Exchange USDT (TRC-20) to USDT (ERC-20) | FixedFloat (2024)

',}).show();}})});return promise;},};let FixedFunc = {keydown: function(input, e) {let WH = e.which || e.keyCode; if (e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey) return; if ((WH == 48 || WH == 96) && input.value == '0') { input.value = '0.'; }if ((WH >= 58 && WH <= 90) || (WH >= 106 && WH <= 111) || WH >= 146) {e.preventDefault();if ((WH == 188 || WH == 190 || WH == 191 || WH == 110) &&\./i) == -1) {let pos = F.carPos(input);input.value = input.value.substr(0, pos)+'.'+input.value.substr(pos++); F.setCarPos(input, pos, pos);}} else if (WH == 13) {input.blur();}},fixAmount: function(value) {let ar = value.split('.');if (ar[0] == '') {value = '0'+value;ar[0] = '0';}if (ar.length == 1 || ar[1].length <= 8) {return value;}return ar[0]+'.'+ar[1].substr(0,8);}};let selectorFrom = UI.selector('select_currency_from', {tmpl:'selector_tmpl').innerHTML,search: {placeholder: 'Type a currency', label: 'Found currencies'},searchByDataset: ['symbol'],hidden: true,onInit: function(selected) {;},});let selectorTo = UI.selector('select_currency_to', {tmpl:'selector_tmpl').innerHTML,search: {placeholder: 'Type a currency', label: 'Found currencies'},searchByDataset: ['symbol'],hidden: true,onInit: function(selected) {;},});selectorFrom.onChange(function(selected, from, param) {let c_from = selected.value, c_to = selectorTo.val();F.remClass('receive_wallet', 'error');Ex.changePositionUsdRate();;if (c_to == c_from && !param) {, true);Ex.unlockAmounts();'receive_wallet').value = '';}if (Ex.lock) {Ex.unlockAmounts();'receive_wallet').value = '';}if (!param) {Ex.getRatePaste(true);}});selectorTo.onChange(function(selected, from, param) {F.remClass('receive_wallet', 'error');if ( != selected.value) {Ex.unlockAmounts();'receive_wallet').value = '';'receive_extraid').value = '';}Ex.extraIDtoggle();Ex.changePositionUsdRate();;if (selectorFrom.val() == selected.value && !param) {, true);Ex.unlockAmounts();'receive_wallet').value = '';'receive_extraid').value = '';}if (selected.value.toLowerCase() == 'xrp') {'receive_extraid_label').innerHTML = 'Destination Tag (optional)';'receive_extraid_label').setAttribute('data-label', 'Destination Tag');} else if (selected.value.toLowerCase() == 'xmr') {'receive_extraid_label').innerHTML = 'Payment ID (optional)';'receive_extraid_label').setAttribute('data-label', 'Payment ID');} else {'receive_extraid_label').innerHTML = 'MEMO (optional)';'receive_extraid_label').setAttribute('data-label', 'MEMO');}if (!param) {Ex.getRatePaste(true);}});let _exchangeSubmit = UI.button('exchange_submit', {changeAtOnce: false, changeTexts: false}).click(function(btn, e) {e.preventDefault();for (let key in Ex.error) {if (!Ex.error[key]) {continue;}let breakSubmit = true;switch(key) {case 'from''select_amount_from').focus();break;case 'to''select_amount_to').focus();break;case 'tag':if (Ex.timeKeyupWallet == -1) {if (Ex.tag_required) {'receive_extraid_error').innerHTML = ''"receive_extraid_label").getAttribute("data-label")+' is required';} else {'receive_extraid_error').innerHTML = 'Invalid '"receive_extraid_label").getAttribute("data-label")+'';}'receive_extraid').focus();F.addClass('receive_extraid', 'error');} else {breakSubmit = false;}break;case 'address':default:if (Ex.timeKeyupWallet == -1) {'receive_wallet_error').innerHTML = 'Enter your '+selectorTo.selectedAttr("label")+' address';'receive_wallet').focus();F.addClass('receive_wallet', 'error');} else {breakSubmit = false;}break;}if (breakSubmit) return;}let data = {fromCurrency: Ex.from.toUpperCase(),toCurrency:,type: Ex.type,toAddress:'receive_wallet').value};if (Ex.changeable == 'to') {data['toQty'] =;} else {data['fromQty'] = Ex.amount.from;}if (data.toCurrency == 'BNB' || data.toCurrency == 'XRP' || data.toCurrency == 'XLM' || data.toCurrency == 'TWT' || data.toCurrency == 'BTCBNB' || data.toCurrency == 'ETHBNB' || data.toCurrency == 'ADABNB' || data.toCurrency == 'USDTBNB' || data.toCurrency == 'BUSD' || data.toCurrency == 'ATOM') {data.extra ='receive_extraid').value;}if (typeof(gtag) == 'function') {gtag('event', 'exchange', {'event_category': 'button'});}let fee = 1 - / Ex.usd.from;if ((1 - / Ex.usd.from) >= 0.07 && Ex.usd.from - > 2) {UI.popup({html: '


Attention! High network fees!



Please note that the total network fees for sending a transaction and consolidating the funds received represent a significant part of the total exchange amount for this direction.
Your exchange for this amount can be very unprofitable.


You can read more about this problem in our article on the formation of rates.





',onSubmit: function() {btn.loading();Ex.makeOrder(data).then(function(msg) {// btn.success();location.href = '/order/';}).catch(function() {btn.error();})},}).show();} else {btn.loading();Ex.makeOrder(data).then(function(msg) {btn.success();location.href = '/order/';}).catch(function() {btn.error();})}})_typeExchange.change(function() {let change = false;if (Ex.type != this.value) {Ex.type = this.value;change = true;}Ex.toggleLocked();if (change) {Ex.getRatePaste();}});'btn_reverse').onclick = function(e) {e = e || event;e.preventDefault();if (F.hasClass(this, 'disabled')) {return;}let fromVal = selectorFrom.val();let toVal = selectorTo.val();if (!selectorTo.options[fromVal] || !selectorFrom.options[toVal]) {return;}selectorTo.val(fromVal);'receive_wallet').value = '';};'select_amount_from').onfocus = function() {F.remClass('receive_wallet', 'error');}'select_amount_from').onkeydown = function(e) {e = e || event;FixedFunc.keydown(this, e);}'select_amount_from').oninput = function(e) {e = e || event;let inp = this;F.remClass(inp, 'error');Ex.changeable = Ex.dirfixed ? Ex.changeable : 'from';clearTimeout(Ex.timeKeyup);Ex.toggleLocked();if (this.value) {Ex.timeKeyup = setTimeout(function() {Ex.amount.from = inp.value;Ex.getRate(selectorFrom.val(), selectorTo.val(), inp.value);}, 300);}}'select_amount_from').onblur = function(e) {clearTimeout(Ex.timeKeyup);if (this.value) {Ex.getRate(selectorFrom.val(), selectorTo.val(), this.value);} else {this.value = '0.0000';'select_hinterror_from').innerHTML = 'The amount can not be zero';}};'select_amount_to').onfocus = function() {F.remClass('receive_wallet', 'error');}'select_amount_to').onkeydown = function(e) {e = e || event;FixedFunc.keydown(this, e);}'select_amount_to').oninput = function(e) {e = e || event;Ex.changeable = Ex.dirfixed ? Ex.changeable : 'to';let inp = this;F.remClass(inp, 'error');clearTimeout(Ex.timeKeyup);Ex.toggleLocked();if (this.value) {Ex.timeKeyup = setTimeout(function() { = inp.value;Ex.getRate(selectorFrom.val(), selectorTo.val(), inp.value, 'to');}, 300);}}'select_amount_to').onblur = function() {clearTimeout(Ex.timeKeyup);if (this.value) {Ex.getRate(selectorFrom.val(), selectorTo.val(), this.value, 'to');} else {this.value = '0.0000';'select_hinterror_to').innerHTML = 'The amount can not be zero';}};F.bind('receive_wallet', 'keydown', function(e) {e = e || event;let WH = e.which || e.keyCode;if (WH == 13) {e.preventDefault();;}});F.bind('receive_wallet', 'focus', function() {F.remClass(this, 'error');});F.bind('receive_wallet', 'click', function() {// console.log('try');});F.bind('receive_wallet', 'input', function() {F.remClass(this, 'error');// F.remClass('receive_wallet', 'error');clearTimeout(Ex.timeKeyupWallet);let val = this.value;if (val) {Ex.timeKeyupWallet = setTimeout(function() {Ex.timeKeyupWallet = -1;Ex.validateAddress();}, 300);} else {Ex.timeKeyupWallet = -1;Ex.error.address = true;Ex.unlockAmounts();Ex.checkButton();}});F.bind('receive_wallet', 'blur', function() {let inp = this;if (inp.value) {if (Ex.timeKeyupWallet != -1) {return;}Ex.validateAddress();} else {Ex.error.address = true;Ex.unlockAmounts();Ex.checkButton();}});F.bind('receive_extraid', 'blur', function() {let inp = this;Ex.validateAddress();Ex.timeKeyupWallet = -1;});F.bind('receive_extraid', 'input', function() {F.remClass(this, 'error');// F.remClass('receive_wallet', 'error');clearTimeout(Ex.timeKeyupWallet);Ex.timeKeyupWallet = -1;});'select_label_from').onclick = function() {;};'select_label_to').onclick = function() {;};'wallet_scanqr').onclick = function(e) {e = e || event;e.preventDefault();UI.qrscan({scan: function(code) { let parse = code.match(/(?:\w+:)?(\w+)(?:\?.*)?/i);'receive_wallet').value = parse[1];'receive_wallet').focus();'receive_wallet').blur();this.close();}});};F.on('exchange_amount', 'click', '.tolightning', function(e) {let dir = this.getAttribute('data-dir');if (dir == 'from') {'btcln');} elseif (dir == 'to') {'btcln');}});F.on('exchange_amount', 'mousedown', '.maxmin-value', function(e) {e = e || event;e.preventDefault();let _inp = this.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector('input.input-amount');_inp.value = this.getAttribute('data-value');Ex.toggleLocked();Ex.changeable = Ex.dirfixed ? Ex.changeable : _inp.getAttribute('data-dir');Ex.getRatePaste();return false;});'type_difference').onclick = function(e) {e = e || event;e.preventDefault();UI.popup({html: '


What is the difference between fixed and a float rates?


Fixed rate


Opting for a fixed rate, you get the price you see at the point of initiating a transaction.


  • Pay just 1% + network fee.
  • '+'
  • No hidden commissions.
  • '+'
  • Rates freeze for 10 minutes.
  • '+'
  • If the market rate changes by more than 1.2% before the appearance of your transaction on the blockchain network, you will be asked to make a refund or continue exchanging at the market rate.
  • '+'


Float rate


The exchange rate is finally set when your transaction receives the necessary number of blockchain network confirmations. If the market goes up, you will get more cryptocurrency, if down - less. All fair.


  • Pay just 0.5% + network fee.
  • '+'
  • No hidden commissions.
  • '+'
  • The exchange rate will be set when we receive your transaction.
  • '+'


Example: You need to exchange 1 BTC for 28.37362388 ETH.
'+'If you choose a fixed rate, you will receive exactly 28.37362388 ETH for 1 BTC.
If you choose a float rate, then the price of 1 BTC will vary between 28.52343244 ETH and 28.13788921, in accordance with the exchange rate volatility.



',}).show();};Ex.init = true;Ex.getRateFull(selectorFrom.val(), selectorTo.val(), 1000, 'to', 200);'receive_wallet').focus();'receive_wallet').blur();Ex.extraIDtoggle();Ex.changePositionUsdRate();Ex.toggleLocked();})

Exchange USDT (TRC-20) to USDT (ERC-20)

What do you need to know?

  • ­ The average time of the exchange of USDT (TRC-20) to USDT (ERC-20) — 3 minute
  • ­ Only 1 confirmation of the USDT (TRC-20) are needed to complete the exchange
  • ­ Do not send USDT (TRC-20) through a third party contract! Such transactions are not automatically processed. We accept transactions from the original USDT (TRC-20) contract
  • ­ Our exchanger only sends transactions to the original USDT (ERC-20) contract

Exchange USDT (TRC-20) to USDT (ERC-20) | FixedFloat (1)

Brief Information on USDT (TRC-20)

Tether (USDT) was created by Tether Limited in 2014. The developers were able to qualitatively implement a curious idea — to combine a real-life currency and blockchain technology. As a result, the USDT stablecoin appeared — its rate is almost always equal to 1 US dollar. In 2019, USDT was released on the TRON blockchain using the TRC-20 protocol.

USDT smart contract

Do not submit USDT through a third party contract. Our exchanger does not accept transactions that are sent by third party smart contracts, except for the original USDT contractin the network TRX.

Transaction processing speed in the TRON blockchain

The network is capable of processing about 1 500 transactions per second. The speed will directly depend on how many users are currently making transfers. On average, it will take up to 3 minutes to confirm your transfer.

Network fee

Despite the similarities to Ethereum, TRON has a number of distinctive features. One of them is the energy that is needed to conclude smart contracts on the Tron blockchain. Energy can be obtained by freezing TRX in the wallet. If you have no energy and you have created a transaction, TRX will automatically convert to the required amount of energy. Therefore, to work with tokens, the wallet must have TRX.

Exchange USDT (TRC-20) to USDT (ERC-20) | FixedFloat (2)

Brief Information on USDT (ERC-20)

Tether (USDT) was created by Tether Limited in 2014. The developers were able to qualitatively implement a curious idea — to combine a real-life currency and blockchain technology. As a result, the USDT stablecoin appeared — its rate is almost always equal to 1 US dollar.

In 2018, USDT was released on the Ethereum blockchain using the ERC-20 protocol. This made Tether compatible with decentralized apps, dramatically increased transaction speed, and dramatically reduced fees. At this time, Tether on the ETH blockchain is the most popular among users.

USDT smart contract

Our exchanger only sends transactions to the original USDT contract. Transactions are not sent to addresses of third-party contracts.

My order is completed, but I cannot see the funds in my wallet, what should I do?

We send Ethereum tokens with an average commission so that the receiving party does not have to wait long for the receipt. But sometimes, with the increased load on the Ethereum network, the transaction can get stuck in the mempool and not get into the block. The status of such a transaction is "Pending". The explorer gives information about the expected processing time of a transaction, but you need to understand that this value is not exact and may change depending on the situation.

If a transaction sent by us cannot be confirmed for a long time, contact technical support with a request to push the transaction through.

exchange in 3 easy steps
  1. Enter the desired amount of Tether (TRC20) and write your wallet address to receive currency.
  2. Click the "Exchange now" button and you will be taken inside your order.
  3. Send Tether (TRC20) to the address from your order, after the required network confirmation, Tether (ERC20) will be sent instantly.

Exchange USDT (TRC-20) to USDT (ERC-20) | FixedFloat (2024)


Can I swap Usdt TRC20 to ERC20? ›

Using Allbridge Core, you can seamlessly transfer USDT TRC20 to ERC20 tokens via decentralized cross-messaging protocols.

How can I change my Usdt TRC to Usdt ERC? ›

Exchange USDT (TRC-20) to USDT (ERC-20)
  1. Enter the desired amount of Tether (TRC20) and write your wallet address to receive currency.
  2. Send Tether (TRC20) to the address from your order, after the required network confirmation, Tether (ERC20) will be sent instantly.

Is Usdt TRC20 same as Usdt ERC20? ›

The USDT issued on TRC20 and ERC20 are both identical, however, fees for transferring this USDT can often be cheaper on the Tron network using TRC20. Deposit addresses for these are always Ethereum addresses and these deposits/withdrawal transactions occur on the Ethereum network.

Is TRC20 same as ERC20? ›

TRC20 and ETH20 are two different token standards that are used for the technical specification of tokens on the Tron and Ethereum networks. ERC20 is a token standard that implements API functionality for tokens within Ethereum smart contracts, while TRC20 is a token standard used for Tron assets.

What happens if you send on TRC20 to a ERC20? ›

No, you cannot transfer between ERC20 and TRC20 versions of USDT… They are two separate tokens with different blockchains, so the tokens are not compatible.

Is Usdt TRC20 swappable? ›

Yes, it is possible to swap between TRC20 and BEP20 tokens with Allbridge Core. By accessing this link, you can initiate a cross-chain swap from USDT TRC20 to BEP20. In addition to Tron and BNB Chain, Allbridge Core also features the native stablecoin swaps between Ethereum and Solana.

Does Coinbase use USDT ERC or TRC? ›

Important note: at this time, Coinbase only supports USDT on the Ethereum blockchain (ERC-20).

Can I transfer Usdt to ERC20? ›

USDT is a cryptocurrency issued by Tether, that is compatible with the Ethereum/ERC20 and Tron/TRC20 networks.

Does Coinbase support TRC20? ›

Bitcoin TRC20 is not supported by Coinbase.

Which exchanges use TRC20? ›

Exchanges that Support USDC-TRC20
  • ApeX Pro.
  • BiBox.
  • BitMart.
  • BingX.
  • Bitforex.
  • Bitget.
  • Cointiger.
  • DigiFinex.
Apr 7, 2023

Is Coinbase Tether ERC20 or TRC20? ›

The USDT on Coinbase is an ERC20 token on the Ethereum blockchain. At this time, Coinbase does not support the Tron blockchain TRC USDT. I hope this helps, Good Luck! How would I get USDT or Bitcoin?

Can I deposit TRC20 to ERC20? ›

Converting TRC-20 tokens to TRC-20

People who do their transactions to pay for services typically pay in USDT TRC-20, but the downside is that since it's from a different network, you can't send this to an ERC-20 wallet (MetaMask is ERC-20).

Which wallet uses USDT TRC20? ›

About Freewallet. Besides Tether TRC20, Freewallet provides wallets for the most popular cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum and XRP, for the web, iOS and Android devices.

Which wallet is TRC20? ›

A TRC20 wallet app is an application, accessible on mobile/web or desktop devices, designed specifically for storing, managing, and engaging with TRC20 tokens. A TRC20 wallet app like Ledger Live provides users with a secure and user-friendly interface to store and manage their TRC20 tokens.

How do I transfer USDT from Tron to Ethereum? ›

In the imToken Tron wallet homepage, tap “Bridge” in the quick access area. On the Tron Bridge page, enter the amount of USDT you want to transfer and the ETH address, then tap “Confirm to send” - "Next" and enter your wallet password. The transaction request will be sent and you are done.

Can ERC20 receive Usdt? ›

Yes, it is possible as USDC follows the ERC20 standard, so you don't need a special wallet for it.

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Author: Mr. See Jast

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Name: Mr. See Jast

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