Effigy (2024)

This page is about the structures built by the player. For the various structures made by cannibals, see Cannibal Effigy.

Effigies are bizarre constructions made of sticks, rocks and body parts. All effigies must be completed and set on fire to have an effect on cannibals, unlit effigies have no effect.


  • 1 Gameplay
  • 2 Effects
  • 3 Effigy Types
    • 3.1 Small Effigy
    • 3.2 Large Effigy
    • 3.3 Arm Effigy
    • 3.4 Custom Effigy
  • 4 Update History


The player can start building them by selecting one of the four from the bloody effigies tab in the survival guide but only if the sanity level of the player drops below 90%. They consist of body parts from the cannibals (heads, torsos, arms, and legs) as well as some sticks and rocks.

No matter which cannibal is dismembered and used, the effigy will always sport tribal male cannibal body parts.


Their main purpose is to cause fear in cannibals and keep them away from the player, similar to how red paint works. How cannibals react to a player with red paint on is almost exactly the same as how they react with effigies. It will cause most cannibals to fear the player and avoid them, though there are a few that will still attack the player. The reason for this is actually done on purpose by the developers. The developers placed ‘fuzziness’ to the coding into the game, that causes some cannibals to ignore the standard AI rules. The reason for doing this is to prevent players learning and figuring out cannibal behavior. The developers want to keep their behavior a secret to add immersion to the game. Though this is up to the player if they find effigies worth it or not, most players find them too inconsistent.

Building an effigy won't stop the cannibals from attacking, they may approach a burning effigy with caution or run away from it or even ignore the effigy. If the player approaches the cannibals, they will often attack the player with complete disregard for the effigy as approaching cannibals is deemed as an act of aggression.

When the developers were asked about aggression of AI they stated:
We don't want to spell out exactly how the ai works, but for aggression there are lots of different triggers that can affect how they behave. Getting too close, killing females in front of male members and being in certain parts of the map can all change how aggressive they are. And there is always some 'fuzziness' built into the AI, so they don't always do the same thing each time.
As the developers have added fuzziness to the AI, this would explain why cannibals sometimes ignore effigies.

Here are the comments by the developers on the effects of effigies:

  • Effigy (1)

  • Effigy (2)

  • Effigy (3)

Effigy Types[]

There are four effigy types that the player can build.


Effigy (4)



Effigy (5)



Effigy (6)



Effigy (7)



Effigy (8)



Effigy (9)



Effigy (10)



Effigy (11)



Effigy (12)



Effigy (13)



Effigy (14)



Effigy (15)



Effigy (16)



Effigy (17)



Effigy (18)



Effigy (19)



Effigy (20)



Effigy (21)



Effigy (22)


Small Effigy[]

Effigy (23)

A Small Effigy is the lower costing effigy that was added in update v0.01 of The Forest. It is the cheaper effigy that the player can build, it only requires 3 dead cannibals.

It consists in a K-shaped structure of sticks with three heads impaled on one of the upper sticks, three arms in the other and two legs in the K center. The effigy is attached to the floor with three rocks. This K-shaped structure is also used in arm effigies.

It burns for 10 minutes and breaks into 5 bones, 3 skulls and 3 rocks.

Large Effigy[]

Effigy (29)

Large effigies, also known as Big Effigies, are higher costing effigies that were added in update v0.01 of The Forest. It can be used as a decoration. Large effigies are the most expensive effigies a player can build.

It burns for 20 minutes and breaks into 14 bones, 9 skulls and 6 rocks.

  • Effigy (30)

    As it appears in the Survival Guide

  • Effigy (31)

    As it appeared in the Survival Guide

    See Also
    Spinel Tonic

  • Effigy (32)

    A picture of a large effigy on fire

Arm Effigy[]

Effigy (33)

Arm effigies are effigies consisting mostly of arms, they were added in update v0.03 of The Forest. It consists of a K-shaped structure of sticks with seven arms impaled on the top. The effigy is attached to the floor with three rocks. This K-shaped structure is also used in small effigies.

It burns for 10 minutes and breaks into 7 bones and 3 rocks.

  • Effigy (34)

    As it appears in the Survival Guide

  • Effigy (35)

    As it appeared in the Survival Guide

  • Effigy (36)

    An Arm Effigy

Custom Effigy[]

Effigy (37)

The Custom Effigy is a custom variant of effigies that the player can customize, they were added in update v0.25 of The Forest.

A Custom Effigy can be the most simple or advanced Effigy in the game. Once crafted you can add to it, making it more effective. The more that is attached to the custom effigy, the more effective it CAN be. Custom effigies can be used as decorations as they can have a lot of customization features.Custom effigies replaced simple effigies in update v0.25. Simple effigies were essentially just a head on a stick. Custom Effigy burning time is determined by number and types of items attached to it.

It burns for 10 minutes but additional Arm, Leg, Head, Skull or Bone increase its burning time by 65 seconds, Torso increases burning time by 50 seconds while additional Sticks don't increase burning time. Custom effigy is the most cost effective effigy. While Arm Effigy burns for only 10 minutes, Custom effigy with the same amount of materials burns for 17:35 minutes. Maximum burning time for effigy is 20 minutes so adding a large amount of materials is unnecessary. The "cheapest" effigy can be built with 10 bones and/or skulls and will burn for 20 minutes (same as expensive Large effigy). After burning it only breaks into as many bones and skulls as limbs and heads respectively have been used for building.

The following items can be be additionally used in the custom effigy:
Effigy (38) Arm
Effigy (39) Leg
Effigy (40) Head
Effigy (41) Torso
Effigy (42) Skull
Effigy (43) Bone
Effigy (44) Stick

  • Effigy (45)

    As it appears in the Survival Guide

  • Effigy (46)

    As it appeared in the Survival Guide

  • Effigy (47)

    Custom Effigy Door Way

  • Effigy (48)

    Custom Effigy artwork during the day

  • Effigy (49)

    Custom Effigy artwork at night

Update History[]

v1.0Effigy tab can only be accessed with sanity less than 90%

Setup dynamic signals / effigies / family effigies book pages

Fixed can see through heads on effigies small and large

v0.62Fixed destroying unlit effigy while targeting the light trigger leaving the icon active
v0.54Fixed custom effigy costing 2 rocks instead of 3
v0.46Added second skull to two headed effigy when broken apart.
v0.40Custom effigy parts now properly collapse along the effigy
v0.38Fixed custom effigy not working after being damaged and repaired

Fixed ghost custom effigy rendering issues

v0.37Enemy skull bag effigy added more pick up skulls.

Added moss to enemy placed effigies.

v0.35Custom effigy can now always be lit by everyone when there’s no limb attached but will have an effect area of 0.
v0.31Added bones & skulls to custom effigy materials.
v0.27Fixed issue with custom effigy automatically lighting up
v0.26dIncreased custom effigy base range and per limb and torso bonus range.

Fixed some glitches in enemy effigy effect reactions

v0.25Custom Effigy added to the game

Simple Effigy removed from the game

New player-made effigy: Custom Effigy: replaces ‘Simple Effigy’ in book (once built, use sticks to add to base shape and/or limbs and torsos to create effigies of your own. Range and duration of the repulsive effect when lit depends on amount of added limbs.

Effigies now require to hold the “Take” button for 0.5s to set alight.

Lowered big effigy burn duration to 20 minutes (was 40)

v0.20Enemies now react properly to effigies.

Effigies now burn a lot longer but turn into skulls, bones and rocks pickup when done.

v0.15Fixed bug where arm effigy wouldn’t be lightable
v0.08DEffigies can burn the player and animals.

Cannibal effigies can be destroyed by the player.

v0.04Fixed all effigies turning into arm effigy on load
v0.03Arm Effigy added to the game

Simple Effigy added to the game

Fixed small effigy construction shader being too faint

Two new effigies buildable, simple head on stick and arms pointing to sky

v0.01Large Effigies added to the game

Small Effigies added to the game

Cannibal and some player effigies added to the game.

Survival Guide
Building: FireShelterFood and WaterStorageCustomUtilityFurnitureSmall TrapsAdvanced TrapsBoatsEffigiesFamily
Information: To Do ListStatsNature GuideNotes

Greetings, enthusiasts of The Forest! I'm an avid player and expert on the game, and my firsthand experience and in-depth knowledge are here to guide you through the intricacies of effigies, those bizarre constructions that play a crucial role in survival.

Effigy Basics: Effigies in The Forest are peculiar structures crafted from sticks, rocks, and body parts. To be effective against cannibals, these effigies must be completed and set on fire. Unlit effigies have no impact on the cannibals' behavior. There are four main types of effigies: Small Effigy, Large Effigy, Arm Effigy, and Custom Effigy.

Building Effigies: Players initiate effigy construction by selecting one of the four types from the bloody effigies tab in the survival guide. Interestingly, the option becomes available only if the player's sanity level drops below 90%. Effigies consist of cannibal body parts (heads, torsos, arms, and legs), sticks, and rocks. Regardless of the cannibal used, the effigy will always feature tribal male cannibal body parts.

Effects of Effigies: The primary purpose of effigies is to instill fear in cannibals, deterring them from attacking the player. This fear-inducing effect is akin to the impact of red paint on cannibal behavior. However, effigies are not foolproof, as cannibals may still attack the player, showcasing the intentional "fuzziness" added by developers to maintain unpredictability in cannibal behavior.

Effigy Types and Characteristics:

  1. Small Effigy:

    • Construction: Stick, Rock, Arm, Leg, Head
    • Burning Time: 10 minutes
    • Yields: 5 bones, 3 skulls, 3 rocks
  2. Large Effigy:

    • Construction: Stick, Rock, Arm, Leg, Head
    • Burning Time: 20 minutes
    • Yields: 14 bones, 9 skulls, 6 rocks
  3. Arm Effigy:

    • Construction: Stick, Rock, Arm
    • Burning Time: 10 minutes
    • Yields: 7 bones, 3 rocks
  4. Custom Effigy:

    • Construction: Stick, Rock, Arm, Leg, Head, Torso, Skull, Bone
    • Burning Time: 10 minutes (can be increased with additional items)
    • Customization: Most versatile with the ability to add various items, affecting burning time.

Developer Insights: The developers intentionally added "fuzziness" to the AI, causing some cannibals to ignore standard AI rules. This decision was made to keep cannibal behavior mysterious and immersive, preventing players from fully understanding their actions.

Update History: The game has undergone several updates, refining and enhancing the effigy system. Notable changes include adjustments to burning durations, additions of effigy types, and fixes to issues like effigy rendering and construction.

In conclusion, effigies in The Forest serve as a fascinating and dynamic aspect of gameplay, offering both strategic advantages and a touch of unpredictability. Whether you find them worth the effort is a personal choice, as their effectiveness can be inconsistent in deterring cannibal attacks. Happy surviving!

Effigy (2024)


What is the full meaning of effigy? ›

effigy \EFF-uh-jee\ noun. : an image or representation especially of a person; especially : a crude figure representing a hated person. Examples: "At one meeting, he remembers, the leader of a competing company was hung in effigy as employees cheered." — Evan Bush, The Seattle Times, 25 Feb.

What is an effigy slang? ›

a crude representation of someone, used as a focus for contempt or ridicule and often hung up or burnt in public (often in the phrases burn or hang in effigy )

What does effigy hanged mean? ›

: to publicly hang/burn a large doll that looks like someone. The governor was hanged/burned in effigy by a mob of protesters.

What are some examples of effigy? ›

An effigy is a sculptural representation, often life-size, of a specific person or a prototypical figure. The term is mostly used for the makeshift dummies used for symbolic punishment in political protests and for the figures burned in certain traditions around New Year, Carnival and Easter.

What does it mean to burn someone in effigy? ›

burn (or hang) in effigy in American English

to burn (or hang) an image of (a person) in public, as a way of protesting, as against that person's policies. See full dictionary entry for effigy.

What is the difference between a statue and an effigy? ›

An effigy usually represents a specific person or object, while a statuette is generally a smaller, decorative object that does not necessarily represent anything in particular.

Is effigy a negative word? ›

But effigy can also be used as a term for any sort of monument that is a likeness of someone. The negative connotation has taken over, so be prepared for strange looks if you want to show off the effigy of your great-grandfather.

Are effigies pagan? ›

Fire sacrifice, the burning of effigies, is undoubtedly one of the oldest and most widespread forms of pagan (and indeed human) worship.

What is effigy in law? ›

EFFIGY Definition & Legal Meaning

The corporeal representation of a person.To make the effigy of a person with an intent to make him the object of ridicule is alibel. 2 Chit. Crim. Law, 866.

What is the effigy of an old man? ›

Made of hay, bamboo and paper, the old man represents all the sorrows of the year gone by that are to be burned away before the new year begins. Commonly referred to as Mr. Old Man the effigy burning symbolizes the burning of all the gloom the previous year contained.

What is a Native American effigy? ›

Effigies cover a large category of objects created by Native Americans to represent human or animal forms. These unusual figures have been formed from multiple material types including stone, clay, shell, wood and bone.

What is a coffin effigy? ›

A tomb effigy (French: gisant ("lying")) is a sculpted effigy of a deceased person usually shown lying recumbent on a rectangular slab, presented in full ceremonious dress or wrapped in a shroud, and shown either dying or shortly after death.

What is a human effigy? ›

a model or other object that represents someone, especially one of a hated person that is hanged or burned in a public place: Crowds marched through the streets carrying burning effigies of the president. Synonym. simulacrum formal.

What is an effigy in church? ›

/ˈɛfədʒi/ (pl. effigies) 1a statue of a famous person, a saint or a god stone effigies in the church.

What is an effigy of sorrow? ›

An effigy is a model, a 'dummy' of a person, made in order to be destroyed in protest. Here Golding wants us to see Percival standing silent and stiff, almost as if he were a 'dummy' frozen in sorrow, but then he begins to cry and wail. The image created is one of deep pain.

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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.