Elderberry Syrup Recipe (Cold And Flu Remedy) (2024)

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  • by Michelle Blackwood, RN

This elderberry syrup recipe is so easy to prepare with simple ingredients, fresh elderberries, simmered with ginger and cinnamon and sweetened with maple syrup. Homemade elderberry syrup is a must try.

Elderberry Syrup Recipe (Cold And Flu Remedy) (1)

Elderberry syrup recipe is so easy to prepare with simple ingredients, fresh elderberries, simmered with ginger and cinnamon, and sweetened with maple syrup. Homemade elderberry syrup is a must-try.

For years I have been wanting to make my own elderberry syrup, I have planted elderberry plants twice but ended up relocating before we could harvest them. My friend Monique gave me my first plant in Virginia before we knew it my husband got a job offer to manage a campground in Ohio.

We dug up our plant and brought it with us to Ohio where it flourished and then about 2 years later my husband got an offer to manage the campground here in Florida. We took it here with us but we kept it in a huge wooden barrel ever since.

See more, Sambucus Nigra, Health Benefits Of Oregano Tea and Quercetin

Elderberry Syrup Recipe (Cold And Flu Remedy) (2)

On a recent trip to the gym, last Wednesday, my daughter and I decided to stop at the local farmer’s market, a friend who so happens to be visiting the market started talking to me by text when I mentioned to her that I was heading to the market. She said she was actually already there, I asked her what goodies she had bought, the first thing she mentioned was elderberries.

I told her to tell the seller to hold some for me until I got there, I was so excited to finally get to make elderberry syrup, mind you, I have always bought storebought elderberry syrup for my kids but I knew that it couldn’t compare to fresh elderberry syrup recipe.

I love making my own products when I can like my own Whipped Body Butter, Natural All-Purpose Orange Cleaner, and Nature’s Penicillin.

What is Elderberry?

Elderberry is from the variety of Sambucus tree, a flowering plant belonging to the Adoxaceae family. There are more than 30 types of elder trees around the world, the most common variety is called Sambucus Nigra or black elderberry, a European native plant.

Black elder tree grows up to 30 feet, has small black or navy blue tart berries growing into clusters. The ripe cooked berries are edible, however, the uncooked berries and other parts of the plant (stems, twigs, roots, flowers, leaves) contain a toxic compound called cyanidin glycosides.

Elderberry Syrup Recipe (Cold And Flu Remedy) (3)

Where To Buy Elderberry?

You can purchase fresh elderberries at nurseries and farmers’ markets. Dried elderberries can be purchased from Amazon or from health food stores. If you don’t have berries you can purchase premade Elderberry Gummies And Elderberry Syrup online.

Elderberry Benefits

Elderberries have been used for centuries to treat the common cold and flu, elderberries contain antioxidants such as polyphenols in particular anthocyanins and vitamins that are known to boost the immune system.

  1. Study Of The Efficacy And Safety Of Oral Elderberry Extract (1)
  2. Elderberry Supplementation Reduces Cold Duration And Symptoms In Air Travellers. (2)
  3. Elderberry Extract Prevents Oxidative Stress On Cells (3)

One cup of elderberries contains 106 calories, great source carbohydrate, fiber, Read more.

  1. Vitamin A – 870 IU
  2. Potassium – 406 mg
  3. Calcium – 55 mg
  4. Vitamin C – 52.2 mg
  5. Vitamin B6 – 0.3 mg
  6. Folate 8.7 mcg

How To Make Elderberry Syrup?

  1. Remove elderberries from the stems and leaves, discard stems, leaves.
  2. Rinse elderberries using a fine mesh strainer and place it into a saucepan, add water, ginger and a stick of cinnamon.
  3. Heat saucepan over medium-high, bring to a boil. Reduce to simmer for 45 minutes.
  4. Allow the elderberry mix to cool. Strain elderberry liquid into a container, press the berries to get all the remaining juice out.
  5. Add lemon juice and sweetener (maple syrup, agave or coconut sugar). Mix well to combine.
  6. Store your elderberry syrup in a closed container and store in the refrigerator.

How To Use Elderberry Syrup?

Adults take 1 tablespoon daily and children take 1 teaspoon daily.

How Long Can Elderberry Syrup Last?

Elderberry can last up to six months refrigerated once it is cooked properly and stored in a container with a tight-fitting lid

Other Related Recipes

  1. Rooibos Tea Benefits
  2. Immunity Booster Tea
  3. Moringa Tea
  4. Ginger Turmeric Shot
  5. Pineapple Peel Tea
  6. Detox Tea
  7. Lemon Verbena Tea

Elderberry Syrup Recipe (Cold And Flu Remedy) (4)

If you make this recipe, snap a photo and hashtag #healthiersteps — we love to see your recipes onInstagram,Facebook&Twitter!

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  • Categories: Gluten-Free, Lifestyle, Vegan
  • Course: Dessert
  • Cuisine: American


(Per serving)

  • Energy: 22 kcal / 92 kJ
  • Fat: 0.1 g
  • Protein: 0.1 g
  • Carbs: 05.8 g


  • 2 cups fresh elderberries, or 1 cup of dried
  • 2 1/2 cups cold water
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger
  • 1 stick of cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 2/3 cups sweetener, (maple syrup, agave or coconut sugar)


  1. Remove elderberries from the stems and leaves, discard stems, leaves.
  2. Rinse elderberries using a fine mesh strainer and place into a saucepan, add water, ginger and a stick of cinnamon.
  3. Heat saucepan over medium-high, bring to a boil. Reduce to simmer for 45 minutes.
  4. Allow elderberry mix to cool. Strain elderberry liquid into a container, press the berries to get all the remaining juice out.
  5. Add lemon juice and sweetener (maple syrup, agave or coconut sugar). Mix well to combine.
  6. Store your elderberry syrup in a closed container and store in the refrigerator.

Elderberry Syrup Recipe (Cold And Flu Remedy) (5)

Michelle Blackwood, RN

Hi, I’m Michelle, I’m the voice, content creator and photographer behind Healthier Steps. I share vegan and gluten-free recipes because of past health issues. My goal is to help you make healthier choices and show you how healthy eating is easy and delicious.

View all recipes by Michelle Blackwood, RN →

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  1. Rose

    September 14, 2021

    Reply ↓

    not only did my hubby plant elderberry bushes for us, we also make our own maple syrup, so this recipe is perfect! Thank you!
    Eldeberry syrup, elderberry jam, elderberry tincture, elderberry pie….the list is endless!! :)

    • Michelle Blackwood, RN

      September 14, 2021

      Reply ↓

      Rose, you and your hubby are amazing, I miss living where I can get fresh maple syrup. I hope you enjoy my recipe. I brought an elderberry plant with me from Ohio but it seems as if my dogs ate it.

  2. Vicky Dudley

    September 9, 2020

    Reply ↓

    Just this summer I discovered elderberry bushes growing on our property, practically in our backyard! I began harvesting them in July and just picked the last stem a few days ago. I kept the washed berries in a zipper bag in the freezer until the harvest was over. In the meantime, I’ll bet I’ve read/watched a dozen or more tutorials on how to make elderberry syrup and hints on how to de-stem them (freezing the berries on the stems did NOT work for me; I just ended up with too many green berries to pick out and it was a mushy mess that ended up in the compost bin.) After reading so many recipes that my eyes crossed, I came across yours and ended the search! I am extremely excited to announce that my syrup-making adventure was an absolute success! I had a bottle just like the one pictured on your page and filled it up with beautiful purple syrup, plus a little extra.

    • Michelle Blackwood, RN

      September 9, 2020

      Reply ↓

      Vicky, wow you are so blessed to have elderberry bushes growing on your property. I’m happy you found my recipe and tried it. Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. Blessings to you and your family.

  3. Lesia

    August 2, 2020

    Reply ↓

    I been looking for more elderberry recipes I was wondering how to make gummies taste a little better my granddaughters dont like the taste I use raw honey and 100% cherry or grape juice

  4. Angela Reimer

    January 18, 2020

    Reply ↓

    So delicious! My only question is this: I tried to make sure I got all the tiny stems out of my batch – I bought dried, organic berries – but there may have been a couple stragglers. I cooked it all for at least an hour so will I be fine as far as avoiding poisoning goes? I know the stems have a potential for high cyanide. Thanks!

    • Michelle Blackwood, RN

      January 19, 2020

      Reply ↓

      Angela, I’m happy you enjoyed it. the stems do contain some level of toxic cyanide, so avoid the stems. Boiling your berries should take care of any potential cyanide issue. Symptoms would be nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

  5. Rachel

    July 18, 2019

    Reply ↓

    I’m happy I found your recipe, I got some elderberries from our local market so I’m going to give it a try!

    • Michelle Blackwood

      July 18, 2019

      Reply ↓

      That’s wonderful Rachel, I hope you enjoy it.

    • Sheri

      January 4, 2020

      Reply ↓

      What does the lemon juice do for the syrup? Most recipes I’ve seen don’t include it. Thank you.

Elderberry Syrup Recipe (Cold And Flu Remedy) (2024)


How much elderberry syrup should I take for a cold? ›

Amounts and Dosage

Individual elderberry products have their own manufacturer-recommended dosages that should be adhered to. Nevertheless, research has shown that 15 milliliters of elderberry syrup, taken three to five times per day, is sufficient for resolving cold symptoms if taken early enough.

How do you use elderberry syrup for the flu? ›

You can buy dried berries online and boil them down with water into a syrup (add cinnamon sticks for added flavor), says Foroutan. Or, boil elderberries in a pot of water, strain, and drink as a tea. If you make syrup at home, cook it thoroughly and take a tablespoon daily.

Does elderberry work for cold and flu? ›

May improve cold and flu symptoms

Black elderberry extracts and flower infusions have been shown to help reduce the severity and length of influenza ( 9 ). Commercial preparations of elderberry for the treatment of colds come in various forms, including liquids, capsules, lozenges, and gummies.

Is it safe to make your own elderberry syrup? ›

Elderberry Overview

Historically elderberries have been used worldwide for medicinal purposes. Elderberries can be toxic when eaten raw but are safe to eat when cooked. The standard preparation method of boiling them down to make a “syrup” or “gummy” makes them safe to eat (figure 1).

Can elderberry cured my cold? ›

Elderberry may reduce the symptoms associated with the common cold or the flu if taken early, but there is no evidence to suggest that elderberry can prevent infection.

What happens if you take too much elderberry syrup? ›

Elderberry syrup, gummies, and juice are made from processed berries, which remove the poisonous compounds to make them safe to digest. The common side effects of taking raw elderberry plant products, such as fruit, flower, leaves, bark, or root include: Stomach problems. Nausea and vomiting.

Does elderberry work better than Tamiflu? ›

Some studies show Tamiflu only reduces symptoms by one day! Elderberry has evidence to suggest it may help resolve symptoms 4 days earlier!

What form of elderberry is most effective? ›

When it comes to maintaining a strong immune system, black elderberries (Sambucus nigra) are the preferred choice.

Does elderberry syrup really work? ›

Colds and Flu

Elderberry may help treat cold and flu symptoms by reducing congestion and possibly making you sweat more. One study suggested that using a standardized elderberry extract, Sambucol, could shorten the duration of flu by about 3 days.

What not to mix with elderberry? ›

What other drugs will affect elderberry?
  • medicine to prevent organ transplant rejection;
  • medicine to treat multiple sclerosis;
  • medicine to treat psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, or other autoimmune disorders;
  • medicine to treat ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease; or.
  • steroid medicine.
Feb 22, 2024

What actually shortens a cold? ›

Some studies show that zinc lozenges or syrup reduce the length of a cold by about one day, especially when taken within 24 to 48 hours of the first signs and symptoms of a cold.

How to get over a cold fast? ›

The Do's and Don'ts of Easing Cold Symptoms
  1. Stay hydrated. ...
  2. Gargle with salt water. ...
  3. Over-the-counter medications : Over-the-counter decongestants, antihistamines and pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, can reduce some cold symptoms. ...
  4. Humidify the air .

Is homemade elderberry syrup better than store bought? ›

Homemade Elderberry Syrup vs Store Bought

By comparison, my homemade syrup is about a quarter of the price of over-the-counter options. The other draw back of over-the-counter versions is the sweetener, usually it's glucose. My recipe uses raw honey as a sweetener, which has so many healing properties.

Should homemade elderberry syrup be refrigerated? ›

It's a good idea to always have a bottle on hand throughout the year to help with immunity, allergies, colds, and flu. Like any other fruit juice it will start to ferment if left out for too long. Elderberry syrup, when stored in a glass jar in the fridge, will stay good for 3 months.

Why do you put honey in elderberry syrup? ›

Honey: for sweetening and throat-soothing qualities. If you prefer, it is possible to make this with sugar or maple syrup instead of honey, for a vegan syrup.

How long does it take for elderberry syrup to work? ›

An Israeli study conducted in 2019 found that taking an elderberry syrup called Sambucol improved flu symptoms within 2 days in 93.3% of participants. Meanwhile, 91.7% of the group that didn't receive elderberry syrup showed improvement within 6 days.

Does elderberry shorten the length of a cold? ›

This indicates that a participant suffering from a cold episode while taking elderberry would on average experience a 2-day shorter duration of the cold (4.75 days vs. 6.88 days), and would experience a lower symptom severity (21 vs.

Is 1000 mg of elderberry too much? ›

Dosing. Elderberry fruit extracts have most often been used by adults in doses up to 1200 mg by mouth daily for 2 weeks. Elderberry is available in many different types of products, including syrups and mouth rinses.


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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.