Essential Weapons And Tools For Close Quarters Combat - FasterCapital (2024)

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1.Essential Weapons and Tools for Close Quarters Combat[Original Blog]

When engaging in close quarters combat, having the right weapons and tools can mean the difference between life and death. In these intense and confined spaces, it is crucial to choose equipment that is effective, versatile, and easy to maneuver. Different individuals may have different preferences and needs when it comes to close quarters combat, so it is essential to consider various viewpoints when discussing the essential weapons and tools for this type of combat.

1. Firearms: One of the primary weapons for close quarters combat is a firearm. When choosing a firearm for this purpose, factors such as size, weight, and ease of use become critical. Pistols are a popular choice due to their compactness and maneuverability. The Glock 19, for example, is a widely favored option for its reliability, magazine capacity, and ease of maintenance. However, shotguns can also be effective in close quarters combat, delivering a powerful blast that can incapacitate an opponent. The Remington 870 is a popular choice, known for its reliability and versatility.

2. Knives: In close quarters combat, a knife can be a valuable tool for both offensive and defensive purposes. When selecting a knife for this type of combat, factors such as blade length, grip, and overall durability should be considered. The Benchmade Griptilian is a highly regarded option, known for its robust construction and versatile blade design. Additionally, the Ka-Bar USMC is a classic choice, renowned for its strength and effectiveness in combat situations.

3. Tactical Flashlights: Illumination is crucial in close quarters combat, as it allows for target identification and disorientation of adversaries. Tactical flashlights with high lumens and a strobe function are particularly useful for this purpose. The Streamlight ProTac HL-X is a popular choice, offering a powerful beam and versatile mounting options. Another reliable option is the SureFire G2X Tactical, known for its ruggedness and long-lasting battery life.

4. Non-Lethal Options: In some situations, it may be necessary to neutralize threats without causing lethal harm. Non-lethal weapons such as pepper spray or stun guns can provide an effective alternative. Pepper spray, like the Sabre Red Pepper Gel, can incapacitate an attacker by causing temporary blindness and severe discomfort. Stun guns, such as the Taser Pulse+, deliver an electric shock that disrupts muscle function, allowing for safe immobilization of an assailant.

5. Hand-to-Hand Combat Tools: Close quarters combat often necessitates hand-to-hand combat techniques. In such situations, having tools that enhance striking power and defense can be advantageous. Knuckles, such as the Brass Knuckles Company's Heavy Duty Knuckles, can significantly increase the impact of punches, providing an edge in close quarters combat. Additionally, tactical pens, like the Gerber Impromptu Tactical Pen, can serve as both a writing instrument and a self-defense tool, featuring a sturdy construction and a pointed tip for striking.

Close quarters combat requires careful consideration when choosing weapons and tools. Firearms, knives, tactical flashlights, non-lethal options, and hand-to-hand combat tools all play crucial roles in surviving in tight spaces. Ultimately, the best options will depend on individual preferences, training, and the specific circ*mstances at hand. By equipping oneself with the right tools and honing the necessary skills, individuals can increase their chances of successfully navigating and surviving close quarters combat situations.

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Essential Weapons and Tools for Close Quarters Combat - Close quarters: Close Quarters Combat: Surviving in Tight Spaces

2.Understanding the Importance of Close Quarters Combat[Original Blog]

Understanding the Importance of Close Quarters Combat

Close quarters combat (CQC) is a form of combat that takes place in tight spaces, where traditional fighting techniques may not be as effective. It is a skill that is crucial for military personnel, law enforcement officers, and even civilians who find themselves in dangerous situations. In this section, we will delve into the importance of understanding and mastering CQC, exploring the various perspectives and insights on the matter.

1. Adaptability: One of the key reasons why close quarters combat is so important is its ability to adapt to different environments. Unlike open field combat, where there is ample space to maneuver and plan strategies, CQC demands quick thinking and adaptability. In confined spaces such as buildings, narrow alleyways, or vehicles, combatants must be able to react swiftly to changing circ*mstances. This adaptability is crucial for survival, as it allows individuals to effectively engage with opponents, even when faced with limited options.

2. Speed and Efficiency: Close quarters combat requires combatants to act swiftly and efficiently. In these tight spaces, there is little room for error or hesitation. Every movement must be deliberate and purposeful. The ability to strike quickly and incapacitate opponents can mean the difference between life and death. Techniques such as close-quarter shooting, hand-to-hand combat, and room clearing tactics are essential skills that can be honed to ensure speed and efficiency in CQC scenarios.

3. Psychological Advantage: In close quarters combat, psychological factors play a significant role. The proximity to opponents can create an intense and stressful environment, where combatants must maintain focus and control their emotions. Understanding the psychological aspects of CQC can provide a crucial advantage. By remaining calm, combatants can make rational decisions and exploit their opponents' vulnerabilities. Additionally, the element of surprise can be a powerful tool in close quarters combat, as it can disorient and confuse adversaries, giving the advantage to those who are better prepared.

4. Weapon Selection: The choice of weapons in close quarters combat is a critical consideration. Firearms, knives, and other handheld weapons must be selected based on their suitability for confined spaces. For example, a shorter barrel length on a firearm allows for easier maneuverability within tight areas. Similarly, knives with shorter blades or folding mechanisms can be more practical in close quarters combat. understanding the pros and cons of different weapon options is essential for optimal performance in CQC scenarios.

5. Training and Practice: Lastly, the importance of comprehensive training and continuous practice cannot be overstated in close quarters combat. It is not enough to possess theoretical knowledge; practical application is key. Regular training sessions that simulate real-life scenarios help individuals develop muscle memory and fine-tune their skills. Moreover, training should encompass teamwork and communication, as close quarters combat often involves coordinated efforts with other team members. By investing time and effort into training, individuals can enhance their abilities and increase their chances of surviving in tight spaces.

Close quarters combat is a skill set that holds immense importance in various fields. Its adaptability, speed, efficiency, psychological advantage, weapon selection, and the need for continuous training make it an essential aspect of survival in tight spaces. By understanding the significance of CQC and actively working towards mastering it, individuals can increase their chances of successfully navigating and surviving in close-quarters combat scenarios.

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Understanding the Importance of Close Quarters Combat - Close quarters: Close Quarters Combat: Surviving in Tight Spaces

3.Overcoming Challenges in Close Quarters Combat[Original Blog]

1. Mental Preparedness: Overcoming Challenges in Close Quarters Combat

Close quarters combat (CQC) is a unique and challenging form of combat that requires not only physical skills but also mental preparedness. When engaging in combat in tight spaces, such as narrow hallways or confined rooms, the psychological aspect becomes crucial. The ability to stay calm, make quick decisions, and adapt to rapidly changing situations can mean the difference between life and death. In this section, we will explore the importance of mental preparedness in CQC and discuss strategies to overcome the challenges that arise.

2. understanding the Psychological impact

One of the primary challenges in CQC is the psychological impact it can have on individuals. The close proximity to the enemy, limited escape routes, and the high-stress environment can significantly affect a fighter's mental state. Fear, anxiety, and panic are common reactions that can hinder performance and decision-making abilities. It is essential to acknowledge these psychological factors and develop strategies to overcome them.

3. Mental Conditioning and Visualization

Mental conditioning plays a significant role in preparing for CQC. By training the mind to remain focused and composed under intense pressure, fighters can enhance their performance. Visualization techniques can be employed to mentally rehearse various combat scenarios, allowing individuals to anticipate potential challenges and practice appropriate responses. By repeatedly visualizing successful outcomes, fighters can build confidence and reduce the impact of fear and anxiety in actual combat situations.

4. Maintaining Situational Awareness

In close quarters combat, maintaining situational awareness is crucial. Heightened awareness allows fighters to anticipate threats, identify potential escape routes, and make informed decisions. It is essential to constantly scan the environment, including blind spots and potential hiding places, to stay one step ahead of the enemy. By training the mind to be hyper-vigilant and observant, individuals can enhance their situational awareness, minimizing the element of surprise and gaining an advantage in combat.

5. Controlling Emotions and Managing Stress

Emotions can run high in close quarters combat, and it is imperative to remain in control. Panic and anger can cloud judgment and impair decision-making abilities, leading to potentially fatal mistakes. Techniques such as controlled breathing, positive self-talk, and mindfulness can help regulate emotions and manage stress levels. By maintaining a calm and composed mindset, fighters can make rational decisions and execute precise actions, even in the most chaotic situations.

6. Effective Communication and Teamwork

In close quarters combat, effective communication and teamwork are vital for success. Clear and concise communication among team members ensures coordinated movements, minimizes confusion, and maximizes efficiency. Developing a shared language or set of signals can facilitate quick and accurate information exchange, even in high-stress situations where verbal communication may be challenging. Teamwork allows for coordinated attacks, covering each other's blind spots, and enhances overall situational awareness.

7. Training and Simulations

To develop mental preparedness for close quarters combat, regular training and simulations are essential. Realistic scenarios that replicate the confined spaces and high-stress environment of CQC can help individuals adapt and overcome challenges. Simulations provide an opportunity to practice decision-making, teamwork, and mental conditioning in a controlled setting. By exposing fighters to various scenarios, trainers can identify weaknesses and help individuals improve their mental preparedness.

Mental preparedness is crucial for overcoming challenges in close quarters combat. By understanding the psychological impact, employing mental conditioning techniques, maintaining situational awareness, controlling emotions, fostering effective communication, and engaging in realistic training, fighters can enhance their mental preparedness and increase their chances of survival in tight spaces.

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Overcoming Challenges in Close Quarters Combat - Close quarters: Close Quarters Combat: Surviving in Tight Spaces

4.Stories of Survival in Close Quarters Combat[Original Blog]

Section 1: The Unarmed Combatant's Advantage

In close quarters combat, being unarmed may seem like a disadvantage. However, there are instances where being unencumbered by weapons can actually work to your advantage. Take the case of Sergeant Ben Mitchell, a British soldier who found himself in a life-or-death situation during a house raid in Afghanistan. As he entered a room, he encountered an armed enemy combatant. With no time to reach for his weapon, Mitchell instinctively lunged at his opponent, using his body weight and surprise to overpower the enemy. In this scenario, being unarmed allowed Mitchell to close the distance quickly and catch his adversary off guard.

Insight: When unarmed, it is crucial to rely on speed, agility, and surprise. By closing the distance rapidly and taking the opponent by surprise, an unarmed combatant can neutralize the threat effectively.

1. Utilize your surroundings: In close quarters combat, the environment can serve as a valuable ally. Take advantage of tight spaces, corners, and obstacles to limit your opponent's mobility and create opportunities for attack or escape. For example, in a narrow hallway, pressing your opponent against the wall can restrict their movement and give you the upper hand.

2. Control the clinch: Close-quarters combat often involves grappling and clinching. Mastering techniques like clinch holds, joint locks, and takedowns can give you an advantage in these situations. By gaining control of your opponent's body and manipulating their balance, you can effectively neutralize their ability to strike or defend themselves.

3. Strike with precision: When unarmed, strikes become your primary means of offense. Focus on high-impact targets such as the eyes, throat, groin, or vital organs. A well-placed strike can incapacitate your opponent, allowing you to gain the upper hand or create an opportunity to escape.

Section 2: The Tactical Advantage of Firearms

While being unarmed has its advantages, there are undoubtedly situations where having a firearm can make all the difference. Private First Class Sarah Johnson's experience in an urban combat environment highlights the tactical advantage of firearms in close quarters combat. During a house-to-house search in a hostile area, Johnson encountered multiple armed combatants. With her training and trusty M4 carbine, she was able to engage the threats from a distance, maintaining a level of control and minimizing the risks associated with close-quarters engagements.

Insight: Firearms provide a means of engaging threats from a safe distance, allowing for better control and reducing the risks of close-quarters combat.

1. Choose the right firearm: When it comes to close quarters combat, maneuverability is key. Opt for a compact weapon that allows for easy handling and quick target acquisition. Shotguns or carbines with shorter barrels can be effective choices in tight spaces, as they offer increased maneuverability without sacrificing firepower.

2. Master the fundamentals: Proper training and proficiency in firearms handling are essential. Develop skills in quick target acquisition, accurate shooting, and tactical reloads. These fundamentals will enable you to engage threats effectively and make split-second decisions in high-pressure situations.

3. Employ room-clearing techniques: When navigating confined spaces, employing proper room-clearing techniques is paramount. Options such as the "slice the pie" method or the "bounding overwatch" technique provide a systematic approach to clearing rooms while minimizing exposure to potential threats.

Section 3: The Versatility of Edged Weapons

In close quarters combat, edged weapons can be a lethal and versatile tool. Corporal Miguel Rodriguez's experience in a military operation in a densely forested area showcases the effectiveness of edged weapons in close-quarters engagements. When ambushed by enemy combatants at close range, Rodriguez swiftly drew his combat knife and engaged his attackers. The compact nature and ease of deployment of his blade allowed him to neutralize threats quickly and efficiently.

Insight: Edged weapons offer versatility, ease of deployment, and the potential to incapacitate threats swiftly in close-quarters engagements.

1. Choose the right blade: When selecting an edged weapon for close quarters combat, consider factors such as size, weight, and blade design. A compact fixed-blade knife or a folding knife with a reliable locking mechanism can be effective options. Additionally, consider features like serrations, which can enhance cutting ability.

2. Train in knife fighting techniques: Proper training in knife fighting techniques is crucial for effective use of edged weapons. Focus on techniques such as thrusts, slashes, and disarming maneuvers. Understanding the anatomy of the human body and targeting vital areas can maximize the effectiveness of your strikes.

3. Maintain situational awareness: Close-quarters combat requires heightened situational awareness. Always be mindful of your surroundings and the potential for multiple threats. Engaging in close-quarters combat with an edged weapon should be a last resort, as it increases the risk of injury. Assess the situation and consider other options before resorting to lethal force.

By examining real-life examples of survival in close quarters combat, we can gain valuable insights into the advantages and challenges of different approaches. Whether unarmed, armed with firearms, or wielding edged weapons, understanding the tactics, techniques, and mindset required in close quarters combat can mean the difference between life and death.

Stories of Survival in Close Quarters Combat - Close quarters: Close Quarters Combat: Surviving in Tight Spaces

5.Embracing the Challenges and Thriving in Close Quarters Combat[Original Blog]

Conclusion: Embracing the Challenges and Thriving in Close Quarters Combat

Close quarters combat (CQC) is a high-intensity form of combat that requires exceptional skills and adaptability. It demands soldiers to operate in confined spaces, where traditional combat tactics may not always be effective. In this final section, we will explore the importance of embracing the challenges presented by CQC and discuss strategies to thrive in such environments. By understanding the unique dynamics of close quarters combat and utilizing the right techniques, soldiers can gain an advantage over their adversaries and successfully navigate through tight spaces.

1. Maintaining situational awareness: One of the key factors in succeeding in close quarters combat is maintaining a high level of situational awareness. In such confined spaces, threats can emerge from any direction, making it crucial to constantly assess the environment. Utilize every available sensory input, such as sound and touch, to gather information about the surroundings. By being aware of potential threats and allies, soldiers can make informed decisions and react swiftly to changing circ*mstances.

2. Adapting combat techniques: Traditional combat techniques often need to be modified or completely discarded in close quarters combat. For instance, long-range weapons may not be practical in confined spaces, and hand-to-hand combat or short-range weapons may be more effective. Soldiers should be proficient in various combat techniques, such as close-quarter shooting, hand-to-hand combat, and room clearing tactics. This versatility will enable them to adapt to different scenarios and engage effectively in close quarters.

3. Effective communication: Communication plays a vital role in close quarters combat, where split-second decisions can mean the difference between life and death. Clear and concise communication among team members is crucial to coordinate actions, share information, and avoid friendly fire incidents. Utilize hand signals, pre-established codes, and radio communication to ensure effective and efficient communication in the chaos of close quarters combat.

4. Utilizing cover and concealment: In close quarters combat, utilizing cover and concealment is essential for survival. Soldiers must constantly seek cover to protect themselves from incoming fire while remaining concealed to gain a tactical advantage over their adversaries. Understanding the layout of the environment and identifying potential cover points is crucial. Additionally, soldiers should be trained in using cover effectively, such as by utilizing angles, minimizing exposure, and maintaining a dominant position.

5. Psychological preparation: Close quarters combat can be mentally and emotionally challenging, requiring soldiers to remain focused and composed under extreme pressure. Psychological preparedness plays a significant role in thriving in such environments. Training should include scenarios that replicate the stress and intensity of close quarters combat, enabling soldiers to develop the mental fortitude necessary to make quick decisions and maintain a calm mindset.

6. Equipment and gear selection: The right equipment and gear can significantly enhance a soldier's performance in close quarters combat. Lightweight and maneuverable gear, such as compact firearms, body armor, and communication devices, are essential for mobility and efficiency in confined spaces. Additionally, incorporating technological advancements, such as night vision goggles and thermal imaging devices, can provide soldiers with a significant advantage in identifying threats and navigating through low-light environments.

Close quarters combat poses unique challenges that require soldiers to embrace the dynamics of such environments and adapt their tactics accordingly. By maintaining situational awareness, utilizing effective communication, adapting combat techniques, utilizing cover and concealment, preparing psychologically, and selecting appropriate equipment, soldiers can thrive in close quarters combat situations. However, it is crucial to remember that each scenario is unique, and continuous training, experience, and the ability to think on one's feet are paramount to success in this demanding form of combat.

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Embracing the Challenges and Thriving in Close Quarters Combat - Close quarters: Close Quarters Combat: Surviving in Tight Spaces

6.Choosing the Right Weapons and Tools for Effective Countermove[Original Blog]

When it comes to mastering the countermove in virtual worlds, one of the most important aspects is choosing the right weapons and tools. It's not just about having the most powerful or expensive equipment, but rather selecting the ones that best suit your play style and the challenges you will face in the game. In this section, we'll explore some key factors to consider when making your choices, as well as some examples of effective options.

1. Type of Game

The first thing to consider when choosing weapons and tools is the type of game you're playing. Different games will require different approaches and equipment. For example, in a first-person shooter, you'll need fast and accurate weapons that can take down enemies quickly. In a strategy game, you might need to focus on building up resources and defenses before engaging in combat. Make sure you understand the game mechanics and objectives before selecting your equipment.

2. Play Style

Your play style is another important factor to consider. Are you a sniper who prefers to take out enemies from a distance, or do you like to charge into battle with a shotgun? Do you prefer to play defensively or offensively? Knowing your strengths and weaknesses will help you choose the weapons and tools that will best complement your style.

3. Budget

While it's tempting to go for the most expensive and powerful equipment, it's not always necessary. Consider your budget and prioritize your purchases based on what will give you the most bang for your buck. Sometimes a cheaper weapon or tool can be just as effective as a more expensive one.

4. Upgrades and Customization

Many games allow you to upgrade and customize your weapons and tools. This can be a great way to tailor your equipment to your specific needs and play style. Look for options that allow you to tweak things like accuracy, damage, and reload speed.

5. Comparing Options

When comparing different weapons and tools, it's important to look at the stats and consider how they will affect your gameplay. For example, a weapon with high damage but slow reload speed might be great for taking out enemies one-on-one, but not ideal for dealing with groups. Consider the pros and cons of each option and choose the one that best fits your needs.

6. Examples

Some effective options for different types of games include:

- First-person shooters: Assault rifles, sniper rifles, shotguns, and grenades can all be effective depending on your play style and the map layout.

- Strategy games: Focus on building up resources and defenses before engaging in combat. Look for tools that allow you to build structures quickly and defend against enemy attacks.

- Role-playing games: Customization is key in RPGs. Look for weapons and tools that complement your character's strengths and weaknesses.

Choosing the right weapons and tools is

Essential Weapons And Tools For Close Quarters Combat - FasterCapital (6)

Choosing the Right Weapons and Tools for Effective Countermove - Gaming: Gamer's Arsenal: Mastering the Countermove in Virtual Worlds

7.Communication Tools for Close Order Tactics[Original Blog]

Effective communication is critical for the success of close order tactics. In order for a team to work together seamlessly and efficiently, communication tools must be utilized to ensure that each member is on the same page. From hand signals to radio communication, there are various methods that can be used to transmit information between team members. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into consideration when choosing which tool to use. Some methods may be more appropriate for certain situations than others. In this section, we will explore some of the most common communication tools used in close order tactics.

1. Hand signals:

Hand signals are a non-verbal method of communication that is commonly used in close order tactics. This method is simple and effective, and can be used in situations where verbal communication may not be possible or practical. Hand signals can be used to indicate things such as direction, movements, or signals to take cover. For example, a closed fist can indicate a halt, while a pointing finger can indicate a direction to move.

2. Radio communication:

Radio communication is another commonly used method of communication in close order tactics. This method allows team members to communicate with each other over a distance using a radio. Radio communication is ideal for situations where verbal communication may not be possible due to the distance between team members. It is also useful for situations where a team needs to maintain silence. However, radio communication can be intercepted by the enemy, so it is important to use proper encryption methods.

3. Verbal communication:

Verbal communication is the most common method of communication used in close order tactics. This method is effective when team members are close enough to hear each other. However, verbal communication can also be overheard by the enemy, which can compromise the team's position. It is important to keep verbal communication short and to the point to minimize the risk of being overheard.

4. Whistles:

Whistles are another non-verbal method of communication that can be used in close order tactics. This method is simple and effective, and can be used to indicate things such as the start or stop of an action. For example, a long whistle blast can indicate the start of an attack.

effective communication is essential for the success of close order tactics. By using the appropriate communication tools, teams can work together seamlessly and efficiently to achieve their objectives.

Essential Weapons And Tools For Close Quarters Combat - FasterCapital (7)

Communication Tools for Close Order Tactics - Communication: Seamless Communication: The Lifeline of Close Order Tactics

8.Community Living in Close Quarters[Original Blog]

Living in a zero lot line house often means sharing a wall with your neighbor, and this type of community living can be either a blessing or a curse. On one hand, living in close quarters can foster a sense of community and belonging, as neighbors are in close proximity to one another and can easily interact on a daily basis. On the other hand, it can also lead to conflicts and tensions, as residents may feel their privacy is being invaded, or may have different lifestyles that clash with their neighbors.

Regardless of the potential challenges, living in a zero lot line house can be an excellent opportunity to embrace community living, and there are ways to make it work for everyone involved. Here are some tips to help you navigate community living in close quarters:

1. Establish clear boundaries: It's important to communicate with your neighbors early on about your expectations for privacy and boundaries. Discuss noise levels, parking, and any other concerns you may have. By setting clear boundaries from the start, you can avoid potential conflicts down the road.

2. Be respectful: Living in close proximity to others means being aware of how your actions may affect your neighbors. Be mindful of noise levels, especially if you have shared walls or floors. Avoid leaving clutter or trash in shared areas, and be considerate of your neighbors when it comes to parking and outdoor spaces.

3. Get involved: Participating in community events and activities can be a great way to get to know your neighbors and foster a sense of community. Attend neighborhood meetings or block parties, or start a community garden or book club.

4. Use technology to your advantage: There are a variety of apps and online tools available to help neighbors communicate and stay connected. Consider setting up a neighborhood social media group or using a community messaging app to stay in touch and share important updates.

5. Address conflicts proactively: Despite your best efforts, conflicts may still arise from time to time. If this happens, it's important to address the issue proactively and respectfully. Approach your neighbor with your concerns and try to find a mutually beneficial solution. Remember, living in close quarters means learning to compromise and work together for the greater good.

Living in a zero lot line house can be an excellent way to embrace urban living and community living. By establishing clear boundaries, being respectful, getting involved, using technology to your advantage, and addressing conflicts proactively, you can create a harmonious and welcoming community that benefits everyone involved.

Essential Weapons And Tools For Close Quarters Combat - FasterCapital (8)

Community Living in Close Quarters - Embracing Urban Living with Zero Lot Line Houses: A Perfect Match

Essential Weapons And Tools For Close Quarters Combat - FasterCapital (2024)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

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Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.