ERC- 1155 VS ERC-721 - Which is Better for NFT Standards (2024)

ERC- 1155 VS ERC-721 - Which is Better for NFT Standards (1)

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NFT development in the Ethereum blockchain ecosystem has seen the rise of two popular standards, ERC1155 and ERC721. The rise of NFTs in the blockchain space has made it important to understand the differences between ERC-721 and ERC-1155 standards in order to choose the most suitable one for a specific use case.

ERC-721 and ERC-1155 are both Ethereum token standards, but they have some key differences that make them ERC-721 VS ERC-1155

The rise of NFTs in the blockchain space has made it important to understand the differences between ERC-721 and ERC-1155 standards in order to choose the most suitable one for a specific use case.

ERC-721 and ERC-1155 are both Ethereum token standards, but they have some key differences that make them useful for different types of applications. In this article, we will take a closer look at the key differences between ERC-721 and ERC-1155 and explore some of the use cases for each standard.

ERC- 1155 VS ERC-721 - Which is Better for NFT Standards (2)

Introduction to Non-Fungible Token Standards?

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are a type of digital asset that represent ownership of a unique item or piece of content, such as a digital artwork or collectible. Non-funhible tokens are created using blockchain technology, which allows for the creation of unique, one-of-a-kind digital assets that cannot be replicated or replaced. NFTs are typically created using smart contracts on a blockchain, such as Ethereum, and can be bought, sold, and traded like other digital assets.

Semi fungible tokens are unique digital assets that possess both fungible and non-fungible characteristics. They allow for a degree of individuality within a standardized framework. This has led to a growing demand for semi fungible tokens in various industries, from collectibles to real estate. The implementation of semi fungible tokens has allowed for the creation of new markets, providing opportunities for the trading of unique assets. The use of semi fungible tokens has also streamlined processes, reducing the costs associated with traditional methods. The concept of semi fungible tokens is relatively new, but their potential applications are vast and far-reaching, making them a promising technology for the future.

A token standard is crucial in the blockchain industry, as it defines the rules and format of digital assets. A token standard ensures the interoperability of different blockchain systems and make it possible for tokens to be traded and used across various platforms. Without a standardized token standard, it would be difficult for the crypto market to scale and mature. A token standard provides a common language for developers to create and manage their tokens, leading to a more seamless user experience. The use of a token standard is also crucial for the security of token transactions, as it ensures that all transfers follow a defined set of rules.

NFT standards such as ERC-721 and ERC-1155 are used to create and manage NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. These standards define the rules and protocols for creating, owning, and trading NFTs, making it possible for developers to create NFT-based applications and marketplaces.

ERC- 1155 VS ERC-721 - Which is Better for NFT Standards (3)

What is the ERC-721 Token Standard?

ERC-721 tokens are a type of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that run on the Ethereum blockchain network. Unlike fungible tokens, such as Ether (ETH), which are interchangeable with one another, NFTs are unique, indivisible, and cannot be replicated.

An example of an ERC-721 token is CryptoKitties, a virtual collectible game where each token represents a unique, collectible digital cat. Each cat has its own set of traits, such as fur color, eye shape, and personality, that sets it apart from every other cat in the game. The owner of a CryptoKitty token can sell, trade, or breed it with other CryptoKitty tokens, but no two tokens are exactly the same.

In short, ERC-721 tokens allow for the creation and management of unique digital assets on the Ethereum blockchain, making it possible to create games, collectibles, and other applications that leverage the benefits of blockchain technology.

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Benefits of ERC-721

Now, let's talk about its benefits:

Improved Security

The use of smart contracts ensures that digital assets are protected from fraud and unauthorized access. As the use of digital assets continues to grow, the use of smart contracts is likely to become even more widespread, further improving the security and transparency of digital asset transactions.


ERC-721 tokens are programmable, enabling the creation of custom rules and logic for specific use cases.

The programmatic ability of ERC-721 offers several benefits, including:

  1. Unique Identifiers: Each token created using ERC-721 has a unique identifier, making it possible to track the ownership and provenance of each individual asset. This is particularly useful for creating collectible items, as it allows for verification of authenticity and rarity.
  2. Customizable Properties: ERC-721 tokens can have custom properties and attributes associated with them, such as a name, image, and description. This allows for greater creativity and customization in the creation of digital assets.
  3. Fractional Ownership: ERC-721 tokens can represent fractional ownership in a larger asset, such as real estate. This enables the creation of new investment opportunities and allows for the pooling of resources to purchase and manage assets.
  4. Decentralized Exchange: ERC-721 tokens can be traded on decentralized exchanges, providing a secure and transparent marketplace for buying and selling unique digital assets.
  5. Automated Management: Smart contracts can be used to automate the management of ERC-721 tokens, reducing the need for manual intervention and improving the efficiency of the process.


ERC-721 is an open standard, which means that it is compatible with other Ethereum-based dApps and platforms.

Interoperability is achieved through the use of common standards, such as ERC-721, which ensure that NFTs can be easily recognized and understood by different Ethereum-based platforms. This means that NFTs created on one platform can be traded on another platform without any compatibility issues. This opens up new opportunities for NFT creators and holders, allowing them to access a wider range of marketplaces and platforms for buying, selling, and trading their digital assets.

Increased Liquidity

By enabling the creation of markets for NFTs, ERC-721 can increase liquidity for digital assets.

The increased liquidity of NFTs has several further benefits, such as:

  1. Better pricing: With increased liquidity, NFTs can be priced more accurately, leading to a more stable and fair market for these assets.
  2. Greater demand: As it becomes easier to buy and sell NFTs, demand for these assets is likely to increase, leading to higher prices and a more vibrant market.
  3. Increased adoption: The improved liquidity of NFTs makes it easier for organizations and individuals to participate in the NFT market, increasing adoption and contributing to further growth.
  4. Better market visibility: With increased liquidity, the NFT market becomes more transparent, making it easier for investors to make informed decisions and for creators to showcase their work.

What is the ERC-1155 Token Standard?

ERC-1155 is a token standard for Ethereum that allows for the creation of multiple token classes within a single contract. This makes it more efficient and cost-effective for developers compared to creating separate contracts for each token class.

A game developer, for example, creates an ERC-1155 contract that includes in-game items such as weapons, armor, and currency. Each item class has its own unique identifier and can be traded and managed within the same contract, reducing the need for separate contracts for each item class.

Benefits of ERC-155

Some benefits of using ERC-1155 are:

Improved efficiency

ERC-1155 allows for the creation of multiple token types in a smart contract, reducing the cost of deployment and maintenance compared to separate contracts for each type of token.

  1. Token Creation: With ERC-1155, it is possible to create multiple tokens in a smart contract. This is a significant improvement over ERC-20, where each token requires a separate smart contract. By combining multiple tokens in a single contract, the cost of creating tokens is reduced, which makes it more cost-effective for developers.
  2. Token Management: ERC-1155 simplifies the process of managing tokens. The tokens can be easily traded, stored, and managed within a single smart contract. This reduces the cost and complexity of managing multiple tokens and makes it easier for users to manage their assets.
  3. Gas Fees: The cost of executing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain is determined by gas fees. With ERC-1155, gas fees are significantly reduced as the cost of executing a single contract is shared between multiple tokens. This makes it more cost-effective for users to manage their assets and reduces the overall cost of using the Ethereum blockchain.
  4. Interoperability: ERC-1155 tokens can be easily traded and managed with other ERC-1155 tokens. This makes it easier for users to manage multiple tokens within a single contract, reducing the cost and complexity of managing multiple contracts.


ERC-1155 uses a secure smart contract platform, ensuring that assets are protected from unauthorized access and transfer.

ERC-1155 provides several security benefits:

  1. Multi-Token Support: ERC-1155 supports multiple token types in a single smart contract, reducing the need for separate contracts for each token type, reducing the attack surface and increasing security.
  2. Improved Gas Efficiency: ERC-1155 uses less gas than ERC-20 or ERC-721, making it cheaper and more efficient to perform transactions.
  3. Better Contract Reusability: ERC-1155 allows for code reusability across multiple token types, reducing the risk of bugs and vulnerabilities.
  4. Enhanced Access Control: ERC-1155 allows for the implementation of access control mechanisms, such as whitelisting, that can be used to restrict the transfer of tokens to specific addresses or contract types.
  5. Enhanced Token Flexibility: ERC-1155 allows for the creation of complex token structures, such as tokens with multiple levels of scarcity or tokens that can be used in different ways depending on the context.

Cost Savings

By using a single smart contract for multiple token types, the deployment and maintenance costs are reduced compared to using multiple contracts.

Cost saving benefit of ERC-1155 is primarily achieved through its multi-token capability. This means that multiple token types can be stored in a single smart contract, reducing the need for multiple contracts and saving on gas fees. In comparison, ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens require separate contracts, incurring higher gas fees.

Additionally, ERC-1155 also supports batch transfers, allowing multiple tokens to be transferred with a single transaction. This reduces the number of transactions required, leading to a reduction in gas fees.

Another cost saving benefit of ERC-1155 is its support for the transfer of multiple token types with a single key. This eliminates the need for separate private keys for different token types, reducing the costs associated with key management and storage.

ERC-721 VS ERC-1155

Now comes the focus of our article, let's discuss the key differences between these two main token standards!

ERC-721 and ERC-1155 are both Ethereum token standards that provide a way to create and manage unique tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. However, they have some key differences that make them suitable for different use cases.

ERC-721 is a non-fungible token standard that defines a set of rules for creating unique digital assets. Each token created under this standard has a unique identifier and cannot be exchanged for another token of the same type. ERC-721 is commonly used for creating digital collectibles, game items, and other unique digital assets that have intrinsic value.

On the other hand, ERC-1155 is a multi-token standard that allows for the creation of both fungible and non-fungible tokens within the same contract. This allows for a more efficient management of token assets, as it reduces the number of smart contracts required to manage a large number of different token types. ERC-1155 is suitable for use in games, marketplaces, and other applications that require the creation and management of both fungible and non-fungible tokens.

One of the key differences between ERC-721 and ERC-1155 is that ERC-721 tokens are indivisible, while ERC-1155 tokens can be divided into smaller units. This means that ERC-1155 tokens can be used for fractional ownership or as a form of currency, while ERC-721 tokens are typically used for digital collectibles and other unique digital assets.

Another difference is that ERC-721 tokens can only be traded one at a time, while ERC-1155 tokens can be traded in bulk. This makes ERC-1155 more suitable for use in marketplaces and other applications that require the efficient trading of large numbers of tokens.

In terms of gas consumption, ERC-721 requires more gas to be used for each transaction compared to ERC-1155. This is due to the fact that each ERC-721 token requires a separate transaction, while ERC-1155 tokens can be managed within a single transaction. This makes ERC-1155 more efficient and cost-effective for managing large numbers of tokens.

Additionally, ERC-721 tokens are more susceptible to smart contract vulnerabilities, as each token is stored in a separate contract. In contrast, ERC-1155 tokens are stored in a single contract, which makes it easier to secure and manage the tokens.

One more thing, NFT development projects utilizing the ERC1155 standard provides more flexibility and functionality compared to the traditional ERC721 standard, making it a popular choice for various NFT projects.

Finally, ERC-721 has limited functionality, as it only supports the creation and management of non-fungible tokens. On the other hand, ERC-1155 supports the creation and management of both fungible and non-fungible tokens, making it more versatile and flexible for a wider range of use cases.

Both ERC-721 and ERC-1155 have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between them will depend on the specific requirements of the project. For digital collectibles and other unique digital assets, ERC-721 is a good choice. However, for applications that require the creation and management of both fungible and non-fungible tokens, ERC-1155 is the better option

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Finally, both ERC-721 and ERC-1155 are unique and innovative token standards that offer different functionalities in the world of blockchain. ERC-721 is a non-fungible token that represents unique assets such as virtual real estate, collectibles, and rare items, whereas ERC-1155 is a multi-fungible token that can be used to represent multiple assets in a single token.

In this article, we have provided a comprehensive comparison of ERC-721 and ERC-1155, including their use cases, advantages, and limitations. We hope that this article will help you to better understand the key differences between these two token standards and choose the right one for your needs. Whether you are a game developer, a collector, or an investor, both ERC-721 and ERC-1155 provide ample opportunities for innovation, creativity, and investment.

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ERC- 1155 VS ERC-721 - Which is Better for NFT Standards (4)

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ERC- 1155 VS ERC-721 - Which is Better for NFT Standards (2024)


ERC- 1155 VS ERC-721 - Which is Better for NFT Standards? ›

ERC-721 focuses on making each token unique and represents the claim of something special you can't copy. It's great for things like one-of-a-kind digital art or rare collectibles. ERC-1155 is more flexible. It lets you build NFTs that can be either exclusive or interchangeable.

What is the best ERC for NFT? ›

Thanks to its uniqueness, ERC-721 is the top choice for creating NFTs that represent one-of-a-kind digital assets including photographs, artwork, collectibles, DeFi projects, and in-game items. Ethereum's inaugural NFT token standard was Dapper Labs CryptoKitties NFT collection, which are ERC-721 tokens.

Which token standards ERC20 vs ERC-721 vs ERC1155? ›

In summary, ERC20 is best suited for fungible tokens, ERC721 supports non-fungible assets, while ERC1155 improves upon ERC721 by facilitating both fungible and non-fungible tokens on a single contract.

When to use ERC1155? ›

ERC-1155 excels in scenarios where there's a need to manage a diverse set of assets. Its ability to handle both fungible and non-fungible tokens within a single contract reduces deployment and operational complexities, making it ideal for projects requiring efficient asset management.

Does OpenSea accept ERC1155? ›

ERC1155 NFTs are semi-fungible items that allow for more than one owner of the same token ID. Below, you'll notice that there are multiple owners and listings present on the same item page. OpenSea currently does not support auctions for this kind of NFT.

Is ERC-721 better than ERC-1155? ›

Improved Gas Efficiency: ERC-1155 uses less gas than ERC-20 or ERC-721, making it cheaper and more efficient to perform transactions. Better Contract Reusability: ERC-1155 allows for code reusability across multiple token types, reducing the risk of bugs and vulnerabilities.

What is the best standard for NFT? ›

Factors to Consider When Choosing an NFT Protocol

Are you dealing with exclusive things like digital art? If so, ERC-721 might be best. If you need more flexibility, ERC-1155 could be better. Then, consider how much it'll cost to do transactions.

What is the difference between Opensea ERC-721 and ERC-1155? ›

ERC-721 vs ERC-1155: Major Differences

Token Support: ERC-721 only supports the creation of NFTs, while ERC-1155 not only supports the creation of NFTs but also fungible and semi-fungible tokens, facilitating the conversion of these types of tokens to NFTs and vice-versa.

What is the most popular ERC token standard? ›

Erc-20 is the most widely-used token standard, and it defines a set of rules for creating fungible tokens (tokens that are interchangeable with each other) on the ethereum network.

How do I know if my contract is ERC-721 or ERC1155? ›

According to EIPs, ERC721 and ERC1155 will implements EIP165. Therefore, we can use the supportsInterface of EIP165 to check whether the contract is ERC721 or ERC1155. The interface id for ERC1155 is 0xd9b67a26 , while the interface of ERC721 is 0x80ac58cd .

What is the NFT standard for Ethereum? ›

ERC-721 is a non-fungible token standard on the Ethereum blockchain. It provides a set of guidelines for creating unique tokens that represent digital assets. These tokens are non-fungible, meaning that they cannot be exchanged on a one-to-one basis due to their unique properties.

What is the difference between ERC-721 and ERC-1155 gas fee? ›

ERC-721 tokens can only be transferred individually, requiring separate transactions for each token. In contrast, ERC-1155 tokens support batch transfers, allowing multiple tokens to be sent in a single transaction. This enhances scalability, reduces gas fees, and simplifies bulk transfers.

What is the difference between ERC-1155 and 720? ›

While ERC-720 and ERC 721 Tokens are deployed using different contracts, the ERC-1155 enables the creation of fungible, partially fungible, and non-fungible tokens using a single smart contract.

Does MetaMask support ERC-1155 NFTs? ›

NFTs in MetaMask Portfolio​

ERC-1155 tokens are supported by MetaMask Mobile and Extension, meaning your wallet can receive, store, and display assets aligned with this token standard. MetaMask does not yet support sending your ERC-1155 tokens, although we're working to implement this feature soon.

Is ERC1155 fungible? ›

ERC-1155 is a token standard on Ethereum designed to optimize the creation and management of crypto assets. It allows the combination of fungible and non-fungible tokens in a single smart contract, streamlining transactions and reducing costs.

Where to sell ERC-1155 NFT? ›

You can sell your token to other interested buyers by listing your ERC-721 or ERC-1155 token for sale on the NFTTrade platform. You first have to approve the transfer of your ERC-721 or ERC-1155 NFT to the NFTTrade contract.

What is the best NFT platform for Ethereum? ›

Best Ethereum NFT Marketplaces
#MarketAvg. price
1Blur Ethereum Blast$3.96k +11.35%
2Magic Eden$7.77k +7.69%
3OpenSea +3$530.19 +55.84%
4CryptoPunks Ethereum$104.69k +100%
21 more rows

What is the difference between OpenSea ERC-721 and ERC-1155? ›

ERC-721 vs ERC-1155: Major Differences

Token Support: ERC-721 only supports the creation of NFTs, while ERC-1155 not only supports the creation of NFTs but also fungible and semi-fungible tokens, facilitating the conversion of these types of tokens to NFTs and vice-versa.

What is the difference between ERC 1400 and ERC20? ›

ERC-1400 allows for configuring token properties during issuance like name, symbol, and number of decimals. For transfers, ERC-3643 aims to restrict transfers according to compliance and regulation rules. Whereas ERC-1400 incorporates the basic ERC-20 transfer function with no additional restrictions.

What is ERC20 vs ERC-721 in Ethereum? ›

The key difference between ERC20 and ERC721 tokens lies in their fungibility. ERC20 tokens are fungible and represent a uniform asset, while ERC721 tokens are non-fungible and symbolize a set of unique assets. Additionally, ERC721 tokens cannot be divided into smaller units.

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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.