Expat health insurance in The Netherlands (2024)

Expats living or working in the Netherlands are generally required to obtain Dutch health insurance to cover healthcare costs.

  • A basic Dutch health insurance is available for approximately 137 euro per month.

Some expats or emigrants will not be eligible for Dutch insurance, for example because they pay taxes in outside The Netherlands. They may need a (private) expat health insurance.

When am I eligible for Dutch health insurance?

Whether you are eligible for Dutch health insurance depends on your personal situation.

We will discuss four situations:

  1. Expats from inside the EU/EEA
  2. Expats from outside the EU/EEA
  3. Family members
  4. Students

Tip: Check our informational video about health insurance in The Netherlands.

1. Expats from the EU/EEA

If you are from the European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EER), you are obliged to obtain a health insurance in The Netherlands when:

  • You have a (part-time) job and/or pay income tax in The Netherlands


  • You are 30 years or older and your stay in The Netherlands is not temporary

Family members will often also be required to apply for a Dutch health insurance (more info here).

In other cases, you may not be eligible for Dutch health insurance. However, you can opt for private expat insurance to cover medical care in the Netherlands.

2. Expats from outside the EU/EEA

If you are not from the EU/EEA you are eligible for a Dutch health insurance if you have a permanent Dutch residence permit.

You must take out Dutch health insurance within four months of your permanent residence permit coming into force.

Dutch Government (Rijksoverheid)

You are not qualified for Dutch health insurance if:

  • You are here for study purposes only
  • You are working for an employer outside The Netherlands
  • You are paying income tax in another country

If you are not eligible for Dutch health insurance, you could take out expat health insurance.

Flowchart: Dutch health insurance for expats

Expat health insurance in The Netherlands (1)

3. Family members

If you are required to take out health insurance in The Netherlands, your family members - that live with you - must usually also obtain a Dutch medical insurance.

The exception for this rule is when a family member works outside The Netherlands. In this case they won't qualify for the Dutch insurance scheme.

In case you work in The Netherlands but your family lives abroad (with you), your family can sometimes be co-insured with you. This depends on your situation and the home country regulations.

Follow these steps:

If you are an expat and live with your family in the EU/EER:

  1. Request a S1 document for every family member through www.hetcak.nl.
  2. Send the documents to their current insurance company or national health service.
  3. Their current insurance company or health service organization will decide if your family members can be insured. They will contact the CAK about this.
  4. You will receive a confirmation from the CAK about your family's insurance status.

If you live with your family in another treaty country:

  1. Request a form 109 from your Dutch health insurance company.
  2. Send the documents to their current insurance company or national health service.
  3. Their current insurance company or health service organization will decide if your family members can be insured. They will contact the CAK about this.
  4. You will receive a confirmation about your family's insurance status from the CAK and/or your current insurance company.

Treaty countries (besides EU/EEA): Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cape Verde, Macedonia, Montenegro, Morocco, Serbia, Tunisia and Turkey.

4. Students

There are special rules for students that arein The Netherlands for study purposes only and do not have a (part-time) job. They do not have to take out Dutch health insurance.

Check our guide for information about mandatory health insurance for students

How do I find out if I am eligible for Dutch health insurance?

Do you have any doubts about your insurance status and want to make sure if your need Dutch health insurance?

Expats can also do an assessment with the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB) to find out whether they are insured under the Dutch Wlz (Wet langdurige zorg) scheme and must take Dutch health insurance.

What does the Dutch health insurance cover?

The basic Dutch health insurance covers essential medical care in The Netherlands, such as:

  • Visits and treatments by a GP
  • Prescribed medication
  • Hospital stays and treatments
  • Health care provided by (non-) physician specialists

Basic coverage

Although 'basic' may suggest otherwise, the basic health insurance cover is already quite substantial.

It includes:

  • Midwifery (birth-care)
  • Certain medical aids and health programs
  • Psychological and mental health care
  • Physiotherapy for people with chronic diseases/conditions
  • Basic dental care (under the age of eighteen)
  • Speech-language pathology
  • Emergency medical care abroad (up to the Dutch tariffs)

Everyone in The Netherlands has a basic health insurance, regardless of their chosen health insurance company. This is because the basic healthcare package is set up by the government and bound to health laws and regulations.

Optionally, supplemental insurance, such as coverage for dental care and physiotherapy and orthodontics, is available at a higher monthly premium.

International coverage

The Dutch health insurance only covers urgent medical care abroad. As an expat you could therefore opt for international expat health insurance that also cover you in other countries world-wide.

Several insurance companies offer an international cover or cover in a specific country for non-urgent medical care.

How much does a Dutch health insurance cost?

The average basic Dutch health insurance premium in 2024 is about 147 euro per month, however there are several options that are aviable for less than that.

Premiums are paid directly by each person to the chosen health insurance company. The amount depends on the chosen healthcare policy, deductible excess and selected supplemental coverages (if applicable).

Besides the mandatory premium, healthcare in The Netherlands is also funded by other means:

  • Income tax
  • Deductibles

Income tax

Employers pay a percentage of their employees’ income to the tax authorities (6,68 percent in 2023) with a maximum income of around 67.000 euro.

Employers, freelancers and people with their own company pay 5,43 percent of their income with the same maximum. In addition, everyone pays 9,65 percent of their income (with a maximum of 35.472 euro) in order to fund long-term medical care.

Deductible excess

Everyone that has basic health insurance has a standard, obligatory deductible excess of 385 euro (in 2023). This amount is to be paid when medical cost are made by the insurance policy holder.

The deductible excess stacks up during ayear and resets at the start of a new year. The health insurer will start to reimburse when the deductible excess is fully paid for. In some cases direct reimbursem*nt is applicable, for example, when consulting a GP, for midwifery, supplemental care and health care for those below eighteen years old.

The deductible excess can be increased with a maximum of 500 euro. This lowers the monthly premium about 15 tot 25 euro depending on the insurance company. However, this also means that the deductible excess is 885 euro instead of 385.

How do I choose a Dutch health insurance?

When comparing and choosing a health insurance as an expat, it is recommended to study the following things carefully:

  • Premium
  • Reviews
  • Coverage and policy terms and conditions
  • Health choice

Zorgwijzer offers comparisons in different languages:

  • English
  • Deutsch
  • Francais
  • Espanol
  • Polskie
  • Română

Need help?

If you need help, ask a Dutch speaking friend or colleague to assist you.

Or contact us by email or phone:

  • +31 (0) 10 34 000 20
  • helpdesk@zorgwijzer.nl

Am I eligible for a healthcare allowance?

If your income is lower than 37.496 euro (or 47.368 euro) per year (2024) you may be eligible for a healthcare benefit for the health insurance premium. This is called 'zorgtoeslag' in Dutch.

Maximum allowances in 2024:

  • For singles: € 123 per month
  • For families/partners: € 236 per month

How does the Dutch healthcare system work?

The Dutch healthcare system consists of several compartments:

  1. Short-term medical care, for example, consulting a GP, hospital treatments, medication, certain therapies and mental care
  2. Long-term medical care for elderly, people with disabilities or chronically diseased
  3. Supplementary health care, for instance, physiotherapy, dental care and alternative medications/treatments

Only 1 and 2 are part of the mandatory basic health insurance. Supplementary health care is paid out of pocket or insured via a supplementary private health insurance.

General Practitioner (GP)

The GP is the first contact point when you become ill or other health problems arise. The GP will provide an examination and may prescribe medication that can be collected at the pharmacy. If this does not suffice, the GP can refer to specialists, institutions and hospitals for further examinations, treatments and care.

After taking a health insurance it is important to register with a doctor’s practice nearby as finding a GP when you become ill, will often be difficult. When a GP is not available a doctors post (huisartsenpost) can be contacted for matters that can be resolved without hospital care.


Registering to a local pharmacy is also highly recommended as prescription medications can only be collected there.

Information about the reimbursem*nt of medication can be found on Medicijnkosten.nl (in Dutch).


Hospitals in The Netherlands are usually nearby and provide a high level of care. Some hospitals are specialized in certain treatments or areas.

The GP will refer you to the right hospital except if emergency medical care is required. In that case hospital care will be immediately available by calling 112.

Healthcare providers

Health insurance companies sign contracts with healthcare providers, such as hospitals, clinics and therapists. Healthcare providers that have a standing agreement with the health insurance company are referred to as ‘contracted healthcare providers’.

Reimbursem*nts may be lower when care or treatment is supplied by a healthcare provider that does not have a standing agreement with the insurer. The reimbursem*nt percentage mainly depends on the chosen policy.

PremiumLow to averageAverage to highLow
Health choiceBroad Free Limited
Reimbursem*nt for providers outside insurer network70 - 80 percentUp to 100 percent50 - 80 percent

Usually most healthcare providers have a standing agreement with the insurer. Reimbursem*nt is around 50 to 75 percent when a policyholder decides to go to a healthcare provider that does not have a standing agreement with the insurer.

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Expat health insurance in The Netherlands (2024)


What if you can't afford health insurance in the Netherlands? ›

Because basic healthcare insurance is obligatory, but not everybody is able to pay the insurance premium due to low or no income, you can file for healthcare allowance with the Dutch Tax Administration (Belastingdienst). This governmental support helps you to pay the insurance premium for basic healthcare.

Can I live in the Netherlands without health insurance? ›

Compulsory health insurance: start of coverage

If you come to live or work in the Netherlands, you are required to take out a health insurance policy with a Dutch insurer with coverage from the day you arrive. You have 4 months to take out the health insurance policy.

What is the average cost of health insurance in the Netherlands? ›

The cost of compulsory basic insurance for medical care is set yearly by the Dutch government. The average basic Dutch health insurance premium in 2021 is approximately 120 euro per month. Basic health insurance in the Netherlands comes with a standard, obligatory deductible excess of 385 euro (in 2021).

What happens if you don't have insurance in the Netherlands? ›

If you haven't requested a Wlz assessment or taken out basic insurance within three months after receiving our letter, you will be fined by the CAK. You pay this fine to the CJIB with a payment request. The amount of the fine in 2024 is € 496,74. This amount is indexed annually.

Can you see a doctor in the Netherlands without insurance? ›

It could happen that you fall sick and have to visit the doctor's office but did not take out Dutch health insurance yet. The GP can't refuse to give you medical care if you are in need of it. You might have to pay the costs yourself if you're not insured.

Does Netherlands have free healthcare for foreigners? ›

Healthcare for Immigrants in The Netherlands. As a foreigner, if you don't have health insurance in the Netherlands, you will have to pay for any treatment and medical costs you incur. If you are eligible to sign up for Dutch health insurance and do not do so, you will also have to pay a fine.

Why is Dutch health insurance so expensive? ›

The reason being that healthcare costs are becoming more expensive in The Netherlands, as the prices and wages are rising. Inflation and higher demand for care also contribute to the premium increase.

Can you use international health insurance in the Netherlands? ›

Health insurance from another country

If you have health insurance in another country that provides cover in the Netherlands, you will be reimbursed the cost of health care received here provided you do not have a permanent residence permit and do not live in a reception facility for asylum seekers.

How long does it take to get health insurance in the Netherlands? ›

Upon arrival in the Netherlands, you are legally obliged to take out health insurance within four months of your arrival.

What insurance do I need in the Netherlands? ›

These are the healthcare insurance, the car insurance, and the home insurance.
  • Healthcare insurance. Everyone residing in the Netherlands is obligated by law to take out healthcare insurance. ...
  • Car Insurance. If you own a car, you must at least take out third party liability insurance for it. ...
  • Home Insurance.

Where does the Netherlands rank in healthcare? ›

Introduction. he Dutch healthcare system ranks 3rd in the 2022 World Index of Healthcare Innovation, with an overall score of 59.86, behind only Switzerland (1st, 66.49) and Ireland (2nd, 60.04). The Netherlands ranked 2nd in 2021, and 3rd in 2020.

Why is Netherlands healthcare so good? ›

The philosophy underpinning the Dutch health care system is based on several more or less universal principles: access to care for all, solidarity through medical insurance (which is compulsory for all and available to all) and high-quality health care services.

How to get money back from health insurance in the Netherlands? ›

You can prepare the insurance refund request (Zorgtoeslag) on your own. You have to call Belastingdienst by the following number: +31 55 538 53 85. After that, you need to request the Zorgtoeslag form.

Can I cancel my health insurance in the Netherlands? ›

You can cancel your health insurance in the Netherlands and change insurer up to 31 December each year. If you indicate your wish to cancel your Dutch health insurance before 31 December, the contract will end as at 1 January. In some situations, you can also cancel your Dutch health insurance in the course of a year.

How do I prove my health insurance in the Netherlands? ›

An S1 form is proof of your Dutch health insurance. You can use it to apply for health insurance cover in your home country.

What happens if someone Cannot afford healthcare? ›

If you do not have health insurance, Covered California can help you determine if you qualify for Medi-Cal or federal subsidies, and can provide you with coverage options and plan costs. You can contact Covered California by phone at (800) 300-1506, TTY: (888) 889-4500 or by visiting their website at www.coveredca.com.

Do I need health insurance to visit Netherlands? ›

Is travel insurance required for the Netherlands? Travel insurance is mandatory if you need a Schengen Visa for the Netherlands. If you don't need a visa, travel insurance is optional but strongly recommended as medical costs can be high for foreigners, especially as you will need to pay for any prescriptions.

What happens if you don't have health insurance in Europe? ›

If you don't have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), or you can't use it (for instance, for private health care), you can't be refused treatment, but you might have to pay for your treatment upfront and claim reimbursem*nt once you get home.

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