Ex-hedge funder buys rights to AIDS meds and jacks up prices 5500% (2024)

A former hedge fund manager has suffered severe backlash after purchasing the rights to a 62-year-old drug used for treating AIDS patients and raising the price overnight from$13.50 per tablet to $750.

Martin Shkreli, 32, founder and chief executive of Turing Pharmaceuticals, purchased the rights to Daraprim - which is used to treat life-threatening parasitic infections - in August for $55million.

Shortly thereafter, the price of the drug, which costs roughly $1 to produce, was increased to $750 per tablet.

Shkreli told Bloombergthat he hiked up the price of the pill because Turing Pharmaceuticals 'needed to turn a profit on the drug'.

Since the announcement, people across social media have criticized the price increase, but Shkreli has backed the decision.

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Martin Shkreli, 32, founder and chief executive of Turing Pharmaceuticals, changed the price of Daraprim, which is used to treat AIDS patients, from $13.50 per tablet to $750

Turing Pharmaceuticalspurchased the rights to the drug in August for $55million. Shkreli said that the decision to raise the price was made because the company'needed to turn a profit on the drug'

'This isn't the greedy drug company trying to gouge patients, it is us trying to stay in business,' Shkreli said, according to Raw Story.

He added that many patients use the drug for less than a year and that the price is on par with drugs similar that are used to treat rare diseases.

Since his company acquired the drug, Shkreli has urged the importance of improving Daraprim and said drugs need to be developed for treating neglected tropical diseases.

Shkreli said that the proceeds from the newly high-priced Daraprim will be used to research better treatments and raise awareness for toxoplasmosis.,an opportunistic parasitic infection that can cause serious and life-threatening problems.


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The disease primarily in babies and people with compromised immune systems, including AIDS and cancer patients.

As the drug has been passed from one pharmaceutical company to another, the price has steadily increased from $1 to $13.50. But when Shkreli acquired the drug, he increased the price by almost 5,500 per cent.

Fierce Biotech editor John Carroll was one of the first people to ask Shkreli to explain why he chose to up the price.

In the heated exchange, Shkreli first said that it was 'a great business decision that also benefits all of our stakeholders', but didn't provide further information.

Shkreli received backlash from people on social media over his choice to raise the drug's price, but he responded to the criticism with a link to lyrics to The Way I Am by Eminem, writing that 'it seems like the media immediately points a finger at me'

Instead, Shkreli insulted Carroll several times, calling him 'a moron', 'irrelevant', and someone who doesn't 'think logically'.

At one point, Shkreli, when referring to Carroll, said he didn't 'expect the likes of you to process' his explanation for upping the price of Darapram.

Even Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton jumped into criticize the price hike, calling it 'outrageous'.

'Price gouging like this in the specialty drug market is outrageous. Tomorrow I'll lay out a plan to take it on. -H,' she Tweeted on Monday.

Clinton plans to unveil a plan this week to cap monthly out-of-pocket costs for specialty drugs. She alluded to her plan in public remarks on Monday and said she will spell it out in more detail at a health-care forum in Des Moines, Iowa, on Tuesday.

She pointed to a New York Times story that focused on Turing that said while prices sometimes rise due to drug shortages, other times prices balloon as a result of a company's business strategy of buying older drugs and turning them into expensive specialty drugs.

On Monday, shares in biotech companies such as Immunogen and Gilead Sciences dropped after Clinton's Tweet.

In an open letter to Turing, ISDA and HIVMA urged the company to rethink the new new pricing structure for the generic medicine, according toHealio.

'Under the current pricing structure, it is estimated that the annual cost of treatment for toxoplasmosis, for the pyrimethamine component alone, will be $336,000 for patients who weigh less than 60 kg and $634,500 for patients who weigh more than 60 kg,' they wrote.

The letter continued: 'This cost is unjustifiable for the medically vulnerable patient population in need of this medication and unsustainable for the health care system.'

Shkreli said in an interview on Monday that the company would not be lowering Daraprim's price.

Shkeli was raised in the Sheepshead Bay section of Brooklyn by immigrant, working class parents from Albania and Croatia, according to Bloomberg Business. He went to Hunter College High school in Manhattan, a secondary school for gifted students, and recently presented his alma mater with a $1million donation. He graduated from Baruch Collge in 2005.

He was a college intern for Jim Cramer, the hedge fund manager and now host of CNBC’s Mad Money. But Cramer, tweeted ‘I just kept hearing all day about some kid who was an intern at my old shop 15 years ago; I don’t even know him. Enough!’

But Bloomberg reports Shkreli recommended shorting a biotech stock - betting the company’s share price would drop. The stock did drop and Cramer’s hedge fund profited and the Securities and Exchange Commission conducted an investigation. Shkreli was 19. and the Securities and Exchange Commission called to ask if there’d been any funny business behind the prescient wager. At 19, Shkreli found himself under SEC scrutiny. The agency found nothing amiss.

Shkreli grew up in this modest apartment building in the Sheepshead Bay section of Brooklyn

Backlash on Twitter has been extreme, with people from across the world calling Shkreli vulgar names and a person who is 'everything wrong' with the United States.

'Martin Shkreli is everything wrong with money, medicine, and politics in America,' Q Allen Brocka wrote, attaching a gif that showed Shkreli telling a reporter that he wouldn't change the drug's price.

'I have dealt with sociopaths in my life. Like @MartinShkreli, theyre good a putting on a mask of charm while engaged in self-centered evil,' Kurt Eichenwald wrote.

'This is Martin Shkreli. He just raised the price of a drug from $13.50 to $750 per tablet. Martin Shkreli is garbage,' Jess Devonport Tweeted, attaching a photo of the pharma CEO.

'Well it's official, @MartinShkreli is the worst person in America. He just raised the price of AIDS medication from $13.50 a tablet to $750,' Stephen Glickman wrote.

'Unless there's some defenders out there (I'm sure there are), I think Martin Shkreli has united every possible group in their hatred of him,' user @firescotch Tweeted.

Shkreli responded to the backlash by Tweeting a link the lyrics to the Eminem song The Way I Am.

'And it seems like the media immediately points a finger at me,' he Tweeted. 'So I point one back at em, but not the index or pinkie.'

He spent much of Monday retweeting messages of support from people who took his side after the price-increase announcement.

He wrote back to some Twitter users, telling some that they 'don't have the facts'.

In an article published on Sunday, Shkreli toldThe New York Times that his company shouldn't be facing the backlash it is.

'This is still one of the smallest pharmaceutical products in the world,' he said. 'It really doesn't make sense to get any criticism for this.'

Since Shkreli made headlines for the massive price change of Daraprim, media sites have scoured the internet for information about the CEO's past.

His OK Cupid accound, which has since been deleted, reveals that he 'started a drug company to find treatments for rare and severe diseases'.

He says on the profile that he couldn't live without cats, music, family, time, hope and good food, adding that he spends a lot of time thinking about 'human suffering'.

He claims on the page to have plenty of spare time and that he's 'excited to build a relationship and share my life with someone'.

Before founding Turing, Shkreli worked as a hedge funder who at one time was accused of trying to manipulate FDA regulations on drug companies whose stocks he was shorting, according toGawker.

He worked with companies including Cramer, Berkowitz, & Co and Intrepid Capital Management before founding his own hedge fund when he was in his 20s.

He was once publicly scolded by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, after writing writing scathing blog posts about companies he was shorting, accusing them of having problems.

Without success, the group urged the Department of Justice to investigate Shkreli after accusing him of 'spreading unfounded and inaccurate rumors about drugs owned by companies he was shorting'.

Daraprimtreats toxoplasmois, an opportunistic parasitic infection that can cause serious and life-threatening problems, primarily in babies and people with compromised immune systems, including AIDS and cancer patients

Prior to founding Turing Pharmaceuticals, Shkreli worked as a hedge funder who was once accused oftrying to manipulate FDA regulations on drug companies whose stocks he was shorting

He was forced out of the last drug company he founded, Retrophin, which specialized in buying the rights to little-known drugs and increasing their prices.

They increased the price of a drug that treats a rare kidney disease by 2,000 per cent, according to Fusion.

Retrophin forced Shkreli out of the company and is now suing the former hedge funder for $65million, after accusations of looting the company.

According to the lawsuit, Shkreli's former hedge fund, MSMB - another company he founded - was left 'virtually bankrupt' after Shkreli made a single trade with Merril Lynch in February 2011.

Shkreli allegedly used Retrophin's funds to pay MSMB investors who had lost money in the trade, Retrophin's board of directors claims.

'Shkreli was the paradigm faithless servant,' the complaint states. 'Shkreli used his control over Retrophin to enrich himself, and to pay off claims of MSMB investors (who he had defrauded).'

On the day the lawsuit was filed, Shkreli gave a shout out to Wu-Tang Clan in a Tweet, writing, 'I am not the one to f*** with #wutang'.

A spokesperson from Retrophin could not be reached by Daily Mail Online.


Shkreli's OK Cupid page has since been deleted

My self-summary

native new yorker seeks girlfriend. intelligent, handsome and all sorts of other good qualities. i am endlessly entertaining, providing comedic relief and artistic thought in one convenient package. what a catch!

What I’m doing with my life

i started a drug company to find treatments for rare and severe diseases. i have spare time, however, and i'm excited to build a relationship and share my life with someone.

I’m really good at

logic, difficult situations and tough choices.

The first things people usually notice about me

eyes, attitude, confidence

Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food

avant garde music


meat & potatoes American food

mobster movies and gus van sant

house, south park, jon stewart

The six things I could never do without

cats - ideal companions

music - i play guitar and love all kinds of music

family - my brother, in particular

time - our friend and enemy

hope - staying positive has been useful to me

good food - life's simple and universal luxury

I spend a lot of time thinking about

human suffering



On a typical Friday night I am


watching TV

hanging out with my brother

The most private thing I’m willing to admit

There are better ways to discover these things. Privacy and intimacy are the essence of relationship.

You should message me if

you think we'd make a good couple! i am easy-going and i think first dates should be stress-free and fun. also, you should message me for the hell of it. you never know where love comes from.

Ex-hedge funder buys rights to AIDS meds and jacks up prices 5500% (2024)


Ex-hedge funder buys rights to AIDS meds and jacks up prices 5500%? ›

It was created in the 1960s and treats a parasitic infection called toxoplasmosis. And, in August, a pharmaceutical executive named Martin Shkreli decided to hike Daraprim's price increased 5,500 percent. Shkreli was arrested Wednesday on charges of security fraud.

Who bought AIDS medicine and raised the price? ›

Topline. Martin Shkreli, the notorious former CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals and convicted securities fraudster, will still be banned from working in the pharmaceutical industry after a federal appeals court in New York upheld a ban enacted after he was found liable for gouging the price of an AIDS drug.

Why did Martin Shkreli raise the price of medication? ›

Ethical Insight. When Turing Pharmaceutical's CEO Martin Shkreli raised the price of Daraprim from $13.50 to $750 overnight, many were outraged by this price gouging. Shkreli rationalized that he was a “Robin Hood” and the money would go toward research of new and better drugs.

Is Daraprim still $750? ›

The company, now Vyera Pharmaceuticals, didn't reply to an inquiry about Daraprim's list price, but the price still appears to be $750 per pill. The generic Daraprim, pyrimethamine, was approved by the FDA in March. The list price is around the same as the brand-name version, according to the website GoodRx.

Who is the guy in the AIDS drug price? ›

Martin Shkreli (/ˈʃkrɛli/; born March 17, 1983) is an American financial criminal and businessman.

Who was the CEO who raised drug prices? ›

Martin Shkreli became infamous, and earned the nickname "Pharma Bro," after he hiked the price of a potentially lifesaving antiparasitic medication in 2015.

What is an example of pharmaceutical price gouging? ›

New report highlights Big Pharma price gouging

As one example, U.S. gross prices for insulin – a drug that has been around for 100 years and costs drug companies just $10 a vial to make – were on average almost ten times the price in the United States than in comparison countries.

Are pharmaceutical companies price gouging? ›

Drug corporation price-gouging is not new: every year Big Pharma jacks up prices to boost the profits of their CEOs, executives and shareholders, while millions of Americans are forced to ration their medication.

Why does the US pay the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs? ›

Brand-name prescription drug prices are so high in the U.S., and much higher than in other comparable countries, because in the U.S. we allow brand-name pharmaceutical manufacturers to charge whatever they want during their periods of government-granted market exclusivity--a condition not seen in any other developed ...

Why are Pharmaceuticals so expensive in the United States? ›

Higher drug prices are often the result of drug patents that pharmaceutical companies hold. Strategic drug patenting prevents companies that make generic drugs from competing. This is because their generic products could be subject to court action.

Why is doxycycline so expensive? ›

Hikma Pharmaceuticals, for example, was forced to stop production of doxycycline in 2011 due to quality concerns at its New Jersey plant. The shortage resulted in a 6,000% increase in the price of the drug. It can be difficult and expensive for a manufacturer to get a generic drug to market in the first place.

What does Shkreli do now? ›

Shkreli was released from prison in May 2022. Court records show he is working as a software developer and as a consultant for a law office.

How many Americans use Daraprim? ›

Even so, only about 2000 Americans take Daraprim each year. prescriptions. By contrast, many orphan drugs cost hundreds of thousands of dollars per patient per year. Given this disparity, the market is unlikely to prioritize the development of therapeutic alternatives to Daraprim.

How much is Daraprim now? ›

Oral Tablet
QuantityPer unitPrice

What does Martin Shkreli do now? ›

Shkreli is working as a consultant for the Law Office of Christopher K. Johnston LLC and as a software developer for DL Software, according to the document. He earns $6,967 monthly, has no remaining financial court obligations and continues to complete 20 hours of community service each month.

Did the price of pyrimethamine increase? ›

In September, the decision by Turing Pharmaceuticals to increase the price of pyrimethamine, a 62-year-old generic drug used to treat toxoplasmosis and malaria, from approximately $13.50 to $750.00 per pill resulted in a firestorm that ignited social media, led to harsh criticism by 2 Democratic presidential candidates ...

How much does Daraprim cost today? ›

The cost for Daraprim oral tablet 25 mg is around $23,702 for a supply of 30 tablets, depending on the pharmacy you visit. Quoted prices are for cash-paying customers and are not valid with insurance plans. This price guide is based on using the Drugs.com discount card which is accepted at most U.S. pharmacies.

What is the Turing Pharmaceuticals price gouging scandal? ›

Shkreli was chief executive of Turing Pharmaceuticals, a company that in 2015 hiked the price of Daraprim, a drug used to treat Aids, malaria and cancer, by more than 5,000%. The ensuing scandal managed to unite Donald Trump and his then presidential rival, Hillary Clinton, in condemnation.

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