Embracing Change: How Fintech Reshapes the Financial Industry (2024)

Embracing Change: How Fintech Reshapes the Financial Industry (1)

The Financial System Gets a Fintech Disruption

The world of finance is changing at an unprecedented pace, driven by disruptive technologies that are transforming the way we live, work, and interact with money. As the financial services industry continues to evolve through the application of various technologies, executives need to understand the market dynamics and how to leverage these innovations for their own success. We recently had a conversation with award-winning professor R.A. Farrokhnia, a leading expert in Fintech, the founding executive director of Columbia Business School’s Fintech Initiative, and the faculty director of the upcoming Future of Finance: Leveraging Fintech Innovation program, where he shared his insights on Fintech’s disruptive impact on traditional financial institutions and the world of business at large, the pain points that professionals face in keeping up with these changes, future Fintech offerings, and how executives could best prepare and respond to strategic and tactical threats.

Fintech's Impact on the World of Business

Fintech, or financial technology, has been instrumental in reshaping the financial services industry, especially over the last fifteen years. It has disrupted traditional business models and created new opportunities for businesses and individuals alike, both in enterprise and consumer segments. Historically, applications of technology in the financial services and banking sector have been around since the 1950s and 1960s. Up until the mid-1990s, these financial technology applications were mostly confined to the backend or the non-consumer-facing aspects of financial services. People used to go to a traditional bank for their banking services in the nineties more and less the same way they have over the past few decades. While in the background, the transfer of money or the cashing of checks might have been increasingly achieved through financial technology, the consumer interaction was primarily person-to-person.

With the advent of the internet in the mid-1990s, we saw the first iterations of consumer-facing financial technology, although it was mostly static then. For instance, you could check your bank account balance online, and that was mostly it. Slowly though, that evolution continued to evolve until the mid-2000s when we had a Cambrian explosion of innovation in Fintech, primarily catalyzed by the advent of smartphones. Suddenly, everyone had a computer in their pocket that could always be on, connected, and equipped with a camera and GPS capabilities.

It wasn't long before banking and other forms of financial offerings became mobile-first, and the evolution continued at an even faster rate. In fact, there are several different areas where Fintech made a significant impact, including each with its own positive impact and potential negative consequences:

Payments and Money Transfers
Digital banking, including mobile wallets, payment apps, and mobile payments, has made transactions faster, more convenient, and cheaper than before.
Peer-to-peer lending platforms and alternative credit scoring models have opened up new sources of capital for small businesses and individuals who may have struggled to obtain loans from traditional banks.
Personal Finance
Robo-advisors and budgeting apps have made financial planning and retirement management more accessible and affordable for consumers.
Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies
Digital currencies and blockchain technology have the potential to revolutionize the global economy and financial systems by increasing transparency, providing better access, enabling deeper automation, and further reducing the cost of financial products and transactions.
Insurtech and Real Estate Tech
Advanced data analytics and AI-driven solutions are transforming the insurance and real estate sectors, potentially making them more efficient, opening up new investment opportunities, and being customer-centric.

Every company nowadays, in essence, can be a Fintech company. You can provide financing without being a bank; you can provide payment services or payment solutions, or you can manage your own financial and treasury needs in a more efficient way. In fact, Fintech is at the core of many major companies, not just in finance; for instance, you can boil something as massive as Uber down into a database with scheduling and payment services. And you can extrapolate that example across many other companies to better appreciate the impact and potential of Fintech.

What Are Some Current Dynamics Affecting the Fintech Industry?

Currently, we are faced with systemic changes in the industry and its dynamic interactions with others. The current market gyrations are affecting many companies, and Fintech has additional layers of complexity, such as regulation, to contend with. Since the advent of modern financial technology in the way that we know it, we've been operating in a zero- or near-zero interest rate environment. The cost of capital has been quite low, and a lot of entrepreneurs or founders who started companies in this era may not have the experience of dealing with all the headwinds that they are now facing, from inflation to increasingly higher interest rates and subsequent rise in cost of capital – in short, the risk-reward dynamics have fundamentally changed. Time will tell how the changes will eventually play out, but we know that the old rules no longer apply. Looking forward, the future of technology in the financial industry and services across the board – from insurance to payments to lending to consumers and so on – will continue to shift dramatically, and while it is quite exciting to observe all the changes, it is imperative to proactively observe and formulate responses to disruptive innovation forces coming our way, whether you are an entrepreneur, an investor, an executive, or a board member.

What Is the Current Interplay Between Fintech Startups and Traditional Financial Institutions?

One could argue that, at first, larger institutions saw Fintech startups as a competitive threat, and there was this dichotomy that the two camps would always be in competition. While, to some extent, that's still the case, seeing the latest trends, there appears to be more of a shift toward collaboration as opposed to direct competition.

The reason for this is quite simple. Startups are very, very good at innovating at a fast pace. But they don't have distribution, and scaling is difficult. Large financial institutions have the brand names and, perhaps, the trust of the consumers. They are also quite adept at distribution, so a more collaborative approach would benefit both, notwithstanding some of the structural limitations that such a framework will entail.

For instance, selling to large financial institutions or integration is a huge undertaking. It takes a long time, requires a lot of effort, and needs buy-in from a lot of different groups like cybersecurity, legal, regulatory, marketing, strategy, and more. Eventually, despite some of the inherent challenges in financial services in general and Fintech in particular, this collaboration model is expected to continue becoming more prevalent.

What Challenges Do Executives Face When Confronted with Innovation Disruption Enabled by Fintech?

As Fintech continues to evolve and reshape the financial services industry and beyond, executives face several challenges in staying current with these changes – to name a few:

Keeping Up with Rapidly Changing Technologies
With new Fintech innovations and more Fintech companies and startups emerging almost daily, it can be difficult for professionals to stay informed about the latest trends and developments.
Regulatory Compliance
The Fintech industry is subject to complex and evolving regulations that vary across different jurisdictions and business lines. Professionals must navigate this regulatory landscape to ensure compliance and avoid potential legal pitfalls.
Talent Management
The demand for skilled professionals is rising across the board, and companies must compete for top talent while upskilling their existing workforce.
Integrating Fintech Solutions into Existing Business Models
Incorporating new technologies and processes into established organizations can be challenging, particularly when it comes to integrating new Fintech solutions with legacy systems.
Balancing Innovation and Security
As businesses adopt new Fintech solutions, they must also ensure that their data and customer information remain secure and protected from cyber threats and fraud.
Buy vs. Build Investment Considerations
Whether one is an entrepreneur, an investor, or an executive, it is imperative to make sound judgments when it comes to responding to changing markets and consumer needs and developing solutions that meet such needs. This could be achieved via either buying an existing solution (e.g., M&A of startups) or through in-house research and development – each approach will entail specific analyses that cannot be complete without being abreast of the latest in the industry.

How Are Regulatory Bodies Interacting with the Financial Sector?

Regulation is a fundamental aspect of financial services and Fintech. The main challenge is that entrepreneurs and innovators are running much faster than regulators can keep pace, understandably so. Also, the complexity and sophistication of new technology involved and anticipating all implications pose another hurdle. Nonetheless, you can't be an entrepreneur, investor, or executive in Fintech without appreciating or operating within the regulatory framework, even at a high level, to know what is possible and what is permissible.

How Can Executives Navigate Fintech's Market Dynamics?

There are several ways for executives to stay on top of Fintech innovation and changes in the financial services industry to navigate market dynamics and challenges more effectively. These include:

Embrace Continuous Learning
Staying informed about Fintech's latest trends and developments requires a commitment to continuous learning. Read the latest financial technology news in old and new sources alike (e.g., The Financial Times, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Protocol.com, and CoinDesk), review industry reports from resources like McKinsey and Pitchbook, take classes, attend conferences, and engage with thought leaders to make sense and stay ahead of the rapidly changing landscape.
Understand the Potential of Emerging Technologies
Blockchain, Generative AI (artificial intelligence), machine learning, and other emerging technologies have the potential to revolutionize the financial services and banking industry in ways that were impossible to predict. Professionals must educate themselves about these technologies from a top-down perspective and explore their potential applications within their organizations.
Develop a Regulatory Strategy
Navigating the complex regulatory landscape of Fintech requires a well-defined strategy. Professionals should collaborate with legal and compliance experts to ensure that their organizations meet all regulatory requirements and avoid potential pitfalls.
Foster a Culture of Innovation
Encouraging innovation within an organization is critical to staying ahead in the rapidly evolving Fintech landscape. Create an environment that supports experimentation, collaboration, and responsible risk-taking to drive the adoption of new technologies and business models.
Prioritize Cybersecurity & Data Protection
As organizations adopt new Fintech solutions, ensuring data integrity, security, and privacy should remain a top priority. Develop robust cybersecurity strategies, invest in cutting-edge security technologies, and continuously train employees on best practices for protecting sensitive information from ever-evolving threats.

The Future of Fintech

There is always something new when it comes to Fintech. New buzzwords and hot topics appear almost daily, all within the context of Fintech solutions – Web 3.0, Insurtech, Generative AI, and more. While we can't go into great detail on each topic, we can give an overview of several solutions that address the future of Fintech. Some of these innovative technologies are still experimental technologies (for the most part), and there's still a lot of infrastructure that needs to be built for them to see broad use and applications. Nonetheless, they are all very exciting and interesting innovations that could fundamentally shift many industries in new directions, including financial services.

Data continues to be very important, both in the traditional financial sector and Fintech startups, enabling many tools leveraging AI and machine learning – everything from behavioral and transaction data to macro and economic data that all need to be treated responsibly and with care. We have to exercise caution regarding biases that machine learning-based solutions might introduce or perpetuate, among other concerns, to privacy, access, and inclusion. Yet, each is a very powerful tool in ensuring that we can reduce friction and cost and still be able to address needs that we couldn't do before, all the while creating more equitable access.

The Importance of Fintech Education

As Fintech continues to revolutionize the world of the finance industry, it's crucial for executives to stay current with the latest trends and developments. One way to do this is through targeted educational programs, such as Professor Farrokhnia's Future of Finance: Leveraging Fintech Innovation program offered by Columbia Business School Executive Education.

Designed to help professionals demystify the forces shaping the financial services industry, this dynamic program helps participants tackle key Fintech business questions without the need for any prior technical, math, or computer science background. It also explores the potential applications of emerging technologies and develops strategies for navigating the complex industry and regulatory environments.

By participating in this program, executives can gain valuable insights and tools to help them address the challenges they face in the rapidly evolving world of Fintech, stay ahead of the competition, and drive innovation within their organizations.

The Future of Finance: Leveraging Fintech Innovation

The world of Fintech is evolving at breakneck speed, reshaping the traditional financial services industry and creating new opportunities for businesses and individuals alike. As the market dynamics in Fintech continue to shift, executives must equip themselves with the knowledge and skills to navigate these changes and leverage the potential of emerging technologies.

Education plays a pivotal role in innovation literacy and preparing executives for the challenges and opportunities presented by Fintech. Programs like Future of Finance: Leveraging Fintech Innovation offer a targeted, expert-led approach to gaining the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in this dynamic landscape from both academic and practitioner perspectives. Don't miss the opportunity to stay ahead in the world of Fintech – invest in your education and embrace the future of finance today.

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Embracing Change: How Fintech Reshapes the Financial Industry (2024)


How has fintech transformed the financial industry? ›

Fintech integrates technology into financial services to enhance and automate their delivery and use. Fintech, the dynamic fusion of finance and technology, is driving the financial sector into a new era of innovation and accessibility.

What is fintech and the transformation in financial services answers? ›

Fintech refers to digital technologies that have the potential to transform the provision of financial services spurring the development of new – or modify existing – business models, applications, processes, and products. In practice, the term “fintech” is also broadly used to denote the ongoing wave of new DFS.

How fintech is shaping the future of finance? ›

Fintech startups with global ambitions are increasingly prioritizing a two-pronged strategy for success. First, they are building robust technological foundations to ensure their services are scalable and secure. Second, they are actively leveraging partnerships with local banks and players.

What effect does fintech have on the financial market? ›

FinTech has played a pivotal role in democratizing financial services and has made them more accessible to a wider range of individuals and businesses. FinTech is leveraging digital platforms & mobile technologies to break the barrier to enter into the financial ecosystem.

How fintech is disrupting financial industry? ›

Digital currencies and blockchain technology have the potential to revolutionize the global economy and financial systems by increasing transparency, providing better access, enabling deeper automation, and further reducing the cost of financial products and transactions.

How has technology changed the financial industry? ›

The advent of smart analytics allows financial services companies to mine the wealth of consumer data to understand and service customers better. Technology has also helped organizations develop innovative financial services. The development of better payment systems is a key challenge for organizations.

What are the benefits of fintech in financial services? ›

Advantages of Fintech:

their bank accounts, make payments, and transfer money from anywhere, at any time. overhead costs. service. their customers' needs and provide them with personalized solutions.

What is the role of fintech in the future of financial services? ›

The technology and data that FinTech uses make it easier to distribute information, advise, and offer more basic aspects of financial services including banking, investing, borrowing and saving to larger populations.

How fintech can improve financial inclusion? ›

Fintech lowers the cost of providing financial services, with digital accounts costing as little as $10 annually per customer, 90 per cent less than conventional bank accounts, making it profitable to provide accounts for over 1.6 billion low-income individuals and businesses across developing countries, more than half ...

What is the next big thing in fintech? ›

The Rise Of Bio-Fintech And Neuro-Fintech

Data and identity will be protected by increasingly sophisticated forms of biometric security, and biometric or neurological information will be used to enhance fraud detection or offer us personalized financial products.

How is fintech changing wealth management? ›

Another way that fintech is changing wealth management is by making it more affordable. Traditional financial advisors typically charge high fees for their services. But fintech companies offer financial advice at a much lower cost, or even for free.

What is fintech in simple words? ›

Financial technology (better known as fintech) is used to describe new technology that seeks to improve and automate the delivery and use of financial services. ​​​At its core, fintech is utilized to help companies, business owners, and consumers better manage their financial operations, processes, and lives.

How does fintech affect your daily life? ›

What are the impacts of fintech? The main impact of financial technology is the automation and convenience of financial services streamlining money management. Digitalization has changed different areas of finance, including payment methods, personal finance, savings and investment, insurance, and wealth management.

How is fintech a threat to banks? ›

In parallel, the threats posed by FinTechs have the ability to disrupt four categories of incumbents' business – market share, margins, information security/privacy and customer churn – at higher rates when compared to other financial sectors.

What is the role of fintech in transforming the accounting and finance industry? ›

Reducing costs: Fintech companies are often able to offer financial services at lower costs than traditional financial institutions. This is due to their use of technology to automate processes and reduce overhead costs. Improving security: Fintech innovations are also improving the security of financial transactions.

How has fintech impacted the economy? ›

Overall, fintech's impact on the economy is substantial and multifaceted, encompassing improved financial inclusion, increased efficiency and cost savings, support for SMEs, innovation and competition in financial services, economic resilience, facilitation of cross-border transactions, and job creation.

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