Examples: Configuring BGP Flap Damping - TechLibrary (2024)

Understanding Damping Parameters

BGP route flapping describes the situationin which BGP systems send an excessive number of update messages toadvertise network reachability information. BGP flap damping is a method of reducing the number of update messages sent betweenBGP peers, thereby reducing the load on these peers, without adverselyaffecting the route convergence time for stable routes.

Flap damping reduces the number of update messages by markingroutes as ineligible for selection as the active or preferable route.Marking routes in this way leads to some delay, or suppression, in the propagation of route information, but the result is increasednetwork stability. You typically apply flap damping to external BGP(EBGP) routes (routes in different ASs). You can also apply flap dampingwithin a confederation, between confederation member ASs. Becauserouting consistency within an AS is important, do not apply flap dampingto internal BGP (IBGP) routes. (If you do, it is ignored.)

There is an exception that rule. Starting in Junos OS Release 12.2, you can apply flapdamping at the address family level. In aJunos OS Release 12.2 or later installation, when you apply flap dampingat the address family level, it works for both IBGP and EBGP.

By default, route flap damping is not enabled. Damping is appliedto external peers and to peers at confederation boundaries.

When you enable damping, default parameters are applied, assummarized in Table1.

Table 1: DampingParameters

Damping Parameter


Default Value

Possible Values

half-life minutes

Decay half-life—Number of minutes afterwhich an arbitrary value is halved if a route stays stable.


1 through 45

max-suppress minutes

Maximum hold-down time for a route, in minutes.

60 (minutes)

1 through 720


Reuse threshold—Arbitrary value belowwhich a suppressed route can be used again.


1 through 20,000


Cutoff (suppression) threshold—Arbitraryvalue above which a route can no longer be used or included in advertisem*nts.


1 through 20,000

To change the default BGP flap damping values, you define actionsby creating a named set of damping parameters and including it ina routing policy with the damping action. For the damping routingpolicy to work, you also must enable BGP route flap damping.

See also

  • Understanding Routing Policies

  • Example: Configuring BGP Route Flap Damping Parameters

Example: Configuring BGP Route Flap Damping Parameters

This example shows how to configure dampingparameters.

  • Requirements

  • Overview

  • Configuration

  • Verification


Before you begin, configure router interfacesand configure routing protocols.


This example has three routing devices. Device R2 has externalBGP (EBGP) connections with Device R1 and Device R3.

Device R1 and Device R3 have some static routes configured fortesting purposes, and these static routes are advertised through BGPto Device R2.

Device R2 damps routes received from Device R1 and Device R3according to these criteria:

  • Damp all prefixes with a mask length equal to or greaterthan 17 more aggressively than routes with a mask length between 9and 16.

  • Damp routes with a mask length between 0 and 8, inclusive,less than routes with a mask length greater than 8.

  • Do not damp the prefix at all.

The routing policy is evaluated when routes are being exportedfrom the routing table into the forwarding table. Only the activeroutes are exported from the routing table.

Figure1 shows the sample network.

Figure 1: BGP Flap Damping Topology

Examples: Configuring BGP Flap Damping - TechLibrary (1)

CLI Quick Configuration shows the configurationfor all of the devices in Figure1.

The section Step-by-Step Procedure describesthe steps on Device R2.


CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configurethis example, copy the following commands, paste them into a textfile, remove any line breaks, change any details necessary to matchyour network configuration, and then copy and paste the commands intothe CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level.

Device R1

Device R2

Device R3

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate variouslevels in the configuration hierarchy. For information about navigatingthe CLI, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the CLI User Guide.

To configure damping parameters:

  1. Configure the interfaces.

  2. Configure the BGP neighbors.
  3. Create and configure the damping parameter groups.

  4. Configure the damping policy.

  5. Enable damping for BGP.

  6. Apply the policy as an import policy for the BGP neighbor.


    You can refer to the same routing policy one or more timesin the same or different import statements.

  7. Configure an export policy.
  8. Apply the export policy.
  9. Configure the autonomous system (AS) number.


From configuration mode, confirm your configurationby issuing the show interfaces, show protocols, show policy-options, and show routing-options commands. If the output does not display the intended configuration,repeat the instructions in this example to correct the configuration.

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.


Confirm that the configuration is working properly.

  • Causing Some Routes to Flap

  • Checking the Route Flaps

  • Verifying Route Flap Damping

  • Displaying the Details of a Damped Route

  • Verifying That Default Damping Parameters Are in Effect

  • Filtering the Damping Information

Causing Some Routes to Flap


To verify your route flap damping policy, some routesmust flap. Having a live Internet feed almost guarantees that a certainnumber of route flaps will be present. If you have control over aremote system that is advertising the routes, you can modify the advertisingrouter's policy to effect the advertisem*nt and withdrawal of allroutes or of a given prefix. In a test environment, you can causeroutes to flap by clearing the BGP neighbors or by restarting therouting process on the BGP neighbors, as shown here.


From operational mode on Device R1 and Device R3, enterthe restart routing command.


Use this command cautiously in a production network.

user@R1> restart routing

user@R3> restart routing


On Device R2, all of the routes from the neighborsare withdrawn and re-advertised.

Checking the Route Flaps


View the number of neighbor flaps.


From operational mode, enter the show bgp summary command.

user@R2> show bgp summary


This output was captured after the routing processwas restarted on Device R2’s neighbors four times.

Verifying Route Flap Damping


Verify that routes are being hidden due to damping.


From operational mode, enter the show route dampingsuppressed command.

user@R2> show route damping suppressed


The output shows some routing instability. Eleven routesare hidden due to damping.

Displaying the Details of a Damped Route


Display the details of damped routes.


From operational mode, enter the show route dampingsuppressed detail command.

user@R2> show route damping suppressed


This output indicates that the displayed route hasa mask length that is equal to or greater than /17, and confirms thatit has been correctly mapped to the aggressive damping profile. Youcan also see the route’s current (and last) figure of meritvalue, and when the route is expected to become active if it remainsstable.

Verifying That Default Damping Parameters Are in Effect


Locating a damped route with a /16 mask confirms thatthe default parameters are in effect.


From operational mode, enter the show route dampingsuppressed detail | match 0/16 command.

user@R2> show route damping suppressed detail| match 0/16

user@R2> show route damping suppressed


Routes with a /16 mask are not impacted by the customdamping rules. Therefore, the default damping rules are in effect.

To repeat, the custom rules are as follows:

  • Damp all prefixes with a mask length equal to or greaterthan 17 more aggressively than routes with a mask length between 9and 16.

  • Damp routes with a mask length between 0 and 8, inclusive,less than routes with a mask length greater than 8.

  • Do not damp the prefix at all.

Filtering the Damping Information


Use OR groupings or cascaded piping to simplify thedetermination of what damping profile is being used for routes witha given mask length.


From operational mode, enter the show route dampingsuppressed command.

user@R2> show route damping suppressed detail| match "0 announced | damp"


When you are satisfied that your EBGP routes are correctlyassociated with a damping profile, you can issue the clear bgpdamping operational mode command to restore an active statusto your damped routes, which will return your connectivity to normaloperation.

See also

  • Understanding Damping Parameters

  • Using Routing Policies to Damp BGP Route Flapping

Example: Configuring BGP Route Flap Damping Based on the MBGPMVPN Address Family

This example shows how to configure an multiprotocolBGP multicast VPN (also called Next-Generation MVPN) with BGP routeflap damping.

  • Requirements

  • Overview

  • Configuration

  • Verification


This example uses Junos OS Release 12.2. BGProute flap damping support for MBGP MVPN, specifically, and on anaddress family basis, in general, is introduced in Junos OS Release12.2.


BGP route flap damping helps to diminish route instability causedby routes being repeatedly withdrawn and readvertised when a linkis intermittently failing.

This example uses the default damping parameters and demonstratesan MBGP MVPN scenario with three provider edge (PE) routing devices,three customer edge (CE) routing devices, and one provider (P) routingdevice.

Figure2 shows thetopology used in this example.

Figure 2: MBGP MVPN with BGP Route FlapDamping

Examples: Configuring BGP Flap Damping - TechLibrary (2)

On PE Device R4, BGP route flap damping is configured for addressfamily inet-mvpn. A routing policy called dampPolicy uses the nlri-route-type match condition to damp onlyMVPN route types 3, 4, and 5. All other MVPN route types are not damped.

This example shows the full configuration on all devices inthe CLI Quick Configuration section. The Configuring Device R4 section shows the step-by-stepconfiguration for PE Device R4.


CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure thisexample, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file,remove any line breaks, change any details necessary to match yournetwork configuration, and then copy and paste the commands into theCLI at the [edit] hierarchy level.

Device R1

Device R2

Device R3

Device R4

Device R5

Device R6

Device R7

Configuring Device R4

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate variouslevels in the configuration hierarchy. For information about navigatingthe CLI, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the CLI User Guide.

To configure Device R4:

  1. Configure the interfaces.

  2. Configure MPLS and the signaling protocols on the interfaces.

  3. Configure BGP.

    The BGP configuration enables BGP route flap damping for the inet-mvpn address family. The BGP configuration also importsinto the routing table the routing policy called dampPolicy. This policy is applied to neighbor PE Device R2.

  4. Configure an interior gateway protocol.

  5. Configure a damping policy that uses the nlri-route-type match condition to damp only MVPN route types 3, 4, and 5.

  6. Configure the damping policy to disable BGProute flap damping.

    The no-damp policy (damping no-damp disable) causes any damping state that is present in the routing table tobe deleted. The then damping no-damp statement appliesthe no-damp policy as an action and has no from match conditions. Therefore, all routes that are not matched by term1 are matched by this term, with the result that all otherMVPN route types are not damped.

  7. Configure the parent_vpn_routes to acceptall other BGP routes that are not from the inet-mvpn addressfamily.

    This policy is applied as an OSPF export policy in the routinginstance.

  8. Configure the VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) instance.

  9. Configure the router ID and the autonomous system (AS)number.

  10. If you are done configuring the device, commit the configuration.


From configuration mode, confirm your configurationby entering the show interfaces, show protocols, show policy-options, show routing-instances, and show routing-options commands. If the output doesnot display the intended configuration, repeat the instructions inthis example to correct the configuration.


Confirm that the configuration is working properly.

  • Verifying That Route Flap Damping Is Disabled

  • Verifying Route Flap Damping

Verifying That Route Flap Damping Is Disabled


Verify the presence of the no-damp policy,which disables damping for MVPN route types other than 3, 4, and 5.


From operational mode, enter the show policy damping command.

user@R4> show policy damping


The output shows that the default damping parametersare in effect and that the no-damp policy is also in effectfor the specified route types.

Verifying Route Flap Damping


Check whether BGP routes have been damped.


From operational mode, enter the show bgp summary command.

user@R4> show bgp summary


The Damp State field shows that zero routes in thebgp.mvpn.0 routing table have been damped. Further down, the lastnumber in the State field shows that zero routes have been dampedfor BGP peer

See also

  • Understanding Damping Parameters

  • Using Routing Policies to Damp BGP Route Flapping

  • Example: Configuring BGP Route Flap Damping Parameters

Related Documentation

  • Understanding External BGP Peering Sessions

  • BGP Configuration Overview

Release History Table




Starting in Junos OS Release 12.2, you can apply flapdamping at the address family level.

Examples: Configuring BGP Flap Damping - TechLibrary (2024)


How does BGP dampening work? ›

When the route exceeds the suppress limit, the route is dampened. Once the route is dampened, the router won't install the route in the routing table nor advertise it to other BGP neighbors. When the router learns again about a route with a penalty, the half-life timer starts.

What is the half-life of BGP dampening? ›

The default half-life period is 15 minutes. The penalty on the route is reduced every 5 seconds. Reuse limit: When the penalty falls below the reuse limit, the route is unsuppressed. The default reuse limit is 750.

What is the BGP damping policy? ›

BGP flap damping is a way to reduce the number of update messages sent between BGP peers, thereby reducing the load on these peers without adversely affecting the route convergence time. Flap damping reduces the number of update messages by marking routes as ineligible for selection as the active or preferable route.

What is the problem with BGP flapping? ›

BGP flapping is a common issue faced by network administrators in today's world. It occurs when a router or switch on the network experiences frequent changes in the status of its routing information. This can cause route oscillations, which can lead to packet loss and other problems.

What is the purpose of soft reconfigure in BGP? ›

Soft reconfiguration uses stored update information, at the cost of additional memory for storing the updates, to allow you to apply new BGP policy without disrupting the network. Soft reconfiguration can be configured for inbound or outbound sessions.

How do you manipulate BGP incoming traffic? ›

This can be done by manipulating one or more BGP attributes in one of the following ways: AS Path Prepending - by making the AS path longer for a particular entry point into our BGP AS, it is less likely that the neighboring AS will use that route to enter our network.

Why it is necessary to configure route reflectors for BGP? ›

BGP Route Reflectors reduce the number of peerings required for full-mesh connectivity in iBGP networks. Now that you understand BGP Route Reflectors, you can use them to streamline iBGP topology and improve network resilience.

How many hops are in BGP? ›

If you specify a network in this command, BGP establishes EBGP sessions to all indirectly connected dynamic peers in the network. hop-count: Specifies the maximum number of hop counts, in the range of 1 to 255. The default is 64.

How does BGP do load balancing? ›

BGP load balancing through route recursion

The matching route with the direct next hop is called the recursive route. The process of finding a recursive route is route recursion. If multiple recursive routes to the same destination are load balanced, BGP generates the same number of next hops to forward packets.

How to check if BGP is flapping? ›

To verify that unnecessary session flaps are occurring:
  1. Run the show bgp summary command to verify that the sessions have been established. ...
  2. Deactivate the EBGP session. ...
  3. Run the show bgp summary command to view the session flaps.

What is BGP weakness? ›

The main weakness of BGP is that it is based on the principle of absolute trust, assuming that routers in interconnected networks never lie when advertising the IP address pools, they have.

Why is BGP so complicated? ›

BGP does not have a simple metric to decide whch path is the best. Instead, it advertises an extensive set of attributes with each route and uses a complex algorithm consisting of up to 13 steps to decide which path is the best. BGP messages are Open, Keepalive, Update, Notification, and Route-Refresh.

How does BGP route reflector work? ›

BGP route reflector and the types of iBGP routers

Routes learned from Route Reflector clients are advertised to other RR clients and RR non-clients. Routes received from RR non-clients are advertised to RR clients only. Routes learned from eBGP neighbors are reflected to RR clients and RR non-clients.

What does BGP soft reset do? ›

Soft Reset

Stored update information is used for this purpose, so this method uses more memory, allowing the new BGP policies to be applied without disrupting the network. Soft reset is useful when a BGP session is reset, but the TCP session of the peering remains intact.

How does BGP advertisem*nt work? ›

BGP uses the network statement in the configuration to identify what networks you wish to advertise from your local networks. BGP then looks in the local routing table and if it finds a network in the routing table that matches the network statement (and matches the mask also) then BGP will advertise it.

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