Exchange USDT (ERC-20) to USDT (TRC-20) | FixedFloat (2024)

',}).show();}})});return promise;},};let FixedFunc = {keydown: function(input, e) {let WH = e.which || e.keyCode; if (e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey) return; if ((WH == 48 || WH == 96) && input.value == '0') { input.value = '0.'; }if ((WH >= 58 && WH <= 90) || (WH >= 106 && WH <= 111) || WH >= 146) {e.preventDefault();if ((WH == 188 || WH == 190 || WH == 191 || WH == 110) &&\./i) == -1) {let pos = F.carPos(input);input.value = input.value.substr(0, pos)+'.'+input.value.substr(pos++); F.setCarPos(input, pos, pos);}} else if (WH == 13) {input.blur();}},fixAmount: function(value) {let ar = value.split('.');if (ar[0] == '') {value = '0'+value;ar[0] = '0';}if (ar.length == 1 || ar[1].length <= 8) {return value;}return ar[0]+'.'+ar[1].substr(0,8);}};let selectorFrom = UI.selector('select_currency_from', {tmpl:'selector_tmpl').innerHTML,search: {placeholder: 'Type a currency', label: 'Found currencies'},searchByDataset: ['symbol'],hidden: true,onInit: function(selected) {;},});let selectorTo = UI.selector('select_currency_to', {tmpl:'selector_tmpl').innerHTML,search: {placeholder: 'Type a currency', label: 'Found currencies'},searchByDataset: ['symbol'],hidden: true,onInit: function(selected) {;},});selectorFrom.onChange(function(selected, from, param) {let c_from = selected.value, c_to = selectorTo.val();F.remClass('receive_wallet', 'error');Ex.changePositionUsdRate();;if (c_to == c_from && !param) {, true);Ex.unlockAmounts();'receive_wallet').value = '';}if (Ex.lock) {Ex.unlockAmounts();'receive_wallet').value = '';}if (!param) {Ex.getRatePaste(true);}});selectorTo.onChange(function(selected, from, param) {F.remClass('receive_wallet', 'error');if ( != selected.value) {Ex.unlockAmounts();'receive_wallet').value = '';'receive_extraid').value = '';}Ex.extraIDtoggle();Ex.changePositionUsdRate();;if (selectorFrom.val() == selected.value && !param) {, true);Ex.unlockAmounts();'receive_wallet').value = '';'receive_extraid').value = '';}if (selected.value.toLowerCase() == 'xrp') {'receive_extraid_label').innerHTML = 'Destination Tag (optional)';'receive_extraid_label').setAttribute('data-label', 'Destination Tag');} else if (selected.value.toLowerCase() == 'xmr') {'receive_extraid_label').innerHTML = 'Payment ID (optional)';'receive_extraid_label').setAttribute('data-label', 'Payment ID');} else {'receive_extraid_label').innerHTML = 'MEMO (optional)';'receive_extraid_label').setAttribute('data-label', 'MEMO');}if (!param) {Ex.getRatePaste(true);}});let _exchangeSubmit = UI.button('exchange_submit', {changeAtOnce: false, changeTexts: false}).click(function(btn, e) {e.preventDefault();for (let key in Ex.error) {if (!Ex.error[key]) {continue;}let breakSubmit = true;switch(key) {case 'from''select_amount_from').focus();break;case 'to''select_amount_to').focus();break;case 'tag':if (Ex.timeKeyupWallet == -1) {if (Ex.tag_required) {'receive_extraid_error').innerHTML = ''"receive_extraid_label").getAttribute("data-label")+' is required';} else {'receive_extraid_error').innerHTML = 'Invalid '"receive_extraid_label").getAttribute("data-label")+'';}'receive_extraid').focus();F.addClass('receive_extraid', 'error');} else {breakSubmit = false;}break;case 'address':default:if (Ex.timeKeyupWallet == -1) {'receive_wallet_error').innerHTML = 'Enter your '+selectorTo.selectedAttr("label")+' address';'receive_wallet').focus();F.addClass('receive_wallet', 'error');} else {breakSubmit = false;}break;}if (breakSubmit) return;}let data = {fromCurrency: Ex.from.toUpperCase(),toCurrency:,type: Ex.type,toAddress:'receive_wallet').value};if (Ex.changeable == 'to') {data['toQty'] =;} else {data['fromQty'] = Ex.amount.from;}let arr = ['bnb', 'xrp', 'xlm', 'twt', 'btcbnb', 'adabnb', 'ethbnb', 'usdtbnb', 'busd', 'atom', 'eos'];if (arr.indexOf(data.toCurrency.toLowerCase()) >= 0) {data.extra ='receive_extraid').value;}if (typeof(gtag) == 'function') {gtag('event', 'exchange', {'event_category': 'button'});}let fee = 1 - / Ex.usd.from;if ((1 - / Ex.usd.from) >= 0.07 && Ex.usd.from - > 2) {UI.popup({html: '


Attention! High network fees!



Please note that the total network fees for sending a transaction and consolidating the funds received represent a significant part of the total exchange amount for this direction.
Your exchange for this amount can be very unprofitable.


You can read more about this problem in our article on the formation of rates.





',onSubmit: function() {btn.loading();Ex.makeOrder(data).then(function(msg) {// btn.success();location.href = '/order/';}).catch(function() {btn.error();})},}).show();} else {btn.loading();Ex.makeOrder(data).then(function(msg) {btn.success();location.href = '/order/';}).catch(function() {btn.error();})}})_typeExchange.change(function() {let change = false;if (Ex.type != this.value) {Ex.type = this.value;change = true;}Ex.toggleLocked();if (change) {Ex.getRatePaste();}});'btn_reverse').onclick = function(e) {e = e || event;e.preventDefault();if (F.hasClass(this, 'disabled')) {return;}let fromVal = selectorFrom.val();let toVal = selectorTo.val();if (!selectorTo.options[fromVal] || !selectorFrom.options[toVal]) {return;}selectorTo.val(fromVal);'receive_wallet').value = '';};'select_amount_from').onfocus = function() {F.remClass('receive_wallet', 'error');}'select_amount_from').onkeydown = function(e) {e = e || event;FixedFunc.keydown(this, e);}'select_amount_from').oninput = function(e) {e = e || event;let inp = this;F.remClass(inp, 'error');Ex.changeable = Ex.dirfixed ? Ex.changeable : 'from';clearTimeout(Ex.timeKeyup);Ex.toggleLocked();if (this.value) {Ex.timeKeyup = setTimeout(function() {Ex.amount.from = inp.value;Ex.getRate(selectorFrom.val(), selectorTo.val(), inp.value);}, 300);}}'select_amount_from').onblur = function(e) {clearTimeout(Ex.timeKeyup);if (this.value) {Ex.getRate(selectorFrom.val(), selectorTo.val(), this.value);} else {this.value = '0.0000';'select_hinterror_from').innerHTML = 'The amount can not be zero';}};'select_amount_to').onfocus = function() {F.remClass('receive_wallet', 'error');}'select_amount_to').onkeydown = function(e) {e = e || event;FixedFunc.keydown(this, e);}'select_amount_to').oninput = function(e) {e = e || event;Ex.changeable = Ex.dirfixed ? Ex.changeable : 'to';let inp = this;F.remClass(inp, 'error');clearTimeout(Ex.timeKeyup);Ex.toggleLocked();if (this.value) {Ex.timeKeyup = setTimeout(function() { = inp.value;Ex.getRate(selectorFrom.val(), selectorTo.val(), inp.value, 'to');}, 300);}}'select_amount_to').onblur = function() {clearTimeout(Ex.timeKeyup);if (this.value) {Ex.getRate(selectorFrom.val(), selectorTo.val(), this.value, 'to');} else {this.value = '0.0000';'select_hinterror_to').innerHTML = 'The amount can not be zero';}};F.bind('receive_wallet', 'keydown', function(e) {e = e || event;let WH = e.which || e.keyCode;if (WH == 13) {e.preventDefault();;}});F.bind('receive_wallet', 'focus', function() {F.remClass(this, 'error');});F.bind('receive_wallet', 'click', function() {// console.log('try');});F.bind('receive_wallet', 'input', function() {F.remClass(this, 'error');// F.remClass('receive_wallet', 'error');clearTimeout(Ex.timeKeyupWallet);let val = this.value;if (val) {Ex.timeKeyupWallet = setTimeout(function() {Ex.timeKeyupWallet = -1;Ex.validateAddress();}, 300);} else {Ex.timeKeyupWallet = -1;Ex.error.address = true;Ex.unlockAmounts();Ex.checkButton();}});F.bind('receive_wallet', 'blur', function() {let inp = this;if (inp.value) {if (Ex.timeKeyupWallet != -1) {return;}Ex.validateAddress();} else {Ex.error.address = true;Ex.unlockAmounts();Ex.checkButton();}});F.bind('receive_extraid', 'blur', function() {let inp = this;Ex.validateAddress();Ex.timeKeyupWallet = -1;});F.bind('receive_extraid', 'input', function() {F.remClass(this, 'error');// F.remClass('receive_wallet', 'error');clearTimeout(Ex.timeKeyupWallet);Ex.timeKeyupWallet = -1;});'select_label_from').onclick = function() {;};'select_label_to').onclick = function() {;};'wallet_scanqr').onclick = function(e) {e = e || event;e.preventDefault();UI.qrscan({scan: function(code) { let parse = code.match(/(?:\w+:)?(\w+)(?:\?.*)?/i);'receive_wallet').value = parse[1];'receive_wallet').focus();'receive_wallet').blur();this.close();}});};F.on('exchange_amount', 'click', '.tolightning', function(e) {let dir = this.getAttribute('data-dir');if (dir == 'from') {'btcln');} elseif (dir == 'to') {'btcln');}});F.on('exchange_amount', 'mousedown', '.maxmin-value', function(e) {e = e || event;e.preventDefault();let _inp = this.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector('input.input-amount');_inp.value = this.getAttribute('data-value');Ex.toggleLocked();Ex.changeable = Ex.dirfixed ? Ex.changeable : _inp.getAttribute('data-dir');Ex.getRatePaste();return false;});'type_difference').onclick = function(e) {e = e || event;e.preventDefault();UI.popup({html: '


What is the difference between fixed and a float rates?


Fixed rate


Opting for a fixed rate, you get the price you see at the point of initiating a transaction.


  • Pay just 1% + network fee.
  • '+'
  • No hidden commissions.
  • '+'
  • Rates freeze for 10 minutes.
  • '+'
  • If the market rate changes by more than 1.2% before the appearance of your transaction on the blockchain network, you will be asked to make a refund or continue exchanging at the market rate.
  • '+'


Float rate


The exchange rate is finally set when your transaction receives the necessary number of blockchain network confirmations. If the market goes up, you will get more cryptocurrency, if down - less. All fair.


  • Pay just 0.5% + network fee.
  • '+'
  • No hidden commissions.
  • '+'
  • The exchange rate will be set when we receive your transaction.
  • '+'


Example: You need to exchange 1 BTC for 28.37362388 ETH.
'+'If you choose a fixed rate, you will receive exactly 28.37362388 ETH for 1 BTC.
If you choose a float rate, then the price of 1 BTC will vary between 28.52343244 ETH and 28.13788921, in accordance with the exchange rate volatility.



',}).show();};Ex.init = true;Ex.getRateFull(selectorFrom.val(), selectorTo.val(), 1000, 'to', 200);'receive_wallet').focus();'receive_wallet').blur();Ex.extraIDtoggle();Ex.changePositionUsdRate();Ex.toggleLocked();})

Exchange USDT (ERC-20) to USDT (TRC-20)

What do you need to know?

  • ­ The average time of the exchange of USDT (ERC-20) to USDT (TRC-20) — from 1 to 2 minutes
  • ­ Only 4 confirmations of the USDT (ERC-20) are needed to complete the exchange
  • ­ Do not send USDT (ERC-20) through a third party contract! Such transactions are not automatically processed. We accept transactions from the original USDT (ERC-20) contract
  • ­ Our exchanger only sends transactions to the original USDT (TRC-20) contract

Exchange USDT (ERC-20) to USDT (TRC-20) | FixedFloat (1)

Brief Information on USDT (ERC-20)

Tether (USDT) was created by Tether Limited in 2014. The developers were able to qualitatively implement a curious idea — to combine a real-life currency and blockchain technology. As a result, the USDT stablecoin appeared — its rate is almost always equal to 1 US dollar.

In 2018, USDT was released on the Ethereum blockchain using the ERC-20 protocol. This made Tether compatible with decentralized apps, dramatically increased transaction speed, and dramatically reduced fees. At this time, Tether on the ETH blockchain is the most popular among users.

USDT smart contract

Do not submit USDT through a third party contract. Our exchanger does not accept transactions that are sent by third party smart contracts, except for the original USDT contract.

Network fee

To work with tokens, the wallet must have ETH. It is very difficult to calculate the exact amount of ETH to send a transaction. During periods of high load, it can change significantly. Each token can have a different transaction value. Therefore, it is better that the amount of ETH on the wallet is slightly higher than the average fee on the network at the moment. The average commission can be estimated using the Blockchair analytical service.

The system does not see the transaction, what should I do?

If you have sent funds, but there are no changes, check your transaction in an explorer ( or and make sure that the transaction was created.

If the transaction has already been added to the blockchain, and the system has not seen it, contact technical support, we will be able to help you promptly.

Exchange USDT (ERC-20) to USDT (TRC-20) | FixedFloat (2)

Brief Information on USDT (TRC-20)

Tether (USDT) was created by Tether Limited in 2014. The developers were able to qualitatively implement a curious idea — to combine a real-life currency and blockchain technology. As a result, the USDT stablecoin appeared — its rate is almost always equal to 1 US dollar. In 2019, USDT was released on the TRON blockchain using the TRC-20 protocol.

USDT smart contract

Our exchanger only sends transactions to the original USDT contractin the network TRX. Transactions are not sent to addresses of third-party contracts.

Transaction processing speed in the TRON blockchain

The network is capable of processing about 1 500 transactions per second. The speed will directly depend on how many users are currently making transfers. On average, it will take up to 3 minutes to confirm a transaction.

exchange in 3 easy steps
  1. Enter the desired amount of Tether (ERC20) and write your wallet address to receive currency.
  2. Click the "Exchange now" button and you will be taken inside your order.
  3. Send Tether (ERC20) to the address from your order, after the required network confirmation, Tether (TRC20) will be sent instantly.

Exchange USDT (ERC-20) to USDT (TRC-20) | FixedFloat (2024)


Can I swap USDT ERC20 to TRC20? ›

Can I convert USDT ERC20 to TRC20? Yes, you can use Allbridge Core to convert from ERC20 USDT to TRC20, enabling the seamless flow of liquidity between Ethereum and Tron blockchains. To access the complete list of the bridge and token contracts, please visit the corresponding GitBook section.

Can I withdraw ERC20 to TRC20? ›

No conversion is required when sending USDT (ERC20 or TRC20) to an external wallet from CoinZoom. You may send ERC20 to an external TRC20 wallet or the reverse.

What happens if I send ERC20 to TRC20? ›

No, you cannot transfer between ERC20 and TRC20 versions of USDT… They are two separate tokens with different blockchains, so the tokens are not compatible.

Is USDT ERC20 the same as USDT TRC20? ›

TRC20-USDT refers to USDT issued on the TRON network, and ERC20-USDT refers to USDT issued by Tether on the Ethereum network. The USDT issued on TRC20 and ERC20 are both identical, however, fees for transferring this USDT can often be cheaper on the Tron network using TRC20.

How to turn ERC20 to TRC20? ›

Since your purpose is to convert your USDT ERC-20 to TRC-20, at this point you can enter the personal center - select withdrawal - search USDT - select TRC20 - enter your wallet address for receiving TRC20 - enter the amount and Confirm to complete the withdrawal.

How to convert ERC20 to TRC20 on Binance? ›

Go to changenow[dot]io and as seen below, USDT is used in a couple of networks like TRX, ETH, and BSC (Binance Smart Chain). 2. Since the intention is to convert your USDT ERC-20 to TRC-20, you should choose ETH on the first field (left), and TRX on the second field (right).

How to convert USDT ERC to USDT TRC20? ›

Exchange USDT (ERC-20) to USDT (TRC-20)
  1. Enter the desired amount of Tether (ERC20) and write your wallet address to receive currency.
  2. Send Tether (ERC20) to the address from your order, after the required network confirmation, Tether (TRC20) will be sent instantly.

Why is TRC20 withdrawal suspended? ›

Due to wallet maintenance, USDT-TRC20 withdrawal function will be temporarily suspended.

How to transfer USDT to TRC20? ›

Deposit with USDT TRC20

Select USDT TRC20 in the Deposit section of your Personal Area. Choose the trading account you would like to deposit into, then click Continue. The assigned USDT TRC20 address will be present. Scan the QR code using the Tether application.

How do I know if my USDT is ERC20 or TRC20? ›

ERC20 tokens are identified by their Ethereum address, which starts with “0x”, e.g. 0xbd7e… On the other hand, TRC20 tokens use Tron addresses, which usually start with “T”, e.g. T9zP14…

How do I withdraw USDT ERC20 from trust wallet? ›

Withdrawal with Tether (USDT ERC20)
  1. Select Tether USDT ERC20 from the Withdrawal section of your PA.
  2. Choose the trading account you wish to withdraw from and the amount in USD, as well as your private wallet address; take care to provide this exact or funds may be lost and irrecoverable.
Feb 22, 2023

How to convert ERC20 to USDT? ›

The current value of 1 ERC20 is $0.01 USD. In other words, to buy 5 ERC20, it would cost you $0.05 USD.

Does Coinbase support USDT TRC20? ›

Bitcoin TRC20 is not supported by Coinbase.

Does Coinbase use USDT ERC20 or TRC20? ›

Does Coinbase accept USDT? Coinbase only supports ERC-20 USDT running on the Ethereum blockchain.

Why is TRC20 better than ERC20? ›

The primary difference between the three most popular token standards is that of the underlying network. While ERC20 crypto tokens are based on the Ethereum blockchain, BEP20 tokens are built on BSC, and TRC20 tokens are based on the TRON blockchain.

What is the difference between TRC20 and ERC20 network? ›

The difference between TRC20 and ERC20

TRC20 and ERC20 certainly have some differences, and the most basic is that TRC20 is a token on the Tron blockchain network, while ERC20 is a token belonging to the most recognized Ethereum blockchain network.

Where can I swap my TRC20? ›

Symlix is a peer-to-peer marketplace where users buy, sell and exchange cryptocurrencies. The platform offers secure Tether TRC20 trades and live chat for users to communicate with each other.

How to open USDT TRC20 wallet? ›

You can easily find your USDTRX wallet address in Freewallet. Click on the “Receive” button and choose Tether TRC20. There you'll find your wallet address and you'll be able to deposit funds on your balance.

How do I change my USDT TRC20 in trust wallet? ›

Exchange in 3 steps
  1. Enter the desired amount of Tether (TRC20) and write your wallet address to receive currency.
  2. Send Tether (TRC20) to the address from your order, after the required network confirmation, Trust Wallet Token (BEP2) will be sent instantly.

Can I trade USDT TRC20? ›

Many exchanges currently support the deposit and withdrawal of TRC20-USDT. We will recommend you check directly with your preferred platform for more information on the availability of this feature.

Which wallet is best for TRC20? ›

Atomic Wallet is the best cryptocurrency wallet that supports all popular currencies. The advantages of the Atomic Wallet are now undeniable because it offers a high level of security.

How to convert USDT TRC20 to USD? ›

How to swap USDT to USDC
  1. Choose the exchange pair: Tether USD (TRON) vs USD Coin (Ethereum), in this case.
  2. Enter the address of the recipient to process the Tether USD (TRON) - USD Coin (Ethereum) transaction.
  3. Check the rate: how many USDT in USD Coin (Ethereum) you'll receive.

How to convert USDT to TRC20 in Binance? ›

Select the Crypto Currency option, then choose from USDT_ERC20, USDT_TRC20, or ETH.
  1. Copy your private depositing address and paste it into your Binance withdrawal address.
  2. In the Network field, select ERC20 or TRC20, depending on what you selected from your Client Portal.

Which wallet address is TRC20 USDT? ›

Tether USD(USDT)TRC20 tokens on TRON mainnet. The token is implemented as a TRC20 smart contract at address TR7NHqjeKQxGTCi8q8ZY4pL8otSzgjLj6t with 6 number of decimals.

How much is the USDT TRC20 fee? ›

The exchange has increased the transaction fee for USDT (TRC20) from $1 to $2.6 per transaction, which many consider to be a significant hike. While this fee increase may be inconvenient for some users, it is important to remember that #Binance is dedicated to providing a secure and reliable platform for its users.

Which USDT does Coinbase use? ›

Important note: at this time, Coinbase only supports USDT on the Ethereum blockchain (ERC-20).

How do I cash out USDT from trust wallet? ›

While you can't withdraw money to your bank account in Trust Wallet, you can send the tokens to a centralized exchange and sell it there. Once you exchange your tokens for your local currency, you can withdraw the funds to your bank account.

Can I transfer USDT to my bank account? ›

Cash out USDT the easy way. Sell Tether's USDT stablecoin from any wallet and withdraw funds in 14 fiat currencies directly on your bank account in 171 countries. No identification required.

How do I transfer USDT to another wallet? ›

How do I send Tether (USDT)?
  1. Click Send and choose Tether from the Currency drop-down menu.
  2. In the To field, paste the recipient's USDT address OR scan the recipient's QR code.
  3. Enter the amount you want to send. ...
  4. Once you're ready to send, click Continue to review transaction details.
Mar 21, 2022

Can you swap ERC20? ›

No, you can only swap tokens that are native to the Ethereum network, such as ETH, ERC-20 tokens or NFTs. You can only swap "wrapped" forms of Bitcoin that live on Ethereum.

How to convert USDT ERC to USDT bep20? ›

How to swap USDTTRC20 to USDTBEP20
  1. Choose the crypto exchange pair. Choose Tether USD (Tron) in the “You send” section. ...
  2. Enter the recipient's address. Now you need to enter the recipient's Tether USD (BSC) address. ...
  3. Send and receive cryptocurrencies.

How do I know if my USDT is ERC20? ›

To confirm if the USDT you hold is ERC-20, visit Etherscan and enter your USDT address. This will be able to tell you if your USDT is on the Ethereum blockchain.

Is TRC20 traceable? ›

How to track USDT TRC20 transactions? It is possible to track USDT funds on blockchain explorers like Etherscan for USDT ERC20, Tronscan for USDT TRC20, and Solscan. In addition, blockchain analytics tools like Scorechains also help compliance teams track USDT against money laundering and terrorism financing risks.

How do I get my TRC20 wallet address in trust wallet? ›

How to get USDT TRC20 Wallet Address (Mobile)
  1. Tap on “wallet” Trending. لشهر آذار 2023 AYMBot® نتائج
  2. Tap on the “deposit” icon.
  3. Ensure you select (USDT) as the coin, then select (TRC20) as the network.
  4. The deposit address will appear as shown below. Click on “Get Address” if not shown.
Mar 8, 2022

Is USDT TRC20 stable? ›

It is also a stablecoin, meaning its value is backed by a stable asset—in this case, the U.S. dollar. USDT runs on a number of different blockchains but for now, Telegram will only support the asset on Tron—TRC20.

Is ERC20 and TRC20 the same? ›

One of the main differences between ERC20 and TRC20 is the address style. ERC20 tokens are identified by their Ethereum address, which starts with “0x”, e.g. 0xbd7e… On the other hand, TRC20 tokens use Tron addresses, which usually start with “T”, e.g. T9zP14…

Can you transfer USDT between exchanges? ›

Tether is a stablecoin that is pegged to different fiat currencies. USDT is pegged to the US Dollar and is issued by the company known as Tether. This allows traders to transfer the “fiat equivalent” in value between exchanges, without the need for normal fiat currency regulation.

How can I swap USDT to Tron? ›

How to swap USDTTRC20 to TRX
  1. Choose the crypto exchange pair. Choose Tether USD (Tron) in the “You send” section. ...
  2. Enter the recipient's address. Now you need to enter the recipient's TRON address. ...
  3. Send and receive cryptocurrencies.

What exchange supports TRC20? ›

  • Cash.
  • ZoomMe.
  • NFT Marketplace.

Does Coinbase have USDT TRC20? ›

Litecoin TRC20 is not currently supported across Coinbase's vast ecosystem.

Where can I swap USDT TRC20? ›

Allbridge Core offers seamless cross-chain swaps of USDT TRC20 to ERC20, enabling transfers between Tron and Ethereum blockchains. Beyond USDT, our platform also features USDC and BUSD stablecoin transfers at launch, with more networks and tokens added to the roadmap in the future.

Is Coinbase TRC20 or ERC20? ›

The USDT on Coinbase is an ERC20 token on the Ethereum blockchain.

How do I transfer USDT between wallets? ›

How do I send Tether (USDT)?
  1. Click Send and choose Tether from the Currency drop-down menu.
  2. In the To field, paste the recipient's USDT address OR scan the recipient's QR code.
  3. Enter the amount you want to send. ...
  4. Once you're ready to send, click Continue to review transaction details.
Mar 21, 2022

Where can I swap my USDT? ›

Swapping Tether (USDT) to DAI is a safe and effortless process with ZenGo. Within just a few taps, you can trade your Tether for DAI or the other way around. Get started with ZenGo, the most secure Web3-ready cryptocurrency wallet app, today.

How do I trade USDT TRC20 on trust wallet? ›

Exchange in 3 steps
  1. Enter the desired amount of Tether (TRC20) and write your wallet address to receive currency.
  2. Send Tether (TRC20) to the address from your order, after the required network confirmation, Trust Wallet Token (BEP2) will be sent instantly.

Do I need TRX to receive USDT TRC20? ›

You first need to send at least 0.1 TRX to this address to enable TRC20 token deposit.

Can I send USDT TRC20 to TRON wallet? ›

TRON allows you to send TRC10 and TRC20 tokens without having to pay network transaction fees. This can be done by freezing some TRON in your wallet. If you do not have enough Energy or Bandwidth from freezing TRON, then you can pay TRON network transaction fees in TRON (TRX).

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Author: Kelle Weber

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Views: 5316

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (53 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.