ESG Governance - What it is, Examples & Best Practices (2024)

ESG Governance - Definition, Examples & Best Practices

Within ESG, governance (the "G") is an important, and often under-appreciated third pillar.

Corporate governance is the oversight, structures, policies, rules, and controls related to a company's ownership, leadership, processes, and risk management. ESG governance is a type of corporate governance: the governance related to a company's ESG activities, opportunities, controls, and risks

While environmental issues like climate change and social topics like diversity and human rights typically receive more public attention, governance ultimately defines how a company operates when it comes to ESG and other aspects of its business. ESG governance sets structures and guardrails, providing important rules everyone and an organization can follow, like a company-wide Code of Ethical Conduct policy for employees.

When you see a company embroiled in scandal or bad publicity from internal misconduct, it's usually the result of ESG governance failings. When telecom equipment giant Ericsson is investigated for bribery, or the newly Elon Musk-led Twitter experiences layoffs, resignations, and controversy, these reflect their company's governance shortcomings.

Meta (Facebook), WeWork, Theranos, Volkswagen, Exxon Mobil, and FTX are other cautionary, recent examples of companies lacking leadership accountability, oversight, and proper governance controls.

How is ESG Governance Defined?

ESG governance refers to the implementation of decision-making, board oversight, rules, policies, and procedures throughout an organization related to ESG (environment social governance). Organizations with strong ESG governance practices typically have responsible owners and leadership teams, clear ESG accountability structures, and good process controls

ESG governance also encompasses risk management, and is viewed by many investors and analysts as a proxy metric for overall management quality.

Some key topics and themes within ESG governance include:

  • Shareholder structure
  • Board diversity
  • Executive compensation
  • Company policies
  • Business ethics and conduct
  • Tax transparency and strategy
  • ESG regulatory compliance
  • Risk management
  • Anti-competitive practices
  • Data protection, privacy, and cybersecurity
  • ESG decision-making structure
  • ESG data controls
  • ESG reporting and disclosure

Typically, when a company wants to 'improve' its ESG governance, it takes constructive steps in one or several of these areas. Using independent, third party auditors and audits, cultivating a more diverse board of directors, implementing data protection measures, improving executive accountability, or drafting, updating, communicating, and training employees on important ESG policies are all examples of ESG governance in action.

Why is ESG Governance Important?

Overall, ESG has become increasingly important as investors, regulators, and customers seek companies that demonstrate sound financial decision-making and business performance while contributing [more] positively to the environment and society.

Companies that implement ESG measures effectively typically show better employee retention and lower involuntary turnover rates. Sustainable brands often price at a premium versus competitors and improve margins. Energy efficiency investments, logistics optimization, and circular business model innovation can also reduce energy use, emissions, and overall operating costs.

Having strong ESG governance practices go hand in hand with strong business practices. Because corporate governance has been around longer than most environmental and social practices, there’s a lot of historical data, evidence, and research that points to the success and long-term value of sound governance. Research from S&P and MSCI suggests companies with robust governance practices have stronger financial performance, lower cost of capital, and more operational efficiency than their peers with weaker governance practices.

By comparison, poor ESG governance practices often lead to regulatory and reputational risk, corruption, higher cost of capital, reduced shareholder returns, and ineffective decision-making. In an analysis of 4,000 public equities by RobecoSAM, securities with the lowest governance scores, on average, underperformed in the market by 7.8% compared to companies with better governance ratings.

ESG Governance - What it is, Examples & Best Practices (1)

In many consumer industries, certain customer demographics are also advocating for stronger ESG governance. Consumers, especially those under the age of 34, are holding companies to higher ESG standards. According to a 2019 study by Porter Novelli, 93% of Gen Z consumers want to see companies put policies and procedures in place to back up their ESG and other commitments, and 75% say they research the ESG activities of companies they choose to buy or not buy from.

In B2B, many companies are also applying greater ESG scrutiny on who they do business with, and that extends to ESG governance. Here at Brightest, we've seen a large increase in clients sending and responding to ESG and sustainability surveys and supplier assessments related to their ESG business practices.

In addition to understanding a supplier's environmental and social practices, sustainable procurement teams also want to understand how the supplier's company is managed, if there are any governance risks in areas like corruption or bribery, and if there’s a clear culture of transparency, accurate disclosure, and ethical decision making. A large part of ESG supplier vetting requires documentation to support claims and assessment responses. As a result, a company's own ability to maintain up-to-date ESG policies and procedures, centrally manage data and documents, and transparently disclose information are indicators of its overall ESG governance quality.

Across the board, the importance of ESG governance truly can’t be understated.

The Business and Shareholder Benefits of Strong ESG Governance

When it comes to ESG governance, boards, leaders, and investors should view it as both a method of preventing and controling downside risks, as well as a source of opportunity and competitive advantage. For example, multiple recent studies indicate that more independent, diverse, and ESG-oriented boards and leadership teams are positively correlated with overall company profitability and risk mitigation. The same is also true for more diverse, inclusive workforces.

For example:


Of companies report positive top-line impact from operational ESG investment, and more than half of companies noted a positive effect of sustainability improvements on overall company profitability

Source: Deloitte, 2020


A study of 140 US companies by Accenture found that companies who were leaders in diversity hiring, employment, and inclusion achieved, on average, 28% higher revenue, higher net income, and 30% higher profit margins

Source: Accenture, 2018


Diverse management teams deliver 19% higher revenues from innovation compared to less diverse company leadership

Source: BCG, 2020

Meanwhile, the downside risks of overlooking sound ESG governance can also be considerable. For example, under the new 2023 ESG supply chain transparency and due diligence laws in Germany, if a company with annual revenues of over €400 million doing business in Germany is found to be in violation, it may have to pay fines up to 2% of its annual revenue. Companies fined more than €175,000 can also be excluded from public contracts in Germany for up to three years. Similarly, IBM puts the average cost of a governance-related corporate data breach or consumer privacy violation at $4.2 million.

Strong ESG governance and controls help de-risk companies' financial exposure to a variety of ESG regulatory, investor, procurement, and process risks.

ESG Governance - What it is, Examples & Best Practices (2)

Brightest's integrated ESG management, governance, and reporting software helps companies track and measure ESG financial risks

What Does Good ESG Governance Look Like?

Governance starts with a strong board, leadership team, and accountability structure. Make sure that your board is made up of diverse members and independent voices who understand ESG. In some US states and European countries, certain board diversity thresholds are a regulatory requirement. Formalize board and committee review of important ESG issues, and frame ESG governance in terms of how it creates and preserves value for shareholders.

Related to ESG governance, it’s also important to evaluate executive compensation, starting with the CEO. Is executive compensation in line with industry standards? Are there any major pay gaps between leadership and other employees? Are there gender or racial pay gaps? Is executive compensation indexed to ESG performance?

Businesses who manage these issues and implement material improvements demonstrate they're committed to ESG governance, and in tune with stakeholder expectations and industry standards.

ESG Governance - What it is, Examples & Best Practices (3)

ESG governance structure example. Source: TD Bank

It’s also vital that business practices and processes are governed responsibly. Appropriate teams should regularly review accounting statements and tax policies to make sure they're in line with local and national regulations. Internal and external audits should be conducted, and audit findings should be available for review. Strong risk management policies and practices should be put in place, overseen by experienced, empowered, and accountable leaders.

One of ESG’s main roles is to reduce risk. It’s important for companies to regularly review internal and external ESG risks through respected independent frameworks like TCFD (Task Force for Climate-Related Financial Disclosure), determine strategies to reduce risk(s), and put preventative and adaptive measures in place to manage them accordingly. Make sure your legal and finance teams are educated about ESG.

Additionally, business initiatives must be linked to appropriate policies, procedures, and record-keeping. Make sure ESG documents and data are up-to-date, discoverable in accordance with appropriate access permissions and controls, and protected. It’s also good governance to maintain an easy-to-find, public website page where stakeholders can view your company's ESG policies, documentation, practices, and governance controls.

ESG Governance Metrics and KPIs

ESG KPIs should reflect a company's strategy, goals, business model, value chain, and purpose. KPIs should also connect the dots between ESG standards, stakeholders, regulatory obligations, and investor relations needs.

Common ESG governance KPIs companies should be tracking include:

  • Board diversity
  • Board ESG experience and subject-matter expertise
  • Management training % in ethics, anticorruption, and other key ESG areas
  • Executive compensation levels and CEO pay ratios (ideally tied to ESG performance)
  • ESG-related compliance incidents, penalties, and remediation
  • ESG-related litigation incidents and remediation
  • Cybersecurity incidents, risk management, and remediation
  • Financial costs and projected exposure associated with ESG risks

Make sure to select ESG governance KPIs that are material and relevant to your company. When ESG KPIs aren't material (and then get communicated publicly) it raises the risk of provoking external criticism for "greenwashing" or being insincere. The more your ESG initiatives and communication efforts focus on material governance controls, metrics, and reporting, the stronger your ESG reputation will be.

Similarly, rather than trying to boil the ocean or appease everyone, focus on doing (and measuring) a few specific KPIs well, then build from there.

ESG Data Governance and Controls

Most ESG professionals understand the relationship between strategy, actions, impact, data, and outcomes. The challenge is creating a consistent process to efficiently get the data you need to measure results, report on success, and reaffirm business performance. The reality is most ESG professionals we know spend way too much time gathering and organizing data. Yes, we need the right data to track our KPIs and create reporting, but we shouldn't spend all our time on that when there are many opportunities for efficiencies.

The more you simplify, centralize, and streamline your data collection, management, and business intelligence capacity (while also implementing sound governance controls), the better decisions you'll be able to make about operational ESG performance, and the more time you'll have to focus on ESG implementation and improvement, rather than just reporting.

In our experience, a system like Brightest can save and automate hours of ESG data work per week to unblock valuable team time and productivity.

Your Next Steps With ESG Governance

As ESG continues to grow in executive mindshare and compliance importance, it’s critical for modern businesses to keep good governance practices as a focal point and executive priority. It may be helpful to find a governance champion who can be in charge of keeping an organization’s governance practices in order. There can be lots of policies to track, review, and implement across different corporate departments like finance, HR, and IT. With stakeholder demands increasing for strong governance practices, organizations need to stay on top of their obligations and risks.

Additionally, ESG governance also places a key role in voluntary and mandatory ESG reporting and public disclosure.

Effectively understanding and communicating ESG results and outcomes to stakeholders remains one of the most important responsibilities for any ESG team. Your ESG reporting strategy and governance approach should be closely tied to your communications strategy: where, when, how, and why are you authentically telling your brand's ESG narrative? All the pieces need to fit together.

There are a lot of potential channels for ESG storytelling if and when you have the data and results to back it up, including internal communications, annual reports, websites, social media, press, and ESG ratings providers. Where is your company focusing its attention and resources? Do your ESG governance controls support your organization's ability to achieve the outcomes its pursuing (or claiming) while managing the related processes and risks?

Yet again, many of these themes highlight the overall importance of good ESG governance.

Wherever you are in your ESG governance roadmap, we wish you all the best as you continue making (and measuring) positive impact. If we can be helpful at all (at any step in your process), please get in touch. A central part of our mission here at Brightest is enabling better, data-driven ESG governance and decision-making for companies around the world.

We bring deep strategic domain expertise to ESG strategy, materiality, and governance, and are always here to help.

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ESG Governance - What it is, Examples & Best Practices (2024)


What is governance in ESG examples? ›

Using independent, third party auditors and audits, cultivating a more diverse board of directors, implementing data protection measures, improving executive accountability, or drafting, updating, communicating, and training employees on important ESG policies are all examples of ESG governance in action.

What is best practice governance ESG? ›

Common ESG practices include conducting regular environmental audits, maintaining strong corporate governance policies, ensuring fair labor practices across the supply chain, and implementing programs that promote diversity and inclusion within the workplace.

What is an example of ESG practice? ›

Specific examples of environment protection measures that companies can adopt include promoting recycling and waste reduction initiatives, implementing green supply chain practices, reducing water consumption through efficient water management systems, and investing in sustainable transportation options.

What is ESG and examples? ›

What is the definition of ESG? ESG stands for “Environmental, Social and Governance.” ESG can be described as a set of practices (policies, procedures, metrics, etc.) that organisations implement to limit negative impact or enhance positive impact on the environment, society, and governance bodies.

What is the best example of governance? ›

Global governance

The best example of this is the international system or relationships between independent states. The term, however, can apply wherever a group of free equals needs to form a regular relationship.

What are some examples of ESG in real life? ›

Costco: Creating a Sustainable Supply Chain

According to Costco's 2020 ESG Report, "Our goal is to create a sustainable supply chain that benefits our members, our suppliers, and the environment." Also, the retailer has made a commitment to sustainability through its “Sustainable Business Strategy” program.

What is the best way to explain ESG? ›

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG), are a set of criteria used to evaluate companies' commitment to sustainable operations. In practice, these criteria could involve adhering to worker safety practices, finding ways to maximize energy efficiency, or ensuring diversity among a board of directors.

What are the best practices and good governance? ›

Focus on promoting good governance, integrity, transparency, and accountability. Core Values: Emphasis on transparency, accountability, and the rule of law. Goals and Objectives: Including increasing public awareness and enhancing transparency.

What are the pillars of ESG governance? ›

The three pillars of ESG are:
  • Environmental – this has to do with an organisation's impact on the planet.
  • Social – this has to do with the impact an organisation has on people, including staff and customers and the community.
  • Governance – this has to do with how an organisation is governed. Is it governed transparently?

How do you implement ESG practices? ›

How To Develop and Implement an ESG Strategy
  1. Step One: Conduct a Materiality Assessment. ...
  2. Step Two: Establish Your Baseline. ...
  3. Step Three: Determine Objectives and Goals. ...
  4. Step Four: Gap Analysis. ...
  5. Step Five: Develop Your ESG Roadmap and Framework. ...
  6. Step Six: Put the Plan into Action and Measure Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Jun 24, 2024

What is an example of an ESG plan? ›

Examples of ESG strategies
  • Reduce waste.
  • Communicate efforts to reduce carbon emissions.
  • Increase usage of renewable energy.
  • Educate about climate change.

What is an ESG strategy? ›

In today's global arena, setting an Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Strategy is seen as an important benchmark for how responsible organisations operate. A successful ESG strategy covers the three main pillars of sustainability: Environment; Social; and Governance.

What is an example of governance in ESG? ›

Examples of ESG Governance in Practice
  • Unilever. ...
  • Microsoft. ...
  • Patagonia. ...
  • Establish Clear ESG Goals and Metrics. ...
  • Engage Stakeholders in the ESG Process. ...
  • Strengthen Corporate Governance Structures. ...
  • Communicate ESG Progress Transparently. ...
  • Foster a Culture of Sustainability.

What is ESG in one word? ›

ESG stands for environmental, social, and governance. ESG investing refers to how companies score on these responsibility metrics and standards for potential investments. Environmental criteria gauge how a company safeguards the environment.

What is the main goal of ESG? ›

The goal of ESG is to capture all the non-financial risks and opportunities inherent to a company's day to day activities.

What is governance data in ESG? ›

Data governance plays a crucial role in ESG risk management by providing the structure needed to ensure that ESG-related data is accurate and reliable. This helps companies identify, assess, and mitigate potential ESG risks effectively. Provides accurate data for identifying and assessing ESG risks.

What is the governance framework for ESG? ›

The first step in implementing ESG into a corporate governance framework is to establish a clear policy that outlines the company's commitment to ESG principles. This policy should articulate the company's ESG priorities, goals, and metrics for measuring progress.

What is the ESG standard of governance? ›

ESG Standards
Considers how a company performs as a steward of nature.Examines how a company manages relationships with employees, suppliers, customers and communities where it operates.Measures a company's leadership, executive pay, audits, internal controls and shareholder rights.
1 more row

What are governance policies in ESG? ›

Governance Policies

This includes board composition and structure, executive pay, audits, internal controls, and shareholder rights. Strong governance policies promote accountability, fairness, and transparency in a company's operations and decision-making processes.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.