Environment (2024)

Environment (1)
Environment (2)
Environment (3)
Environment (4)
Environment (5)
Environment (6)

Apple 2030 A plan as innovative
as our products.

We are committed to protecting the planet.
And designing products you love. Apple 2030 is our plan to doboth.

By focusing on recycled and renewable materials, clean electricity, and low-carbon shipping, we’re working to bring our net emissions to zero across our entire carbonfootprint.

We’re sharing our progress — and the work that remains — so you can join us on thisjourney.

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Environment (8)
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Environment (12)

A detailed approach.
From design to disassembly.

  • Design our products with recycled and renewablematerials.1

    Environment (13)

    Our Approach

    Recycled and renewable materials often carry a lighter footprint than mined materials. By sourcing more recycled and renewable content, we can help to one day end our reliance on mining.

    Environment (14)

    Our Progress

    22% of the materials we shipped in Apple products came from recycled and renewablesources.2

  • Source all manufacturing electricity from cleanenergy.

    Environment (15)

    Our Approach

    Most of our carbon footprint comes from the electricity used to manufacture our products. So our suppliers are transitioning to electricity generated from solar, wind, and other renewable sources.

    Environment (16)

    Our Progress

    Over 320 of our suppliers have already committed to using 100% renewable electricity by2030.3

  • Package and ship our products with lessemissions.

    Environment (17)

    Our Approach

    We’re eliminating plastic from our packaging and making it more compact.4 And we’re prioritizing low-carbon shipping methods such as ocean, rail, and electricvehicles.

    Environment (18)

    Our Progress

    More than 97% of our packaging is now fiberbased.5

  • Match 100% of our products’ energy use with cleanelectricity.6

    Environment (19)

    Our Approach

    We’re investing in global renewable energy projects that help address the electricity our products use. And we’re making these products even more energy efficient.

    Environment (20)

    Our Progress

    We’re matching 100% of the expected electricity use for AppleWatch models by investing in projects like the IP Radian Solarproject.7

  • Maximize the materials we recover from recycled products.

    Environment (21)

    Our Approach

    We’re creating technologies, such as our disassembly robot Daisy, to recover critical materials so they can be recycled andreused.8

    Environment (22)

    Our Progress

    In 2023, we recycled nearly 40,000 metric tons of electronicmaterials.9

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Environment (24)Environment (25)

Our progress bythenumbers.

We introduced our most significant product emissions reductions to date with the 2023 AppleWatch lineup.10

Over 55% reduction in CO₂e emissions across our carbon footprint since2015.

18.5M metric tons of CO₂e emissions avoided through our Supplier Clean Energy Program in2023.

22% of materials shipped in our products came from recycled and renewable sources in2023.

12.8M devices and accessories sent to new owners for reuse in2023.

20% reduction in product transportation emissions compared to2022.

The proof is in ourproducts.

The same innovative thinking that goes into creating the products you love goes into our environmental initiatives. And as we design our products, we’re also using smarter chemistry to make sure they’re safer for everyone who assembles, uses, andrecycles them.

View all product innovations

  • MacBookAir15‑inch (M3chip)

    MacBookAir is now halfway there.

    Environment (26)Environment (27)
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    MacBookAir15‑inch (M3chip)

    Of all our products, MacBookAir leads the way in total recycled content. It’s made with 50% recycled materials,11 including:

    • 100% recycled cobalt in the battery12 and MagSafe connectormagnets.
    • 100% recycled gold in the plating of multiple printed circuitboards.
    • 100% recycled rare earth elements in allmagnets.
  • Enclosure

    Aluminum that goes around. And around. Andaround.

    Environment (30)Environment (31)


  • Shipping

    Moving toward low‑carbon shipping.

    Environment (32)
  • AppleWatchSeries9

    A major step toward2030.

    Environment (33)


    AppleWatch is a milestone on our journey to 2030.10 It shows that we can design, make, and ship great products with the planet inmind.

    AppleWatchSeries9 is:

    • designed with 30% recycledmaterials.14
    • made with 100% renewableelectricity.
    • shipped 50% or more withoutairplanes.15
  • Case

    A best-case scenario.

    Environment (34)Environment (35)Environment (36)


  • Package and Ship

    Good things
    come in small, 100% fiber‑based packages.

    Environment (37)
  • iPhone15

    More recycled materials. From the outside in.

    Environment (38)Environment (39)


    To reach our goal of making products with only recycled and renewable content, we’ve prioritized 15 materials — including cobalt, tungsten, and gold — based on their high environmental and social impacts. These 15 materials account for over 87% of the total mass of the products weship.

    In iPhone15, we’re using:

    • 100% recycled cobalt in the battery, a first forApple.12
    • 100% recycled tungsten in the TapticEngine, which creates your devices’ notificationvibrations.
    • 100% recycled gold in the wire of all cameras, the plating of multiple printed circuit boards, and the USB‑Cconnector.
  • Recovery

    Daisy gets the most out of your old iPhone.

    Environment (40)Environment (41)
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  • FineWoven

    A luxurious textile that’s lighter on theplanet.

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    Our FineWoven textile is made from 68% post-consumer recycled content. It has a suedelike feel, with a far smaller carbon footprint thanleather.

View all product innovations

Partnerships that do a world ofgood.

Doing right by the planet means doing right by the people who live on it — especially those most impacted by environmental risks. So we’re supporting partners and communities worldwide. Because we can achieve more together than we canalone.

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Carbon removal. It’s in our nature.

Environment (48)

Carbon removal.
It’s in our nature.

As we continue to reduce our footprint, we’re also investing in high-quality, nature-based carbon removal projects to balance the emissions we can’t yet avoid.

Partnering with Goldman Sachs and Conservation International, we created a first-of-its-kind initiative called the Restore Fund. It aims to remove carbon emissions from the atmosphere by investing in projects that restore forests, wetlands, and grasslands — while offering a financial return. We expect to exceed our goal of removing 1 million metric tons of carbon dioxide from the air by 2025 from this firstfund.

The Restore Fund has invested in three high-quality forestry managers. Our first project is in Paraguay through an investment in Arbaro Advisors. We’re supporting their efforts to develop sustainably certified working forests while creating opportunities for local communities. We’re also partnering with Symbiosis to help them grow native hardwood trees and restore biodiversity in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest. And with BTG Pactual Timberland Investment Group, we’re supporting their efforts to restore forests and protect natural ecosystems inBrazil.

In 2023, we announced an expansion of the Restore Fund with up to an additional $200 million committed to Climate Asset Management— a joint venture between HSBC and Pollination. And in 2024,we added another $80 million commitment from key manufacturing partners Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company and Murata Manufacturing.


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Climate solutions that champion social change.

Environment (50)

Climate solutions that champion social change.

Communities of color are most impacted by environmental risks. And they’ve historically been denied the opportunity to be part of thesolution.

As part of Apple’s Racial Equity and Justice Initiative (REJI), our Impact Accelerator program supports and champions Black-, Hispanic/Latinx-, and Indigenous-owned businesses at the cutting edge of green technology and cleanenergy.

In 2023, our third cohort featured 12 entrepreneurs committed to energy efficiency, water stewardship, and recycling innovation. And many of them focused on bringing clean energy and opportunities to underserved communities. By championing their growth, we can help dismantle systemic barriers and create change that promotes social and economicequity.

Learn more aboutImpact Accelerator


Environment (51)

Conserving water like the earth depends on it.

Environment (52)

Conserving water like the earth depends onit.

Water is among the planet’s most precious resources. So to protect it, we’re going beyond our corporate footprint, across our supply chain, and into the communities and watersheds where weoperate.

Our supply chain accounts for 99% of our total water footprint. Through our Clean Water Program, we help train our suppliers to better reuse and recycle water. Thanks to this partnership, our participating suppliers are now reusing and recycling water in their factories at an average rate of 42%, which reduces the amount of freshwater we withdraw by billions of gallons everyyear.

In addition, five of our data centers — in Prineville, Oregon; Reno, Nevada; Mesa, Arizona; Maiden, North Carolina; and Viborg, Denmark — as well as 20 of our supplier facilities, have achieved certification to the Alliance for Water Stewardship Standard for leading water management practices in theirregions.


Environment (53)

More renewable electricity. More readily available.

Environment (54)

More renewable electricity. More readilyavailable.

We’re actively working to democratize access to renewable electricity around the globe. Because clean energy benefits all of us, our communities, and theenvironment.

Our Power for Impact initiative gives local communities and organizations access to cost-effective energy while supporting their economic growth and championing social impact. Solar projects in 20 countries, including South Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the Philippines, help provide clean energy to the communities that need itmost.

In 2018, we launched the China Clean Energy Fund to accelerate renewable progress in China. Together with our suppliers, we’ve invested in 1,000 megawatts of cleanenergy.

Additionally, through the RE100 initiative, we partner with the world’s most influential businesses that have committed to using 100% renewable electricity. And by forming groups like the Asia Clean Energy Coalition, we’re using our voice to support laws and policies that promote more renewable energy acrossAsia.


Help make
Mother Nature proud.

There are many small actions you can take to make a big difference for the planet.

Trade in your
device for credit.
Or recycle it for free.

It’s good for you and the planet.

Learn more about AppleTradeIn

Environment (55)Environment (56)

Perform your own repairs with Apple parts, tools, andmanuals.

Learn more about SelfServiceRepair

Charge your iPhone when your local grid iscleaner.17

Learn more about Clean Energy Charging

View cleaner times to use electricity in yourarea.18

Learn more about GridForecast

Designed with the earth inmind.

Learn more about the progress of your Apple devices with our product environmentalreports.



Apple Watch




Apple Vision Pro


Apple TV


Archived reports

    An even closer look at ourprogress.

    Learn more about our latest efforts to fightclimate change and supportequity.

    View the 2024 Environmental Progress Report (PDF)

    Additional Reports andResources

    Smarter Chemistry

    Apple has a rigorous program to ensure the safety of chemicals used in our products. Learn about Apple’s strict standards, detailed toxicological assessments, and methodology for assessing chemicals ofconcern.

    People and Environment in Our Supply Chain

    We hold ourselves and our suppliers to the highest standards of labor and human rights, health and safety in the workplace, environmental practices, and the responsible sourcing ofmaterials.

    Visit the Supply Chain Innovationsite

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Find answers to common questions about Apple and theenvironment.

    Read the FAQs

    More from Appleon the environment.

    Our values lead theway.

    • Accessibility

      Our built-in accessibility features are designed to work the way youdo.

      Learn more

    • Privacy

      We design every product and service to keep your data safe andsecure.

      Learn more

    • Racial Equity
      and Justice Initiative

      We’re addressing systemic racism by expanding opportunities for communities of colorglobally.

      Learn more

    • Supply Chain Innovation

      We prioritize providing safe, respectful, supportive workplaces foreveryone.

      Learn more

    • Inclusion and Diversity

      We’re holding ourselves accountable for creating a culture where everyone belongs.

      Learn more

    • Education

      We empower students and educators to learn, create, and define their ownsuccess.

      Learn more

    Environment (2024)


    What is environment best answer? ›

    An Environment is everything that is around us, which includes both living and nonliving things such as soil, water, animals, and plants, which adapt themselves to their surroundings. It is nature's gift that helps in nourishing life on the earth.

    How do you respond to the environment? ›

    Humans may respond to environmental stress in four different ways: adaptation, developmental adjustment, acclimatization, and cultural responses. An adaptation is a genetically based trait that has evolved because it helps living things survive and reproduce in a given environment.

    What is the answer to the environment in one sentence? ›

    Examples of environment in a Sentence

    He grew up in a loving environment. We're trying to create a better business environment. These animals were raised in a controlled environment. Many plants are unable to survive in such a harsh environment.

    What is the answer to environmental issues? ›

    Solutions to Environmental Issues

    Conserve water and electricity. Support environmental friendly practices. Recycle waste to conserve natural resources.

    What is environment 5 lines? ›

    The environment is the surrounding in which we live. It consists of both biotic and abiotic elements. A clean environment is essential for the peaceful and healthy survival of humans. Human activities negatively affect the environment. It includes pollution, global warming, extinction of species, etc.

    Why environment is so important? ›

    It gives us clean air, water, food, materials and space for recreation. Spending time in nature is good for our mental health. And if we do not take care of the planet, its climate and ecosystems, we undermine how our societies function, worsen our lives and, perhaps most directly, harm our own well-being.

    What is an example for response to environment? ›

    A dog salivating at the smell of food, a flower opening in sunlight and a worm crawling towards moisture are examples of organisms responding to stimuli from their surroundings. All organisms respond to their surroundings in order to improve their chances of survival and reproduction.

    What are the two types of responses to an environment? ›

    The conditions inside our body must be carefully controlled if the body is to function effectively. The conditions are controlled in two ways with chemical and nervous responses.

    What is environment in one word answer? ›

    Environment is everything that is around us. It can be living or nonliving things. It includes physical, chemical, and other natural forces. Living things live in their environment. They constantly interact with it and adapt themselves to conditions in their environment.

    What respond to their environment? ›

    All living things detect changes in their environment and respond to them. A response can take many forms, from the movement of a unicellular organism in response to external chemicals (called chemotaxis), to complex reactions involving all the senses of a multicellular organism.

    What are 5 examples of an environment? ›

    Land, air, water, plants and animals all comprise the natural environment. Let us learn about the different domains of the natural environment. These are the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere.

    What is environment short answer questions? ›

    Everything that we see in our surroundings forms environment. It is our basic life support system. It provides us air, water, food and land-the basic needs of our life. Was this answer helpful?

    What is environment? ›

    Environment can be defined as a sum total of all the living and non-living elements and their effects that influence human life. While all living or biotic elements are animals, plants, forests, fisheries, and birds, non-living or abiotic elements include water, land, sunlight, rocks, and air.

    What are 3 main environmental issues? ›

    The UN system has adopted international frameworks for environmental issues in three key issues, which has been encoded as the "triple planetary crises": climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss.

    What is environment in simple words? ›

    Environment is everything that is around us. It can be living or nonliving things. It includes physical, chemical, and other natural forces. Living things live in their environment. They constantly interact with it and adapt themselves to conditions in their environment.

    What is an environment in your own words? ›

    Environment can be defined as a sum total of all the living and non-living elements and their effects that influence human life. While all living or biotic elements are animals, plants, forests, fisheries, and birds, non-living or abiotic elements include water, land, sunlight, rocks, and air.

    What best describes environment? ›

    The environment is the surroundings of an organism including the physical and chemical environment, and other organisms with which it comes into contact. This term is most frequently used in a human context, often referring to factors affecting our quality of life.

    What is the environment in simple essay? ›

    Environment means an area in which we meet, live, and breathe. It is one of the essential basic requirements for living beings. The environment is a natural resource that is given by nature. The environment not only gives us vital resources but also sustains our life.

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    Article information

    Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6395

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    Author information

    Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

    Birthday: 1994-06-25

    Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

    Phone: +128413562823324

    Job: IT Strategist

    Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

    Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.