European Severe Weather Database (2024)

Selected data from the database

selected: all reports
- occurring between 29-05-2024 00:00 and 05-06-2024 24:00 GMT/UTC

number of selected reports: 1526
Only the first 25 selected events are shown in the table
Dynamic map Static Map

European Severe Weather Database (1) tornado European Severe Weather Database (2) severe wind European Severe Weather Database (3) large hail European Severe Weather Database (4) heavy rain
European Severe Weather Database (5) funnel cloud European Severe Weather Database (6) gustnado European Severe Weather Database (7) lesser whirlwind
European Severe Weather Database (8) heavy snowfall/snowstorm European Severe Weather Database (9) ice accumulation European Severe Weather Database (10) avalanche European Severe Weather Database (11) damaging lightning

HTML table (limited to 25 events when not logged in)

large hail

to map

Mali Bač
Serbia(45.40N,19.20E)< 3 km
14:15UTC(+/- 15 min.)

based on information from: an eye-witness report,a report on a website,photo or video of the event
maximum hail diameter: 2.5 cm
Large hail up to about 2-3 cm i.d. (roughly estimated) was reported. The time was based on radar data.
Reference: Eyewitness report via 192_rs (on Instagram), 05 JUN 2024.

report status: plausibility check passed (QC0+)

contact: Igor Laskowski (ESWD management)

severe wind

to map

IkastIkast-Brande Kommune
Denmark(56.13N,9.18E)< 1 km
02:30UTC(+/- 15 min.)

based on information from: a television or radio broadcast,an eye-witness report,photograph(s) and/or video footage of the inflicted damage,a report on a website,a newspaper report,an eyewitness report of the damage
the intensity rating was based on photograph(s) and/or video footage of the inflicted damage, a written account of the damage (e.g. in a newspaper).
It is possible that this was a tornado.
Impacts: Damage to roof or chimney, Large tree branch(es) broken, Tree(s) uprooted or snapped, Greenhouse(s) damaged or destroyed
To be updated: QLCS Tornado very likely. Downed trees, roofs damaged & much more. Debris tossed distances. Will be updated.
Reference: eye-witness reports (on facebook), JUNE 5 2024. Løse tagplader, væltede møbler og knækkede træer: Vildt vejr ramte landsdelen i nat, TV Midvest, JUNE 5 2024

report status: report confirmed by reliable source (QC1)

contact: Niclas Lindberg Jensen (Voluntary Observer Person)

large hail

to map

Bordei VerdeBrăila
Romania(45.08N,27.57E)< 3 km
19:20UTC(+/- 15 min.)

based on information from: an eye-witness report,a report on a website,photo or video of the event
maximum hail diameter: 4 cm
Large hail up to at least 4 cm i.d. was reported. The time was based on radar data.
Reference: Eyewitness report via Meteo Braila (on Facebook), 05 JUN 2024.

report status: report confirmed by reliable source (QC1)

contact: Igor Laskowski (ESWD management)

large hail

to map

Romania(45.02N,27.70E)< 3 km
19:20UTC(+/- 15 min.)

based on information from: an eye-witness report,a report on a website,photo or video of the event
maximum hail diameter: 3.5 cm
Large hail up to at least 3.5 cm i.d. was reported. The time was based on radar data.
Reference: Eyewitness report via Meteo Braila (on Facebook), 05 JUN 2024.

report status: report confirmed by reliable source (QC1)

contact: Igor Laskowski (ESWD management)

large hail

to map

Romania(45.01N,27.21E)< 3 km
18:35UTC(+/- 15 min.)

based on information from: an eye-witness report,a report on a website,photo or video of the event
maximum hail diameter: 3 cm
Large hail up to at least 3 cm i.d. was reported. The time was based on radar data.
Reference: Eyewitness report via Meteo Buzau Original (on Facebook), 04 JUN 2024

report status: report confirmed by reliable source (QC1)

contact: Igor Laskowski (ESWD management)

large hail

to map

Romania(45.07N,27.27E)< 1 km
18:33UTC(+/- 15 min.)

based on information from: an eye-witness report,a report on a website,photo or video of the event
maximum hail diameter: 2 cm
Large hail up to at least 2 cm i.d. was reported. The time was based on radar data.
Reference: Eyewitness report via Meteo Buzău (on Facebook), 04 JUN 2024.

report status: report confirmed by reliable source (QC1)

contact: Igor Laskowski (ESWD management)

large hail

to map

C.A. RosettiBuzau
Romania(45.05N,27.16E)< 5 km
18:30UTC(+/- 15 min.)

based on information from: an eye-witness report,a report on a website,photo or video of the event
maximum hail diameter: 2.5 cm
Large hail up to at least 2.5 cm i.d. was reported. The time was based on radar data.
Reference: Eyewitness report via Meteo Buzău (on Facebook), 04 JUN 2024.

report status: report confirmed by reliable source (QC1)

contact: Igor Laskowski (ESWD management)

large hail

to map

Romania(45.06N,27.22E)< 1 km
18:30UTC(+/- 15 min.)

based on information from: an eye-witness report,a report on a website,photo or video of the event
maximum hail diameter: 3.5 cm
Large hail up to at least 3.5 cm i.d. was reported. The time was based on radar data.
Reference: Eyewitness report via Meteo Buzău (on Facebook), 04 JUN 2024.

report status: report confirmed by reliable source (QC1)

contact: Igor Laskowski (ESWD management)

large hail

to map

Romania(45.07N,27.23E)< 3 km
18:30UTC(+/- 15 min.)

based on information from: an eye-witness report,a report on a website,photo or video of the event
maximum hail diameter: 3.5 cm
Large hail up to at least 3.5 cm i.d. was reported. The time was based on radar data.
Reference: Eyewitness report via Meteo Braila (on Facebook), 05 JUN 2024.

report status: report confirmed by reliable source (QC1)

contact: Igor Laskowski (ESWD management)

large hail

to map

SărăteniRaionul Hînceşti
Moldova(46.86N,28.17E)< 1 km
17:55UTC(+/- 15 min.)

based on information from: an eye-witness report,a report on a website,photo or video of the event
maximum hail diameter: 2.5 cm
Large hail up to at least 2.5 cm i.d. was reported. The time was based on radar data.
Reference: Eyewitness report via Furtuni România - Official Meteo Group (on Facebook), 04 JUN 2024.

report status: report confirmed by reliable source (QC1)

contact: Igor Laskowski (ESWD management)

large hail

to map

Romania(46.57N,27.75E)< 3 km
17:00UTC(+/- 15 min.)

based on information from: an eye-witness report,a report on a website,photo or video of the event
maximum hail diameter: 3.5 cm
Large hail up to at least 3-4 cm i.d. (roughly estimated) was reported. The time was based on radar data.
Reference: Eyewitness report via Vremea Noua - Stiri Vaslui (on Facebook), 04 JUN 2024

report status: plausibility check passed (QC0+)

contact: Igor Laskowski (ESWD management)

heavy rain

to map

Poland(50.72N,23.25E)< 3 km
16:54UTC(+/- 5 min.)

based on information from: a report by a weather service,photograph(s) and/or video footage of the inflicted damage,a report on a website,an eyewitness report of the damage
precipitation: 72.9 mm
duration of precipitation: 1.33 hours
peak accumulated precipitation: 46 mm
duration of peak precipitation: 0.5 hours
Impacts: Road(s) impassable or closed, Basem*nt(s) flooded, Flooding of ground floor, Car(s) damaged (unspecified)
Numerous flooded streets and properties were reported after the passage of a thunderstorm. Local firefighting units intervened at least 108 times in the city. Time was based on radar data.,ulewa-nad-zamojszczyzna-ludzie-w-rozpaczy-strazacy-interweniuja-zdjecia
Reference: "Ulewa nad Zamojszczyzną. Ludzie w rozpaczy, strażacy interweniują [ZDJĘCIA]", Kronika Tygodnia, 04 JUN 2024. "„Oberwanie chmury” nad Zamościem. Woda wdarła się do piwnic", Zamość Naszemiasto, 04 JUN 2024. Eyewitnesses reports via - Telewizja Internetowa (on Facebook), 04 JUN 2024. "Ulewa nad Zamościem", Życie Zamościa, 04 JUN 2024. "Zamość: Miasto zalane. Strażacy mają dużo pracy",, 04 JUN 2024. "Stacja - IZAMO19",, date of access: 05 JUN 2024.

report status: report confirmed by reliable source (QC1)

contact: Igor Laskowski (ESWD management)

heavy rain

to map

Italy(45.15N,11.64E)< 3 km
16:30UTC(+/- 15 min.)

based on information from: an eye-witness report,a trained storm spotter,a report on a website,photo or video of the event,an eyewitness report of the damage
Impacts: Farmland flooded;id=100011351060171

report status: report confirmed by reliable source (QC1)

contact: MeteoNetwork Pretemp

large hail

to map

OrheiRaionul Orhei
Moldova(47.38N,28.82E)< 20 km
16:30UTC(+/- 15 min.)

based on information from: an eye-witness report,a report on a website,photo or video of the event
maximum hail diameter: 3 cm
Time as suggested by radar data. Exact place not given
Reference: ALERTA.MD (on Facebook), 04 JUN 2024.

report status: report confirmed by reliable source (QC1)

contact: Alexander Dashevsky / Thilo Kühne (ESSL)

large hail

to map

Italy(45.52N,11.16E)< 3 km
16:25UTC(+/- 5 min.)

based on information from: an eye-witness report,a trained storm spotter,a report on a website,photo or video of the event,an eyewitness report of the damage
maximum hail diameter: 2 cm
Impacts: Crops/farmland damaged

report status: report confirmed by reliable source (QC1)

contact: MeteoNetwork Pretemp

heavy rain

to map

Kolonia SitnoLubelskie
Poland(50.76N,23.37E)< 3 km
16:20UTC(+/- 15 min.)

based on information from: a report on a website,an eyewitness report of the damage
Impacts: Basem*nt(s) flooded
Flooded properties were reported after the passage of a thunderstorm. Time was based on radar data.,ulewa-nad-zamojszczyzna-ludzie-w-rozpaczy-strazacy-interweniuja-zdjecia
Reference: "Ulewa nad Zamojszczyzną. Ludzie w rozpaczy, strażacy interweniują [ZDJĘCIA]", Kronika Tygodnia, 04 JUN 2024.

report status: report confirmed by reliable source (QC1)

contact: Igor Laskowski (ESWD management)

large hail

to map

Romania(47.22N,26.31E)< 3 km
16:20UTC(+/- 5 min.)

based on information from: an eye-witness report,a report on a website,photo or video of the event
maximum hail diameter: 4 cm
Large hail up to at least 3-4 cm i.d. (roughly estimated) was reported. The time was based on radar data.
Reference: Eyewitness report (on Facebook), 04 JUN 2024

report status: plausibility check passed (QC0+)

contact: Igor Laskowski (ESWD management)


to map

VorchinVolyns'ka Oblast'
Ukraine(50.91N,24.20E)< 10 km
16:20UTC(+/- 5 min.)

based on information from: an eye-witness report,a report on a website,photo or video of the event
occurring over: land
The funnel cloud was observed.
A landspout was observed at 16:20 UTC, plausibly near Vorchin village where a storm was developing that time. The time was based on radar data.
Reference: "Поблизу Володимира помітили «торнадо»​​​​​​​ (фото, відео)",, 04 JUN 2024.

report status: report confirmed by reliable source (QC1)

contact: Igor Laskowski (ESWD management)

large hail

to map

Valea Largă-SăruleştiBuzau
Romania(45.51N,26.78E)< 1 km
16:05UTC(+/- 15 min.)

based on information from: an eye-witness report,a report on a website,photo or video of the event
maximum hail diameter: 4.5 cm
Large hail up to at least 4-5 cm i.d. was reported. The time was based on radar data.
Reference: Eyewitness report via Meteo Buzău (on Facebook), 04 JUN 2024.

report status: report confirmed by reliable source (QC1)

contact: Igor Laskowski (ESWD management)

large hail

to map

Vintilă VodăBuzau
Romania(45.47N,26.72E)< 3 km
16:00UTC(+/- 15 min.)

based on information from: an eye-witness report,a report on a website,photo or video of the event
maximum hail diameter: 4 cm
Large hail up to at least 4 cm i.d. was reported. The time was based on SAT data and Blitzortung lightning detection system.
Reference: Eyewitness report via Meteo Buzau Original (on Facebook), 04 JUN 2024

report status: report confirmed by reliable source (QC1)

contact: Igor Laskowski (ESWD management)

large hail

to map

Romania(45.53N,26.75E)< 3 km
16:00UTC(+/- 5 min.)

based on information from: an eye-witness report,a report on a website,photo or video of the event
maximum hail diameter: 4.5 cm
Large hail up to at least 4-5 cm i.d. was reported. The time was based on radar data.
Reference: Eyewitness report via Furtuni România - Official Meteo Group (on Facebook), 05 JUN 2024.

report status: plausibility check passed (QC0+)

contact: Igor Laskowski (ESWD management)

large hail

to map

Romania(45.49N,26.62E)< 3 km
15:57UTC(+/- 15 min.)

based on information from: an eye-witness report,a report on a website,photo or video of the event
maximum hail diameter: 4 cm
Large hail up to at least 4 cm i.d. was reported. The time was based on radar data.
Reference: Eyewitness report via Meteo Buzău (on Facebook), 04 JUN 2024. Eyewitness report via Meteo Buzau Original (on Facebook), 04 JUN 2024.

report status: report confirmed by reliable source (QC1)

contact: Igor Laskowski (ESWD management)

large hail

to map

Romania(45.52N,26.63E)< 3 km
15:57UTC(+/- 15 min.)

based on information from: an eye-witness report,a report on a website,photo or video of the event
maximum hail diameter: 3 cm
Large hail up to at least 3 cm i.d. was reported. The time was based on radar data.
Reference: Eyewitness report via Meteo Buzău (on Facebook), 04 JUN 2024.

report status: report confirmed by reliable source (QC1)

contact: Igor Laskowski (ESWD management)

large hail

to map

Romania(45.53N,26.70E)< 3 km
15:55UTC(+/- 5 min.)

based on information from: an eye-witness report,a report on a website,photo or video of the event
maximum hail diameter: 3 cm
Large hail up to at least 4 cm i.d. was reported. Time was based on radar data.
Reference: Meteo Buzau (on Facebook), 04 JUN 2024. Eyewitness report via Meteo Buzau Original (on Facebook), 04 JUN 2024.

report status: report confirmed by reliable source (QC1)

contact: Igor Laskowski (ESWD management)

large hail

to map

Romania(45.48N,26.58E)< 3 km
15:55UTC(+/- 5 min.)

based on information from: an eye-witness report,photograph(s) and/or video footage of the inflicted damage,a report on a website,photo or video of the event,an eyewitness report of the damage
maximum hail diameter: 5 cm
Impacts: Tree(s) damaged, Crops/farmland damaged
Very large hail up to at least 5 cm i.d. was reported. The time was based on radar data.
Reference: Eyewitness report via Meteo Buzau Original (on Facebook), 04 JUN 2024 "Imagini cu grindina uriașă de la Lopătari: ”A fost foarte mare și colțuroasă”", Sansa News, 04 JUN 2024.

report status: report confirmed by reliable source (QC1)

contact: Igor Laskowski (ESWD management)

European Severe Weather Database (2024)
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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.