Everything You Need To Know About The 75 Hard Challenge (Free 75 Hard Challenge Printable) - The Wellness Files (2024)

So you’re interested in trying the 75 Hard Challenge and are doing your research. Amazing! You’re in the perfect place.

In this post we are going to break down what the 75 Hard Challenge is, 75 Hard Rules, the pros and cons of the challenge, our tips and tricks to help you prepare and stay on track, and at the end of the post you can download your FREE 75 Hard Challenge Printable.

This post has everything you need to know about the 75 Hard Challenge with a FREE 75 Hard Challenge Printable.

What Is The 75 Hard Challenge?

The 75 Hard Challenge is a program created by Andy Frisella to take charge of your life and increase mental toughness.

It’s said that by completing this challenge you will see both physical and mental changes.

By the end of the 75 days, you will have become healthier, strengthened your self-discipline, gained confidence, and made massive changes in your life.

75 Hard Challenge Rules

Everything You Need To Know About The 75 Hard Challenge (Free 75 Hard Challenge Printable) - The Wellness Files (2)

The 75 Hard Challenge is made up of 6 different rules. These rules are non-negotiable and are to be completed for 75 consecutive days.

Rule #1: Follow A Diet

This can be any diet. This gives you the freedom to choose how you want to eat for the next 75 days but you have to stick to it. Maybe you want to go gluten-free or try eating a plant-based diet. This is completely up to you!

Rule #2: Two 45 Minute Workouts

Two 45-minute workouts each day and one of them has to be outside. We find it works best to break them up one in the morning and one in the afternoon/ night.

Planning will also go a long way when it comes to workouts because you want to keep in mind what the weather will be and make sure that you can fit in two 45 minute workouts each day.

Some workout ideas for you to try are yoga, walking, pilates, workout classes, weight lifting, boxing, etc. If you love working out from home, check out this post with our favorite workout apps!

Rule #3: No Alcohol or Cheat Meals

Give your liver a detox with zero alcohol for the next 75 days! This might be one of the most challenging rules when people look out for 75 days and see all of the special events they have going on.

Not only will this improve your physical health and wellness but it’s great for your mental health and discipline.

Rule #4: Take a Progress Picture Every Day

This rule might seem repetitive but it’s nice to look back on your progress and great for the days you’re feeling unmotivated.

Rule #5: Drink 1 Gallon of Water

Get ready to be hydrated! A lot of us are running on dehydration so this rule is great eye-opener on how little water we may be drinking.

TIP: To stay on track, get yourself a cute water bottle to carry around with you. We love our Stanley because it’s cute, holds a lot of water, and the straw makes us drink so much more water! And it fits in your car holder so you can bring it EVERYWHERE.

Rule #6: Read 10 Pages

Read 10 pages of a nonfiction book every day! We love adding this to our morning routine.

If you’re looking for some nonfiction book recs, check out this post!

75 Hard Challenge Tips and Tricks

Everything You Need To Know About The 75 Hard Challenge (Free 75 Hard Challenge Printable) - The Wellness Files (3)

It’s always important to consult with your doctor before trying any new diet or fitness program. If you are new to your wellness journey, maybe try easing your way into fitness with a “softer” challenge would be more suitable. Search “75 Soft” for people who want to follow a challenge like this but don’t want to make too many changes all at once! (Hint: More to come on this!)

Tip #1: Find Your "Why"

Before starting a challenge like this, it’s important to find your “why” to motivate you, especially on the days when you’re lacking motivation and need to practice discipline.

Set goals and an intention of what you’re looking to achieve. Are you looking to gain more confidence? Do you have specific business goals you want to accomplish? What are your wellness goals? Write them down!

Tip #2: Plan and Prepare!

These are a lot of new habits that you’ll be adding to your daily routine. Failing to prepare will prepare you to fail. This is especially true with a challenge like this!

Something as simple as laying out your workout clothes the night before to meal prepping your food to save you time during the week will help you so much!

To make things simple, plan out your weeks ahead and time block with the workouts you’ll be doing and when, the meals you will be eating, what book you’ll read each day, etc.

Tip #3: Take it One Day At A Time

Looking at a challenge like this can be extremely overwhelming. That is why planning ahead will help you to take this challenge day by day.

Tip #4: Track Everything

Tracking everything from your mood to your energy levels will help you stay motivated, and see what’s working and what isn’t working, and is a great way to see your overall growth and progress.

Tip #5: Find Your Motivation

Find your motivation and save it to a place for the days that you need inspiration. This could be anything from quotes, photos, or videos that inspire you, inspirational videos, workouts, etc.

TikTok or Instagram folder OR Pinterest Board: this could be filled with workout inspo, food ideas, motivational posts, etc. You can also create a Pinterest vision board to motivate and inspire you along your challenge.

Playlists: filled with music that hypes you up or podcasts that motivate you.

YouTube Videos: You can save inspirational youtube videos that you watch in the morning to set the tone for the day or save specific channels that inspire you.

Read or Watch Success Stories: reading or watching other’s success stories from the 75 Hard Challenge can be extremely motivating because it proves that it can be completed and also seeing other people’s results can give you the motivation you need for the days that the excuses and doubts arise.

Everything You Need To Know About The 75 Hard Challenge (Free 75 Hard Challenge Printable) - The Wellness Files (4)

75 Hard Challenge Pros and Cons

The Pros

  • Helps you develop healthy habits
  • Become healthier and more physically fit
  • Increased Confidence
  • Practice discipline

The Cons

  • Can be very restrictive
  • All-or-nothing mentality
  • Not backed by science
  • Could be too much exercise and water intake for some


Everything You Need To Know About The 75 Hard Challenge (Free 75 Hard Challenge Printable) - The Wellness Files (5)

Overall, we don’t think 75 Hard is for everyone! It can be great for someone looking for an extra challenge but for someone new to a healthy lifestyle, this can be overwhelming with all of the changes added in at once.

We like the idea of customizing this challenge to you and your needs! A lot of people are doing this and calling it the “75 Soft Challenge”

If you read this and are still wanting to try out the 75 Hard Challenge, download your free 75 Hard pdf printable above to help hold you accountable, and good luck!!

If you’re thinking this challenging is too much and not the right fit for you, stay tuned! This week we’ll be coming out with a 75 Soft Challenge!

This post was all about The 75 Hard Challenge

Everything You Need To Know About The 75 Hard Challenge (Free 75 Hard Challenge Printable) - The Wellness Files (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.