. Check items periodically to make sure they don't burn, or are cooked enough. Watch my video to see how I suggest they come out for maximum flavor! Remove everything from the oven.
  4. Open the garlic foil and cut the garlic head in half lengthwise.
  5. Into a large blender, squeeze the garlic out of the cloves and discard the papery skins. Add the carrots. Squeeze the onions form the outer layer of peeling and drop into the blender, discarding the outer onion layer and peel. Scoop out and add the pumpkin flesh, discarding the peeling. Add adjusted amount of water to desired consistency. Blend until smooth. Serve hot!

Easy Roasted Pumpkin Soup Recipe (4 Ingredients!) | Nutritarian | Vegan | VIDEO - Nourish Your Lifestyle (2024)


Is pumpkin soup good for diet? ›

Rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, pumpkin is incredibly healthy. What's more, its low calorie content makes it a weight-loss-friendly food. Its nutrients and antioxidants may boost your immune system, protect your eyesight, lower your risk of certain cancers and promote heart and skin health.

Is pumpkin soup good for digestion? ›

Including fibre-rich pumpkin soup in your diet can contribute to improved digestive health. With its high fibre content and low-calorie count, pumpkin soup can help you feel fuller for longer, which can aid in weight management and prevent overeating.

How does Jamie Oliver make pumpkin soup? ›

Pumpkin & ginger soup

Place the pumpkin, shallots, ginger and some oil in a large saucepan and sauté until soft. Add the stock, coconut milk and chilli powder. Season, then bring to the boil and simmer for 40 minutes. Blitz in a food processor then serve with the fresh herbs, lime juice and a splash of coconut milk.

Why does my pumpkin soup taste bland? ›

If you think the soup is bland, try adding salt to make all the flavors pop. Use All The Spices Listed. I know it might seem like a long list, but they are all delicious and important for giving the soup a warm and spicy quality: Thyme, Cumin, Ginger, Poultry Seasoning and Cinnamon.

Can I eat pumpkin everyday to lose weight? ›

Pumpkin is low in calories and high in nutrition, so it can help with weight loss. You can eat more of it while sticking to your calorie goals without feeling hungry or deprived.

Does pumpkin soup spike blood sugar? ›

Pumpkin ranks high on the glycemic index at 75, but low on the glycemic load at 3. People might assume that it is bad for diabetics because of its high GI, but that is not true. Its low GL rank indicates that having a small portion of pumpkin is perfectly safe and will not drastically increase your blood sugar levels.

Does pumpkin loosen bowels? ›

Since pumpkin contains soluble fiber, it can help loosen stool, preventing and relieving constipation. The fibers in pumpkin are also prebiotics that helps the growth and balance of the typical gut microbiota. An imbalance of the microorganisms in the gut may contribute to constipation, according to a 2019 study .

What does pumpkin do to your gut? ›

And pumpkins are also great for our gut: They are full of fibre, which helps to form stools, keep us regular and feed our gut bacteria. Potassium supports normal cell function throughout the body and low levels may lead to constipation and fatigue.

Is pumpkin a carb or protein? ›

Pumpkin is a starchy vegetable, providing carbohydrate and the energy needed to fuel our body. As pumpkin is also rich in fibre, it keeps you feeling full for longer and reduces your urge to snack between meals. The high fibre content further promotes more regular bowel movements.

What thickens pumpkin soup? ›

There are several ways to thicken pumpkin soup. The easiest method is to reduce the soup by cooking off some of the liquid. Alternatively, use a slurry of all-purpose flour or cornstarch and water, add a teaspoon or two of either thickener to a small bowl and stir in 2 to 3 teaspoons of the soup to create a slurry.

What spice compliments pumpkin? ›

Pumpkin is notorious for pairing well with warm winter spices – as found in a variety of Moroccan-inspired cuisines. Try incorporating cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, ginger, cumin and chilli with your pumpkin dishes for flavour-packed feasts.

Why is canned pumpkin better to use in baking? ›

So, Why Used Canned Pumpkin Instead of Fresh?
  • Canned Pumpkin Saves Time and Effort. “Making pumpkin puree is time-consuming,” says Maggie. ...
  • Canned Pumpkin Delivers Consistent Results. ...
  • Canned Just Tastes Better. ...
  • Canned Pumpkin Is Cost-Effective. ...
  • Canned Pumpkin Is Readily Available.
Nov 21, 2022

Why does pumpkin soup make me sleepy? ›

Pumpkins can improve your sleep

Pumpkin seeds contain tryptophan – an amino acid – which increases our sleep hormone melatonin. So if you're finding it hard to drift off, why not try combining them with other foods that contain a lot of tryptophan, such as turkey, chicken, rice and tofu, in your evening meal?

What kind of pumpkin is best for soup? ›

“Pumpkin soup is best made with your good, old-fashioned varieties like butternut or Queensland blue — the harder pumpkins,” she says. “Soft fleshed pumpkins can make the soup a little watery. They are a different beast… from your standard greengrocer pumpkin.”

What seasonings should I add to my soup? ›

To season it, we recommend starting with our Vegetable Soup Mix. It contains celery salt, parsley flakes, garlic powder, sea salt, summer savory, marjoram, thyme, black pepper, turmeric and sage, which are all excellent with root vegetables, so you can incorporate things like carrots or potatoes into the soup.

Is pumpkin soup high in calories? ›

An average pumpkin consists of about 94 percent water, making it not a calorie bomb. A 250-milliliter serving of pure pumpkin soup contains only 78 calories. Thanks to a decent amount of fiber, pumpkin soup is satisfying and filling.

Is any soup good for weight loss? ›

In looking for a healthy soup recipe to support your weight loss goals, there are a few things to consider. For starters, you can choose soups that are lower in calories, which are usually the ones with a broth base instead of cream or milk.

Can I eat soup and lose weight? ›

For starters, research has found that soups might help you lose weight. In one study, published in the journal Physiology & Behavior, people consumed the fewest calories on days when they ate soup rather than the same ingredients in solid form.

How to consume pumpkin for weight loss? ›

This is what makes pumpkins ideal for including in your weight loss diets. Pumpkins are used for their pulp, seeds and seed oils. They are baked into pies and cakes, added to smoothies and lattes, and even boiled, mashed and eaten as is for a quick, healthy snack.

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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.