Factors Influencing The Time Value Of Money - FasterCapital (2024)

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1.Factors Influencing the Time Value of Money[Original Blog]

Understanding the concept of time value of money is crucial for making informed financial decisions. It helps us recognize that money received or spent at different points in time has different values. While the basic principle of time value of money is straightforward, there are several factors that influence its calculation. In this section, we will explore these factors in detail.

1. Interest Rate: The interest rate plays a significant role in determining the time value of money. higher interest rates can increase the future value of money, making it more valuable to receive funds in the future rather than in the present. Conversely, lower interest rates can decrease the future value, making present funds more valuable. For example, if you invest $1,000 at an annual interest rate of 5%, the future value after one year would be $1,050. However, if the interest rate were 10%, the future value would be $1,100.

2. Inflation: Inflation erodes the purchasing power of money over time. Therefore, it is essential to consider the inflation rate when calculating the time value of money. Inflation reduces the future value of money, making it less valuable to receive funds in the future. For instance, if the inflation rate is 3% per year, the future value of $1,000 after one year would be $970.87.

3. Time Period: The length of time also affects the time value of money. Generally, the longer the time period, the greater the impact of compounding. This means that funds invested for a longer duration have the potential to grow significantly. For example, investing $1,000 for 10 years at an annual interest rate of 5% would result in a future value of $1,628.89.

4. Risk: The risk associated with an investment can influence the time value of money. Higher-risk investments typically require a higher rate of return to compensate for the uncertainty involved. Consequently, the time value of money for riskier investments may be higher compared to safer alternatives. It is crucial to consider the risk factor when evaluating the time value of money for different investment options.

5. opportunity cost: Opportunity cost refers to the potential benefits lost when choosing one investment over another. When calculating the time value of money, it is essential to consider the alternative investment options and their potential returns. By evaluating the opportunity cost, we can determine whether the chosen investment is the most optimal in terms of time value of money.

6. Tax Considerations: Tax implications can significantly impact the time value of money. Taxes on investment returns can reduce the future value, making it less valuable to receive funds in the future. It is crucial to account for any applicable taxes when calculating the time value of money and making investment decisions.

In conclusion, understanding the factors influencing the time value of money is crucial in evaluating investment opportunities and making financial decisions. By considering variables such as interest rates, inflation, time period, risk, opportunity cost, and tax implications, we can accurately assess the true value of money over time. Taking these factors into account allows us to maximize our returns and make informed choices to achieve our financial goals.

Factors Influencing The Time Value Of Money - FasterCapital (1)

Factors Influencing the Time Value of Money - Time Value of Money: The Role of Time Value of Money in ROI Metric Calculation

2.Factors Influencing Time Horizon Selection[Original Blog]

When it comes to selecting the right time horizon for your bond portfolio, there are several factors that come into play. These factors can vary depending on individual preferences, market conditions, and investment goals. Let's explore some of the key considerations that influence time horizon selection:

1. Risk Tolerance: One of the primary factors to consider is your risk tolerance. If you have a higher risk tolerance, you may be more inclined to invest in longer-term bonds that offer potentially higher returns but also come with increased volatility. On the other hand, if you have a lower risk tolerance, you may prefer shorter-term bonds that provide more stability and lower risk.

2. Investment Objectives: Your investment objectives play a crucial role in determining the appropriate time horizon for your bond portfolio. If you have short-term financial goals, such as saving for a down payment on a house or funding a child's education, you may opt for shorter-term bonds that align with your timeline. Conversely, if you have long-term goals, such as retirement planning, you may consider longer-term bonds to maximize potential returns over an extended period.

3. Market Conditions: The prevailing market conditions can also influence your time horizon selection. During periods of low interest rates, longer-term bonds may offer relatively higher yields, making them more attractive for investors seeking income. Conversely, when interest rates are expected to rise, shorter-term bonds may be preferred to mitigate the risk of capital loss associated with longer-term bonds.

4. Liquidity Needs: Your liquidity needs should be taken into account when determining the appropriate time horizon for your bond portfolio. If you anticipate needing access to your funds in the near future, shorter-term bonds provide greater flexibility and easier liquidity. However, if you have a longer time horizon and can afford to lock in your investment, longer-term bonds may offer potentially higher returns.

5. Diversification: Diversification is a key principle in portfolio management. By spreading your investments across different bond maturities, you can reduce the impact of any single bond's performance on your overall portfolio. This diversification can help manage risk and optimize returns based on your specific investment goals.

It's important to note that these factors are not exhaustive, and individual circ*mstances may warrant additional considerations. By carefully evaluating these factors and aligning them with your investment objectives, risk tolerance, and market conditions, you can make informed decisions about the time horizon that best suits your bond portfolio.

Factors Influencing The Time Value Of Money - FasterCapital (2)

Factors Influencing Time Horizon Selection - Bond Maturity: How to Choose the Right Time Horizon for Your Bond Portfolio

3.Factors Influencing Changes in Face Value over Time[Original Blog]

understanding the factors that influence changes in face value over time is crucial for investors seeking to make informed decisions about their investments. Face value, in the context of Series E Bonds, refers to the initial value of the bond when it is issued by the government. However, this value can fluctuate throughout the life of the bond due to various factors. In this section, we will explore these factors from different perspectives and provide in-depth information to help you navigate the complexities of face value changes.

1. Interest Rates: One of the primary factors influencing changes in face value is interest rates. When interest rates rise, newly issued bonds tend to offer higher coupon rates, making them more attractive to investors. As a result, existing bonds with lower coupon rates become less desirable, leading to a decrease in their face value. Conversely, when interest rates decline, existing bonds with higher coupon rates become more valuable, causing an increase in their face value.

For example, let's say you purchased a Series E Bond with a face value of $1,000 and a coupon rate of 5% when interest rates were high. If interest rates subsequently drop, new bonds may be issued with a coupon rate of 3%. Investors would now prefer these new bonds over your existing bond since they offer a higher return on investment. Consequently, the face value of your bond may decrease as its attractiveness diminishes compared to newer issues.

2. Inflation: Inflation is another significant factor that affects changes in face value over time. Inflation erodes the purchasing power of money over time, meaning that the same amount of money will buy fewer goods and services in the future. As inflation increases, the real value of fixed-income investments like bonds decreases.

To illustrate this point, suppose you hold a Series E Bond with a face value of $1,000 and an annual coupon payment of $50. If inflation rises significantly, the purchasing power of that $50 will decrease over time. As a result, investors may demand higher coupon rates to compensate for the loss in purchasing power. This increased demand for higher yields can lead to a decrease in the face value of existing bonds.

3. Creditworthiness: The creditworthiness of the issuer also plays a crucial role in determining changes in face value. If the issuer's credit rating deteriorates, investors may perceive the bond as riskier and demand a higher yield to compensate for the increased risk.

Factors Influencing Changes in Face Value over Time - Face Value: Understanding Face Value: The Key to Series E Bonds update

4.Key Factors Influencing Time Decay in Options[Original Blog]

When it comes to options trading, understanding the concept of time decay is crucial for consistently generating gains. Time decay, also known as theta decay, refers to the gradual erosion of an option's value as it approaches its expiration date. This decay occurs due to the diminishing time left for the underlying asset to move in a favorable direction. While time decay can work against option buyers, it presents a lucrative opportunity for option writers who can leverage it to their advantage. In this section, we will delve into the key factors that influence time decay in options, shedding light on how traders can navigate this phenomenon to enhance their trading strategies.

1. Option Moneyness: The moneyness of an option plays a significant role in determining its time decay. In-the-money options, where the strike price is below the current market price for call options (or above for put options), tend to experience a slower rate of time decay. This is because there is a higher likelihood of the option ending up profitable as the underlying asset moves closer to the strike price. Conversely, out-of-the-money options, with strike prices that are above the market price for call options (or below for put options), experience more rapid time decay. These options have a lower probability of becoming profitable as the expiration date approaches, leading to a faster erosion of their value.

For example, consider a call option on a stock with a strike price of $100. If the stock is currently trading at $110, the option is in-the-money. As the expiration date nears, the option's time decay may be relatively slow, as there is a higher likelihood of the stock price remaining above $100. On the other hand, if the stock is trading at $90, the option is out-of-the-money. In this case, the time decay may occur at a faster rate, as the probability of the stock price rising above $100 diminishes.

2. Implied Volatility: Implied volatility refers to the market's expectation of future price fluctuations in the underlying asset. It is a key factor that influences an option's premium and, consequently, its time decay. Higher implied volatility generally leads to higher option premiums, as there is a greater likelihood of significant price movements. Consequently, options with higher implied volatility experience more rapid time decay, as the market anticipates larger price swings that need to occur within a shorter time frame for the option to become profitable.

For instance, suppose there are two options with identical maturities and strike prices. Option A has an implied volatility of 20%, while Option B has an implied volatility of 40%. Due to the higher implied volatility, Option B will have a higher premium and, consequently, a faster rate of time decay compared to Option A.

3. Time to Expiration: As the expiration date approaches, the time decay of an option accelerates. This is because the option has less time for the underlying asset to move in a favorable direction. The rate of time decay is not linear but increases exponentially as the expiration date draws nearer. This phenomenon is particularly significant during the final weeks or days leading up to expiration. Traders need to be mindful of this rapid decay and adjust their strategies accordingly.

For example, suppose a trader has sold a call option with one month until expiration. Initially, the time decay may be relatively slow, but as the expiration date approaches, the option's value may erode rapidly. If the trader wants to maintain their position, they may need to roll the option to a later expiration date to mitigate the impact of time decay.

understanding the key factors influencing time decay in options is essential for traders looking to capitalize on this phenomenon. By considering the moneyness of an option, implied volatility, and the time to expiration, traders can make informed decisions about their options trading strategies. Whether it involves selecting the right strike price, managing risk through implied volatility analysis, or timing trades based on the approaching expiration date, a comprehensive understanding of time decay can provide a significant edge in the options market.

Factors Influencing The Time Value Of Money - FasterCapital (4)

Key Factors Influencing Time Decay in Options - Time decay: Leveraging Time Decay in Option Writing for Consistent Gains

5.Factors Influencing Time Decay in Seagull Options[Original Blog]

When it comes to options trading, time decay is a crucial concept that every trader needs to understand. It refers to the gradual erosion of an option's value as it approaches its expiration date. In the case of seagull options, which are a type of exotic option strategy, time decay plays a significant role in determining their profitability and risk.

Several factors influence the rate at which time decay occurs in seagull options. These factors can be categorized into two main groups: intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Intrinsic factors are inherent to the option itself, while extrinsic factors are external influences that impact the option's value.

1. Option Moneyness:

The moneyness of an option refers to its relationship with the underlying asset's price. In the context of seagull options, there are three different strike prices involved: one for the call option, one for the put option, and one for the put spread. The moneyness of these options determines their intrinsic value and, consequently, their susceptibility to time decay. Out-of-the-money options (when the strike price is above or below the current market price) tend to experience faster time decay compared to at-the-money or in-the-money options.

For example, let's consider a seagull option where the call option has a strike price of $100, the put option has a strike price of $90, and the put spread has a range between $80 and $85. If the underlying asset's price is currently at $95, both the call and put options would be out-of-the-money. As a result, these options would be more prone to time decay compared to if they were at-the-money or in-the-money.

2. Implied Volatility:

Implied volatility represents market expectations regarding future price fluctuations of the underlying asset. Higher implied volatility generally leads to higher option premiums, as there is a greater likelihood of significant price movements. However, it also implies a faster rate of time decay. This is because higher implied volatility increases the probability of the option moving into an out-of-the-money position before expiration.

For instance, suppose a seagull option has high implied volatility due to market uncertainty surrounding an upcoming earnings announcement. In this scenario, the option's premium would be relatively expensive, reflecting the increased risk associated with potential price swings.

Factors Influencing The Time Value Of Money - FasterCapital (5)

Factors Influencing Time Decay in Seagull Options - Time decay: Managing Time Decay in Seagull Options update

6.Factors Influencing Time Decay in Currency Binary Options[Original Blog]

Factors Influencing Time Decay in Currency Binary Options

Time decay is a crucial concept in the world of trading, and it plays a significant role in currency binary options. understanding the factors that influence time decay is essential for traders looking to maximize their profits and manage their risks effectively. In this section, we will explore the various factors that contribute to time decay in currency binary options and provide insights from different perspectives.

1. option price: The price of an option is directly influenced by time decay. As an option approaches its expiration date, its value tends to decrease. This is because the time remaining until expiration becomes shorter, reducing the probability of the option finishing in-the-money. For example, consider a currency binary option with a strike price of $100 and an expiration date of one week from now. As the days pass, the option's value will decline gradually due to time decay.

2. Implied Volatility: Implied volatility refers to the market's expectation of future price fluctuations. It plays a crucial role in determining the value of options. Higher levels of implied volatility generally lead to higher option prices, as there is a greater likelihood of significant price movements. However, as the expiration date approaches, the impact of implied volatility diminishes, resulting in increased time decay. Traders need to consider the relationship between implied volatility and time decay when making their trading decisions.

3. Time to Expiration: The time remaining until an option's expiration is a fundamental factor influencing time decay. Options with longer durations have more time for the underlying asset to move in a favorable direction, increasing the probability of the option finishing in-the-money. Consequently, options with shorter durations experience more rapid time decay, as there is less time for the underlying asset to make significant moves. Traders should carefully consider the time to expiration when selecting their binary options.

4. interest rates: Interest rates also play a role in time decay. higher interest rates can lead to higher option prices, as the cost of carrying the underlying asset increases. This can slow down time decay, particularly for options with longer durations. Conversely, lower interest rates can accelerate time decay, as the cost of carrying the underlying asset decreases. Traders should keep an eye on interest rate changes and their potential impact on time decay.

5. Market Conditions: Market conditions, such as economic data releases, geopolitical events, and central bank announcements, can significantly impact time decay. These factors can introduce volatility into the market, affecting the price of the underlying asset and, consequently, the value of the option. Traders should stay informed about current market conditions and adjust their trading strategies accordingly.

Comparing the various factors influencing time decay, it becomes clear that traders should consider multiple aspects when making their trading decisions. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach, understanding the interplay between these factors can help traders identify the best options for their trading strategies. For instance, a trader with a short-term trading style may prefer options with shorter durations to capitalize on rapid time decay, while a trader with a longer-term perspective may opt for options with longer durations to mitigate the impact of time decay.

Time decay is a critical factor to consider when trading currency binary options. By understanding the factors that influence time decay, such as option price, implied volatility, time to expiration, interest rates, and market conditions, traders can make informed decisions and optimize their trading strategies. Remember, each trader's approach may differ based on their individual preferences and trading style.

Factors Influencing The Time Value Of Money - FasterCapital (6)

Factors Influencing Time Decay in Currency Binary Options - Time Decay: Time Decay and its Impact on Currency Binary Options

7.Factors Influencing Time Decay in Cost of Carry Calculations[Original Blog]

1. Interest Rates: The primary factor influencing time decay in cost of carry calculations is the prevailing interest rates. When interest rates are high, the cost of carrying an asset over time increases, resulting in a larger time decay. Conversely, when interest rates are low, the cost of carry decreases, leading to a smaller time decay. For example, if the annual interest rate is 5% and the time period under consideration is one year, the cost of carry would be 5% of the asset's value.

2. Dividends or Income: Another crucial factor that affects time decay in cost of carry calculations is the presence of dividends or income generated by the asset. If the asset generates regular cash flows in the form of dividends or interest, it can offset some of the time decay. For instance, if an investor holds a stock that pays an annual dividend of $2 per share, the cost of carry can be reduced by that amount.

3. Storage and Insurance Costs: Certain assets, such as commodities or physical goods, may incur additional expenses for storage and insurance. These costs should be factored into the cost of carry calculations, as they contribute to time decay. For instance, if an investor holds a large quantity of gold, they would need to pay for secure storage and insurance to protect their investment. These costs would increase the overall cost of carry and, consequently, the time decay.

4. Volatility and Risk: The level of volatility and risk associated with an asset can also influence time decay. Assets that are more volatile tend to have higher time decay due to the uncertainty and potential for significant price fluctuations. On the other hand, less volatile assets may experience lower time decay. For example, options contracts on highly volatile stocks tend to have higher time decay compared to options on stable, less volatile stocks.

5. Case Study: To illustrate the impact of these factors on time decay, let's consider

Factors Influencing The Time Value Of Money - FasterCapital (7)

Factors Influencing Time Decay in Cost of Carry Calculations - Time decay: The Implications of Time Decay in Cost of Carry Calculations

8.Factors Influencing Time Decay[Original Blog]

Time decay is a critical concept in the world of finance and investing, particularly when it comes to options trading. It refers to the gradual erosion of the extrinsic value of an option as time passes, all other factors being equal. Extrinsic value, also known as time value, is essentially the premium that investors are willing to pay for the potential of an option to become profitable before it expires. understanding the factors that influence time decay is essential for traders and investors, as it can significantly impact their decision-making processes. Let's delve into these factors and gain a deeper understanding of how they shape the extrinsic value of options.

1. Time to Expiration (TTE):

The most obvious factor influencing time decay is the time remaining until an option's expiration. As time progresses, the extrinsic value of the option diminishes. This phenomenon can be likened to the melting of an ice cube; the closer the ice cube gets to melting completely, the faster it melts. Similarly, as an option approaches its expiration date, its extrinsic value decays at an accelerating rate. For example, consider two call options with the same strike price and underlying asset. If one option has one month until expiration and the other has one week, the latter will experience more rapid time decay.

2. Volatility:

Volatility plays a pivotal role in time decay. Generally, options on highly volatile assets tend to have higher extrinsic values compared to options on less volatile assets. This is because increased volatility implies a greater likelihood of significant price swings in the underlying asset, which can result in the option becoming profitable. As a result, options on volatile assets exhibit slower time decay compared to options on stable assets. For instance, consider two put options on different stocks, one of which is known for its price stability, while the other is highly volatile. The option on the volatile stock will have a higher extrinsic value and experience slower time decay.

3. Interest Rates:

interest rates also influence time decay. When interest rates rise, the extrinsic value of options tends to increase as well. This is because higher interest rates provide investors with the opportunity to earn more from alternative risk-free investments, such as Treasury bonds. As a result, they are willing to pay more for the time value of options, slowing down time decay. Conversely, when interest rates are low, the extrinsic value of options tends to erode more quickly. Imagine two call options with identical parameters. If interest rates were to rise significantly, the option's extrinsic value would increase, thereby mitigating time decay.

4. Dividends:

For options on stocks that pay dividends, the timing of dividend payments can affect time decay. When a dividend is expected to be paid before an option's expiration date, the option's extrinsic value may be impacted. Generally, call options are more affected by dividends than put options. This is because owning a call option gives the holder the right to buy the underlying stock, including the right to receive any dividends. When a dividend is expected, the extrinsic value of a call option may increase to account for the dividend, potentially slowing down time decay. Conversely, put options may see a decrease in extrinsic value if a dividend is expected.

5. Market Sentiment:

Market sentiment, including factors such as news, events, and investor sentiment, can also influence time decay. Positive news or events related to the underlying asset can lead to increased demand for options, which may slow down time decay as investors are willing to pay higher premiums. Conversely, negative news or events can accelerate time decay as investors may rush to sell their options, causing extrinsic values to decline rapidly. For example, a sudden earnings announcement or a regulatory change can significantly impact market sentiment and, subsequently, time decay.

Understanding these factors and their interactions is crucial for traders and investors seeking to navigate the complex world of options trading. By keeping a keen eye on the time decay of their options and considering the various factors at play, they can make more informed decisions and manage their risk effectively in pursuit of their investment goals. Time decay may be inevitable, but with knowledge and strategy, investors can use it to their advantage in the world of options trading

Factors Influencing The Time Value Of Money - FasterCapital (8)

Factors Influencing Time Decay - Time decay: Understanding the Impact of Time Decay on Extrinsic Value update

9.Factors Influencing Bundesbanks Interest Rate Decisions[Original Blog]

1. Economic Indicators:

One of the key factors that heavily influence the Bundesbank's interest rate decisions is the overall state of the economy. The central bank closely monitors various economic indicators such as inflation rates, GDP growth, employment figures, and consumer spending patterns. For instance, if the economy is experiencing high inflation, the Bundesbank may opt to increase interest rates to curb excessive spending and stabilize prices. On the other hand, during periods of economic slowdown or recession, the central bank may lower interest rates to stimulate borrowing and investment, thus encouraging economic growth.

2. Monetary Policy Goals:

The Bundesbank's interest rate decisions are also guided by its monetary policy goals. The central bank aims to maintain price stability and ensure the stability of the financial system. Inflation targeting is a crucial aspect of the Bundesbank's monetary policy framework. By adjusting interest rates, the central bank can influence borrowing costs and control the money supply to achieve its inflation targets. For example, if inflation is above the target, the Bundesbank may increase interest rates to reduce borrowing and spending, thus curbing inflationary pressures.

3. External Factors:

External factors, such as global economic conditions and international financial markets, also play a significant role in influencing the Bundesbank's interest rate decisions. The central bank considers factors like exchange rates, trade flows, and global financial stability when making its decisions. For instance, if there is a significant depreciation in the value of the euro, the Bundesbank might choose to increase interest rates to prevent capital outflows and stabilize the currency. Similarly, if there is a global financial crisis, the central bank may lower interest rates to support liquidity and mitigate the adverse effects on the domestic economy.

4. Financial Market Expectations:

The expectations of market participants, including banks, investors, and analysts, can have a considerable impact on the Bundesbank's interest rate decisions. The central bank closely monitors market sentiment and adjusts its policy accordingly. If financial market participants anticipate an increase in interest rates, it can lead to higher borrowing costs even before the actual rate hike. The Bundesbank takes into account these expectations to ensure smooth policy transitions and avoid excessive market volatility.

5. Political and Legal Considerations:

Political and legal factors can also influence the Bundesbank's interest rate decisions. The central bank operates within the framework of the European Central Bank (ECB) and must adhere to its policies and guidelines. Additionally, political factors, such as government fiscal policies and stability, can indirectly impact the interest rate decisions. For example, if the government implements expansionary fiscal policies, it may prompt the Bundesbank to increase interest rates to counteract potential inflationary pressures.

The Bundesbank's interest rate decisions are influenced by a multitude of factors. Economic indicators, monetary policy goals, external factors, financial market expectations, and political considerations all play a crucial role in shaping these decisions. It is important for policymakers, analysts, and market participants to closely monitor these factors to gain insights into the future course of interest rates and make informed decisions.

Factors Influencing The Time Value Of Money - FasterCapital (9)

Factors Influencing Bundesbanks Interest Rate Decisions - A Closer Look at Bundesbank's Interest Rate Decisions

10.Key Factors Influencing Credit Risk Exposure for Portfolio Managers[Original Blog]

Several key factors influence credit risk exposure for portfolio managers. These factors can vary depending on the type of investments and borrowers involved. Understanding these factors is crucial for portfolio managers to accurately assess and manage credit risk exposure in their portfolios.

Key factors influencing credit risk exposure for portfolio managers:

1. Creditworthiness of borrowers or issuers: The financial health and creditworthiness of borrowers or issuers have a significant impact on credit risk exposure. Higher creditworthiness reduces the likelihood of default or downgrade events and lowers credit risk exposure.

2. Industry and economic factors: The industry outlook and economic conditions can influence credit risk exposure. Industries facing challenges or economic downturns may have higher credit risk exposure.

3. Macroeconomic factors: Macroeconomic factors, such as interest rates, inflation, and unemployment, can impact credit risk exposure. Changes in these factors can affect the repayment ability of borrowers and increase credit risk exposure.

4. Regulatory environment: The regulatory environment, including regulations related to lending practices and disclosure requirements, can impact credit risk exposure. compliance with regulatory requirements is essential in managing credit risk exposure.

5. Portfolio diversification: The level of diversification in a portfolio can impact credit risk exposure. A well-diversified portfolio with investments across different industries and borrowers can help mitigate credit risk exposure.

For example, let's consider a portfolio manager who manages a portfolio of small business loans. The creditworthiness of the borrowers, industry trends, economic conditions, and regulatory environment are critical factors that influence the credit risk exposure of the portfolio. By analyzing these factors, the manager can gain insights into the potential risks associated with the loans and take appropriate measures to manage credit risk exposure effectively.

Factors Influencing The Time Value Of Money - FasterCapital (10)

Key Factors Influencing Credit Risk Exposure for Portfolio Managers - A Closer Look at Credit Risk Exposure Analysis for Portfolio Managers

Factors Influencing The Time Value Of Money - FasterCapital (2024)
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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.